Monthly Archives: March 2011

Leader Cantor also releases statement on DOMA

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) today issued the following statement regarding the Defense of Marriage Act (Speaker of the House John Boehner released his own statement):

“Last week, the Obama Administration announced that they would immediately stop defending portions of the Defense of Marriage Act, a statute passed overwhelmingly by bipartisan margins of Congress and signed into law by President Clinton. This regrettable decision was based on a standard no court has yet found to apply and is a clear political exercise by the Administration. Rather than finding ways to undermine traditional marriage, the Administration should be focused on strengthening the economy and getting people back to work. House Republicans will continue our efforts to cut spending, grow the economy and create jobs, while ensuring that the Administration’s failure to fulfill its constitutional duty does not leave duly enacted laws undefended. I am pleased the Speaker is initiating the process for House intervention to defend this law.”

Speaker Boehner announces he will convene group to defend DOMA

A press release from House Speaker John Boehner regarding the status of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA):

“I will convene a meeting of the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group for the purpose of initiating action by the House to defend this law of the United States, which was enacted by a bipartisan vote in Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton. It is regrettable that the Obama Administration has opened this divisive issue at a time when Americans want their leaders to focus on jobs and the challenges facing our economy. The constitutionality of this law should be determined by the courts -- not by the president unilaterally -- and this action by the House will ensure the matter is addressed in a manner consistent with our Constitution.”

NOTE: The Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group is a five-member panel consisting of the Speaker of the House, Majority Leader, Majority Whip, Minority Leader, and Minority Whip. Under House rules, the advisory group has the authority to instruct the non-partisan office of the House General Counsel to take legal action on behalf of the House of Representatives.

Maryland House Committee Passes SSM Bill

A breaking alert:

A Maryland House committee has moved forward a bill to legalize gay marriage in the state.

The panel voted 12 to 10 to approve the bill Friday.

The bill, which already has been passed by the state Senate, now goes to the full House of Delegates.


Gay Marriage in MD: "Once A Sure Thing, Suddenly Has A Questionable Future"

The latest from Annapolis:

A gay-marriage bill, which was expected to be sure thing in Maryland's House of Delegates, suddenly has a questionable future, as members wait to cast a committee vote.

Tied up in the House Judiciary Committee since Tuesday, observers say the longer the bill waits, the slimmer its chance of passage. (source: Maryland Gazette)

NOM National Newsletter: Riding the Marriage Roller Coaster

It's been an extraordinary roller-coaster week for marriage!


As I write, the Maryland House Judiciary Committee has still not been able to vote to pass same-sex marriage, despite threats and arm-twisting from leadership.

In Maryland, the House of Delegates was supposed to be an easy vote for gay marriage. Done deal, they all said, like they always do. (Continue reading.)


Meanwhile the press and the pols were shocked this week to find suddenly that black Dems were jumping ship.

Melvin Stukes (a black Democrat from Baltimore), a co-sponsor of the bill, pulled out. (Continue reading.)


Here's another thing you didn't see on the mainstream news coverage: a respected church lawyer, Erika Cole, testifying at the House hearings, in which gay marriage advocates repeatedly urged legislators to exercise "leadership" by voting for gay marriage, whether their constituents want it or not. Click here to see Erika's testimony and get the rest of this story.


Nationally, the biggest issue is Pres. Obama's DOMA "Disaster," as Maggie calls it.

Obama's refusal to defend DOMA is already backfiring on him.

At NOM we try to stay ahead of the curve. (Continue reading)


Now the big question is: Will the House intervene to protect DOMA?

Thousands of NOM's supporters have petitioned the House leadership. Thank you—keep it up—we're on the verge of winning a great, great victory!

Take Action


On the Prop 8 case, this week saw another very important and totally underreported development too: Chuck Storey, the newly elected county clerk of Imperial County, is back in court, asking the Ninth Circuit for standing to intervene to uphold Prop 8! (Continue reading.)


Two bed-and-breakfast owners in Illinois are being sued after refusing to host a same-sex civil union ceremony. The harm to the gay couple is simply their emotional distress, not the lack of a nice place to hold a ceremony (because already another bed-and-breakfast has offered to host their ceremony). (Continue reading.)


