Cardinal George Doubles-Down on Decision to Defund Pro-SSM Immigration Group

Responding to renewed criticism of his decision to defund the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights because of its overt support for same-sex marriage, Francis Cardinal George, archbishop of Chicago, Ill., has reaffirmed the move.


In a July 29 statement, Cardinal George stated that the coalition, “broke faith with its member organizations when it publicly supported so called 'same-sex marriage.’ For its own political advantage, it introduced a matter extraneous to its own purpose and betrayed its own members, who were not consulted.”

Cardinal George was referring to the coalition’s May 2013 statement supporting “marriage equality” claiming that “full equality and civic participation should extend to…same-sex partnerships.”

The prelate took issue with claims that his decision effectively abandoned the poor: “It is intellectually and morally dishonest to use the witness of the Church’s concern for the poor as an excuse to attack the Church’s teaching on the nature of marriage.”

His response also quoted Pope Francis' description of natural marriage as a union founded on “the acknowledgement and acceptance of the goodness of sexual differentiation, whereby spouses can become one flesh and are enabled to give birth to a new life.”

In the cardinal’s conclusion he admonished his critics, saying “The Church is no one’s private club, she is the Body of Christ.”  And he reminded those who signed the open letter criticizing the decision and supporting same-sex marriage that “ a few years, like each of us, they will stand before this same Christ to give an account of their stewardship.

“Jesus is merciful, but he is not stupid; he knows the difference between right and wrong. Manipulating both immigrants and the Church for political advantage is wrong.”

You can read the story here, and you read Cardinal George’s entire statement here.

Poll: Majority of Michigan Voters Want Marriage Defined as Husband and Wife!

New poll results out this week show that 51% of Michigan voters are opposed to legislation that would redefine marriage in their state. Just 42% would support such legislation. According to

Michigan SunsetA slim majority of likely Michigan voters would oppose legislation or a ballot measure seeking to allow same-sex marriage in the state, according to results of a new statewide poll that seem to contradict other recent surveys.

Denno Research, in a poll conducted for and released Thursday by the Lambert Edwards & Associates public relations firm, asked 600 likely voters whether they would support or oppose attempts to legalize gay marriage through legislation or the ballot box.

All told, more than 51 percent of respondents said they would oppose such efforts, including 34 percent who said they would be strongly opposed. Roughly 42 percent of likely voters said they would support legislation or a ballot issue to allow same-sex marriage, including 18 percent who said they would be strongly supportive.

Get Ready for Washington Post to Get a Whole Lot More One-Sided About Marriage Debate

Media bias favoring marriage redefinition? It may be nothing new, but the Washington Post may be taking that bias up a notch in the near future. Newsbusters reports that the Post's new owner, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, spent a reported $2.5 million last year to support same-sex marriage in Washington state.

BezosAmazon CEO Jeff Bezos' $2.5 million pledge to defend Washington's gay-marriage law marks by far his biggest entry into politics and thrusts him into the national debate over the rights of same-sex couples.

The donation, which Bezos made with his wife, MacKenzie, is likely the largest political contribution to a gay-marriage campaign in the country and dwarfs all of Bezos' previous political giving.

It also positions Amazon as a sort of corporate counterpoint to Chick-fil-A, the fast-food chain whose president made headlines with recent comments that America risked "God's judgment" by supporting same-sex marriage.

For the record, Bezos's contribution paid off as Washington's Referendum 74 on gay marriage passed last November 52 to 48 percent.

Gov. Walker: Don’t Expect Same-Sex Marriage Anytime Soon in the Badger State

Scott WalkerWhen pressed by the media at a recent National Governors Association meeting on the topic of gay marriage, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said a change to the state’s constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman would not come easily:

"To change anything in the constitution, not just that, it requires two consecutive sessions of the legislature, and ultimately, a vote of the people,” Gov. Walker said. “I just don't see that being an issue that's going to be addressed anytime soon."

Wisconsin’s neighboring state, Minnesota, recently legalized same-sex marriage, but this did not seem a cause of any concern to Gov. Walker. You can read more here.

PA Lawmaker Calls for Impeachment

Marriage laws are just like any other state laws. Why do some elected officials think they can get away with ignoring and/or breaking them entirely? Thanks to Pennsylvania Rep. Daryl Metcalfe for speaking out about the corruption!

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has followed the lead of Barack Obama and Jerry Brown by refusing to uphold the state's law protecting marriage between one man and one woman. At least one legislator thinks it is time she paid for violating her oath of office.

