Monthly Archives: November 2011

Study: Father’s Presence Makes Children Happier, More Intelligent


Research at Montreal’s Concordia University has shown that fathers who actively engage in raising their children make important contributions to their children’s cognitive abilities and behavioral functioning.

... According to recent Statistics Canada figures, 22 per cent of Quebec families are comprised of households where biological fathers are absent, compared to a national average of 13 per cent.

... The study found that, “Compared with other children with absentee dads, kids whose fathers were active parents in early and middle childhood had fewer behaviour problems and higher intellectual abilities as they grew older — even among socio-economically at-risk families.”

Here is where the research can be found:

Pougnet, Erin; Serbin, Lisa A.; Stack, Dale M.; Schwartzman, Alex E. "Fathers' influence on children's cognitive and behavioural functioning: A longitudinal study of Canadian families." Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, Vol 43(3), Jul 2011, 173-182 [online]

Gov Cuomo Announces After Blocking the People's Vote on Marriage: "I Am The Government"

Governor Cuomo's own version of "L'Etat C'est Moi":

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s appearance on Fred Dicker’s Talk 1300 radio show this morning burned up the Twitterverse when in response to a question about how New Yorkers view him and their government, Cuomo said: “I am the government.” -- New York Capitol News

No kidding, Cuomo rammed through a bill redefining marriage for everyone when he could have let the people decide. Make no mistake: the rights of the people are the first thing to be sacrificed in the quest to redefine marriage by any means possible.

Zoo Keepers: Gay Penguin Separation Means Survival of the Species

Canada's National Post:

Splitting up a pair of potentially homosexual African penguins and pairing them with females might sound anti-gay, but keepers at the Toronto Zoo insist they are simply trying to preserve the species.

Pedro, 10, and Buddy, 20, were brought to the Toronto Zoo this year from Pittsburgh’s National Aviary to “pair-bond” with a couple of eligible females. Instead, the pair bonded with each other. Zookeepers now report seeing the pair snuggling, calling to each other and displaying courtship behaviour.

This week, the Toronto Zoo says it will be forced isolate the pair.

“The two girls have been following them; we just have to get the boys interested in looking at them,” said Tom Mason, curator of birds and invertebrates at the Toronto Zoo.

With Pedro and Buddy’s species on the cusp of extinction, Mr. Mason insists that the Toronto Zoo cannot afford to let a season go by without passing on the pair’s genes. “If [Pedro and Buddy] weren’t genetically important, then we’d let them do their thing,” Mr. Mason said.

4,300 Churches of NC Baptist Convention Pledge Support for Marriage Amendment

The Charlotte Observer:

N.C. Baptists meeting today in Greensboro elected Charlotte pastor Mark Harris to be their new president and endorsed a proposed state constitutional amendment that would reinforce North Carolina's ban on same-sex marriage.

... Most of the 4,300 churches associated with the state convention are Southern Baptist - the largest Protestant denomination in North Carolina, with about 1.3 million members.

... In an interview with the Observer, Harris said one of his pledges as president will be to work with other pastors and their congregations for passage of the proposed amendment and to push for other issues they consider family-friendly.

"We are committed to building strong families," Harris said, "and, as a body of believers in this state, we are willing to stand up and be counted. We want to take a stand on marriage and ... be salt and light for this state."

CA School Officials Prevent Parent From Making "Rainbow Day" More Inclusive

The Pacific Justice Institute:

Opening legal briefs have been filed in the California Court of Appeal, arguing that San José school officials broke the law by refusing to even consider a parent’s request to change a controversial pro-gay celebration at her child’s middle school.

The parent, Norina Mooney, started asking questions after a pro-LGBT “Rainbow Day” was held this spring at Castillero Middle School. She asked district officials to place an item on the school board’s agenda which, if approved, would have directed the school to make Rainbow Day more inclusive of non-LGBT students affected by bullying.

... School officials may have thought they succeeded in avoiding the issue, but they actually broke the law, according to Mooney’s lead attorney Kevin Snider, who is also Chief Counsel of the Pacific Justice Institute. “California law says that citizens may place items directly on school board agendas for discussion and a vote. That did not happen here,” Snider said.

Democrats Push DOMA Repeal – TIME TO FIGHT BACK!

Email Header Image

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Led by liberal San Francisco Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee passed the (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act (S. 598) today on a 10-8 vote. The party-line vote, with all 10 committee Democrats voting to repeal DOMA and the 8 Republicans voting to protect DOMA, sets the stage for a showdown on the Senate floor.