In our sister democracy in Great Britain, a truly shocking example of how far gay-rights advocates will go to shut down religious people came to light this week: The British courts ruled that Christians can be excluded from fostering children unless they affirm that homosexual sex and marriage is good... (See the video and read the rest of the story.)

...And this morning I woke up to read this ominous Chicago Tribune headline: "State probes religious foster care agencies over discrimination."


Meanwhile, I wanted to make sure that in the big Obama DOMA news last week you didn't miss the latest installment of our Breaking News videos. This one is on a new tactic launched by the Gay Liberation Network in Chicago: organized protests during religious services.

Watch the video and continue reading this story...

Let me end on a happy note: Check out this video, the winner of the Ruth Institute's Reel Love Challenge contest, which asked college students to answer the question: Is Lifelong Married Love possible?

Gotta get back to work. We have so many good fights to fight! And thanks to you, very soon we'll have so many victories to celebrate!

Christians Need Not Apply - From Great Britain to Illinois

In our sister democracy in Great Britain, a truly shocking example of how far gay-rights advocates will go to shut down religious people came to light this week: The British courts ruled that Christians can be excluded from fostering children unless they affirm that homosexual sex and marriage is good.

Christians are now “unfit parents” because they hold traditional, mainstream Christian views on sex and marriage? Already in Great Britain, judges' felt need to eliminate “discrimination” and promote “equality” trumps religious liberty--and, sadly, not only religious liberty. It's trumping common sense, and the urgent need of abandoned and abused children to find loving homes, too.

That's the upside-down world now being created for us, in the name of tolerance and equality.

And this morning I woke up to read this ominous Chicago Tribune headline: “State probes religious foster care agencies over discrimination.”

In Illinois, Lutheran, Catholic and Evangelical adoption agencies are being probed for discrimination, in a move the reporter acknowledges could disrupt the lives of 3000 needy children in their care.

What's really happening is also made clear in this report: Gay foster parents know perfectly well that there are 50 or more agencies they can go to if they wish to foster children. This is not about “live and let live,” it's about using discrimination laws as a club to shut down religious people and organizations.

According to this report, gay-rights activists are now deliberately seeking out religious agencies whom they know do not give children to gay couples, so they can file lawsuits!

NOM's new “Breaking News” video program aims to bypass the media bias, putting you in direct touch with what's really happening. (We've got an investigative team right now on both these foster care stories and hope to get more to you shortly.)

Weekly Standard: "Blue States Against Gay Marriage"

John McCormack reports in the Weekly Standard:

"The events in Maryland and Rhode Island seem to contradict all of the claims that social issues just don't matter like they used to. Polls show that younger voters support gay marriage more than older voters, but that demographic shift has not yet produced many victories for gay marriage in even some of the bluest states. Gay marriage been defeated legislatively in New York in 2009 and in New Jersey in 2010. Through referenda, voters repealed Maine's law in 2009 and invalidated the California state supreme court's ruling in 2008.

In Iowa, the third state (after Massachusetts and Connecticut) to have same-sex marriage imposed by court order, three Supreme Court judges were sacked in November because of their ruling. The only states that got gay marriage laws on the books though the legislative process are Vermont (2009) and New Hampshire (2010). (And New Hampshire now has a veto-proof majority of Republicans and will vote on repeal of gay marriage in January 2012, but it's not clear that the whole GOP caucus will vote for repeal.) We'll know soon enough if Rhode Island or Maryland join them or continue the trend of blue states against gay marriage."

WaPo on Arora's "Disgraceful Wavering"

I have two reactions to reading this WaPo columnist's comments.

First, if Sam Arora is wavering under this media firestorm, he must be hearing from hundreds of constituents who do not want him to vote for gay marriage.

Secondly, as someone married to an Indian-American, I find it interesting that the gay marriage machine appears to be re-focusing its attacks from Black Democrats who oppose gay marriage to an easier target: Indian-Americans.

Tiffany Alston appears now to be off the hook regardless of how she votes.

