Gay Teen Sex on Fox TV: Glee Whiz!!!

Entertainment Weekly:

The couples losing their virginity? Finn and Rachel and…Kurt and Blaine! Yep, the couple — who was featured on the cover of [Entertainment Weekly]’s Gay Teens on TV issue – finally decide to take the next step in their relationship. It’s all handled very delicately and is incredibly moving. I can’t think of another network series that’s taken a teenage gay relationship so far or been so progressive. The moment is instigated when another teen, Warbler member Sebastian (Grant Gustin), aggressively pursues Blaine. The trio actually have a very amusing triple date to West Lima’s only gay bar Scandals and run into none other than Karofsky (Max Adler). Look for a great moment between Karofsky and Kurt.

Dozens Protest Lutheran Benefit Society in MN Over Allowing Donations To Pro-Marriage Groups

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is the largest fraternal benefit society in the United States, serving nearly 3 million members.

But because two individuals used Thrivent to direct personal donations to pro-family groups (one of them seven years ago), gay marriage activists held a protest outside of Thrivent's corporate headquarters in Minneapolis:

On Sunday, a crowd of 100 protestors assembled in front of Thrivent Financial in downtown Minneapolis. The group called "Join the Impact" pledged to "Call Out Funders of Anti-Gay Bigotry and Demand "Marriage Equality Now." There was not much media coverage.

"We're here to demand that Thrivent Financial stop its funding of anti-LGBT hate and bigotry," protestors said, referring to donations from Thrivent's Lutheran Community Foundation to the Minnesota Family Council and Focus on the Family, a conservative group based in Colorado.

Chis Anderson, executive director of The Lutheran Community Foundation, said the foundation runs 3,500 donor advised funds in which donors make their own charitable selections. Seven years ago, a donor directed $500 to the Minnesota Family Council.

Last year, a donor gave $5,700 to Focus on the Family. Anderson said the Foundation takes no position on social or public policy issues such as the marriage amendment. -- Minnesota Public Radio

Gay Marriage Activists, Defeated in NJ Legislature, Turn to the Courts

The New Jersey Star-Ledger:

In the latest attempt to legalize gay marriage in New Jersey, same-sex couples are headed to court today to try to convince a judge their partnerships are more than civil unions.

The couples, defeated in their efforts last year to get the state Legislature to recognize same-sex marriages, turned to the courts to obtain what they say would be true marriage equality.

Superior Court Assignment Judge Linda Feinberg will hear arguments from Garden State Equality, a civil rights organization for same-sex couples, and the state Attorney General’s Office, which is defending New Jersey’s civil union law.

Catholic Archbishop Asks Every MN Parish to Form Pro-Amendment Committee

Archbishop John Nienstedt is becoming a strong hero for marriage:

Minnesota's Roman Catholic bishops are taking the unusual step of urging parish priests across the state to form committees to help get the proposed marriage amendment passed by voters in 2012.

"It is imperative that we marshal our resources to educate the faithful about the church's teachings on these matters, and to vigorously organize and support a grass-roots effort to get out the vote to support the passage of this amendment," Twin Cities Archbishop John Nienstedt wrote in a letter to his priests dated Oct. 4.

The letter asks parish priests to "appoint a captain or co-chairs to lead a special parish ad hoc committee to spearhead this effort."

Coming more than one year ahead of the November election, the move is the latest sign of the early intensity surrounding the amendment to change the state's Constitution to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. -- Star-Tribune

Two Great Marriage Events from National Marriage Week USA

From their press release:

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 - FREE Webcast at 7 p.m. Eastern. 6 p.m. Central, 5 p.m. Mountain and 4 p.m. Pacific time.

Please join us for a very special live webcast with New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller and his wife Kathy Keller as they discuss their new book, "The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God" on November 1st at 7pm.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 - FREE 30-Minute Conference Call for Church Leaders, Pastors, and Marriage Activists. 11 a.m. Eastern, 10 a.m. Central, 9 a.m. Mountain, 8 a.m. Pacific time.

How to use National Marriage Week USA--February 7 to 14-- to help marriages and your community! Learn how to join with others across the nation to create a ground swell of activity to strengthen marriage and attract attention of the media and government and your community leaders! Learn about a new Great Date Night video webcast in the works for the week leading up to Valentine's Day.

US Bishops Urge Senate Not to Repeal Defense of Marriage Act

Catholic Culture World News:

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is urging the US Senate to reject the Respect for Marriage Act--a measure that would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which became law in 1996.

