Gay marriage is now one step closer to reality - Help us fight back!

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

We just launched a critical fundraising drive to SAVE the Defense of Marriage Act.

Because legislation that will destroy marriage as we know it is now on the move!

Please make one URGENT and GENEROUS gift to the National Organization for Marriage right away!

Remember, we are still in the midst of our million dollar matching campaign, so every dollar you donate will be matched and have twice the impact!


Just a few days ago, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act to the full Senate.

Marriage Supporter, this is the first time in history that federal legislation to redefine marriage has been passed out of committee.

Why is this happening now? Two reasons:

First, the anti-marriage politicians in Washington believe that YOU aren’t paying attention. They think you’re too involved in your plans for the Holidays to care about what they are doing.

Second, the deep-pocketed lobbyists with the Human Rights Campaign are making an unprecedented, well-funded push to shove this legislation onto President Obama’s desk, where he will sign it into law.

They have launched a brand new national video campaign with anti-marriage celebrities and politicians all demanding homosexual marriage "rights."

We must have your support. Please stand with us and fight back to protect DOMA!

Fight back with us by making your most generous contribution of $50, $100 or even $500 to NOM right now – every penny we receive in the next few days will be spent spreading our pro-marriage message and responding to the lies and smears coming from the anti-marriage radicals.

Marriage Supporter, it is vital that we stop this anti-marriage legislation dead in its tracks before Congress goes in to recess for the holidays.

NOM is your voice in Washington, and the ONLY national grassroots group in America solely dedicated to fighting and winning for marriage.

Together, we can prevent this. But you and I must act now to STOP Congress from repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and forcing gay marriage on the entire nation.

So please do your part to make this "Save DOMA" fundraising drive a success. Make one urgent, generous gift to NOM of $50 or more right now.


Thank you in advance.


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

PS: Marriage Supporter, the Human Rights Campaign takes in more than $30,000,000 per year, and they receive free help from their celebrity friends and the news media.

We at the National Organization for Marriage rely on you and caring individuals just like you all over America. And we are dedicating ourselves to an emergency effort to protect the Defense of Marriage Act. PLEASE HELP!

Your urgent gift of $50 or more right now is important. Thank you and God bless you!

Victory for Prop 8! California Supremes Tell 9th Circuit Protect Marriage Has Standing to Defend Law

Elaboration on good news from last week, via William C. Duncan on NRO's The Corner blog:

...the state supreme court decided that the Proposition 8 campaign has standing to defend the law, noting that California courts have consistently allowed “official proponents” of an initiative to “to defend a challenged voter-approved initiative measure in order ‘to guard the people’s right to exercise initiative power.’”

The court [said]:

Neither the Governor, the Attorney General, nor any other executive or legislative official has the authority to veto or invalidate an initiative measure that has been approved by the voters. It would exalt form over substance to interpret California law in a manner that would permit these public officials to indirectly achieve such a result by denying the official initiative proponents the authority to step in to assert the state‘s interest in the validity of the measure or to appeal a lower court judgment invalidating the measure when those public officials decline to assert that interest or to appeal an adverse judgment.

...Basically, the court has turned back the plaintiffs’ attorneys’ attempt to throw the case, in collusion with recalcitrant government officials, and vindicated the principle that the people of California deserve to have their laws respected and defended in court.

The next step will be for the Ninth Circuit panel to rule on the substantive claim of Proposition 8’s constitutionality.

Maggie Gallagher: Getting Government Out of the Marriage Business Makes No Sense

Charlotte Hays at the National Catholic Register asks NOM co-founder Maggie Gallagher about Ron Paul's position on marriage:

Paul pushes the envelope on the issue of marriage as a whole: He thinks that, ideally, it should not be a matter for state or federal government. He believes marriage is a religious issue that should not be licensed by the state. He believes, however, that homosexual couples should be allowed to “marry,” as long as one state isn’t required to recognize unions recognized in other states.

“It makes no sense to talk about getting government out of the marriage business,” said Maggie Gallagher, co-founder and immediate past chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, “which is the main way we protect and nurture children.”

“When marriage declines, children suffer, and so do taxpayers — to the tune of $112 billion a year. I wish more of our candidates would think more seriously about marriage and the supporting role government should play in reducing divorce and unmarried childbearing,” Gallagher said.

