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Search Results for: marriage

Did Sen. Huntley Flip Her Vote To Avoid Investigation by NY's Pro-SSM Attorney General?

The New York Post points out that Sen. Shirley Huntley –who flipped on gay marriage this year– is being investigated by NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (an outspoken proponent of SSM) over this: State Sen. Shirley Huntley (D-Queens) founded The Parent Workshop, to which she steered $30,000. And between 1996 and 2008, she and Cook […]

Long Island Catholic Newspaper: Grisanti "Took the Catholic" Out of Vote

From the Long Island Catholic (the official newspaper for the Catholic diocese of Rockville Center): New York State Senator Mark Grisanti ran as a Catholic Republican opponent of same-sex “marriage” in 2010. In June 2011, he became a key vote ensuring its passage, telling a local newspaper: “If I take the Catholic out of me, […]

What NY Sen. Alesi Left Out: Priest Who 'Embraced' Him for SSM Vote is Excommunicated

Via LifeSiteNews: When New York state Senator James Alesi announced to gay “marriage” supporters recently that his priest “embraced” him at mass after he cast his vote for gay “marriage,” he failed to mention one important point – his priest and his religious community have been excommunicated from the Catholic Church. However, the New York […]

Maggie Gallagher: HRC-Led Attacks Will Boost Bachmann in Iowa

Michele Bachmann is rising quickly in the Iowa polls, and NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher argues in Politico that efforts by HRC and other gay rights groups to demonize Bachmann are going to backfire among conservative caucus-goers in Iowa: … The third-term Minnesota congresswoman and her husband, therapist Marcus Bachmann, have a history of battling gay […]

ADF Offers Help to NY Clerks Seeking Religious Exemption Over SSM

We’ve been actively tracking the New York clerks who have announced their intention to resign over SSM. If you know a New York clerk responsible for issuing marriage licenses, please help us bring this to their attention: According to a recently released Alliance Defense Fund memorandum New York Law requires employers to accommodate sincerely held […]

The Problem with Perry: Legal Expert Takes on Judge Walker

Thomas Clark, a former editor for the Columbia Law Review and judicial clerk on the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit takes on Judge Walker’s gravely flawed arguments in Perry V. Schwarzenegger. The entire article is worth reading but here are the highlights: Walker realizes he has to engage in some clever sleight-of-hand […]

Video: Second NY Clerk Follows Conscience, Resigns Over SSM

Via CB6 Albany: The Guilderland Town Clerk has submitted a letter of resignation for her position as the town’s official marriage officer, saying her religious beliefs prevent her from marrying gay couples. Rosemary Centi advised the town supervisor of her decision earlier this week. Citing her Catholic Faith, Centi will no longer be marrying same-sex […]

Priest Who Defied Bishop to Oppose Prop 8 Now Selling "Catholic Nuptial Masses" for $750

Entrepreneurship? Geoffrey Farrow, the former Fresno diocesan priest suspended from his parish for defying his bishop over Proposition 8, has gone into the marriage business – including providing “union ceremonies” for same-sex couples. … He offers a Catholic Nuptial Mass for $750, and a simple Catholic marriage rite or a secular wedding service for $500. […]

Gay Celibate Catholic Asks: "Where Are All These Bigots I Keep Hearing About?'

Steve Gershom (a pseudonym) is a gay Catholic man in his late twenties who writes a guest post on his experiences as a gay (celibate) Catholic man: I have heard a lot about how mean the Church is, and how bigoted, because she opposes gay marriage. How badly she misunderstands gay people, and how hostile […]

Fighting Sen. Diaz Comes Out Swinging Againt the Republican Four

From his press release today: It appears that State Senators Stephen Saland, Mark Grisanti, James Alesi and Roy McDonald sold their votes to the Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg for $10,300 each. At least this is the impression and feeling everyone is getting by reading the city newspapers that two weeks after their […]

Jonathan Turley Files Second Lawsuit Against Utah's Anti-Bigamy Laws

Is there a constitutional right to polygamy? The ACLU’s lawsuit challenging Utah’s anti-bigamy statutes are now joined by a prominent libertarian/Federalist Society law professor, Jonathan Turley, who has introduced new lawsuit for the Browns (the polygamous family attempting to overturn Utah’s anti-bigamy law). He writes on his personal blog about how he intends to argue […]

Maryland Catholics: "Maryland is Not New York"

From the newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore: Responding to a newly launched effort to pass same-sex marriage in Maryland, the Maryland Catholic Conference issued a July 12 statement noting that the “successful coalition that upheld the time-honored definition of marriage in Maryland remains intact and will continue to be involved in upholding marriage […]

Gov. Cuomo Admits to Vulnerable GOP Senators: I Can't Help You With Conservatives

Now that Gov. Cuomo has gotten from the NY republican senators what he wanted (their support for same-sex marriage), he’s admitting frankly to the New York Times how little he can actually help them stay in office: Mr. Cuomo said he did not see a way to compromise with the Legislature over redistricting. The governor […]

Out of State & Downstate Gay Rights Donors Reward Sen. Grisanti for Betraying Buffalo Voters

NY State Senator Mark Grisanti’s campaign coffers are $50,000 richer since his June 24 flip-flop on marriage, according to the Buffalo News. At least $42,000 of that comes from large downstate, out-of-state donations including…. $10,300 from New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who was a strong proponent of the new law, and $10,000 from […]

Why is America Taking Advice from Dan Savage, The Man Who Licked Doorknobs To Give His Enemies the Flu?

The mainstream media spends most of its time hyping sex columnist Dan Savage and his ideas about marriage, but is he really the best role model for the next generation? Joe Carter looks at Savage’s self-admitted past: If you haven’t already done so, add this regulation to your rules for living: Never take sex advice […]