Pastors Outraged Over DC Mayor's "Strike at the Fabric of the Faith Community"

Award-winning gospel recording artist and pastor Donnie McClurkin was uninvited from a Martin Luther King Memorial concert this past weekend in Washington, DC. Why? Local pastors, and McClurkin himself, insist that DC Mayor Vincent Gray heeded the demands of gay rights activists, informing McClurkin the night before the event that he was "not welcomed and uninvited":

Pastor Donnie McClurkinDonnie McClurkin, award-winning and internationally celebrated gospel recording artist and Christian minister, has claimed that he was uninvited from a MLK Memorial concert on Saturday in Washington, D.C. because Mayor Vincent C. Gray heeded the demands of gay rights activists who wanted him dropped from the event marking the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. McClurkin has previously shared that he believes God delivered him from the "sin of homosexuality" and that people with unwanted same-sex attractions can change.

McClurkin, pastor of Perfecting Faith Church in Freeport, N.J., stated in a Socialcam video: "The mayor of D.C. uninvited me from a concert that I was supposed to headline today in the Washington (National) Mall commemorating...this 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement. I was asked not to attend although I'm considered the headliner of the concert, and advertisements had been circulated and the churches as well as the community are prepared to come out by the tens of thousands into the Washington Mall (area)."

The New Jersey minister went on to reveal that he had received a phone call while on his way to the airport the night before the event and was told that he was "not welcomed and uninvited," according to promoters who had reportedly received word from Mayor Gray's office.

The Baptist Convention of the District of Columbia and Vicinity have released a statement to the press in response to Mayor Vincent Gray's actions:

Press Statement - Donnie McClurkin's Civil Rights Infringement 081113

Catholic Priest Denies Communion to Same-Sex Couple -- and the Media Reaction that Follows

From GoLocalProv:

Reverend Brian Sistare, the pastor at Sacred Heart Parish in Woonsocket, is currently denying Holy Communion to Lew Pryeor and Pierre Leveillee, a gay couple who are members of Sacred Heart’s regular congregation.

CommunionAs it is customary for Catholic priests to refuse Holy Communion to those who are unrepentant–and with knowledge of the Church’s teachings regarding homosexuality–one would think that this issue would be of small surprise and concern to the public.

For some reason, however, progressives have begun to salivate over Pryeor’s and Leveillee’s dilemma.

It’s interesting to consider the precise motivation for far-left progressives–people known to mock and ridicule the entire notion of “religion,” ... According to their own principal assumptions, for progressives to be concerned with two homosexual Catholics being denied Holy Communion is like sticking up for a child being forbade fairy dust at The Magic Kingdom–and then covering the story on

As one would expect from people who have no principles other than power, today’s progressive position seems to be this: Catholics are silly. Unless they’re gay Catholics.

The private happenings at Sacred Heart Parish simply provided RIFuture with an easy hit-piece against the political Right.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Ignores Rule of Law

Americans may disagree on a whole host of issues, including marriage, but a commitment to the democratic process is critical. Allowing corruption into the system, even if it happens to favor your political view at the time, is detrimental to Americans, and to our nation, long-term:

Kathleen KaneAttorney General Kathleen Kane’s decision to forgo defending Pennsylvania’s Defense of Marriage Act has undermined the rule of law in Pennsylvania.

There are plenty of political issues across Pennsylvania and our country about which citizens vigorously disagree: the proper size and scope of the state budget; voter ID regulations; the privatization of retail liquor sales; the definition of marriage. These are just a few of the contentious issues that divide us.

What unites us, however, as Pennsylvanians and as Americans is a commitment to the process by which these political disputes are resolved. Regardless of what side of a controversy we’re on, there is solace in the rule of law — the concept that we are all playing by the same rules, and that those rules will not be arbitrarily changed to fit personal or political agendas.

We submit ourselves to this rule of law, and we expect our elected officials to submit themselves to it. This is a fundamental principle of the American republic. Nothing undermines political comity and stability more than when the rule of law is seen as contingent on the whims of politicians.

And yet this state of instability is exactly where we find ourselves in Pennsylvania due to Kane’s abandonment of our commonwealth’s overwhelmingly approved Defense of Marriage Act. Her actions beg the question: Which Pennsylvania laws are actually laws, and which are just suggestions? Only Kathleen Kane knows. -The Mercury

Read PFI Chief Counsel Randall Wenger's full op-ed here.