Video: Brian Brown Questions Herman Cain & Newt Gingrich on Defending DOMA

NOM co-sponsored the Presidential Thanksgiving Family Forum in Iowa this weekend.

Here's would-be presidents Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich responding to a question from our own Brian Brown on DOMA:

First Media Take of the Iowa Thanksgiving Family Forum Co-Hosted by NOM

More from us soon, but in the meantime, here's what influential media sources are saying:

The Hill: This event, sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage and the Family Leader, was focused on social issues and was directed at a conservative audience that has been seeking a candidate other than Romney to take to Republican presidential nomination. Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who has been consistently at or near the top of the primary polls, spent the day in New Hampshire.

Politico: [Herman Cain] welled up twice, comforted by Rick Perry, sitting next to him at the table on a church stage set with Thanksgiving adornments for a discussion focused on faith, and in which opposition to abortion and gay marriage were discussed as critical issues. The event, sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage and the Family Leader — a group led by a longtime activist who played a key role in organizing for caucuses winner Mike Huckabee four years ago — marked an accelerated pitch to a pivotal caucus voting bloc. In addition to Gingrich, Cain and Perry, the table included Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum.

Fox News politics blog: Skipping the "Thanksgiving Family Forum" in Des Moines, Iowa was not a well-played political move on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's part, according to the head of the Family Research Council. The forum took place at the First Federated Church and focused on faith and how it affects the candidates. The event was aimed at social conservative caucus goers in the early voting state.

National Review's The Corner blog: Michele Bachmann talked about her work to pass an amendment making marriage between a man and woman only in Minnesota, an effort that made her “enemy number one,” she said. “We had to get our children out of the home because all of the death threats,” Bachmann recalled, noting that she had continued to work with Minnesota state legislators on the matter after she had been elected to Congress. The amendment will be on the state ballot in 2012.

Head of Catholic Church in England Condemns Cameron's Gay Marriage Proposal

The Telegraph:

In his most detailed public comments on the controversial move, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols warned against the proposal to “annexe the territory of marriage” for same-sex couples and “weaken” an institution at the heart of society.

... His comments highlight the fact that the Prime Minister will face strong opposition from traditional religious groups over the next year, despite receiving praise for his commitment to allow full marriage for same-sex couples for the first time.

Mexican Official: Same-Sex Marriage Not A Right

EWTN News:

An official from the Mexican Attorney General’s office warned that the state of Puebla's attempts to legalize same-sex "marriage" has nothing to do with human rights.

Official Juan de Dios Castro Lozano made his remarks during a conference in Puebla on Nov. 16 discussing the Mexican constitution. On debate surrounding the state's consideration of legalizing same-sex "marriage," he pointed out that civil unions for same-sex couples could be granted limited recognition under current statutes but not that of marriage.

Castro Lozano also expressed opposition to adoption by homosexual couples. “Adoption is not only a right belonging to adults, but also to children,” he said. The official offered his opinion that the scope of legal rights for same-sex partners in civil unions should stay within the bounds of public services, social security and related issues.

Spanish Opposition Leader May Move to Overturn Gay Marriage

Catholic Culture world news:

The leader of Spain's opposition party--who is favored to win general elections--may move to reverse the legal approval of same-sex marriage and the decriminalization of abortion.

Mariano Rajoy has said that he would "not undertake to keep" the new law recognizing same-sex marriages, although he might accept the registration of civil unions. His Partido Popular filed a challenge to the marriage legislation, which is still pending before Spain's constitutional court.

The Times, I'm Telling You, They are A-Changing!, NOM Marriage News, November 18, 2011

NOM National Newsletter

My Dear Friends,

The Democrats' leaders are downplaying the likelihood that repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act will pass the Senate. You know what DOMA is: the sole federal law protecting marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

Last week the Judiciary Committee approved the repeal on a party-line vote.

They now say they do not have the votes to pass it. Wow—that is quite an admission after claiming that the majority of people support it!

We have seen this in the state legislatures before. Proponents downplay the likelihood of passage, then pass the legislation.

