Monthly Archives: March 2011

Maryland House Rejects Religious Liberty and Parental Rights

The outcome of the vote is uncertain as I write, but let's pause for a minute to note: what has already just happened on the floor of the Maryland House was hugely significant, and in a disturbing way.

In a very tight fight, with a referendum looming, the advocates for gay marriage rejected a series of amendments, on religious liberty and also parental control over their children's education.

Del. John P. Donoghue, D-Washington, tried to add an amendment protecting religious-based groups which provide adoption, foster care or social services and might be opposed to same-sex marriage.

“Opponents said the proposal would be discriminatory,” reports the Herald-Mail.

It was defeated 79-58.

Can parents have the right to shield their own children from pro-gay-marriage education in public schools?

No, said the opponents of this amendment, echoed by Maryland's top political leaders.

The consequences of gay marriage for parents, religious people and institutions are no accidental byproduct--they are now clearly part of the plan of gay marriage advocates.

Video: Black churches lobby against MD same-sex marriage bill

Rev. Nathaniel Thomas is featured (among others) in this video produced by WaPo:

The related story to this video can be found here.

The vote is tomorrow - so there is still time for you to contact your delegate!

ADF: What Obama Could Have Learn From the MN Court Ruling

Defending DOMA is simple. As ADF's Jordan Lorence points out, there's controlling Supreme Court precedent on the question of same-sex marriage:

"A Minnesota state trial judge in Minneapolis showed President Obama and the Department of Justice at least one major way to defend a law defining marriage as one man and one woman. Hennepin County District Court Judge Mary Dufresne on Monday dismissed a lawsuit by those seeking to redefine marriage to include same sex couples.

According to a media report, Judge Dufresne relied on the Minnesota Supreme Court’s 1971 decision in Baker v. Nelson, which the U.S. Supreme Court summarily affirmed in 1972. That case, brought by a same-sex couple seeking to marry in Minnesota, raised every major constitutional challenge to Minnesota’s marriage law. They lost in court and appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, where they lost as well.

... The Minnesota case will be appealed to the state Court of Appeals and probably to the Minnesota Supreme Court.  I fully expect the lawsuit seeking to redefine marriage to lose.  This decision by Judge Dufresne provides a clear lesson to President Obama that there are a number of reasonable legal arguments that the Department of Justice can make to defend a marriage law like DOMA." (source)

Video: Dr. Morse's comments to the RI State Legislature on redefining marriage

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the Ruth Institute was asked to testify in hearings at the Rhode Island state legislature on SSM. These are her prepared remarks -- re-recorded with a modest handycam, of course -- in early March:

MN judge re-affirms marriage by citing 40-year-old precedent

An important decision with potential national consequences (as we'll explain in a subsequent post):

"Citing a 40-year-old precedent, a Hennepin County judge has dismissed a lawsuit that sought to remove legal barriers to gay marriage in Minnesota.

In an order signed Monday, District Judge Mary Dufresne rejected an argument by the group Marry Me Minnesota that the state's 13-year-old Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) violates same-sex couples' rights to due process, equal protection, religious freedom and freedom of association.

"Unless and until" the state Supreme Court overrules a 1971 decision limiting marriage to a man or a woman or repeals DOMA, Dufresne wrote, "Same-sex marriage will not exist in this state." (source)

NOM Launches $1 Million Maryland PAC

On Wednesday we released the news that we're forming a new NOM Maryland PAC, and we pledged to throw $1 million into the next election cycle in Maryland to do two things: protect pro-marriage Democrats, and go after Republicans (Like State Sen. Allan Kittleman) who vote for gay marriage.

Here's how I explained it in NOM's press release:

“It's become quite clear in recent days in Maryland that the Democratic leadership and the same-sex 'marriage' lobby will resort to any tactic, including threats and intimidation, to coerce Democratic legislators to support their agenda. We want to be sure those courageous Democrats who cast their vote of conscience in favor of marriage will have a strong supporter if the radical gay activists come after them in their next primary election.”

NOM PAC Maryland will also oppose in their primaries any Republicans who support gay marriage. The PAC announced that it will target for defeat State Senator Allan Kittleman in his expected race for Howard County Executive.

“We don't question whether Senator Kittleman or any other Republican who might support gay marriage is voting so out of political calculation or are voting their true beliefs,” I said in the press release. “But we do question whether such a vote is consistent with the desires of their Republican constituents. NOM has defeated every pro-gay marriage Republican we've ever targeted, and we're quite confident Senator Kittleman will be next.”