“DOMA recognizes for federal purposes that marriage is defined as the union of one man and one woman,” notes Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of Oakland, chairman of the USCCB Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage. “It also prevents the redefinition of marriage in any one state from forcing other states to follow suit.”

... “Redefining marriage to mean simply an arrangement of consenting adults violates justice because it interferes with basic human rights,” he added. “Changing the institution of marriage by making it indifferent to the absence of one sex or the other denies that children have the fundamental human right to be cared by both their mother and father. Such revision transforms marriage from a child-centered to an adult-centered status to the detriment of children.”

Obama's Lawlessness on DOMA (cont.), NOM Marriage News, November 4, 2011

NOM National Newsletter

My Dear Friends,

This week the Senate Dems began to debate a bill repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, the one federal law that protects marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

And this week 86 House members have stood up to ask that the Defense Department authorization re-affirm DOMA. Missouri's Todd Akin leads the charge, saying, "The Defense of Marriage Act was passed by a bipartisan vote in Congress and signed into law by President Clinton. Unfortunately, this current administration is now directing the Department of Defense to ignore this law and perform gay marriages on military bases. I think this is wrong, which is why I offered an amendment to the House-passed defense bill making it clear that DOMA applies to the DOD. This letter calls for the Senate to add a similar amendment to their version of the bill. The Department of Defense should not be allowed to simply ignore laws they do not like."

Obama's essentially post-modern lawlessness is on display. Laws all consist of words. If you can redefine the meanings of words you need bow your head to no law, making a mockery of the rule of law itself.

Speaking of mockeries, what do you think of Kim Kardashian's announcement that she is ending her 72-day "marriage" to NBA player Kris Humphries? For many this is just the latest example of the degree of disrespect and indolence which Hollywood and the cultural elite in this country show for the institution of marriage.

Kim Kardashian makes untold millions being, well, a Kardashian. From reality TV shows to special appearances, fashion bags, a fragrance line and even paid Twitter posts, she's become Kardashian, Inc. It's said she spent $10 million on her "dream" wedding to Humphries, but reportedly collected $17 million from sponsors who purchased the exclusive TV and magazine rights to cover the event.

Perhaps it's not surprising that someone who sees her wedding as a money-making opportunity doesn't really mean it when she vows, "until death do us part."

Funny how so many of these Hollywood celebrities support gay marriage, as Ms. Kardashian does.

The two most prominent straight guys I know of pushing for gay marriage, Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg have one thing in common: Neither of them apparently want to marry the person they love.

It’s probably no accident. Just as the same people who advocated gay marriage in Mexico City now advocate for something called time-limited marriage. Rather than pledging "til death do us part," these activists for gay marriage now urge redefining marriage to a vow of "two years perhaps" (which is, of course, longer than some celebrity marriages!).

From Manhattan to Hollywood and Mexico City, too many of these "marriage equality" activists make it clear by their actions that their intent is not to bring marriage as we have traditionally known it to same-sex couples, but to fundamentally change marriage itself into a completely new institution which does not value monogamy, does not value a life-long commitment, does not view childbearing and child-rearing as a primary purpose, and replaces the concept of mutual sacrifice with self-love.

In other words, it doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to the institution of marriage which God authored and which virtually every human society has endorsed since the dawn of civilization.

There's no question that the institution of marriage has taken some hits. It needs to be strengthened. Too many people enter into it casually and leave just as casually. Too many children are born out of wedlock. We ought to have a national conversation about laws and policies which will reinvigorate a true marriage culture. Those of us committed to preserving marriage as the union of a man and a woman must make just as strong a commitment to strengthening the institution we are trying to preserve.

But to make the case, as advocates of gay marriage do, that because marriage has been weakened in today's society means it should be further warped beyond recognition, makes no sense.

We all agree that marriage should be strengthened, particularly in its capacity to bring children the love and care of a committed mom and dad. Same-sex marriage leads us in the opposite direction.

Thank you to each one of you who viewed NOM's Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance's latest shocking and heart-rending video.

When I first learned that the gay-marriage movement is right now actively working to shut down religious foster care and adoption agencies in Illinois, my heart dropped. I could not believe it. So I sent a crack filmmaker out to Illinois to investigate, and above you can watch the new video which tells you the unvarnished truth: The new gay "rights" agenda includes the right to deprive children of loving foster homes, if those homes are found by religious adoption agencies which refuse to do gay adoptions.

Wonderful folks like Randi Craigen, who with her husband Clive fostered and adopted Zeb and Trinity: "I felt that was a place I could serve God and help a child."

