British Sperm Donor May Have Fathered 600-1,000 Children

The UK Sun:

A BRITISH scientist may have fathered 600 children after making donations to a fertility programme he ran with his wife.

And one of his biological children has suggested the number may even be as high as ONE THOUSAND.

Bertold Wiesner - who was born in Austria - ran the Barton Clinic in London which helped more than 1,500 women conceive.

Barry Stevens, a film-maker from Canada, was concieved using Wiesner's donated sperm and said the number could be much higher.

He said last night: "He was the one that found the donors so it's possible he didn't tell his wife and she believed the donations were coming from a lot of different men."

Wiesner ran the controversial clinic with his wife Mary - until he died in 1972. Research shows he regularly made donations from the early 1940s until the mid-1960s.

... Last year it emerged that one anonymous American sperm donor had fathered more than 150 children.

SSM Militants Launch Online Attack Against NOM - Help Fight Back!

United For Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporters—

Early this morning, NOM's online properties were maliciously hacked by militant same-sex marriage activists. They were able to temporarily hijack several of our online properties, including Facebook, Twitter and our blog. Thankfully, our team responded quickly and we have now taken back control of each of these online properties with the exception of the name of our main twitter account, which was stolen and illegally reassigned to a fraudulent Twitter account.

In the case of Twitter, we were able regain control of the account itself—specifically our followers and those we followed—but the "NOMTweets" name was stolen. Please be aware that our account now goes by the name @NOMUpdate. Any tweets made under the @NOMTweets identifier are NOT from NOM. Further, please check your individual Twitter accounts to see if @NOMTweets is following you or you them, and take the appropriate action in those cases.

We will have more information to follow in the coming days. Our opponents have dedicated substantial and coordinated resources to attack NOM, and this cyberattack is the latest incident in an increasingly virulent war against NOM and the work that all of us are doing together.

We will be aggressively pursuing legal action against those who perpetrated this illegal attack.

The battle of principles and ideas has now escalated into an all-out tech war, as our opponents seek to isolate and silence not only NOM, but each of us who believe in marriage. It takes significant resources—time, talent and money—to make your voice heard, especially when others are working so hard to silence us.

Right now we have a critical window with a matching challenge grant of $200,000. Through email, our blog, Facebook and Twitter, hundreds of thousands of Americans will see this message over the next 48 hours.

I am asking each of you to stand with us right now, with whatever you can afford to give. Please click here to make your gift of $25, $50, or even $500 or more right now.

Donate now

In this moment, I am so grateful for the courage and leadership of men such as Sen. Ruben Diaz, Bishop George McKinney and others who have rejected these attacks and are standing firmly in defense of NOM and, more importantly, of God's truth about marriage.

We stand united. Will you stand with us today?

Video: Brian Brown Fires Up the Let Us Vote Rally in Iowa!

This is (overdue!) video of our President Brian Brown's speech at the LUV (Let Us Vote) Rally in Iowa!

More on the Let Us Vote campaign here.

Update: Student at Rhode Island High School Will Paint "Traditional Family" Mural as Planned

The Providence Journal with an update about the story we covered yesterday:

A Pilgrim High School student will finish a corridor wall mural as she originally intended -- showing a boy's phases of life from childhood through marriage and parenthood.

The mural, still largely in pencil-sketch form, became a subject of debate last week when school officials had the ending painted over because there was some concern that the traditional ending might offend some people with alternative lifestyles.

On Thursday, School Superintendent Peter Horoschak said that the student, whom he declined to identify, would be allowed to paint what she originally envisioned, and had asked for a couple of days to think about it.

After a meeting at the school Monday afternoon, officials said that the mural will be completed as originally planned.

OneNewsNow: What Coffee is Your Church Drinking?

Charlie Butts of OneNewsNow interviews Maggie Gallagher about NOM's Dump Starbucks campaign (which has now passed 30,000 signatures):

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is continuing to encourage churches and believers to "Dump Starbucks."

Maggie Gallagher, co-founder of the traditional marriage advocacy group, says her group launched its boycott because of Starbucks' strong endorsement of the homosexual agenda (see earlier story).