Marriage LicenseState Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, R-Butler, has said Kane's actions merit impeachment, because they spread “lawlessness.”

“I think breaking the law is worthy of impeachment,” Metcalfe told local media. “Her duty is to defend the law.

Shortly after her announcement, Montgomery County Register of Wills D. Bruce Hanes began issuing marriage licenses to homosexuals, despite the fact that state law forbids such unions. As of Friday afternoon, Hanes had issued 62 marriage licenses to homosexual couples, and 13 of their recipients have completed wedding ceremonies.

“By her example, this Montgomery County official felt emboldened to violate the law also,” Metcalfe said.

He believes Hanes should be impeached, as well. By the laws of the state, Hanes is “charged with carrying out the law of Pennsylvania and this individual breaks the law.”

“Ultimately, I think there might be an impeachment procedure,” he said. “The legislature could remove this individual from office for violating the law.” -LifeSiteNews

Same-Sex Couple Married in Canada Files Lawsuit Against State of Kentucky

The Courier Journal reports on a same-sex couple that has filed a lawsuit in Kentucky to have the state recognize their out-of-state union:

Scott Utterback/The Courier-Journal

Scott Utterback/The Courier-Journal

Two Louisville men who were married in Canada in 2004 filed a federal lawsuit Friday challenging the constitutionality of Kentucky laws that don’t recognize same-sex marriages from outside the state.

The lawsuit — filed against Gov. Steve Beshear, Attorney General Jack Conway and Jefferson County Clerk Bobbie Holsclaw — does not seek to legalize gay marriages within Kentucky but seeks a permanent injunction requiring that same-sex marriages performed outside the state be recognized here.

“It’s sad to see these people keep pushing this agenda because the state has spoken on this issue,” said [Rep. Stan Lee, R-Lexington] ... “If we live in a Christian nation, then we need to stand by the moral absolutes,” including, he said, that marriage is determined by God to be between one man and one woman.

Bourke made news after he was ousted as a Boy Scout leader in 2012 after announcing that he was gay. The Boy Scouts do not allow gay scout leaders but recently changed its policies to allow openly gay boys to participate.

Gay Marriage Advocates Back to Courts to Redefine Marriage

NOM National Newsletter

Gay 'Marriage' Advocates Back to Using Courts to Impose Genderless Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Even while they claim to the media that 'the wind of public opinion is at their back' after the election last November, the actions of homosexual marriage advocates show they don’t really believe that voters support redefining marriage.

As gay marriage advocates lose faith in the democratic process, they are turning to courts to impose genderless marriage in more and more states — just yesterday the ACLU and Lambda Legal filed a federal class action lawsuit seeking to overturn Virginia's marriage amendment. In nearly 15 states, lawsuits have been filed to overturn state laws and amendments protecting marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Gay Marriage Began Yesterday in Minnesota and Rhode Island, Two States Where Legislators Redefined Marriage

In Minnesota, many voters are shocked and saddened, as even the mainstream media reports.

Yesterday, NPR reported,

"But many people in the state are still shocked by the whole idea. When a gay marriage ban was on the ballot last fall, only a dozen among Minnesota's 87 counties opposed it."

"Away from the cities, you're going to see a lot of legislators voted out," says Dean Walters, a teacher in Owatonna."

Heading into a hardware store in Crosslake, David Johnson says that same-sex marriage not only violates "the biblical definition of marriage," but may be part of a long line of societal trends such as divorce and out-of-wedlock births that have undermined family life.

"I have great concerns when you tamper with the institution that has been the fundamental building block of societies for hundreds if not thousands of years," Johnson says. "I see consequences already from how we've damaged the institution of marriage."

Gene Ohman, a custom furniture builder camping along Cross Lake, says the "building blocks of our culture" are falling apart.

"The gays can do what they want — I'm not going to judge them — but our kids are confused enough," he says. "People are trying to find the happy ever after, but they won't find it without God."

"To me, the moral compass is disintegrating," said Mary Schommer of Mendota Heights. "Not just changing — disintegrating."

Similarly, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports,

"Many in the group" reports the Star Tribune, "said they are angry with legislators who voted same-sex marriage into law. But they feel utterly betrayed by those politicians who, during the run-up to the November election, downplayed the proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage as redundant because of the existing state law against such unions.

"I thought it was so dishonest the way it was promoted," said Keith Stanton of Mendota Heights. "They said this will change nothing. They said they wouldn't [change the law.]"

