Holly Carmichael on the Tragedy of Depriving Kids of Their Dads

Holly Carmichael writes in Town Hall:

A recent news article praised a children’s book for promoting the biological fiction that a child can have “two moms” or “two dads.” The article contained one of the saddest passages I’ve seen in a news story:

[A seven-year-old boy] has been teased for having two mothers. The Mountain View third-grader, who attended Wednesday's reading with mother Shannon, said that some kids have asked whether his father is dead. "I don't even really have a dad," he'll reply. "Nobody's dead."

The loss of a parent—regardless of age or circumstance—is an awful, tragic thing. Even if it were biologically possible, is anyone better off to never have a father? Yes, there are some misguided dads who inflict more harm than good in their children’s lives. But our society suffers if we simply delete fatherhood from life’s equation. More poignantly, the little boy in the article will suffer. He has already suffered.

Despite the pain of absence or loss, the void left by a missing parent serves a valuable purpose: it drives us to seek something we know is missing.

100+ Dutch Registrars Now in Danger of Losing Their Job Over SS Ceremonies

The Netherlands was the first country to legalize gay marriage, and now it is becoming the first country to ban objection to such ceremonies:

MPs voted on Tuesday afternoon for a change in the law to prevent civil servants refusing to conduct gay marriages.

Under current legislation, registrars can refuse to carry out a gay wedding if they are opposed on religious grounds.

... Gay rights organization COC Nederland welcomed the vote. ‘We expect the cabinet will now get on with it and work fast to ban Dutch civil servants from discrimination while practising their jobs,' chairwoman Vera Bergkamp told news agency ANP.

According to COC research, 58 local councils employ a total of 102 registrars who refuse to marry same sex couples. Nearly all are fundamentalist Christians. -- Dutch News

BosNewsLife tells the story of one registrar who has already lost his job:

A Christian civil servant has been fired by the Dutch city of The Hague for refusing to oversee same-sex marriages on Biblical grounds.

Wim Pijl, 67, said Tuesday, November 15, he would take legal action against the dismissal despite parliamentary support for gay weddings.

"For me this is a personal case," explained Pijl. He also told reporters that God opposes same-sex marriages. "As a Christian I learned from the Bible that there is only one marriage, between a man and a woman."

The Hague city government said through a spokesman that it had no other choice than to dismiss Pijl as he had "refused to take back his remarks."

Maryland Del. Alston: "Vast Majority" of My Constituents Oppose SSM

With gay activists in Maryland gearing up for another push to redefine marriage through the legislature, Delegate Alston tells her constituents that she knows where they stand on the issue:

When the topic shifted to same-sex marriage, Alston said although Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) plans to sponsor same-sex marriage legislation, she thinks it should go to a referendum vote because the people should be allowed to weigh in on such a divisive issue.

Alston came under heat toward the end of the 2011 General Assembly session when she reversed her support for the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act, a bill she at first co-sponsored.

... Alston said she personally has no problem with same-sex marriage but realizes it goes against her religious beliefs and the beliefs of the majority of her District 24 constituents.

"Tiffany Alston, as an individual, I don't have a problem with same-sex marriage," Alston said. "Tiffany Alston representing over 100,000 people ... the vast majority of them have said, 'I don't approve of it.’"

Lynnette Wynn of Springdale said she understands same-sex couples want the same rights as male and female couples, but "marriage is marriage" and married people should stand up for it.

"We owe it to ourselves to fight for marriage between a man and a woman," Wynn said. "That is marriage as we knew it." -- The Gazette

Washington State Gubernatorial Candidates Have Opposing Views on Marriage

The Associated Press:

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jay Inslee supports an effort to allow civil marriage for same-sex couples in Washington state.

Inslee spokeswoman Jaime Smith said Monday that the U.S. congressman believes "it is the next logical step."

... The campaign manager for Republican candidate Rob McKenna, the state's attorney general, said that while McKenna supports the state's current domestic partnership law, he does not support same-sex marriage.

"Rob believes that this is an issue that is going to be decided by the voters," said Randy Pepple.

Victory: "Undergraduates For A Better Yale" Prompt President to Revise Campus Policy on "Sex Week"

Pioneering students at Yale are hard at work to improve the campus culture and promote better dialogue about issues related to sexuality. They're also making significant progress on doing away with some of the infamous practices associated with Yale's annual "Sex Week".

The undergraduates jump-started a dialogue by publishing an op-ed in the Yale Daily News: "Change the Climate, End Sex Week" and followed up by creating a student-run organization: Undergraduates For A Better Yale.