Now that Evangelical Child and Family Agency is shut out of working with foster children, Randi is really, really concerned about the impact on her own foster kids and others like them: "It's bad for children first of all because now there's an agency that is not going to be able to provide families for them, and there are already not enough families," Randi tells us. Foster father Mike adds, "If those [Christian] people don't have a logical place to go there will be less parents helping these children."

Fewer parents helping abused and orphaned kids?

You and I should be very concerned too.

I'm the father of seven children myself. As a Christian I know we have a special obligation to the orphaned and abused child.

If you haven't yet seen this video, please go there now, and also pass it on to your friends!

It's on the front page of

The intentions of too many in the gay-marriage movement are becoming crystal clear. This kind of shutdown of Christian foster agencies is not a side effect of "equality," including "marriage equality"— it's part of the point.

That was proved this week in Michigan where Democrats, prompted by gay rights groups, vigorously contested the passage of an anti-bullying bill because... hold your hats... because it specifically protected teens' First Amendment rights to express moral and religious views in appropriate ways.

"The law includes a section noting it doesn't abridge First Amendment free speech rights or prohibit expression of religious or moral viewpoints—a provision Democrats fear could be used to justify harassment of gay, lesbian or transgender students," the Detroit News reports.

Has it come to that? Are some major political players openly now asserting that protecting gay children from bullying—a worthy goal—requires giving the government the right to prohibit thoughtful and civil expressions of religious or moral viewpoints?

What would become of our democracy if we accepted this reckless premise?

I hope Michigan's effort to civilize children by repressing bullying becomes a landmark of a new effort to genuinely address the legitimate concerns of parents—including parents with gay teens—without heavy-handed use of government power to repress and exclude Christian views on sex and marriage.

Let me finish with a bit of underreported good international news: Chile's high court rejected a constitutional right to gay marriage by a vote of 9-1.

The majority of courts as well as the majority of people have rejected Ted Olson's and David Boies's insane claim that nothing but bigotry and hatred explains our marriage tradition.

Until next week, stay strong (and stay sane)!


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S. You can act now to defend marriage! When you donate to NOM you are fighting for the future of marriage—not just for yourself, not just for your children, but for your grandchildren and the generations to come.

Christian Post: Kim Kardashian Divorce Ammo for Gay Marriage Advocates?

The Christian Post asked social conservatives the question, including NOM co-founder Maggie Gallagher:

In an email to The Christian Post, NOM Board Chairwoman Maggie Gallagher responded, "I'm reluctant to criticize any given individual who divorces because moral judgments are hard without more information that it is my business to know – and celebrity divorces are too common to warrant special notice. Hollywood in general and Kim Kardashian in particular support gay marriage. Perhaps that makes sense, if the speed of her divorce reflects a reduced commitment to the marriage.”

She further pointed out that the biggest supporters of gay marriage, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Michael Bloomberg, “are apparently not that interested in marrying the women they love.”

Video: Simon & Schuster Books Create Cartoon Mocking God, Christianity on Sexuality

We guess Simon & Schuster thinks this is smart marketing -- mocking Christian pastors who preach the bible's teaching on sexuality (warning: many folks will find this deeply offensive):

New Book on Prop 8 & Promoting SSM To Appear in CA Classrooms Soon?

If you can't convince them, convince their children:

When "Yes on 8" signs began popping up on lawns in their Palo Alto neighborhood in 2008, Kathy and Lee Merkle-Raymond found themselves on the front line of the battle over gay marriage in California.

The same-sex couple, who were campaigning against Proposition 8, had to explain to their two young daughters why some of their friends' parents didn't want them to be allowed to marry. Then, with their daughters' encouragement, the couple decided to tie the knot before the ban on same-sex marriage took effect.

Their story is now the basis for "Operation Marriage," a new children's book that could make its way into classrooms and school libraries now that California passed a law ensuring that children learn about the contributions of gays and lesbians. -- San Mateo County Times

FRC: "Desperate" Conan O'Brien To Officiate Gay Ceremony in New York

The Family Research Council in Opposing Views:

If Conan O'Brien thinks hosting a same-sex "wedding" on his show will help its popularity, the joke's on him. To celebrate the funnyman's one-year anniversary on TBS, "Conan" is broadcasting this week from his old neighborhood in New York City. And in a desperate move for ratings, the host is taking advantage of the state's new law by "marrying" two of his male staffers on the program. Thanks to a free online certificate from the Universal Life Church, he can even officiate.

While Conan might grab a few headlines from the ceremony, the irony of a comedian performing the ceremony--along with his joke of an ordination--is notable. If Hollywood wants to help our movement highlight what a sham same-sex "marriage" is, then late-night television is the perfect medium!