They lied, in other words, to get what they wanted. They treated the people of Minnesota with disrespect. And many are not just going to take it!

What hurts them most about seeing society change around them? Being called bigots, they said. Feeling forced to accept something they believe is wrong.

"I have to accept that there are crosses in life," Cherucheril said. "After all, you are following someone who died on a cross, who carried a cross. What do you expect in life? You will carry a cross at times. Yet we are people of hope."

NOM has announced we will help state groups seeking to hold politicians accountable to their own constituents:

"This is a sad day in Minnesota and Rhode Island as politicians have allowed a mockery to be made of the institution of marriage, which throughout our history has been our only social institution to bring men and women together for the benefit of any children born of their union,"

I told the press. "Today Minnesota and Rhode Island embark on a new path that jettisons the interests of children from their state marriage law, and puts people of faith in harm's way for being punished for their beliefs. We will work tirelessly to hold the politicians accountable for this travesty."

Virtually no politician in Minnesota or Rhode Island ran on a platform that openly pledged that he or she would redefine marriage if elected to office. Yet, when given the opportunity, they did so, behind the people's back. NOM has pledged to spend up to $500,000 in Minnesota and $100,000 in Rhode Island informing voters about the issues.

But the good people of Minnesota are not giving up: Yesterday Minnesota for Marriage announced the launch of the Marriage Majority Initiative, which will work to restore a pro-marriage majority in the Minnesota House of Representatives.

My good friend John Helmberger, Chairman of Minnesota for Marriage and CEO of Minnesota Family Council reported,

"Minnesotans around the state have been asking ‘what's next?' after a group of legislators forced same-sex ‘marriage' on the state. The Marriage Majority Initiative will help them answer that question by restoring a pro-Marriage majority in their state government. We are blessed to live in a country where The People can choose their representation. And, when their chosen representation fails them, the People have the opportunity to choose new leaders."

He said his group will focus on three things:

  • Provide critical legal information to pastors and churches, religious organizations, business owners, employers and more about the threats to their religious liberty and the steps they can take to maximize their legal protection while upholding God's design for marriage
  • Help constituents whose legislators betrayed their confidence by supporting same-sex 'marriage' to hold those legislators accountable and choose leaders who will better represent their values in next year's election.
  • In partnership with our network of 1,400 churches, develop and implement marriage strengthening ministries and outreach, applying ourselves to the long-term priority of changing hearts and minds to restore a culture of marriage and family, rooted in a biblical worldview.

Meanwhile kudos to all you Pennsylvanians who responded to our call to let Gov. Corbett know you want him to defend marriage and the rule of law.

Recently Pennsylvania attorney general Kathleen Kane announced she would not defend Pennsylvania's marriage laws, and Montgomery County decided to "pull a San Francisco" and just start issuing gay marriage licenses, in defiance of state law. However, with your encouragement and the work of allies, Gov. Corbett has agreed to defend the state marriage law in the courts, and the Pennsylvania Department of Health has sued Montgomery County official Bruce Hanes, to prevent him from taking the law into his own hands.

If you haven't yet thanked Gov. Corbett for his defense of marriage, you can do so today!

Another governor not backing down is Indiana's Mike Pence, who told an audience that he will defend marriage and supports the expected Indiana Marriage Amendment. He pointed out many of the states that define marriage in their state constitutions as one man and one woman are among the nation's fastest growing economies,

"I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I do support efforts to allow the people of Indiana to make that decision whether we include the traditional definition of marriage in our state constitution and I think that's appropriate," Pence said.

Thank Gov. Mike Pence for standing tall for marriage!

What happens if we don't fight for what's right, for marriage and for our rights?

San Antonio politicians laid out the next step in the agenda of our opponents: prevent anyone who doesn't believe in gay marriage from working for the government — and next, like night follows day, bar them from doing business with the government.

The San Antonio City Council is considering a proposal that not only adds sexual orientation and gender identity to anti-discrimination ordinances, but indicates that anyone who has ever spoken out in public against same-sex marriage or homosexuality could be subject to the sanctions of this ordinance. The San Antonio gay rights community calls the ordinance the "bare minimum," hinting at broader sanctions to come.

Thanks to the hundreds of you who wrote to Gov. Rick Perry to let him know: we need heroes for marriage and asked him to intervene to stop the madness in San Antonio.

If you haven't yet thanked our heroes, including Gov. Perry, do so right now. It just takes a few minutes. And then share this email with as many family and friends as possible.