JOIN US: Thomas Peters Benefit Concert

We can't thank you enough for the outpouring of support for our Communications Director Thomas Peters as he continues his journey toward recovery. As many of you know, Thomas sustained very serious injuries following a diving accident last month, but has made significant progress over these past weeks and continues to show great signs of improvement.

If you'd like to help out in a more significant way, please consider joining us for a benefit concert for Thomas on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14TH in Washington, DC. 100% of the proceeds will go to support the needs of the Peters family.

Thomas Peters Benefit Concert Flyer

You can keep up with Thomas' progress here on a blog set up by family and friends.

NOM Regional Director Christopher Plante on Relevant Radio

Chris PlanteOur own Chris Plante, Regional Director for NOM-Rhode Island, appeared on the Drew Mariani Show today to discuss attacks on marriage and our religious liberties, and also how we can continue to build a strong marriage culture for the future.

The segment begins around the 33:00 mark:

When Our Laws Start Losing Sight of Children

Alex Saitta writes a thought-provoking letter to the editor of the Easley Patch this week, pointing out what happens when our laws start catering only to adults and ignore the best interests of children's when it comes to their growth and development.

GirlThe arguments for gay-marriage and abortion are fundamentally flawed because both put the rights of the adults ahead of those of the children. Adults create our laws and naturally have written them to benefit adults and the point of view of the child has been given too little weight. That’s wrong! This would be like the captain of the Titanic saying adults off first; leave the children behind. Children need to be thought of first.

You can see this clearly with the abortion issue. The abortion debate has devolved into what is best for the mother or “father”. Birth is not about the adults, but the life of a new child. In the case of abortion the mother and father walk out; the child is killed. If children made the laws, it is safe to say abortion would be illegal.

Looking at the same-sex marriage issue, we don’t have to look far to see what happens when society gets careless about the togetherness of parents and their raising of children. Just look at the divorce craze that began in the 1970’s. So called sociological experts of the “me” generation said if you aren’t happily married, leave your spouse, and all will be better off. As the trend unfolded, marriage was further trivialized with the onset of terms like the “starter marriage”.

Today what we see in the wake of the divorce craze are millions of broken families, millions more children and their offspring suffering from emotional and psychological issues that prevent them from reaching their potential in school, their careers and even their personal relationships. That’s what happens when marriage focuses on the adults and loses sight of the children.

Likewise, those advocating gay-marriage, it is all about them – the adults. The children are secondary. Just look at the recent Supreme Court case. It dealt with gay couples having a claim to their partner’s federal benefits. When the focus of marriage turns to the adults and adult issues, and it is no longer about the children, the children suffer.

Witch Hunt in Iowa, We Will Not Be Bowed

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Our opponents are at it again, this time in Iowa. Those who seek to redefine God's design for marriage and eliminate our freedoms of speech and religion have filed another frivolous campaign finance complaint against NOM in an effort to distract us from the defense of marriage and to cost us precious resources in time and money as we are forced to defend these baseless charges.

The reason that our opponents file these baseless charges is that they want access to our internal list of financial supporters so they can then harass people who support true marriage. They've been demanding this confidential information for years, but nonprofit groups don't have to provide donor information to the public. The ACLU doesn't, nor does the Human Rights Campaign, yet many gay marriage activists want to subject NOM to a different set of rules.

We will not give in, and we need you to stand with us as strongly as you ever have. Please make an emergency contribution to NOM today so that we can continue to stand with you in the public square protecting marriage and our religious liberties.

You may remember, in Iowa 2010 NOM and several of our allies campaigned tirelessly against three renegade State Supreme Court Justices who had voted to redefine marriage for the entire state. With your help, our campaign to see these justices removed was a huge success — all three judges were voted out by the people, by double-digit margins.

Now a delusional gay activist who fancies himself becoming president of the United States (really!), has filed a spurious complaint against NOM in Iowa. This same activist has filed complaints in two other states — but no state has ever found that NOM was engaged in wrong-doing.

This is eerily similar to the IRS scandal in Washington, DC where the IRS illegally gave NOM's tax return with confidential donor information to homosexual marriage activists in an attempt to harass our donors and hamper our work.

NOM has violated no campaign finance rules in Iowa. Our 2010 campaign to oust the renegade justices was done within the law. So was our work in 2012 in the campaign seeking to remove an additional justice. This witch hunt is nothing more than an attempt to shut down opposition to activist judges and politicians who wish to redefine marriage, and to intimidate you and our many other supporters. In other words, this harassment is a blatant attempt to restrict the freedom of speech and religion of those who believe marriage is one man and one woman in Iowa.

Like the IRS scandal, the frivolous filing in Iowa will cost a great deal of money, time, and manpower, resources that should be dedicated to upholding God's design for marriage and family.

We cannot give in, but it will take your financial sacrifice today. The battle for marriage is on a knife's edge. NOM is working with its allies across the country in a variety of states where marriage is under attack, and we can't be distracted from these fights. We continue to work hard in Iowa so that the people have the opportunity to vote on the definition of marriage. We have no doubt that if voters are given a say, they will repeal gay 'marriage' and restore marriage to its proper formation. Please make a generous donation today so that our work can continue.

These witch hunts and scandals are weapons of our opponents. NOM has done nothing wrong in Iowa, and has been the victim of a felony crime in the IRS scandal. But we will not be bowed.

And we trust that you will not be bowed either. Please stand with NOM today in the defense of marriage by making a sacrificial gift so that we can carry on the fight despite the despicable efforts of our opponents.


Brian S. Brown

National Organization for Marriage Decries Gay Activist Witch Hunt in Iowa

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

"This is another attempt to shut down criticism of activist judges and politicians who wish to redefine marriage." — Brian Brown, NOM president —

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today decried the decision of the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board to open a campaign finance inquiry concerning NOM's participation in the 2010 and 2012 campaigns to oust several state Supreme Court justices, calling the inquiry a witch hunt spawned by a gay activist who has filed serial frivolous complaints elsewhere. The group said the complaint was an attempt to shut down opposition to activist judges and politicians who wish to redefine marriage, and equated it with the Internal Revenue Service's illegal release of NOM's confidential tax return to homosexual marriage activists.

"The National Organization for Marriage has violated no campaign finance rules in Iowa, and we decry the decision by the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board to open an investigation," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "This inquiry is a witch hunt spawned by a delusional homosexual activist who fancies himself becoming the president of the United States and who is a serial filer of frivolous allegations against us whenever we stand up for traditional marriage. The complaint is another attempt to shut down criticism of activist judges and politicians who wish to redefine marriage."

NOM was a major contributor to the 2010 campaign in which voters successfully removed three sitting justices of the Iowa Supreme Court, including the Chief Justice, after the Court voted to redefine marriage in the state. The campaign finance complaint was filed by Fred Karger, a homosexual activist who ran for president of the United States in 2012. Karger has filed complaints against NOM in Maine and California, but no state has ever ruled that NOM violated state campaign rules.

"All that the decision today means is that Karger has alleged actions that, if proven true, would possibly constitute violations of campaign finance rules. But the allegations are dead wrong and the Board action today in no way means that the Board agrees with Karger's frivolous allegations," Brown said. "We are concerned about the continual use of the legal system by Karger and other homosexual marriage advocates who are intent on denying us and the people of Iowa their civil rights to defend marriage as God created it."

For several years, homosexual activists have demanded that NOM publicly disclose donors to the nonprofit group which are not required by law. They desire this information in order to harass NOM's supporters. (For example, the Human Rights Campaign operates the website .) After the HRC's president was named a co-chair of President Obama's reelection committee, the Internal Revenue Service illegally leaked this information to the HRC, which subsequently published it, exposing NOM's donors to the threat of harassment.

"We are concerned about media reports quoting officials with the Ethics Board speculating about the allegations against us," said Brown. "This is reminiscent of the IRS scandal where the government illegally leaked confidential information to our political opponents. We will vigorously contest any suggestion that NOM has violated the law, and we will aggressively demand that our civil rights, including a presumption of innocence, be honored by Iowa government officials."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Illinois Lawmakers Need to Hear from You!

Illinois Family Institute:

It’s almost hard to believe, but there are still several state lawmakers who claim they are “on the fence” on same-sex “marriage” legislation, SB10.  The proponents of same-sex “marriage” have not stopped putting pressure on them and it’s critical that they hear from folks who oppose redefining marriage!

Volunteers NeededSame-sex “marriage” activists have not taken a summer break and have been in full swing over the summer months while most families take some time off for vacations. They are planning a Springfield rally and have launched  a$2 million dollar campaign effort to put people on the ground in many districts statewide.

Pro-family citizens must speak up and take action.  If we don’t, many “on the fence” representatives will cave-in to the tremendous pressure from the homosexual lobby.  The LGBT community is laser focused and relentlessly pursing their goal, and we must courageously step forward to preserve marriage as God created it. Passing same-sex “marriage” will have devastating consequences to children,businesses and people of faith.