Local Press: Iowa Senate Election Could Pave Way For Vote on Marriage

The Des Moines Register:

Republicans view the 26-24 Democratic control of the Senate as a last barrier holding them back from marching ahead on issues from tax cuts to a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

Small-business owner Cindy Golding, a Republican, and former television news anchor Liz Mathis, a Democrat, say they’re focusing their campaigns on issues important to the district they seek to represent. But the possibility of a 25-25 Senate split has attracted hundreds of activists from around the state to the district and hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign spending in an attempt to sway the outcome.

...For Republicans, [Democrat Senate Majority Leader Mike] Gronstal has become a symbol of Democratic roadblocks to their legislative priorities, especially because of his refusal to allow a Senate vote that would pave the way for the public to vote on a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

... groups like the National Organization for Marriage, which opposes same-sex marriage, have jumped into the fray. The group sent out fliers advocating for Golding, saying, “The future of Iowa hangs in the balance.”

MN Op-Ed: Healthy Marriage Culture Would Prevent Teen Suicides

Prof. Teresa Collett in the Star-Tribune:

It is a biological fact that only a man and a woman can create a child through their sexual acts. That child will need the care of adults for years after her birth.

And while it is true that the most basic physical needs of the child can be met by almost any adult, common sense and social science tell us that, most of the time, the best people to care for the child are her mother and father.

Children in the United States who are raised outside of the home of their married, biological parents are two to three times more likely to suffer from psychological problems, such as depression, and engage in socially harmful behavior like delinquency and dropping out of high school.

Sociologist Paul Amato estimates that if the United States enjoyed the same level of family stability today as it did in 1960, the nation would have 750,000 fewer children repeating grades, 1.2 million fewer school suspensions, approximately 500,000 fewer acts of teenage delinquency, about 600,000 fewer kids receiving therapy, and approximately 70,000 fewer suicide attempts every year.

The legal institution of marriage exists primarily to encourage lifelong monogamous sexual unions of men and women, where we expect that children will result as often as not.

Gay Marriage Activists Holding Closed-Door Meetings on Capitol Hill To Court GOP

National Journal's Influence Alley blog:

Ahead of today's Senate Judiciary Committee mark-up of legislation to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, the group Freedom to Marry has been holding closed-door "salons" over the past few weeks, trying to build a broad coalition in support of same-sex marriage.

The salons are designed to bring together groups of politically likeminded strategists, consultants and others who support same-sex marriage or are on the fence to discuss the issue and how to make it a reality. There was a salon on Oct. 11 for center-right politicos and one on Oct. 19 for Republicans, which brought together about 20 people at each gathering. Freedom to Marry wouldn't say who was there. There is a salon for Democrats on Nov. 16.

... The salons are also meant to show conservatives that support gay marriage they are not alone. Getting them to support the issue publicly, though, is another story.

...large majorities of Republicans remain opposed [to redefining marriage], putting political pressure on GOP lawmakers who support same-sex marriage to keep mum on the topic. (Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida is the lone Republican cosponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act out of the more than 150 cosponsors in the House and Senate.)

Two Illinois Inns Sued For Refusing to Host Same-Sex Civil Union Ceremony

From the Windy City Times (a gay newspaper):

A gay couple has filed complaints with the Illinois Human Rights Commission against two downstate bed-and-breakfast inns that allegedly refused to host their civil-union ceremony.
Todd and Mark Wathen of Mattoon, Ill., allege that both the Timber Creek Bed and Breakfast and Beall Mansion Bed and Breakfast discriminated against them by refusing to host their legally recognized ceremony.

The Wathen's attorneys—Betty Tsamis of Chicago, and John Knight and Harvey Grossman of the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois—announced the filing Nov. 2 in a news release.

... The complaint alleges that Jim Belote, Beall Mansion owner, told Todd Wathen in an email that his inn was only performing "traditional weddings."

"At this time, we don't do civil unions ( same sex or opposite sex ) ," Belote wrote in an email, which is attached to the complaint. "Nor do we do wedding rehearsal dinners ( same sex or opposite sex ) ."

The email goes on to say that both same-sex and opposite-sex couples are welcome to stay at the inn.

Belote was reached by phone but declined to comment on the pending litigation.

...Citing the Illinois Human Rights Act, the Wathens have asked for monetary awards and an end to the discriminatory practice.

"When a business is open to the public in Illinois, they cannot discriminate against a couple based on their sexual orientation—that is the law," said Tsamis in the news statement. "This case is important to ensure that the State's public accommodations law reflects fairness and equality and that the law is followed by all businesses."