The Young and Daring in a Brave New World

World magazine covered the "It Takes a Family" conference in San Diego, which is hosted each year by NOM's Ruth Institute in order to bring together next generation leaders, the heart of the daring new counterculture for marriage

World called its coverage of new young heroes "Roaring Lambs".

Mechi Richards, 20, came from Buenos Aires, to learn how to defend and sustain marriage in a post-gay marriage culture. Richards said classmates mock her and commenters leave nasty comments on her blog, but she also has friends her age who are starting to get jaded by the sexual revolution and searching for something else." She also came with a warning:She said many Argentineans didn't think the new law would affect them, but passage has led to a completely redesigned sexual education that teaches gender equality and minimizes the traditional family. Teachers of religious backgrounds are having a difficult time keeping their jobs because pro-gay language is often required in every class, including math where word problems now contain homosexual examples."

Daring to Go Counterculture: Alana Newman speaking at the ITAF conference.

Alana Newman, 26, became interested in family issues through her own experience as a donor-conceived individual. "Society doesn't recognize the sadness we feel not knowing our parents," Newman told the conference. The stories on the Anonymous Us website reveal concerns about abandonment, betrayal, and identity, accidental incest, and lack of knowledge of medical history.

And World reported on our own beloved Thomas Peters, 27, "who arrived at the conference fresh from victory in Illinois." (Thanks for all of you who've sent prayers, words of comfort, and practical support to Thomas as he and his young bride deal with the aftermath of a serious neck injury from a swimming accident.)

"Peters said he did not plan to get involved with such a divisive issue, knowing "it would brand me," but he decided instead of staying silent he'd rather fight for a world where his values could exist."

Thank you for all you've helped us do to prevent the creation of a brave new world where none dare stand up for God's vision of marriage.

These young heroes need your support. We need your prayers, your willingness to act by signing petitions and writing letters, and if God has given you the means, your financial sacrifices to keep God's vision of marriage alive, and to support the people brave enough to stand up for what's right in a lawless and corrupt environment.

Is God calling you to be that person?

Pray and let us know.

It's an honor to serve you, our beloved country, and this great cause.


Brian S. Brown

New Jersey to Defend State's Civil Unions Law


New JerseyLawyers for New Jersey are expected to defend the state's civil unions for same-sex couples as opposed to gay marriage.

Legal papers are due Friday in a lawsuit filed by gay couples and their children who say New Jersey's civil unions fall short of a court mandate that gay couples be treated the same as married couples.

The suit was expedited after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in June that invalidated key parts of a federal law banning same-sex marriage.

The advocates say New Jersey is now blocking them from getting rights granted by the federal government.

A hearing on the matter is scheduled for Aug. 15.

Marriage Majority Initiative Launches to Restore a Pro-Marriage House in 2014!

Minnesota for Marriage is teaming up with marriage defenders across the state to launch the Marriage Majority Initiative, which will "work to restore a pro-marriage majority in the Minnesota House in 2014 by supporting legislators who withstood immense political pressure in order to cast a vote in defense of traditional marriage and by helping Minnesotans find better representation for themselves in districts where legislators abandoned their constituents in favor of the same-sex 'marriage' lobby."

MinneapolisThe majority of Minnesotans support marriage between one man and one woman, and they deserve a majority of representatives in their government who do as well. The Marriage Majority Initiative will serve as a resource to Minnesotans who want to see a pro-Marriage majority restored in the Minnesota House,” said John Helmberger, Chairman of Minnesota for Marriage and CEO of Minnesota Family Council.

“Minnesotans around the state have been asking ‘what’s next?’ after a group of legislators forced same-sex ‘marriage’ on the state. The Marriage Majority Initiative will help them answer that question by restoring a pro-Marriage majority in their state government. We are blessed to live in a country where The People can choose their representation. And, when their chosen representation fails them, the People have the opportunity to choose new leaders.” -Minnesota for Marriage

If you have friends or family that live in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, pass this along! Minnesotans deserve representatives who will honor their word and defend marriage!

Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice to Deceive: IRS Scandal Expands to Include FEC

Lois LernerLike the proverbial onion, the more layers you pull back the more you discover in the on-going investigation of the IRS and the woman at the center of the scandal: Lois Lerner. reports on the exclusive news first broken by Eliana Johnson about Lerner’s collusion with an FEC attorney to unfairly target a pro-family group. It’s a formula for government abuse that sounds scarily similar to what IRS did when it illegally released NOM’s private donor information:

In the case of the American Future Fund, Lerner provided confidential information about the aspiring 501(c)(4)'s status—in violation of the law—thereby helping the FEC attorney with an (improper) investigation designed to convince the FEC commissioners to authorize the prosecution of the American Future Fund for violations of campaign finance law (namely, engaging in political activism without registering as a PAC). All this came in the wake of a complaint filed against the American Future Fund by the Minnesota Democratic Farm Labor Party. (Ultimately, the FEC elected not to pursue the case.)
The FEC attorney also sought confidential tax information about the American Issues Project, another conservative organization.

What is most ominous about this development? Hard to decide—but it's disturbingly clear that the lefties embedded in government had few scruples in abusing the public trust (and the public!) improperly to advance a political agenda designed to favor one group of Americans over another. Equally disturbing: They apparently had reason to believe that they could get away with it—or perhaps even be rewarded for it.

You can read more here the latest developments in this scandal here, and please take a moment sign our petition demanding Congress investigate and put an end to these Orwellian tactics.

Support Prop 8 and the Rule of Law

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

As you are undoubtedly aware, the battle over Proposition 8 and the definition of marriage is ongoing in California. And while Governor Brown and Attorney General Harris, with several County Clerks, continue their lawless decree that Prop 8 no longer applies, at least one County Clerk has chosen to follow the rule of law and respect the votes of over 7 million Californians. San Diego Clerk Ernie Dronenberg has asked the California Supreme Court for guidance and direction on whether Proposition 8 still applies.

This confusion was created when the US Supreme Court refused to consider the merits of Prop 8 and dismissed the appeal brought by the proponents of the measure. This left the trial court ruling in effect, but a trial court is powerless to invalidate a law without an appellate court agreeing. With the appeal dismissed, there is no appellate court ruling on Proposition 8.

Merely for asking the California Supreme Court to clarify the law, he is being viciously attacked by homosexual marriage activists, who are demanding that he withdraw his request.

If you have not already, please read the email below and join our California allies in contacting the County Supervisors and voice your support of County Clerk Ernie Dronenburg.

Continuing to Stand for Marriage in California,

Brian S. Brown

How in the world can more than a dozen states vote on constitutional amendments, and their votes count — while our votes on Proposition 8 do not count in California?!

As you know, our courageous County Clerk Ernie Dronenburg filed a lawsuit seeking guidance and clarification by the California Supreme Court as to whether Proposition 8 is still law - because it has not been overruled by any appellate court, and the federal district court injunction against it only applies to Alameda and Los Angeles Counties. Confusing!! Therefore, Ernie's lawsuit is intended to clarify and uphold the rule of law.

As our County Clerk, Ernie Dronenburg is sworn to uphold the California Constitution. His lawsuit seeks to ensure that all marriages performed enjoy constitutional protection.

BUT Ernie has come under fierce attack by special interest groups who oppose Prop. 8, and are seeking to bring heavy political pressure to force Ernie to drop the case.

We must be defensive in this matter! Do not let a very small % of the population speak for you!

Please immediately reach out to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and urge them to support Ernie Dronenburg in this lawsuit. Ask them to encourage Ernie not to withdraw the lawsuit.

Please call or email the below County Supervisors today. Do Not let our Governor and Attorney General overturn the vote of 7 million Californians who voted for Proposition 8.

Here's a sample email — (please write in your own words):
Dear Supervisor Name, as a concerned citizen, voter, and follower of the California Constitution, I would like to urge you to support and encourage County Clerk Dronenburg in his lawsuit filed with the California Supreme Court for clarification and guidance in the matter of Proposition 8. It is important that all marriages enjoy constitutional protection, and Mr. Dronenburg's lawsuit seeks to clarify if Proposition 8 is truly the law, thus protecting all citizens. Please respond to me at: (your email address.) with your decision. Thank you. Sincerely, your name

Thank you. Please send your email to each supervisor below.

URGENT: Please pass this along to 10 friends and ask them to do the same.

God bless you.