If enacted, the bill would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), jeopardizing the marriage laws of 44 states and steamrolling the will of the American people as expressed in statewide referenda 31 times in a row.

And that's why we must ensure it goes no further.

DOMA is the one federal law that protects marriage as the union of husband and wife, and protects every state constitutional marriage amendment in the nation.

We need you to help us draw a line in the Senate.

Together, we can stop this repeal of DOMA dead in its tracks, and stop Senator Feinstein and her liberal friends in the Senate from imposing their values on the entire nation, but only if we act now!

Please tell your Senators to vote NO on Senator Feinstein's (D-CA) DOMA Repeal Bill right now!

Tell your senators, "I oppose the repeal of DOMA, and I vote!" And please tell your friends and family.

Together, we can draw a line in the sand for marriage. It's time to fight back!


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S.: Please think about who you know that would be willing to send their own message to Washington. Then forward this email, or post to Facebook or Twitter. Please do whatever you can to help spread the word about this dangerous threat to marriage that is being pushed hard in Washington right now.

Cisco & Bank of America Drop Discrimination Practices Against Marriage Supporters, NOM Marriage News, November 10, 2011

NOM National Newsletter

My Dear Friends,

As I write these words, the Democrat-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee is about to vote to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.

I know that many of you, Democrat and Republican, will be appalled to learn what your representatives in Washington are doing—in your name.

The Associated Press story on today's action is called "Democrats push repeal of Defense of Marriage Act."

Why, oh why would Senate Democrats do this?

The bill's chief sponsor, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, is acting in direct contradiction to the will of the people in her state, who voted to reject same-sex marriage. She admitted "she doesn't have the votes for Senate passage." Her bill has just 31 Senate sponsors, all (sadly) Democrats.

Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa, the ranking Republican on Judiciary, remains a staunch and articulate defender of marriage: "Traditional marriage between a man and a woman has been the foundation of our society for 6,000 years. The Defense of Marriage Act protects this sacred institution, which I believe in, and attempts to dismantle this law are likely to be met with a great deal of resistance."

Thank you, each and every one of you, who have already responded to our call to let Senators know you oppose the repeal of DOMA. Thousands of you have already clicked the link and taken a moment to defend marriage.

I'm grateful to you. I cannot thank you enough.

If you haven't yet asked your Senator to stand for marriage, and oppose the repeal of DOMA, do so now!

Why are the Senate Democrats pursuing a suicide strategy on marriage—a proposal they know will fail?

In part it is a sop to their base, an acknowledgement that the influential LGBT lobby is more important than the views and values of many others—Democrats, Independents and Republicans.

But I believe we need to stand for DOMA strongly because this is in part a play to the Supreme Court.

The message advocates of gay marriage wish to send is that no one really cares about marriage, so the Court is free to overturn DOMA, and/or impose gay marriage on all 50 states, including yours.

You and I stand in the gap. By raising our voices, by exercising our core First Amendment rights today, we can change history.

Click on the link. Tell your senator, "I oppose the repeal of DOMA, and I vote!" And send this link on to one friend today.

Obama, by the way, according to the Associated Press, said recently he is "still working" on gay marriage.

Wow. What an acknowledgement that the mainstream media's claim that gay marriage is now the majority view is clearly false. The president is clearly being held back by political considerations.

And as a political matter, he's right. Supporting same-sex marriage is a losing issue.

How do I know that?

Well, consider the breaking news, just out this morning, that Basic Rights Oregon, after investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in a media campaign, has decided NOT to try to repeal Oregon's marriage amendment.

As the Oregon media put it, "After a three-year campaign to build support for legalizing same-sex marriage, Oregon's largest gay rights group has decided against putting the issue up for a vote in 2012.

"Feedback from an online survey of over 1,000 people, door-to-door canvassing, community meetings and two statewide television advertising campaigns overwhelmingly say, 'we must allow our education work to continue,' Basic Rights Oregon announced Wednesday."

Translation? Even in the most secular state in the country, they cannot win a vote of the people for same-sex marriage.

Similar good news out of Minnesota this week. Two polls, one by the incredibly left-wing Star Tribune, and one by marriage amendment proponents Minnesotans for Marriage, show that only about 4 in 10 Minnesotans say they will vote "no" to a marriage amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman.

The Minnesotans for Marriage poll shows support for the Amendment topping 50 percent, very encouraging news at this stage in the game, especially (as you may recall) early polls in California and Maine both suggested marriage amendments there would lose:

"The Minnesota for Marriage campaign today released the results of a survey showing that the proposed constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman enjoys a solid lead among voters. The survey found that 51% of voters would vote for the amendment, while 40% would vote against it. Further, 56% of Minnesotans agree that marriage should be between only a man and a woman."