In just the first week of its Dump Starbucks campaign, more than 25,000 people signed the pledge. Now, Christians are being encouraged to find out if Starbucks is being served in their churches.

"We're going to speak up loud and clear to Howard Schultz and this insular group of Seattle liberals about whether a worldwide consumer company really should be making gay marriage core to its brand," Gallagher asserts.

She points out that Seattle's Best Coffee is also a Starbucks brand, and the NOM co-founder says additional plans for the campaign will unfold soon.

National Organization for Marriage Endorses Romney for President

Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

“We hope our endorsement will help focus social conservatives on the need to defeat President Obama.” —Brian Brown, NOM president—

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today announced its endorsement of Mitt Romney for President of the United States. NOM said it was making the endorsement to help focus social conservatives on the need to defeat President Obama in November.

“We are proud to endorse Mitt Romney for President,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president. “Governor Romney was an early signer of NOM’s presidential pledge which represents his commitment to the nation to take specific actions as president to preserve and protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman.”

Three of the final four Republican candidates for president had signed NOM’s pledge, leaving only Ron Paul as the lone candidate refusing to pledge to defend traditional marriage. NOM’s endorsement of Romney comes on the heels of Rick Santorum suspending his presidential campaign.

“Now is the time for all people who recognize the importance of marriage to come together to support a true champion, Mitt Romney, against an incumbent who has done virtually everything in his power to undermine the institution of marriage,” Brown said. “President Obama has declared our nation’s marriage laws to be unconstitutional and not only has refused to defend them, his administration is actively working to repeal them in the courts. He’s come out against state constitutional amendments defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. And he has appointed leaders of the same-sex ‘marriage’ movement as national co-chairs of his reelection campaign. Incredibly, Obama still apparently claims to personally support traditional marriage. With friends like President Obama, the institution of marriage doesn’t need enemies.”

NOM’s marriage pledge commits Governor Romney to a variety of actions upon his election as president. These include:

- Supporting an amendment to the United States Constitution defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman;
- Appointing Supreme Court Justices and an Attorney General who will apply the original meaning of the Constitution;
- Vigorously defending the federal Defense of Marriage Act in court;
- Establishing a presidential commission on religious liberty; and
- Advancing legislation to return to the people of the District of Columbia their right to vote on marriage.

“It’s been a hard-fought campaign and we congratulate all the candidates who signed our pledge. Now we look forward to coalescing millions of Americans who passionately believe as we do that God is the author of marriage and that marriage as the union of one man and one woman serves the public good,” Brown said. “We will devote ourselves fully to helping elect a president who will fight for marriage, rather than the incumbent who seems bent on destroying it.”


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann, [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Politico, NYT, TPM, CNN, Other News Outlets Cover NOM's Endorsement of Mitt Romney

Numerous major news outlets are covering NOM's endorsement of Mitt Romney announced today:

Politico: "...While he may have a ways to go in terms of firing up the base, it's a welcome development for Romney that a group like NOM is already prepared to get on board with him publicly, and that an activist like Brown is forcefully making the case that an Obama-Romney race demands intense engagement from cultural conservatives."

The New York Times: "...In one sign of coalescing support from Christian conservatives, the National Organization for Marriage, a leading opponent of same-sex marriage, endorsed Mr. Romney on Wednesday morning. The group called Mr. Romney a “true champion” and said that President Obama “has done virtually everything in his power to undermine the institution of marriage.”

CNN: "The backing of Romney by SBA List and National Right to Life comes one day after another social conservative group, the National Organization for Marriage, endorsed the former Massachusetts governor, who's making his second bid for the White House."

Talking Points Memo: "Prominent social conservative group endorses Romney: The National Organization for Marriage, a social conservative organization known for fighting gay marriage, will endorse Mitt Romney on Wednesday, according to Politico. The endorsement will help Romney shore up support among social conservatives and is at least a needed stamp of approval as he works to consolidate the evangelical base that was largely aligned with Rick Santorum."

OneNewsNow: "Saying they want to help elect a president "who will fight for marriage" rather than see one re-elected "who seems bent destroying it," officials with the National Organization for Marriage have endorsed Mitt Romney for president..."