We sent out an action alert and thousands responded. Thank you! House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Human Rights Campaign have responded by backing down, but other major groups are still telling their advocates a vote will occur. Even if you have already responded, please send your Senator a message today saying that you support DOMA and plan to vote in 2012.

I know that if you and I and thousands of Americans act today, this bill will never come up for a vote.

That's actually unfortunate, because we would love to see Democratic Senators like Claire McCaskill of Missouri choose between the pro-gay base and the voters back home. We would welcome a vote, as a vote on gay marriage is perfect for 2012.

Right now, the Defense of Marriage Act needs defenders of its own. Send an email, make a call, and tell your friends!

We've already won one major victory: The California Supreme Court has just ruled that backers of Proposition 8 do have standing to defend that measure in court.

Proposition 8 overturned a ruling by that same court, which imposed gay marriage on the state. When Prop 8 passed, advocates of gay marriage went back to the courts and tried to get it struck down. One of their strategies was to claim that Prop 8's supporters had no "standing," or legal right, to defend the measure in court. The California Supreme Court, to its great credit, recognized how much power this idea would wrest from the hands of voters, and thoroughly rejected it. "Neither the governor, the attorney general, nor any other executive or legislative official has the authority to veto or invalidate an initiative measure that has been approved by the voters," the court said.

Those of us who fight for marriage often hear that we should mind our own business. How will gay marriage affect you? Well, Damian Goddard knows.

On May 9, 2011 Damian had it all: a loving wife, two small children, and a dream job he loved as a sportscaster, for the Canadian equivalent of ESPN.

What happened to him is an absolute outrage.

Watch the newest Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance video interview and listen to Damian tell you how the same-sex marriage movement turned his life upside down.

As the battle in New York over same-sex marriage heated up, Damian wrote a note stating his views on his own personal Twitter account—to just 175 or so followers: "I completely and whole-heartedly support Todd Reynolds and his support for the traditional and TRUE meaning of marriage."

The next day he was called in by his bosses. He expected a slap on the wrist, maybe a demand he apologize—"How can I apologize for something I don't want to apologize for?" he recalls wondering to himself.

Instead he was summarily fired. "We're terminating your contract."

One of his bosses twisted the knife: "Damian, do you remember that conversation we had a while ago about the plans we had for you and these other shows at Sportsnet? Well, that's not happening now—you're fired!"

Thankfully, Damian is speaking out in defense of marriage and religious liberty. He is refusing to be silenced by the big bosses.

A decade ago, the courts imposed gay marriage where Damian lives. He remembers being asked by pro-gay marriage friends and relatives, "How will gay marriage affect your marriage?"

Well, now he knows: "Eleven years later I lost my job for saying I believe in one man and one woman marriage!"

But despite the unjust and heavy penalties he is paying for speaking up for marriage, Damian has no regrets.

"I would not change a thing. I stand by what I said," Damian says. "The words 'Be not afraid!' keep ringing in my ears—I cannot shake it. It's so strong... 'Be not afraid, be not afraid, don't worry'—so I'm not afraid."

Speak up! Be not afraid! Damian Goddard is an inspiration to us all!

And speaking of inspirations, there has been an amazing student-led revolution taking place at Yale University.

You probably didn't know that Yale has a "Sex Week," supposedly designed to help students discuss sensitive issues and real concerns, which has degenerated into a porn industry event. A fearless group of students published a critique in the Yale Daily News:

"We, as members of Undergraduates for a Better Yale College, would like to propose an alternative approach.... Simply put, we believe that the heart of the problem is the very attitude toward sexuality that prevails on campus, a paradoxical attitude that both trivializes sex and is obsessed with it. It is trivializing to treat sex as nothing more than a casual weekend pastime. It is obsessive—and pathetic—to be as consumed with sexual curiosity as our campus so frequently is.

"We believe that the hook-up culture is fertile ground for acts of sexual selfishness, insensitivity, cruelty and malice, for the simple reason that selfishness provides the whole premise of that culture. The individual search for pleasure is all. Other human beings exist as fellow-seekers and potential outlets for our desires. Rarely is it acknowledged that the human person is intrinsically deserving of respect—respect that demands we never use one another as objects, not even with consent. In such a climate of self-indulgence, is it any wonder that the worst aspects of our nature come to the fore? A culture of promiscuity has no right to be surprised by objectification, sexual disrespect and all that comes along with them."