Election news was mixed this week. In Iowa, Democrats retained control of the Iowa Senate after the special election in District 18—meaning that they can continue to block the people of Iowa from deciding the future of marriage.

In the waning days of the campaign, the Republican Cindy Golding was hurt by a sudden influx of really nasty calls purporting to be from a pro-marriage group. I know most of the pro-marriage groups in the country and none of them would fund such calls. Dirty politics at its worst, I’m sad to say!

From NOM's press release:

"Neither NOM nor Family Leader had anything to do with these calls and we decry them. We call on the Attorney General to launch an investigation into this dirty trick to determine who is behind the calls, which are designed to steal the election from Ms. Golding."

On the good news front, Rose Marie Belforti handily won re-election as New York town clerk. Rose is the New York town clerk who has bravely refused to resign her job, and is thus testing the conscience protections provided by New York law in the wake of same-sex marriage. Handing out marriage licenses is something she does only a few times a year. The effort to make her give up her job, rather than permitting accommodations, is a sign of the extreme desire of gay-marriage advocates to use the power of government to exclude, marginalize and stigmatize traditional supporters of marriage.

More good news: The European Court of Human Rights ruled that gay marriage is not a basic human right, according to Mercator Net. This is just one of many courts that have rejected the idea that opposition to gay marriage is somehow the moral or legal equivalent of discrimination.

And one final bit of great NOM news, in case you missed it:

"Bank of America and Cisco Pledge 'No More Discrimination Against Marriage Supporters.'"

NOM's new Corporate Fairness project announced that both Bank of America and the Cisco Corporation have promised not to discriminate against employees or vendors who publicly oppose same-sex marriage.

"After interviewing Frank Turek about the abrupt cancellations of his seminar by both Cisco and Bank of America, we wrote to the board of each company raising our concern and asking if company policy really permits otherwise qualified employees and vendors to be punished for speaking out on a public issue like same-sex marriage," said Jonathan Baker, Director of NOM's Corporate Fairness Project.

"We also reached out to 10,000 customers of Bank of America in Charlotte, North Carolina, who in turn generated 1,400 calls to the corporate complaint line asking the board to promise they would not discriminate in the workplace against supporters of traditional marriage. We received assurances from both corporations that this kind of discriminatory treatment violates corporate policy and will not happen again," continued Baker.

In a November 4, 2011 letter to the National Organization for Marriage, Cisco Corporation Senior Vice President for Legal Services Mark Chandler agreed that, "Cisco was incorrect in dealing with Dr. Turek and the Austin Group. Specifically Cisco concluded that the Austin Group's contract should not have been summarily ended."

Further Cisco attributed the situation to "an unfortunate, but isolated breakdown in Cisco's process, and have taken steps to ensure it does not happen again." Most importantly Cisco has clarified that voicing a traditional view on marriage is not an acceptable reason to fire an employee or discriminate against a qualified vendor. "It is not Cisco's policy, nor is it 'acceptable to discriminate against vendors such as Frank Turek or employees who, outside the work context, have taken a position supporting marriage as the union of one man and one woman,'" wrote a Cisco executive in a letter to NOM.

The Senior Vice President of Global Human Resources for Bank of America also quickly distanced Bank of America from the firing of Dr. Turek, stating:

"We recognize that our differences—in thought, style, culture, ethnicity and experience make us stronger as a company," and that "we have taken the appropriate measures within our organization to address this matter. Dr. Turek remains a vendor in good standing with us."

As our new Corporate Fairness Project director, Jonathan Baker put it, "We're grateful these two companies have made it clear they will not tolerate discrimination against employees or vendors based on their views on same-sex marriage. As Frank Turek said, it's simply un-American as well as unwise for anyone to say you have to share one politically correct viewpoint in order to keep your job."

This is not the end; it's the beginning of NOM's campaign to make sure that decent law-abiding people who believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman are not treated as outcasts or racists. It is not bigotry to say that marriage is the union of a husband and wife, it's common sense.

Personally, I respect the work of corporations like Cisco and Bank of America. Corporations should not be dragged into cultural or political wars on either side. Respect for diverse moral views is the hallmark of pluralism—and demanding that respect for people who have Biblical views on sex and marriage is NOM's abiding mission.

Thank you for making our work possible. It's exciting how much we can accomplish together!

Yours, faithfully,

Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S. The defense of marriage is not just about one vote or one day. It's about the future, for our children, our grandchildren, and the generations to come. When you give to NOM—whether it's $20 or $200, or a monthly donation of just $10—you're fighting for their future.