Their efforts are already bearing fruit. In a September 15th report by an Advisory Committee on Campus Climate to the President and Fellows of Yale, the committee recommended that the university change its campus policies regarding Sex Week:

We heard over and over from students, faculty, and students that “Sex Week at Yale,” a student-sponsored event, is highly problematic. A student-initiated event begun in 2002, it has described itself as “a campus-wide interdisciplinary sex education program.” Over time, this event clearly has lost the focus of its stated intention. Although “Sex Week at Yale” continues to promote consideration of some serious topics, like international sex trafficking, in recent years it has prominently featured titillating displays, “adult” film stars, and commercial sponsors of such material. We recommend that “Sex Week at Yale” be prohibited from using Yale’s name and any Yale facilities. We recognize the role of events that promote healthy discourse and help students explore issues of intimacy, love, and relationships as they relate to their own lives but feel that the most recent iterations of “Sex Week at Yale” cannot accomplish this.

Yale President Richard Levin echoed the committee's findings and recommendations in his response.

Bravo to Undergraduates for a Better Yale for moving conversation about these important topics in a far more positive and uplifting direction!

Michael Gerson in WaPo: Obama's Catholic Strategy in Shambles

Going after a faith group you need to win re-election is hardly smart politics:

The main victims of this assault [on Catholic religious liberty] are not bishops but the poor and vulnerable. USCCB-sponsored human trafficking programs, for example, provide employment assistance, legal services, child care and medical screening. But because case managers won't refer for abortions, HHS would rather see these programs shut down in favor of less effective alternatives. This form of anti-religious extremism counts casualties.

It is also politically incomprehensible. Obama's Catholic outreach is being revealed as a transparent ploy a year before he faces re-election. A portion of the Democratic coalition -- including civil libertarians and pro-choice activists -- has decided to attack and marginalize Catholic leaders and institutions. And HHS is actively siding against Catholic organizations.

"We are in a war," Sebelius told a recent pro-choice meeting. Opponents of the administration, she said, are trying to "roll back the last 50 years in progress women have made in comprehensive health care in America." This is no longer the "presumption of good faith." It has all the hallmarks of a vendetta.

How will the White House respond? More specifically, how will the Catholic chief of staff and America's first Catholic vice president respond? They gave up their own adherence to Catholic teaching on abortion long ago. But are they really prepared to betray their co-religionists who still hold these beliefs? -- Michael Gerson

How will gay marriage affect you?

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Meet Damian Goddard.

On May 9, 2011 Damian had it all: a loving wife, two small children, and a dream job he loved as a sportscaster, for the Canadian equivalent of ESPN.

What happened to him is an absolute outrage.

Click here to watch the newest Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance video interview and listen to Damian tell you how the same-sex marriage movement turned his life upside down.

As the battle in New York over same-sex marriage heated up, Damian wrote a note stating his views on his own personal twitter account — to just 175 or so followers: "I completely and whole-heartedly support Todd Reynolds and his support for the traditional and TRUE meaning of marriage."

The next day he was called in by his bosses. He expected a slap on the wrist, maybe a demand he apologize — "How can I apologize for something I don't want to apologize for?" he recalls wondering to himself.

Instead he was summarily fired. "We're terminating your contract."

One of his bosses twisted the knife "Damian do you remember that conversation we had a while ago about the plans we had for you and these other shows at Sportsnet? Well that's not happening now, you're fired!"

Thankfully, Damian is speaking out in defense of marriage and religious liberty. He is refusing to be silenced by the big bosses.

Today we are proud to announce that Damian Goddard has joined NOM's Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, to speak on behalf of the rights of decent, loving, law-abiding citizens to speak, to write, to donate, to organize and to act to defend marriage.

Please watch the video detailing Damian's ordeal and meet the newest member of our team!

A decade ago, the courts imposed gay marriage where Damian lives. He remembers being asked by pro-gay marriage friends and relatives, "How will gay marriage affect your marriage?"

Well, now he knows: "Eleven years later I lost my job for saying I believe in one-man and one woman marriage!"

But despite the unjust and heavy penalties, he is paying for speaking up for marriage, Damian has no regrets.

"I would not change a thing. I stand by what I said," Damian says. "The words ‘Be not afraid!' keep ringing in my ears — I cannot shake it. It's so strong... ‘Be not afraid, be not afraid, don't worry — so I'm not afraid."

God, he says, has a plan.