It is vitally important to the future of your children and grandchildren to sacrifice a few hours of your time now to help stop this assault on marriage and the family.  If you are able to volunteer, please do so!

Take ACTION:  Please call the IFI office at (708) 781-9328 to learn more or to sign up as a volunteer. Thank you in advance! We look forward to hearing from you!

"Defending the Natural Family" Summit to Commence in Chicago August 29-31

It's a critical month for marriage in Illinois. So what better time for a "Defending the Natural Family" Summit! African American leaders, pastors, and citizens from across the state of Illinois and the nation will be gathering later this month to discuss the plight of the black family and how best to defend it.

From Christian News Wire:

Defending the Natural Family SummitOn August 29-31, 2013 Pastors, Christian Leaders, Political Activist and Concerned Citizens from across the country will convene at the Pheasant Run Inn Resort in St. Charles, Illinois to discuss, among other things, how together we begin to turn the tide in our communities amidst cultural norms and values, which have contributed to the growing attack, and subsequent breakdown, of the natural family.

The Summit, entitled Defending the Natural Family: R.I.S.E. to Rebuild the Foundation of Black America, will feature the partnership of national, state and local leaders prepared to address key issues and challenges facing, in particular, Black America. Pointing to recent efforts in Illinois by predominantly Black pastors to advert attempts to make homosexual marriage legal, Freedom's Journal Institute (FJI) president and Black Conservative Summit (BCS) organizer Eric M. Wallace, PhD asserts "the battle is not over, and the impeding of homosexual marriage is not enough. The epidemic of out of wedlock births, gang violence, abortion and school drop out rates are just a few of the symptoms of a much bigger problem plaguing the Black community."

Though, by in large, the conservative movement has been poorly branded within the African American community, Summit organizers believe the BCS's focus on defending the natural family will serve, as a catalyst for uniting and creating much needed dialogue between Black conservative leaders and the African American constituency.

Check out the list of confirmed speakers already lined up for the Summit and download the flyer here.

From "Wedlock" to "Wedlease"?

Redefining marriage means redefining all the basic language that relates to marriage as well. And even coming up with new terms entirely. Ryan T. Anderson expands upon this notion today in the National Review:

Marriage ContractMerriam-Webster is going to have to update the next edition of its dictionary, at least if marriage redefiners have their way. Do you know what the words “monogamish,” “throuple,” and “wedlease” mean? If not, you soon will. After all, the power to redefine words is the power to redefine reality.

Let’s start with “monogamish,” a play on “monogamous.” A 2011 New York Times profile of gay activist Dan Savage, headlined “Married, with Infidelities,” introduced Americans to “monogamish” relationships — in which partners would allow sexual infidelity provided there were honest admissions of it.

The “monogamish” perspective is one of the purported ways in which redefining marriage to include same-sex relationships would make marriage better. The article explained: “Savage says a more flexible attitude within marriage may be just what the straight community needs.” After all, the story added, sexual exclusivity “gives people unrealistic expectations of themselves and their partners.”

If a marriage can be sexually open, why should it be limited to two people in the first place? Meet the word “throuple,” which is similar to “couple” but with three people.

...More or less permanent. Indeed, some activists come down in favor of “less.” Consider “wedlease,” a term introduced in early August in an op-ed in theWashington Post. Why should marriage be permanent when so little else in life is? Why not have temporary marriage licenses, as with other contracts? “Why don’t we borrow from real estate and create a marital lease?” the author writes. “Instead of wedlock, a ‘wedlease.’”

Read Anderson's full article here.

"My Two Husbands": Salon Gives Glowing Account of Multi-Spouse Marriages

Back in April, an author for Slate argued that polygamy is the natural next step for "marriage equality". Now, Salon is extolling the virtues of multi-spouse marriage with their piece on a woman who has been married for 16 years to her husband, but also has a boyfriend whom she plans to marry in a “non-legal” way. The slippery slope has arrived:

MyTwoHusbandsSame-sex “marriage” proponents have always scoffed at the idea that redefining marriage would open the door for multi-spouse marriages. “My Two Husbands” by Angi Becker Stevens, not only argues for “poly-amorous” unions but continues to scoff at the foolish “right wing” people who expected people to go there.

The author uses her 9-year-old daughter to deflect criticism. Her daughter dutifully and understandably repeats the adult arguments for same-sex marriage and applies them to her family.