As part of an investigation into Yale's sexual climate, former Massachusetts Chief Justice Margaret Marshall—yes, the same Margaret Marshall who supported gay marriage—recommended that the University discontinue "Sex Week":

"We heard over and over from students, faculty, and students that 'Sex Week at Yale,' a student-sponsored event, is highly problematic... in recent years it has prominently featured titillating displays, 'adult' film stars, and commercial sponsors of such material. We recommend that 'Sex Week at Yale' be prohibited from using Yale's name and any Yale facilities."

This week, Yale President Richard Levin agreed.

Bravo to Undergraduates for a Better Yale College for refusing to accept the normalization of sexual degradation. They spoke up, and caused positive change. The times, I'm telling you, they are a-changing.

As I write this I am on a plane winging my way to the great state of Iowa, where the Family Leader is hosting the 2012 Thanksgiving forum of the Republican presidential candidates. NOM and CitizenLink are co-sponsors of the event. You can watch at home on our live stream, from 4 to 6 pm Saturday! Frank Luntz will moderate what's sure to be an illuminating discussion.

This is our chance to talk about the issues which matter the most, with the men and women who seek to be the next leader of our nation.

Yours, faithfully,

Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S. Will you stand with us to defend marriage today? Whether you can give $15 or $150, your donations to NOM help to build the future—by protecting the truth about marriage for your children, your grandchildren, and this great country.


BREAKING NEWS! Prop 8 Proponents Have Standing To Defend Initiative in Federal Court

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

In a huge victory for NOM and supporters of Proposition 8, the California Supreme Court has ruled unanimously that the proponents of the initiative have the legal right to defend the initiative in court.

This is a major victory for the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund and the lead Prop 8 attorney, Chuck Cooper.

Had the Supreme Court not agreed with the backers of Prop 8 that the Proponents have the legal standing to defend the initiative, it is very likely that the ruling of a rogue judge that overturned Prop 8 would have gone unchallenged. This is because Governor Jerry Brown, his predecessor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Kamala Harris have shamefully refused to fulfill their constitutional responsibility to defend the marriage initiative in court, despite it being passed with the support of over 7 million California voters.

NOM was the largest contributor to putting Prop 8 on the ballot and has given $300,000 to help defend it in court.

Now the hard work begins. The constitutionality of Prop 8 has already been argued before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which requested the California Supreme Court to determine if state law gave the proponents the right to defend the measure on appeal. Presuming the Ninth Circuit accepts the answer it got today that the proponents DO have standing, they will issue their ruling determining whether the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman violates the US Constitution.

It's almost crazy to say this out loud — that somehow the core institution of society, marriage as the union of a man and a woman, violates our federal constitution. Yet that is what the lower court judge, Vaughn Walker, determined. Walker is the rogue San Francisco federal justice who has been in a long term homosexual relationship.

We'll be candid — we don't hold out a lot of hope of upholding Prop 8 in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Remember, this court is noted for their extreme liberalism and is the most overturned court in America. But whatever ruling the Ninth Circuit issues will speed this case to the US Supreme Court, where we can finally get a ruling on the merits.

NOM is confident that we will win this case when it gets to the United States Supreme Court. But there is a huge challenge we must help meet first – money.

The good news is that supporters of Proposition 8 have secured the right to defend the intiative. The bad news is that this will cost millions of dollars—money that we don't have. We urgently need your help.


We are already fighting on so many fronts—trying to defeat efforts in Congress to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, fighting to get the people of Iowa and New York the right to vote on an amendment, and working in countless state legislatures, like New Hampshire, Maryland, Rhode Island and New Jersey.

But defending one of our greatest accomplishments, the passage of Proposition 8 in California, cannot take a back seat to our current challenges. Somehow, we must do both.

This is the case that could become the Roe v. Wade of marriage. Imagine the damage to the gay marriage movement when the US Supreme Court rules definitively that the US Constitution does NOT contain a right to same-sex marriage! This case could become the pivotal moment in the entire battle.