Damian Goddard has two messages for each one of us:

"It's got to stop, we have to stop it from escalating from getting any worse than it is right now...there's a fight under way we each of us have to make a choice: speak up!"

Will you stand with this incredibly brave man by helping us get his message out? A donation of $5, 10, or 100 will help us help him stand up for not only for his rights, but for you and your family's rights.

Speak up! Be not afraid! Damian Goddard is an inspiration to us all!


Brian Brown

Brian Brown

Brian S. Brown
Executive Director
NOM Education Fund

P.S. Please help us break the myth that the same-sex marriage movement is about "live-and-let-live." Forward this email to three friends right now so they can see the truth and get involved.

Simply visit, learn about the vicious attacks on your religious liberties, and make a generous contribution today. Thank you again, and God bless you!

3 Illinois Catholic Dioceses Drop Lawsuit, Begin Shutting Down Adoption and Foster Care Programs

Catholic News Agency:

Bishops in three Illinois dioceses announced Nov. 14 that they have dropped their lawsuit against the state and will shut down their adoption and foster care programs, after a civil union law required them to provide their services to same-sex couples.

“The decision not to pursue further appeals was reached with great reluctance, but was necessitated by the fact that the State of Illinois has made it financially impossible for our agencies to continue to provide these services,” said Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of Springfield, Bishop Edward K. Braxton of Belleville, and Bishop R. Daniel Conlon of Joliet.

“Since we now need to close offices and lay off employees, further appeals would be moot,” the bishops said.

...Peter Breen, an attorney with the Thomas More Society, which represented the charities in their lawsuit against the state, called the news “tragic.”

In a Nov. 14 statement, Breen said the situation “stands as a stark lesson to the rest of the nation that legislators promising 'religious protection' in same sex marriage and civil union laws may not be able to deliver on those promises.”

Robert Gilligan, executive director of the Illinois Catholic Conference, summarized what he believes to be the underlying problem in remarks to CNA on Nov. 11.

What “you're seeing at the state level in Illinois, what you're seeing at the national level in Washington, D.C., is a consistent promulgation of policies and laws that are making it very difficult for faith-based agencies that believe that marriage is between one man and one woman,” Gilligan said.

Does Gay Rights Include the Right to Have Sex in Public Parks?

We are pretty sure most people, including most LGBT people, would say "no."

In Boston, these days, they aren't so sure:

State Police arrested 31 men at the park this past summer, most of them for trespassing, reviving fears in the gay community that the police were once again targeting gay men. The sexual orientation of most of the men is unknown, but their arrests prompted gay-rights advocates to meet recently with high-ranking public safety officials in Governor Deval Patrick’s administration.

... But police officials say the recent work at the Medford park did not target any one group. Their overall goal, they say, was to maintain safety in state-owned parks and protect delicate grounds, which have been damaged by people veering off main paths to use drugs or engage in sex.

Officials at the state Department of Conservation and Recreation said that “men who have sex with men’’ go off main paths at the Middlesex Fells Reservation to have trysts, trampling on natural resources, according to a draft of the department’s resource management plan.

The language rankles advocates, who said it unfairly blames one group of people. DCR officials said they would revise the language in the plan’s final draft. -- The Boston Globe

Michigan Anti-Bullying Law Drops Exemption for Religious & Moral Views

Religion News Service:

Gay and Muslim groups say they are relieved after a Michigan lawmaker agreed to drop a provision in an anti-bullying bill that would have carved out an exemption for religious or moral beliefs.

State Sen. Rick Jones, a Republican, inserted a carve-out for a “sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction” in the Senate version of the bill. The state House of Representatives’ version of the bill did not include the provision.

... “We are grateful that this legislation moves forward without the license to bully based on an outrageous religious exception, but that said, it won’t be effective,” said Michael Gregor, a spokesman for Equality Michigan, a gay rights group in Detroit that wants vulnerable groups enumerated in the anti-bullying bill.

National Organization For Marriage Co-Sponsors Forum With GOP Presidential Candidates

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 15, 2011
Contact: Mary Beth Hutchins (703-683-5004 x.105)

Thanksgiving Family Forum in Des Moines Provides Platform for Discussion of Family Issues

DES MOINES, IOWA – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is co-sponsoring the Thanksgiving Family Forum for Republican Presidential candidates this week. The event, hosted by The Family Leader on Saturday, November 19 at First Federated Church in Des Moines, will be an in-depth conversation with each of the candidates about their positions and policies as they relate to the family. Unlike many of the other candidate events, this won't be a debate, but a chance to get to know the candidates better in a warm, family-friendly environment.