Update: Some folks seem to think I'm accusing critics of Sam Arora of racism. Weird. Racism requires animus or bias towards a race, which I never suggested... It would be absurd to imagine that the people going after Sam don't like Indian-Americans.

It is not absurd to imagine that picking a fight with important black Democrats would pick a fight in two core bases of the Democratic party and that it could be perceived as good to avoid that.

Australia: Gay Marriage Divides Labor Party?

Is what's happening in Maryland--a split in the Democrat base--also happening in a similar way in Australia?  This report suggests many socially conservative, economically Labor party members are rebelling against the influence of sexual progressives:

Julia Gillard has restated her absolute rejection of gay marriage and hotly disputed opposition claims the Australian Greens have hijacked Labor's political agenda. (source: The Australian)

Archbishop Dolan Calls Refusal to Defend DOMA an ‘Alarming and Grave Injustice’

Just released:

“Our nation and government have the duty to recognize and protect marriage, not tamper with and redefine it, nor to caricature the deeply held beliefs of so many citizens as ‘discrimination,’” said Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). His statement followed the February 23 announcement that President Obama has instructed the Department of Justice to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a move Archbishop Dolan called an “alarming and grave injustice.”

[Archbishop Dolan's Full Statement]

Breaking News: Del. Alston Says She's Considering Switching to Civil Unions

The reason why the House Judiciary Committee did not vote on the gay marriage bill is becoming crystal clear: they don't have the votes.

Del Tiffany Alston says she's considering an amendment to the gay marriage bill--one that would transform it from a marriage bill to a civil unions bill:

Delegate Tiffany Alston, D-Prince George's, delayed a vote on the bill Tuesday morning by skipping the session in protest. On Thursday, she said she is researching an amendment that would better reflect a separation between church and state by changing the bill to be about civil unions.

"I have a decision that I have to make that's going to satisfy my constituency as well as my conscience," Alston says. (source)

The Case for Gay Marriage -- Falling Apart in Maryland?

Sam Arora was firmly for gay marriage. He told Equality Maryland so and co-sponsored the bill. So the reports that he's considering no longer voting for the bill shows you how much flak he must be receiving from his constituents in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Gay marriage advocates are furious: "You, sir, are a craven coward, and we LGBT Americans are done playing nice and being patient while people like you fail to recognize we are deserving of equal rights." (Source: Sam's Facebook page.)

Gay Marriage Advocates "Stunned" As Another Co-Sponsor May Jump Ship

SSM advocates are enraged that Delegate Sam Arora has (apparently) decided to vote against the marriage redefinition bill in Maryland.

The "America blog" has a photo of Sam published right now with the caption "Religious right coward" underneath. The author of that blog, John Aravosis, goes on to call Sam a "religious right bigot."

If you are in his district, please offer Del. Arora your prayers and support.

Update: MD Chairman Says Committee Unlikely to Vote Today on SSM

It's looking more and more like Delegate Jill Carter is right, they do not yet have the votes:

The chairman of Maryland’s House Judiciary Committee says he will likely delay voting again on a bill to legalize same-sex marriage.

Delegate Joseph Vallario, D-Prince George’s, said Thursday that his committee has a lengthy list of bills to hear and is not likely to have time for a vote on the high-profile bill.

... House leaders have had trouble finding support on the committee for the bill and have spent the last two days lobbying members. (source: The Associated Press)

Del. Carter Says Votes Still Aren't There for SSM, Accuses Leadership of Lying About her

Delegate Jill Carter says the MD House leadership is "lying" about her, and that they are "probably still two votes short" of having enough to pass the SSM Bill through the House Judiciary committee:

“I didn’t block the vote “ Jill Carter (D-41st) told Investigative Voice in a telephone interview early Thursday morning. “We didn’t have the votes.”

The leadership “didn’t take a whip count, she explained, and I know we were at least two votes short” of passage.

... “They are lying about me.”

"...we are probably still two votes short.”

All the more reason for you to contact your delegates if you live in Maryland! Let's stop this now.

And remember, refresh this page for the latest news out of Maryland.