NOM is only one part of the coalition working to fund the legal defense of the initiative in court. But we have an important part to play. We've already given $300,000 to the defense effort, but that is just a small fraction of the overall cost. Our opponents have unlimited resources from billionaires in Hollywood and on Wall Street. We must rely on the generosity of donors like you.

Would you please make a sacrificial gift today to help defend Proposition 8 in court? Everything you give will be used to support the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund. Every penny. We hope to be able to free up other resources to add to what you can give.

Chuck Cooper and his legal team have won a major victory for marriage. Now it is up to us to make sure that we take advantage of the opportunity we've won. Please, help us preserve marriage by contributing today.



Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
Executive Director
NOM Education Fund

NOM Commends California Supreme Court Decision Granting Standing of Proposition 8 Proponents to Defend Measure in Higher Courts

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 17, 2011
Contact: Mary Beth Hutchins (615-337-3710)

NOM Logo

Ruling Clears Way for Prop 8 to Eventually Head to the US Supreme Court

Washington — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today praised the unanimous decision of the California Supreme Court recognizing that California law gives initiative proponents the right to defend their own initiative, and predicted the ruling would speed the case to the US Supreme Court where NOM expects a victory. NOM was the largest contributor to qualifying Prop 8 to the ballot and has invested substantial funds in the defense of the initiative in court.

“It has been nothing short of shameful to see Governor Jerry Brown, his predecessor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Kamala Harris abdicate their constitutional responsibility to defend Proposition 8 in Court,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president. “Although today’s ruling from the California Supreme Court confirms that the proponents of Prop 8 have the right to defend their initiative when the state officials refuse to fulfill their sworn duty, it is gratifying to know that the over 7 million Californians who supported the initiative will have a vigorous defense of their decision in our federal courts.”

The decision of the California Supreme Court today now will be considered by the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which must ultimately decide whether the right of Initiative proponents recognized under state law meets the requirement for legal standing in the federal court. While the decision of the California Supreme Court is not binding on the Ninth Circuit, it seems certain that the Ninth Circuit would not ignore the advice, having asked the California Supreme Court to address this legal question.

“With this victory in hand, it is time for the Ninth Circuit to move the Prop 8 litigation forward to its eventual decision by the US Supreme Court,” Brown said. “We fully expect the Ninth Circuit, the most overturned court in America, to invalidate Prop 8, finding some phony right to same-sex marriage in the US constitution. However, once this case gets out of San Francisco and reaches the US Supreme Court, we fully expect to be victorious.”

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, or John Eastman, Chairman of the Board, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins (x105), [email protected], or Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.


Only Three Days Left!! Meet the GOP Presidential Candidates this SATURDAY!

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

In just three days, the GOP presidential candidates will be at First Federated Church in Des Moines for an in-depth conversation about their positions and policies as they relate to the family. This won’t be a typical debate, but will give you a chance to get to know the candidates better in a warm, family-friendly environment. Tickets are still available, but may not be available at the door, so order your tickets today!

Saturday, November 19
4:00-6:00 PM
First Federated Church, Des Moines

Moderated by Frank Luntz,
"America's Favorite Pollster"

"I promise this forum won't be like anything you've ever seen. No gotcha questions by the panel. No spin by the politicians. Just an authentic discussion among the people who seek to lead this great nation. It has the potential to be the most important forum of the primary presidential campaign."

Candidates Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum (confirmed); Mitt Romney (invited)
Hosted by: The Family Leader
Co-Sponsors: National Organization for Marriage
CitizenLink (A Focus on the Family Affiliate)
Location: First Federated Church
4801 Franklin Ave., Des Moines, IA
Time: 4:00-6:00 PM
Ticket Price: $40
Family Pack: 4 Tickets for $125

I hope you can join us in Des Moines on Saturday. Hosted by the Family Leader, the Thanksgiving Family Forum will be one of the best opportunities of the year to get to meet the GOP presidential hopefuls in person. But for those unable to attend, the forum will also be streamed live on from 3:30-6:00 PM.

Or listen live on the Bott Radio Network — Christian Talk Radio by clicking here. Or click here to find a Bott Radio Network station in your state.

You'll also be able to tune in to FOX News on Thanksgiving evening (time yet to be determined) to watch Frank's post-forum focus group with Moms.