District 1: Supervisor Greg Cox
Tel: (619) 531-5511
Fax: (619) 235-0644
Email: [email protected]

District 2: Supervisor Dianne Jacob
Tel: (619) 531-5522
Fax: (619) 696-7253
Email: [email protected]

District 3: Supervisor Dave Roberts
Tel: (619) 531-5533
Fax: (619) 234-1559
Email: [email protected]

District 4: Supervisor Ron Roberts
Tel: (619) 531-5544
Fax: (619) 531-6262
Email: [email protected]

District 5: Supervisor Bill Horn
Tel: (619) 531-5555
Fax: (619) 685-2662
Email: [email protected]

Rural Minnesotans Speak Out About Their Concerns Over Same-Sex Marriage

NPR reports:

Alan Greenblatt/NPR

Alan Greenblatt/NPR

Most rural counties supported the idea of banning gay marriage by margins of 3-to-2, or even 3-to-1. They were outvoted statewide by the urban centers.

In May, Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton signed a bill allowing gay weddings to go forward. Some parts of the state aren't ready for it.

"Away from the cities, you're going to see a lot of legislators voted out," says Dean Walters, a teacher in Owatonna. "People in rural areas are unhappy."

Gov. Pence: States with Marriage Amendments Have Fastest Growing Economies

During a visit to Evansville this week, Indiana Governor Mike Pence pointed out the correlation between states that protect marriage as husband and wife and strong economic growth:

Gov. Mike PenceGovernor Pence was in town to introduce a new state based initiative office at the Evansville Rotary.  He says that many of the 32 states that define traditional marriage in their charters have some of the fastest growing economies, including Indiana, drawing a correlation between a ban on same-sex marriage and economic development. Pence says the federal government has outlined it's role in marriage equality and now wants the people of Indiana to have a say on how it is recognized in the state.  "As someone who believes in traditional marriage, I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I do support efforts to allow the people of Indiana to make that decision whether we include the traditional definition of marriage in our state constitution and I think that's appropriate," Pence said.

Pence says he's confident if the issue is on the ballot, voters will reaffirm the state's existing laws banning same sex marriage. -WFIE

Same-Sex Couple Sues Church in the UK

The Christian Institute:

Wealthy gay dad, Barrie Drewitt-Barlow, says he and his civil partner Tony will go to court to force churches to host gay weddings.

Big Ben and the Houses of ParliamentHe told the Essex Chronicle that he will take legal action because “I am still not getting what I want”.

A Government Bill legalising gay marriage passed Parliament recently but it included measures to protect churches from being forced to perform same-sex weddings.

Mr Drewitt-Barlow said: “The only way forward for us now is to make a challenge in the courts against the church.

“It is a shame that we are forced to take Christians into a court to get them to recognise us.”

He added: “It upsets me because I want it so much – a big lavish ceremony, the whole works, I just don’t think it is going to happen straight away.

“As much as people are saying this is a good thing I am still not getting what I want.”

National Organization for Marriage Renews Pledge to Hold Politicians Accountable for Redefining Marriage in Minnesota and Rhode Island

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

"We will work tirelessly to hold the politicians accountable for this travesty." — Brian Brown, NOM president —

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — With marriage having been redefined and same-sex 'marriages' beginning today in Minnesota and Rhode Island, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today reminded state politicians that it will work to hold them accountable to voters come election day. NOM has pledged to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to make sure that voters know who is responsible for redefining marriage.

"This is a sad day in Minnesota and Rhode Island as politicians have allowed a mockery to be made of the institution of marriage, which throughout our history has been our only social institution to bring men and women together for the benefit of any children born of their union," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "Today Minnesota and Rhode Island embark on a new path that jettisons the interests of children from their state marriage law, and puts people of faith in harm's way for being punished for their beliefs. We will work tirelessly to hold the politicians accountable for this travesty."

Whenever marriage has been redefined, people of faith who believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman find themselves punished if they act on that belief. Recently, the Minnesota Human Rights Commission issued guidelines making clear that the law has no exceptions for religious or conscience objections for individuals. Rhode Island's marriage law similarly allows for no exceptions for individuals or small businesses.

"It's only a matter of time before people of faith are targeted for punishment by government officials, and cease to enjoy the full rights of citizenship because they believe what their faith teaches them — that marriage can only be between one man and one woman," said Brown. "Based on what has already happened elsewhere, we predict that people of faith will face lawsuits, lose contracts, be denied employment and be forced to stop providing goods and services. Charities will be forced to close."

Virtually no politician in Minnesota or Rhode Island ran on a platform that openly pledged that he or she would redefine marriage if elected to office. Yet, when given the opportunity, they did so. NOM has pledged to spend up to $500,000 in Minnesota and $100,000 in Rhode Island informing voters about the issues.

"When the inevitable consequences happen, we will make sure that voters know who is responsible for them," Brown said. "This issue is far from settled in either of these states."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).