Brian Brown, president of NOM, will be one of three panel members asking the candidates questions on topics including marriage and the family. The event, which will provide ample time for candidates to discuss these topics in-depth as opposed to traditional debate format, is a ticketed event that is open to the public.

"This forum will be unlike the debates these candidates have participated in this far," said Brown. "Voters will have an honest opportunity to hear the candidates discuss issues important to all voters – issues about the family. Instead of trick questions or debate rhetoric, we are looking forward to the candidates sitting down and talking about the issues at the core of our culture and society."

Frank Luntz will be the moderator and representatives from The Family Leader and Citizenlink will also participate in the panel. The forum will begin at 4:00pm CT and will take place at First Federated Church, 4801 Franklin Ave., Des Moines, Iowa.

Confirmed candidates that will be in attendance are: Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum.

Mitt Romney has been invited.

For more information, visit

To attain media credentials for the event or to schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins (x105), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.


Video: Iowa Christian Politely Refuses to Bake Cake for SS Ceremony Prompting Couple to Consider Filing Complaint

Local KCCI 8 in Des Moines, Iowa reports:

An excerpt from the news report:

"They came in and she introduced herself, and I said, 'Is this your sister?' (She said,) 'No, this is my partner.' I said, 'OK,' and I asked them to sit down and I said, 'We need to talk,'" said Victoria Childress, who runs her cake baking business from home. "I said, 'I'll tell you I'm a Christian, and I do have convictions.' And I said, 'I'm sorry to tell you, but I'm not going to be able to do your cake."

"I didn't do the cake because of my convictions for their lifestyle. It is my right as a business owner. It is my right, and it's not to discriminate against them. It's not so much to do with them, it's to do with me and my walk with God and what I will answer (to) him for," Childress said.

"They thanked me for being honest with them, and they were very pleasant. I did not belittle them, speak rudely to them. There were no condescending remarks made, nothing," Childress said.

Former Adviser to U.S. Bishops Dan Avila Explains His Choice to Step Down

Those of us who know Dan, know that it is very like him to sacrifice his job and his income, rather than permit any act of his to bring any distraction to the bishops he serves. God bless him and his family in his future endeavors.

The National Catholic Register:

Daniel Avila says he resigned from his position at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops because of his “desire to see the bishops continue their effective and courageous witness without distraction."

... In a statement released exclusively to the Register (see below), Avila explained the resignation for the first time. He said he quickly realized that the firestorm following his Oct. 28 column had the potential to obstruct the mission of the nation’s bishops in the public-policy arena.

“The USCCB must advance the Church’s policy positions recognizing the inviolable dignity of every human being and the inalterable nature of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. These are not matters of speculation for the Church, but risked being obscured by the aftermath from my own speculations,” he wrote.

He said that in accepting his resignation, the USCCB had demonstrated a “commitment to marriage and dignity of all persons.”

... Jeffrey Mirus, president of Trinity Communications, provided commentary about Avila’s column on his website,

In his commentary, Mirus said, “Avila chose to write on a supremely sensitive issue. He did not get it quite right, and the bishops rather understandably want to control the message, keeping it absolutely free from theological misunderstanding. One would, of course, like to see equal control over Catholics who publish the view Avila attempted to refute."

NOM, Other Social Conservatives, To Sponsor GOP Presidential Forum in Iowa Nov 19th

The Christian Post:

Republican presidential candidates will be given an opportunity Saturday to sit down – “family style” – with Iowa evangelicals to discuss issues important to value voters. What is being touted as the “Thanksgiving Family Forum” is being hosted by The Family Leader, an Iowa policy organization, and co-sponsored by Focus on the Family-affiliate CitizenLink and the National Organization for Marriage.

“We now have the ability to reach about as many people over the Internet as we can through a televised broadcast,” CitizenLink Senior Director of Media Stuart Shepard told The Christian Post.

“People will be watching the event live on their computers, their iPads and their mobile phones,” he said. “Even five years ago, we couldn’t do this, but now so many people have a broadband Internet connection that we’re able to share it directly, on our own.”

So far, six of the presidential candidates have confirmed their attendance at the Des Moines event. The two holdouts – former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Utah Governor and Ambassador to China under President Obama, Jon Huntsman – have yet to respond.

Video: Minnesotans Voting Yes on the Marriage Amendment

Minnesota for Marriage with another great video showcasing why people are voting YES on the marriage amendment next November!