In the style of such articles, the author doesn’t make a case against monogamous marriage on principle, or for multi-spouse “marriage” on principle. Instead, she presents the facts of a particular situation as a fait accompli and challengesyou to argue why it is not so. She felt repressed before and says “I am more fulfilled now and living in a way that feels authentic for me.”

Polyamorous Car FamilyApply a simple thought experiment, and her argument starts to wither. Imagine the article being written by a man bringing a “girlfriend” into his life and convincing his wife to tolerate it. Or imagine a Mormon talking about his repressed relationship with God instead of a political activist talking about her repressed human relationships. Salon wouldn’t have published those pieces.

But they did publish this one.

Because “love makes a marriage” now. And to say otherwise means you’re a hater.

Illinois Judge To Make Decision Next Month on Whether to Dismiss ACLU Lawsuit


Judge-GavelA Cook County judge announced today that she will make her decision next month in a case challenging Illinois’ definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

The ACLU and Lambda Legal are suing on behalf of 25 same-sex couples claiming the 1996 law violates the state Constitution. Circuit Judge Sophia Hall will decide on Sept. 27 whether to dismiss the case.

Peter Breen, with the Thomas More Society (TMS), told CitizenLink what stood out the most during today’s hearing were the arguments about parenting.

“The other side is arguing that a child’s biological parents can be replaced by any two people —with the same outcome for the child,” said Breen, executive director and legal counsel for TMS, a public interest law firm in Chicago. “We say that a child needs both a mom and a dad.”

Read more of Thomas More Society special counsel Paul Linton's argument against the lawsuit here.

Thomas More Society Says Illinois Lawsuit by Same-Sex Couple Has No Legal Basis

The Thomas More Society is calling for the dismissal of two lawsuits brought by Illinois same-sex marriage activists, represented by the ACLU and Lambda Legal, attacking the state's law defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman:

"Yesterday, constitutional scholar Paul Linton cited overwhelming legal authority that contradicts and undermines plaintiffs' ostensible legal basis for their attack on marriage," said Tom Brejcha, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Society. "Plaintiffs' counsel repeatedly argued that homosexual couples shouldn't be denied the right to marry because they love each other. But this ignores the purpose of marriage, which is founded on the biological, scientific truth that only male-female unions may be blessed with offspring -- little boys and girls -- whether planned or unplanned, for which the institution of marriage affords a stable framework within which these infants may be nurtured, reared, and educated to adulthood.

"Stretching plaintiffs' rationale to the limits of their logic, why or how could they bar or limit the legality of 'marriages' between brothers and sisters, so long as they profess 'love' toward one another, or between cousins of close consanguinity, let alone polygamy, or polyandry, or even polyamory. Thus the plaintiffs' rationale goes far beyond the pale, founders on its own illogic, and affords no good reason at all for overturning our traditional, classic understanding of this vital social institution..." -Standard News Wire

Protecting Marriage in Illinois

Coming to a Canadian Law School Near You: Gay Marriage

Bradley Miller discusses on the Public Discourse blog how same-sex marriage (in Canada), “…has become, for many, a cherished symbol of tolerance, inclusion and acceptance. So much so that many have a difficult time seeing any reason to tolerate continued dissent.” He points out that this line of thinking has created a systematic purging of “dissent” to same-sex marriage that now threatens even private religious institutions of higher learning:

The most recent case in point is a small liberal arts university located just outside Trinity_Western_Univof Vancouver. Trinity Western University is one of Canada’s few private universities, and it proposes to house Canada’s first and only private law school. TWU, like many other religious educational institutions, fosters a distinctively religious community by requiring its students to abide by a “community covenant agreement.” The agreement covers many different behaviors and proscribes, for example, the use of alcohol and pornography on campus.

But what has alarmed the Canadian legal education establishment is the requirement that students agree to abstain “from sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman.” The Canadian Council of Law Deans, comprised of all the deans of Canada’s law schools, has spearheaded a public campaign against TWU through a letter to the Federation of Canadian Law Societies, the body that makes accreditation decisions.

The deans’ inability to see that the value of religious communities exceeds the value of homogeneity of views on same-sex marriage should be Exhibit A in the case for fostering some genuine diversity in Canadian legal education. And the Canadian experience as a whole should alert Americans to the danger of allowing the endorsement of same-sex marriage to become a prerequisite to participation in public life.

You can read more here.