NOM Pledges Nationwide Mobilization of Supporters To Preserve Marriage in the US Senate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 10, 2011
Contact: Mary Beth Hutchins (703-683-5004 x.105)


Group says San Francisco Liberals Can't Stand The Fact that California and Other states Have Voted to Protect Marriage

Washington, DC - The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today condemned the decision of the US Senate Judiciary Committee which voted to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and pledged a fierce fight on the Senate floor to stop San Francisco liberals from redefining marriage for the entire country.

"Liberals in the US Senate, led by Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, can't stand the fact that California and 30 other states have voted to protect marriage," said Brian Brown, president of NOM. "So they are pushing legislation that jeopardizes every state constitutional marriage amendment and opens the door for courts to force same-sex marriage on the entire nation."

The Senate Judiciary Committee today narrowly adopted the falsely named "Respect for Marriage Act" that could lead to the repeal of state marriage amendments in 30 states, and laws supporting traditional marriage in all but six states.

"This is the height of arrogance for liberal Washington elitists to think that they can force their views on marriage on America and overturn the direct action of countless tens of millions of voters who have stood up for marriage in 31 consecutive statewide elections from California to Maine," Brown said."We intend to show the US Senate that the American people will not stand idly by and watch these elitists steal their votes and hijack marriage. We will work tirelessly to educate and activate our millions of supporters to stand up for marriage."

NOM also pledged to make the repeal of DOMA a major issue in US Senate elections next year. "Dianne Feinstein is leading her Democratic colleagues off a political cliff," Brown said. "Any Senator who votes for this legislation is going to be held accountable to voters back home. Just ask the three Supreme Court justices from Iowa who imposed same-sex marriage what happens when elitists face voters after ignoring their wishes on marriage. NOM worked to ensure that when they faced voters afterwards, all three were removed from office - and all three justices were removed."

Paid for by the National Organization for Marriage, Not authorized by any candidate or any candidate's committee.


Election Results Show Golding Won on Election Day; Democrats Won on Absentee Ballots

Lyle Muller at the Iowa Gazette:

Run down the tallies by precinct from Tuesday’s voting [in Iowa's special senate election] and you’ll see Republican Cindy Golding holding serve in several precincts. In fact, she collected 415 more votes from people going to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 8, than Democrat Liz Mathis received. Yet, she lost to Mathis 13,184 to 10,283, according to unofficial results pending a canvass. That’s a 2,901-vote margin.

What happened?

Mathis bagged the win with absentee and early voting when 5,422 people voted for her.'

... You could argue that rainy weather kept people from the polls but you’d have to concede that the weather would be equally bad supporters of both Mathis and Golding. Rather, Democrats had strong motivation to keep control of an Iowa Senate in which they hold a 26-to-24 majority and apparently did something about it early so that nothing that happened Tuesday would stand in their way.

Perry's Tax Plan Creates New Marriage Penalties for Stay-At-Home Moms

Phyllis Schlafly:

Does Rick Perry want to undermine traditional marriage? This question leaps out from his new 20 percent flat-tax plan, which would eliminate all tax advantages for married couples where one spouse is the primary breadwinner.

For more than 60 years, the federal income tax has treated the family as an economic unit. A husband and wife have the benefit of pooling their income in a joint tax return, which affords larger deductions and lower rates.

Perry would replace the pooling of husband-wife income with a system in which each individual, regardless of marital status, would owe federal taxes on his or her separate income. Perry's plan offers "generous standard deductions of $12,500 for individuals and their dependents" — which ignores the fact that children are dependents of both their parents, even if one earns all or most of the family income.

NOM Remains Committed to Vote on Marriage in Iowa Despite Special-Election Setback

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 10, 2011
Contact: Mary Beth Hutchins (703-683-5004 x.105)


Washington, DC - The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today pledged to continue its advocacy leadership in Iowa so that Iowans will have the opportunity to vote on the definition of marriage despite the defeat of a state Senate candidate it backed in a special election this week.

"Our goal in Iowa is to play a constructive role in ensuring that the people of Iowa have the right to vote on the definition of marriage and we intend to see that happen," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "The leadership of the state Senate has blocked a vote on marriage even though voters in 31 other states have enjoyed that right. We supported Cindy Golding in the 18th Senate District special election because she was committed to allowing a vote on marriage. While we are disappointed that she didn't win this tight election, we have no doubt that we will eventually prevail. Ultimately, democracy will not be denied in Iowa and the people will get their vote."