The press has already taken notice. Here's how the Baltimore Sun reported the news:

National anti-gay marriage group commits $1 million.

The National Organization for Marriage today pledged at least $1 million to help defeat Republicans who favor same-sex marriage and assist the campaigns of Democrats who oppose it.

Brown said the National Organization for Marriage has been working behind the scenes in Maryland, contacting more than 500,000 voters through the mail or phone calls. The group urges those voters to call their legislators.

According to lawmakers, they've been doing so in large numbers. Several delegates said during today's floor debate that they had never heard from so many people on a single issue.

"They've never heard from so many people on one issue in their life!" legislators are saying.

Ultimately we at NOM have no power except that which the people give us, by standing up for marriage. And it's humbling how enormous and unexpected the response from ordinary people has been in deep-blue Maryland.

I got this email from a friend who went with her pastor and a group of fellow churchgoers to meet with Veronica Turner on Tuesday.

"She had a long line of constituents waiting to meet with her. They were all on the same side," i.e. OURS! my friend reports.

Video: Maggie Gallagher on Maryland's SSM Bill

Maggie appeared on NewsChannel8 - Washington, D.C. right after her Monday appearance on C-SPAN's Washington Journal to discuss the same-sex marriage bill in Maryland as well as other issues relating to marriage:

Baltimore Sun's Maryland Politics Blog on NOM's $1M Maryland PAC

The Baltimore Sun's Maryland Politics:

The National Organization for Marriage today pledged at least $1 million to help defeat Republicans who favor same-sex marriage and assist the campaigns of Democrats who oppose it.

The announcement came as the Maryland House of Delegates today moved the legislation a step closer to a final vote. More debate is planned for Friday, and it is unclear whether the marriage bill has the 71 votes needed for passage.

... Brown said the National Organization for Marriage has been working behind the scenes in Maryland, contacting more than 500,000 voters through the mail or phone calls. The group urges those voters to call their legislators.

According to lawmakers, they've been doing so in large numbers. Several delegates said during today's floor debate that they had never heard from so many people on a single issue.

Video: Ted Olson says Children Don't Need Mothers ... or Fathers

Former Bush Administration Solicitor General Ted Olson, who represented the plaintiffs who sued California to overturn that state's ballot-approved constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman, told on Tuesday that children do not need mothers--or fathers--and do just as well being raised by two parents of the same sex.

After SSM, What Next? Suing newspapers that refuse to announce gay weddings

It never stops:

Gay couple files complaint against Dallas Morning News for not printing wedding announcement

A gay couple has filed a discrimination complaint against The Dallas Morning News for refusing to publish their same-sex wedding announcement.

Mark Reed-Walkup and Dante Walkup, who were legally married in Washington, D.C., in October, filed the complaint on Friday, Nov. 19. The couple’s wedding has made international news in recent weeks because it was held in Dallas but officiated from D.C via teleconference.

Reed- Walkup, a board member for the national LGBT direct action group GetEQUAL, said he’s been trying for several weeks to get The Morning News to publish their paid announcement in its “Weddings” section.

But the newspaper has refused because of a policy that says same-sex wedding announcements can only be published in a separate section called “Commitments.” The policy is based on the fact that same-sex marriage isn’t legally recognized by the state of Texas.

The couple filed the complaint under a 2002 city ordinance that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment, housing and public accommodations. (source:

TAKE ACTION: SSM vote imminent!

The full House opened debate on the same-sex marriage bill today, with a vote to come at any time. I need you to contact your delegate today—right now—one last time before they cast their vote. Then forward this email to 5 friends or everyone you know who lives in Maryland and might be willing to contact their legislators.

Time is short, and with your help we can win this battle.

Take Action

Tens of thousands of your fellow citizens have already made phone calls and emails to your delegates urging them to respect marriage and the will of Maryland voters. Even delegates who originally co-sponsored the bill are now beginning to jump ship, responding to the overwhelming pressure from their constituents. The latest word is that the bill's supporters are still a few votes short of the 71 votes needed to send the bill to the governor.

But gay marriage activists are pulling out all the stops, seeking to win over the handful of delegates who have not yet declared how they will vote.

We need your help today. Help keep the pressure up! Help make sure your delegate gets the message: The people of Maryland do not want same-sex marriage. Period.