Rick Warren: Churches Do Best When They Stand Up to the Culture on SSM

This Easter Sunday megapastor Rick Warren was interviewed by Jake Tapper on ABC's This Week about same-sex marriage, among many other issues. Here's what he had to say:

"...Tapper asked if Warren's church, Saddleback Church in Southern California, needs to adjust its opposition to same-sex marriage in order to remain relevant in the culture.

"If the Bible is the word of God, then I don't have a right to change it. Policies come and go over the years. And so, if I'm unpopular for certain beliefs, well, then, I'm unpopular for certain beliefs," Warren answered.

Tapper then tried asking the question again: "I wonder if you think your church, in order to thrive, might have to adjust its policy on same-sex marriage?"

"Actually, history shows that when the Church accommodates culture, it weakens it. This is why there is very weak Church in Europe today. It's almost non-existent in many areas," Warren said." -- The Christian Post

Lawsuit Filed to Overturn Marriage in Nevada

Via the Metro Weekly (a gay newspaper):

Today, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund took what one of its lawyers calls "a strategic step" in the national effort to advance marriage equality by filing a federal lawsuit in Nevada seeking equal marriage rights for eight same-sex couples in the state.

The lawsuit, Sevcik v. Sandoval, marks the first time that Lambda Legal has sought equal marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples in federal court, although a staff attorney with the group, Tara Borelli, notes that another case filed by Lambda Legal in state court in New Jersey includes federal claims as well.

... Lambda Legal's federal lawsuit against Gov. Brian Sandoval (R) was filed electronically in Nevada overnight today, and it stands as a sign of the significant ground movement on marriage equality in the country in recent years.

... At the same time, Borelli makes clear that Lambda sees this as another -- and not the final -- step in seeking marriage equality through the courts.

"This lawsuit seeks the freedom to marry for same-sex couples in the state of Nevada and is tailored to be a responsible building block for future marriage equality work," she tells Metro Weekly from Las Vegas on the eve of the filing. "We've always believed that it's important to take strategic steps that build on each other, and that's exactly what this case is designed to do."

Bishop McKinney: "The Black Church’s Respect for Marriage Deserves Respect from the Media"

Bishop George McKinney is a member of the board of the Church of God in Christ:

On March 30, an MSNBC news anchor accused the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) of “race-baiting” for (among other charges) writing in a 2009 in-house document, “We … need to … interrupt the attempt to equate gay with black, and sexual orientation with race; we need to make traditional sexual morality intellectually respectable again in elite culture.”

“Maggie,” anchor Tom Roberts asked NOM’s Maggie Gallagher, “Do you defend your own race-baiting to further bigotry and homophobia on a national level?”

As one of those black church leaders who has worked in the field with Maggie and others to protect our culture’s understanding of marriage as a union of one man with one woman, I will answer Mr. Roberts’ question. Race is different from sexual orientation, and equating the two (as many gay marriage theorists and advocates do) is unreasonable. And America would certainly be a better place if traditional sexual morality received more respect in elite circles.

The Church of God in Christ is the largest black Pentecostal denomination and the fifth largest Christian denomination in the United States. It has worldwide membership in 60 countries. We oppose same-sex marriage because it is contrary to God’s Word and opposed to the natural order.

... To suggest the prominent leaders of African-American churches are in the fight for marriage as the result of “race-baiting” is unjust and indeed patronizing on the part of media elites at MSNBC.

Marriage, and the black church, deserve better. -- The Daily Caller

LATimes Politics Blog: Obama Faces Pressure Over SSM

In the Los Angeles Times Politics Now blog:

President Obama, who has fended off questions about his position on same-sex marriage for nearly a year and a half by saying his views are "evolving," faces increasing pressure within his party as momentum builds to declare support for marriage equality in the party's official platform.

... the Democratic Party platform debate in 1948 marked an opening triumph of the civil rights era.

Gay rights groups and their allies believe this year's platform can play a similar role for their movement.

That puts Obama in an awkward spot. He's asking gay rights supporters for votes and money — he is scheduled to headline a fundraiser with gay supporters Tuesday in Florida — without committing himself on an issue of paramount concern.

