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Search Results for: marriage

NOM Launches Mailers Into The Districts of Seven GOP and Democratic Senators Who Betrayed Voters on Marriage; $2 Million Pledge Being Fulfilled

This is the first step in what will be a sustained, determined effort to make sure the constituents of these cowardly Senators know what they have done.” –Brian Brown, President of NOM (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today began making good on its pledge to spend at least $2 million leading […]

New Archbishop of Philadelphia: Marriage is "The Issue Of Our Time"

Today Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver was appointed to become the new Archbishop of Philadelphia. In a wide-ranging interview with the journalist John Allen, he is asked about his views on gay marriage: This is the issue of our time. The church understands marriage as a unique relationship, with a unique definition, which is the […]

Matthew Franck On How The Culture is Failing Young People On Marriage

In this article adapted from remarks he recently gave before the Love & Fidelity Network, Prof. Franck talks about how we are failing to transmit healthy marital and sexual norms to the next generation (we focus on the marital norms): In these dystopian societies [described by Plato and Huxley], everything about human sexuality, the complementarity […]

60 Judges Promise to Marry Gay Couples, as Marriage Clerks Step Down Under Threat of Criminal Prosecution

The New York Law Journal reports: Almost 60 judges in New York City have volunteered to help remove the last legal roadblock to the immediate weddings of gay and lesbian couples once they finally are recognized by the state on a Sunday in 10 days, court officials said yesterday. …Same-sex marriage “has been a long […]

NY SSM Prompts More Marriage Officers to Resign

In the Times Herald-Record (covering the Hudson Valley): Both of Deerpark’s marriage officers are resigning their posts on the heels of the change in the state’s marriage laws recognizing same-sex unions. Town Clerk Flo Santini has resigned as a marriage officer. Supervisor Karl Brabenec says he’s planning on turning in his letter of resignation as […]

Bishop Harry Jackson on Maryland Marriage Fight

Minnesota Public Radio interviews Bishop Harry Jackson on the renewed efforts to push SSM in Maryland: Gay rights activists in Md. announced this week they’d renew their campaign to have the state recognize same sex marriages. But many religious leaders are still vocalizing opposition to same sex marriage, and to learn where their efforts stand, […]

Video: SSM Advocates Raise Money Against MN Marriage Amendment with Video of Two Young Boys Kissing

We’ve had the unfortunate duty before of having to inform you about how “F*K H8” tries to propagandize young kids to become activists for gay marriage. We can’t underscore how offensive this video is (and this is the “censored” version). But videos like these are being used right now to raise money to defeat marriage […]

Video: Pawlenty Releases New Pro-Marriage Ad in Iowa

The race for marriage voters in Iowa intensifies!!

Orthodox Priest On Marriage, Morality, and Spiritual Warfare

Fr. Alexander W. C. Webster is a retired military chaplain and colonel in the US Army Reserve. He’s also a moral theologian, parish priest and on the board of advisers for the American Orthodox Institute, and writes about the debate over marriage in the Orthodox Church: Fr. Alexander wrote the response posted below to Fr. […]

Archbishop Kurtz on Marriage: "We Can Make a Difference" with "Sacrificial Love"

Archbishop Joseph Kurtz is the vice president of the US Bishops, and credits his appointment partially due to his outspoken defense of marriage and dedication to building a healthy marriage culture. Jim Graves of Catholic World Report interviews him: What advice do you offer those who worry about the decline of marriage in our society? […]

Join us on July 24th -- A New Chapter in a Long Fight to Reclaim Marriage in New York

I hope you will join us next Sunday, July 24th, as we join with New Yorkers from all across the state at simultaneous rallies in Manhattan, Albany, Rochester and Buffalo, calling on politicians to let the people vote on marriage. Next Sunday is the day that New York will begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex […]

Closing the Book on Dan Savage's Open Marriage Proposal

Professor W. Bradford Wilcox in the Washington Post shows why “Savage Love” is stupid: .. what is the problem with a little “nonmonogamy” in marriage, so long as everyone is open and honest about it? There are at least five problems with open marriage. 1. Even today, sex often results in pregnancy. 2. Monogamous, married […]

Australian Christian Says Demonization of Gay Marriage Opponents Must Stop

Via International News: “In a democratic society there must be freedom to support and advocate for marriage remaining between a man and a woman without being accused of inciting hatred, being ‘homophobic’, bigoted and now anti-Semitic. “Sadly this is happening all too often with the unfounded attack on Mr Ferguson and the NSW Labor Senator […]

SSM, Lies & Campaign Cash - NOM Marriage News July 14, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, My latest unexpected hero is Adam Kaiser, the young man in Buffalo who told the New York Times that he was for gay marriage—but that, nonetheless, he would never vote for Sen. Mark Grisanti again because he’s against lying. I thought about him in part because of the aggressive, ongoing push to […]

Joe Carter on How To Destroy a Marriage Culture in 5 Easy Steps

Joe Carter in First Things with a must-read on how cultures can be changed by dedicated activists: In his book The Future of Marriage, David Blankenhorn, a liberal, gay-rights-supporting Democrat and self-professed “marriage nut,” offers this sociological principle: “People who professionally dislike marriage almost always favor gay marriage.” As a corollary, Blankenhorn adds: “Ideas that […]