NOM joined with The Family Leader in supporting Golding over Democrat Liz Mathis in the November 8th special election in the 18th district. Mathis said she did not support allowing Iowans the right to vote on marriage, preferring to leave the decision to activist judges on the Iowa Supreme Court - three of whom were removed by voters when they stood for retention.

Paid for by the National Organization for Marriage, Not authorized by any candidate or any candidate's committee.


Democrats Push Repeal of DOMA on Party Line Vote

The Associated Press:

Senate Democrats who back gay marriage have decided now is the time to repeal a federal law defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

The Democrats may satisfy their gay marriage supporters, but the bill won't get very far.

The repeal could be approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, but the next stop - the full Senate - could be a long way off. The bill's chief sponsor, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., says she doesn't have the votes for Senate passage, and the bill would have no chance in a House controlled by Republican conservatives.

The committee later passed the DOMA repeal bill on a party-line vote of 10-8.

Join our ongoing efforts to protect DOMA and marriage right here.

Maryland Bishops Call on Catholics to Defend Marriage

The Baltimore Sun:

With legislation to legalize same-sex marriage expected in the General Assembly, Maryland's Roman Catholic bishops are calling on parishioners to act against the proposal and other measures that they say threaten "religious liberty."

In a 16-page statement sent to parishes throughout the state, the bishops say a same-sex marriage law would lead to violations of First Amendment rights.

"Religious liberty and the right of conscience will be further eroded unless the Catholic community stays informed about the challenges these rights face and the reasons why they are integral to a just society," said the statement, entitled "The Most Sacred of All Property: Religious Freedom and the People of Maryland."

The statement is signed by Edwin F. O'Brien, the former archbishop of Baltimore who has been given a new assignment in Rome; Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington; and W. Francis Malooly, bishop of Wilmington, Del.

Kathy Dempsey, a spokeswoman for the Maryland Catholic Conference, said the statement — crafted with support from national Catholic leaders — has been in the works for a year. It is being distributed in Maryland now, she said, partly in anticipation of the annual General Assembly session that begins in January.

Gov. Martin O'Malley has pledged to lead the charge for a law to recognize same-sex marriage in the state, saying he would include the effort among his priorities during the 2012 session.

Veteran Scripture Scholar Debunks Effort to Twist the Bible Into Supporting LGBT Political Agenda

Dr. Brown writes in OneNewsNow:

Ross Murray's article on CNN's Religion Blog, entitled "My Take: Why Christians are embracing their LGBT neighbors," is the most recent in a steady stream of editorials and articles on liberal news outlets devoted to promoting a common theme: The Bible really doesn't speak against homosexual practice and enlightened Christians are recognizing this in ever increasing numbers.

Although Murray repeats much of the standard rhetoric, he does distinguish himself by offering one of the more egregious applications of a scriptural passage I have seen in nearly 40 years of studying and teaching the Scriptures.

... And what is it that drives the views of the "vocal anti-gay activists" who by implication are not "good Christians"? It is "fear" and "lies," since, in the logic of GLAAD, only fear and lies could cause a Bible-believing Christian to think that God is not giddy about homosexual practice. In contrast, LGBT Christians "build up love and break down fear."

As for the "good [straight] Christians," they are embracing LGBT people and their practices because they realize that "if God made them, then [they are] called to love and support them."

But didn't God make everyone? Didn't he make the "vocal anti-gay activists" too? Then why does Murray disparage them? Why doesn't he feel "called to love and support them"? And aren't there others whom "God made" whose lifestyles or convictions Murray rejects?

Ken Blackwell: True Marriage Defenseless?

Ken Blackwell writes in World magazine:

The Obama administration is lending support to Congress in an effort to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. The president, instead, is backing something called the “Respect Marriage Act.” The latter measure, quite simply, would abolish marriage.

... DOMA protects marriage. It also protects the integrity of the electoral process itself. The drive to abolish marriage is fundamentally anti-democratic. The people want true marriage; the elites want to do away with it.

That death [of marriage] will mean the impoverishment of more women and more children. We know that if a young couple will but finish high school, avoid bearing children out of wedlock, and marry, the chances they will live in poverty are only 4 percent. True marriage is the best anti-poverty program ever devised.

No one who is for the abolition of marriage can claim to be a friend of the poor. And it is not only poor women and children who will suffer, but also minorities and the marginal. We know this because they are the ones suffering now.

... True marriage is no wedge; it is a bridge. And that bridge brings together blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and whites into a powerful majority coalition. That is why the elites hate and fear the marriage issue. That is why they will not allow voters in Massachusetts, Connecticut, or New York state to vote to protect true marriage.