Please take action right now. Your email could make the difference.

Video: CA Pol. introduces bill "to require LGBT history" in all public schools

At the book launch of "My Uncle's Wedding" (which introduces children as young as 4 to same-sex marriage), CA State Senator Mark Leno announced to the crowd that he has introduced a bill in the California Senate which would "require LGBT history to be taught in public schools across California as part of the curriculum" because "we thought it was a perfect time" to bring it up:

A partial transcript of State Sen. Leno's comments:

"This has been a civil rights movement ... here we are seeing states pass laws to allow for marriage equality ... so it is a continuum, an arc of progress for civil rights. That's what children have to understand - no different from any other civil rights movement they're learning about. The kind of opposition we're getting to [this] bill is not unlike the uproar that was caused by when there were to be women's studies on school campuses or black studies. And the same people who don't want LGBT studies in our curriculum are the same voices who didn't want the previous changes as well."

LGBT history ... coming to a school near you?

NOM Announces NOM MD PAC, Will Spend $1 Million to Hold Maryland Legislators Accountable

Nation’s Leading Pro-Marriage Group says it will spend at Least $1 million to Defend any Democrats who Support Marriage, Oppose any Republicans who Vote to Redefine Marriage

The National Organization of Marriage (NOM) today announced that it will form the “NOM PAC Maryland” in the state. NOM pledges to spend at least $1 million in Maryland to support Democratic State Legislators who cast their votes to defend the traditional marriage and oppose any Republican Legislators who vote to redefine marriage.

“It’s become quite clear in recent days in Maryland that the Democratic leadership and the same-sex ‘marriage’ lobby will resort to any tactic, including threats and intimidation, to coerce Democratic legislators to support their agenda,” said Brian Brown, President of NOM.  “We want to be sure those courageous Democrats who cast their vote of conscience in favor of marriage will have a strong supporter if the radical gay activists  come after them in their next primary election.”

The NOM PAC Maryland is similar to a PAC formed in New York by NOM, which successfully defended Democrats who supported marriage, despite a major effort by pro-gay marriage advocates to defeat several Democrats in their primaries who had stood up for marriage. In fact, NOM supported candidates like state senator Ruben Diaz, won by larger margins than before their votes against same-sex marriage.

NOM PAC Maryland will also oppose in their primaries any Republicans who support gay marriage.  The PAC announced that it will target for defeat State Senator Allan Kittleman in his expected race for Howard County Executive.

“We don’t question whether Senator Kittleman or any other Republican who might support gay marriage is voting so out of political calculation or are voting their true beliefs,” said Brown. “But we do question whether such a vote is consistent with the desires of their Republican constituents. NOM has defeated every pro-gay marriage Republican we’ve ever targeted, and we’re quite confident Senator Kittleman will be next.”

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President, or Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of the Board, of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray, [email protected], (x130) or Mary Beth Hutchins, [email protected], (x105) at 703-683-5004.

Archbishop Wenski: Marriage does need a defense

Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami talks about the harmful effects of SSM:

" redefining the legal definition of marriage to include same sex unions, the proponents of "gay marriage" are in effect imposing their views and lifestyle on the larger populace. Once legal, the state's coercive power will punish those who refuse to embrace gay marriages. For example, public officials - regardless of their views on the rightness or wrongness of homosexual acts - will be obliged to officiate at same sex "weddings", and public schools will be required to teach their acceptability to children whether parents concur or not. Even First Amendment freedoms will not be protected from assault."

Watson on "John Locke and the Evangelical Retreat from Marriage"

Micah Watson, writing at The Public Discourse, argues that John Locke’s philosophy gives no support to those who would seek to endorse same-sex civil marriage:

"Gushee is quite right to point out that a crucial part of Locke’s project was to protect religious belief and practice from the meddling of government. Apart from that, however, nearly every component of his argument is wrong or, at best, very misleading. First, he is mistaken in asserting that Locke’s conception of government ruled out what we call morals legislation. Throughout his many works Locke emphatically denied that adopting religious toleration meant tolerating what he referred to, sans euphemism, as adultery, debauchery, sodomy, and promiscuity. Professor Gushee reports that it is his reading of Locke’s Second Treatise that has revolutionized his approach to public policy, but Professor Gushee should also read Locke’s First Treatise, section 59, where he writes that adultery and sodomy violate the law of nature because they threaten the “security of the marriage bed,” which he links explicitly to procreation."