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage


EMERGENCY ALERT: Senate Liberals Poised to Hold Marriage Hostage on Defense Authorization Bill!

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

Senate liberals have sunk to a new low.

We can't let them get away with it.

Reports out of Washington are now indicating that – just a week after forcing a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) through the Judiciary Committee on a party line vote – Senator Diane Feinstein, Senate Judiciary Chair Pat Leahy (D-VT) and Majority Leader Harry Reid may now attach the DOMA repeal bill to the 2012 Defense Authorization bill, a bill that must be passed in order to fund our servicemen and women through the next year.

Please take a moment to send a message to your Senators right now, urging them to block this underhanded strategy to redefine marriage.

Senator Feinstein admits she doesn't have the votes to repeal DOMA on an up-or-down vote. So she's trying to attach it to a piece of "must-pass" legislation, forcing Senators to choose between voting against marriage and voting against our military and national defense. It's no wonder the American people are fed up with Congress.

Please, even if you've already sent a message, take action today. The Defense Authorization bill could come up for a vote at any time, and it's critical that we stop the DOMA repeal bill in its tracks. Urge your Senator to filibuster any effort to use the Defense Authorization to force same-sex marriage on the American people.

Here's what I'm asking you to do:

  1. Send an email. Click here to send a message to your Senators, urging them to block any attempt at using the Defense Authorization bill to repeal DOMA.

  2. Make a phone call. Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your Senators by name (or click here to look them up). The Defense Authorization bill could come up very soon, and your phone calls are critical.

  3. Tell your friends. Forward this email to family members, or use the links below to post to Facebook or Twitter. Together, we can send a powerful message to Washington!

    Facebook ThisTweet ThisEmail This

Same-sex marriage advocates are making a powerful push to repeal DOMA in the Senate this year. We must stop them.

Please stand with us today.


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage


Elizabeth Marquardt: "Get Ready For Group Marriage"

Elizabeth Marquardt makes one good point: once we abandon the core reality that marriage is the union of husband and wife, what's to stop "group marriage"?

Is the prospect of group marriage far-fetched? Probably not. There are several avenues that could soon lead to legal recognition of unions involving three or more people. The efforts come from the fringes of the left, from the darkest corners of the fundamentalist right, and from the laboratories of fertility clinics and hard scientists around the world.

... Get ready for the debate. And in the meantime, wedding planners: start figuring out how many brides and grooms you can fit down that aisle. -- Huffington Post

National Organization For Marriage Announces Damian Goddard as Spokesperson of the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 16, 2011
Contact: Mary Beth Hutchins (703-683-5004 x.105)

WASHINGTON – "Today we are proud to announce that Damian Goddard has joined NOM's Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance (MADA), to speak on behalf of the rights of decent, loving, law-abiding citizens to speak, to write, to donate, to organize and to act to defend marriage," stated Brian Brown, president of NOM, announcing a new spokesperson for the group whose goal is to create a supportive community for those who have been threatened for standing for marriage.

Damian Goddard, a former sportscaster for the Canadian network Rogers Sportsnet, lost his job after tweeting his support of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. After a career of nearly 20 years spanning both radio and television sports broadcasting, and at the time one of the leading anchors on Sportsnet, Goddard was immediately fired for voicing his view on marriage.

"I expected that they would try to force me to recant, write an apology, would threaten a suspension, or give me a 'slap on the wrist' of some sort. Instead, just seconds into our meeting, I was told I was out of a job." explains Goddard. "We cannot stay silent on this, we have hope and a message and we cannot just sit back and be silent. Marriage is a unique institution and we must become involved."

Now Goddard has taken on a new role, as spokesman for MADA, giving a voice to others who have faced pressure to remain silent on the marriage issue. "In the sports world, no matter the sport, if you sit back and relax and you are going to lose. The National Organization for Marriage and MADA are giving people the voice they need to fight back, and, while I wish I had not been fired from my former job, I am thrilled to be able to be a part of this effort," said Goddard.

See Damian Goddard tell his story in his own words here.

To schedule an interview with Damian Goddard, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x.104), [email protected], or Mary Beth Hutchins (x105), [email protected], at 703-683-5004