At the same time, his allies have appeared to be prodding him to embrace, or at least not to block, language that would explicitly commit the party to support "the freedom to marry."

Video: Rhode Island Public School Paints Over Student Mural of "Offensive" Traditional Family

Via NBC 10 Breaking News:

WARWICK, R.I. -- ...Elizabeth Bierenday, a junior at Pilgrim High School in Warwick, was asked to create a mural for the school.She sketched a mural that showed the growth of a boy into adulthood. The last image showed a man with a woman and child and wedding rings over their heads.

Bierenday showed the school's assistant principal the sketches, which were approved.

Bierenday said she started to paint the mural last week, when an assistant principal came to her with a problem.

Some people at the school felt the mural didn't accurately represent many students at Pilgrim and school officials decided to paint over the right side.

Warwick Superintendent Peter Horoschak said he just found out about the issue on Thursday and sided with Bierenday saying she should be allowed to paint her original design.

NBC 10 spoke with a few parents and they agreed with the superintendent.

On Friday, Bierenday spoke with John DePetro on WPRO-AM about the mural and said she was told that her original design may be offensive or a religious symbol.

A final decision about the mural is scheduled to be made after the weekend.

Here is the video report:

Reader Defends NOM Against HRC Attacks in Maine Newspaper

Margaret Yates responds to an article published in Maine's Sun Journal:

In the Sun Journal on March 28, the Human Rights Campaign assailed the strategies of the National Organization for Marriage, insinuating, among other things, that it was playing racial politics, "dividing gays and blacks."

This is a media play on 3-year-old, in-house documents recently released by the Maine courts describing a number of NOM projects for 2009 and 2010.

This is 2012. Many blacks and Hispanics, Republicans and Democrats, are still unified in defending basic principles affirming a most fundamental institution: marriage. Animus against gays is not the object. Redefining marriage is the issue, and yes, it is "socially radical."

... Social science affirms that the optimal model for raising children suggests "mother" and "father" relationships to form gender identity and reduce problems, particularly during adolescent development.

Identify the real issues and explain the positions. Avoid the accusations of "racial politics," bigotry and discrimination. There are voters who need information in order to make an important choice in November.

NOM's New Campaign Goes International

Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

"Today we go international, expanding campaigns into Mandarin, Arabic, Turkish, Spanish and Bahala." —Brian Brown, NOM president—

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage today announced that its new campaign is going international.

"In our first week, we gained 25,000 pledge signers in the U.S. alone; today we go international, expanding campaigns into Mandarin, Arabic, Turkish, Spanish, and Bahala (one of the chief languages of Indonesia)," announced NOM President Brian Brown. " online ads will also start running in Egypt, Beijing, Hong Kong, the Yunnan region of China, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman and Kuwait."

"What happens in Seattle won't to stay in Seattle," Brown continued. "By making gay marriage core to his brand, Starbucks CEO Howard Schulz is telling millions of customers and partners who support traditional marriage in the Middle East, China, South America and North America that they aren't truly part of the Starbucks community."

"The National Organization for Marriage is in this for the long haul," said Jonathan Baker, head of NOM's Corporate Fairness Project. "Here's our goal: If Howard Schultz and his insular Seattle liberals hear from enough of us, management will move to a more genuinely inclusive attitude toward its customers' and partners' diverse views on marriage. People should be able to drink or serve a great cup of coffee without betraying their own core values on marriage."

Starbucks as a company recently endorsed gay marriage in the state of Washington, and signed onto an amicus brief asking U.S. courts to overturn the federal definition of marriage as one man and one woman. NOM's protest campaign was launched after Starbucks President and CEO Howard Schultz confirmed that gay marriage is "core" to the Starbucks brand.

The National Organization for Marriage will continue developing the campaign.

To view several international DumpStarbucks sites, please see:


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann, [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Video: Vote for Marriage NC Explains Why Marriage Matters, and Much More

The Vote4MarriageNC coalition has created this extended video explaining why marriage matters, what the threats to marriage are, and why marriage protection amendments should be passed: