Read: Chairman John Eastman's Full Testimony Before Congress

Below is our Chairman Prof. John Eastman's official testimony before Congress on the illegal release of NOM's confidential tax documents:

John Eastman House Ways and Means Committee Testimony

Our Chairman's Explosive IRS Testimony Before Congress

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The audience at a congressional hearing isn't supposed to give applause, but they did when they heard what our Chairman John Eastman had to say.

Let me explain why his testimony has gained the admiration of tea party and conservative activists and the renewed attention of politicians and the media across the country.

Yesterday Eastman was invited by Congress to testify about the illegal disclosure of NOM's confidential tax documents, along with five other heads of conservative organizations that were targeted by the IRS.

What made Eastman's testimony different — and explosive — was the fact that NOM's case is far more egregious, because our private donors were exposed to intimidation and harassment when President Obama's political allies were given our confidential information.

Can you pause right now and donate to support NOM's mission, helping us expose the illegal and outrageous attacks made against us and against private citizens like you?

See how Eastman responded to the "scurrilous" attacks made against NOM, conservatives and marriage supporters by some of the members on the committee — completely shutting them down and leaving them speechless:

Here's the line of Eastman's that everyone is quoting, when he responds to an attack by Rep. Earl Blumenaur claiming marriage supporters shouldn't be allowed to participate in the public square:

"Representative Blumenauer, it's your kind of statements that have empowered IRS agents to make determinations about which organizations qualify for the public good and which do not. The notion that defending traditional marriage doesn't qualify as a defense of the public good is beyond preposterous."


Of course it's always disappointing to see some representatives like Bluemenauer attempt to make marriage partisan when it is not. We proudly collaborate with many democrats who support marriage. In fact, during the same hearing Rep. Rangel (D-NY) proposed working together with Eastman to help make sure the mess at the IRS is cleaned up.

But back to Eastman's testimony: I'm sure now you can understand why applause erupted inside the hearing room as Eastman delivered his bold reprimand, and why his comments have received so much attention and support in the aftermath.

Neil Cavuto of Fox Business called Eastman "the man in the center of the storm who put up quite a storm" and told Eastman he was "on fire" during his testimony. NOM's story (and Eastman's explosive testimony) is now going viral across the internet.

Facebook and Twitter lit up yesterday with praise for Eastman and thanksgiving for his passionate articulation of why what the IRS did is unacceptable and how liberal politicians have emboldened bureaucrats to harass and abuse those they perceive to be their political opponents.

Please chip in right away with your generous donation of $35, $50 or $100 to join our effort to see that justice is done and that an even playing field is reestablished for marriage supporters and all Americans.

Eastman's testimony is our best chance yet to get to the bottom of what happened inside the IRS — and to find out who may have known about it outside the IRS and was an accomplice to the crime.

One of the facts that Eastman shared during his testimony is how much NOM has been forced to spend to defend and shield its donors in the aftermath of the IRS's illegal disclosure of our tax documents — hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Please contribute to NOM right away to help us recoup these losses and help us pursue a just remedy — including seeking financial damages — for what has happened. Your gift of $35, $100 or $500 will help us expose the truth and stand up for the constitutional rights of all Americans to participate in democracy without fear of harassment or retribution.

Thank you for being generous.

Together, we will find answers and see that justice is done.

Video: NOM's Eastman on Cavuto, GretaWire, News Hour and Special Report

John Eastman personally appeared or his testimony was featured in several major broadcasts last night (and more to come!)-- watch for yourself:

Fox Business - Cavuto:

Fox News - On the Record with Greta Van Susteren:

PBS News Hour:

Watch News Wrap: Conservative Groups Speak Out On IRS on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.

FOX Special Report:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Video: NOM's Eastman Responds to Democrats Blaming Victims for IRS Abuses

This video is quickly making the rounds today -- it showcases our chairman Prof. John Eastman making very effective use of his time to underscore one of the causes of the systematic IRS abuses:

"If you were impressed with Paul Ryan’s retort to Jim McDermott today in the House hearing on the IRS scandal, get your seatbelts in place for John Eastman’s ferocious, angry rebuttal to two other Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee.  Eastman chairs the National Organization for Marriage, a group supporting the traditional one-man-one-woman definition that somehow founds its confidential IRS data in the hands of its biggest opponent, Human Rights Campaign.  Eastman made the most of his time, to an ovation from the crowd (via The Corner)." -- HotAir

You can view the full video of the committee hearing at this link.

Related: See video of the interviews Prof. Eastman has been doing in the aftermath of his "explosive" congressional testimony.

And please donate to support our mission to protect marriage and expose the abuses at the IRS.

Media Coverage of Chairman Eastman's Testimony

John Eastman

Dozens and dozens of major news outlets have picked up on the revelations made by our chairman, Prof. John Eastman, during his testimony today before the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee -- this isn't counting all of the accolades he has received on Twitter and Facebook for standing up for the rights of Americans who have had their constitutional rights violated!

7Online WSVN-TV

The president of another group, the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. George Eastman said he thought the IRS's release of that information was designed to intimidate contributors ...

9 News NBC

The National Organization for Marriage, which opposes gay marriage, said its donor list was leaked -- apparently by the IRS -- to its political opponents, the ... (KNXV-TV)

John Eastman, the chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, then responded, unprompted, to the “scurrilous” remarks of the congressman.

“The Andrea Tantaros Show”

6/5/13: ~58:58-~66:32

Ann Coulter

The IRS leaked the donor list of The National Organization for Marriage to their political opponents, the pro-gay-marriage Human Rights Campaign. This is not idle speculation: The documents had an internal IRS stamp on them. The list of names was then published on a number of liberal websites and NOM's donors were harassed.


John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage said that in 2012, confidential donor information that he said came from his group's tax returns was posted on the website of a political opponent, the Human Rights Campaign. Eastman's group, which is tax exempt, opposes same-sex marriage, which the Human Rights Campaign supports.

The Atlantic Wire

The committee heard from six witnesses: Dr. John Eastman (National Organization for Marriage), Diane Belsom (Laurens County Tea Party), Becky Gerritson (Wetumpka Tea Party), Karen Kenney (San Fernando Valley Patriots), Kevin Kookogey (Linchpins of Liberty), and Sue Martinek (Coalition for Life of Iowa).

Baltimore Sun

A leading opponent of the effort to legalize same-sex marriage in Maryland used a high-profile congressional hearing Tuesday to allege that the Internal Revenue Service leaked a list of its donors to an adversarial group just as it was mounting a ...

The Blaze

John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, accused the IRS of intentionally leaking confidential donor information to groups hostile to his organization.

The Blaze

John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, called for prosecution into what he described as a “felony” at a hearing before the House Ways and Means Committee.


Among the witnesses at yesterday’s hearing was John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage. The group’s political opponents at the Human Rights Campaign received NOM’s confidential information, including a donor list. The documents, Eastman said, contained markings that proved it had come from inside the IRS.

Boston Herald

One group, the National Organization for Marriage, says the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. Leaders of the groups were scheduled to testify before the House Ways and Means Committee. Ways and Means is one of three ..


In a powerful moment at the House Hearing on the IRS abuses, John Eastman, Chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, reminded Congressman Rangel about the NAACP needing the protection of 501(c)4 anonymity in the 1950s...


On Tuesday, John C. Eastman, the National Organization for Marriage's Chairman of the Board, accused the IRS of illegally leaking information about the organization's donors to liberal organizations for political purposes.


John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, is scheduled to talk about confidential documents from the anti-same-sex marriage group that were sent to the IRS and then released. The anticipated release today of a report on IRS ...

Catholic Online

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - The Daily Caller is reporting that it received a copy of a letter from the National Organization for Marriage to the Treasure Inspector General for the Tax Administration to "investigate and learn the source of the ...

Cavuto: Fox Business Network (extended clip)


"The copy of our tax returns and our list of donors that was posted there was redacted," the NOM's John Eastman said. "Our computer forensic people were able to unlayer the redactions from that PDF file and discovered that the original document that was posted there had originated from within the IRS."

CBS Evening News:

John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), alleged that evidence shows the IRS illegally disclosed confidential information about its donors -- information that ultimately was published on the website of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights organization politically opposed to the National Organization for Marriage.

Charlotte Observer

The president of another group, the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. George Eastman said he thought the IRS's release of that information was designed to intimidate contributors to the group - which opposes same-sex marriage - "to chill them from donating again."

Christian Post

Someone at the Internal Revenue Service gave confidential National Organization for Marriage tax documents to the Human Rights Campaign, Dr. John Eastman, NOM's chairman of the board, testified Tuesday before the House Ways and Means Committee.

Christian Post

Someone at the Internal Revenue Service gave confidential National Organization for Marriage tax documents to the Human Rights Campaign, Dr. John Eastman, NOM's chairman of the board, testified Tuesday before the House Ways and Means Committee.


National Organization for Marriage (NOM) Chairman John Eastman told the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee about NOM’s experience. He said the IRS disclosed unauthorized information on NOM donors last year; the information was published on the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) website.

John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, accused the IRS of leaking this organization's confidential donor list in violation of felony law.

John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, accused the IRS of leaking this organization's confidential donor list in violation of felony law.

Calling the tax-exempt status of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) a “charade,” Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) said it should not qualify for 501(c)(4) status with the Internal Revenue Service, because it is not a social welfare group but political in nature.

Conservative Intel

This led to the most exciting part of yesterday’s hearing. Here’s National Organization for Marriage Chairman John Eastman pushing back just moments later, to applause from a hearing room packed with people the IRS subjected to delays that cost them as much as $100,000 in legal expenses and lost donations.

Courier Journal

"You can imagine our shock and disgust with this. We zealously guard our donors, as almost every charity does," said John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage. He said IRS officials have not taken the episode seriously, even though release of donor lists is a felony.


The House Ways and Means Committee held the fifth Congressional hearing on the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS. Lawmakers heard testimony from groups that were subjected to delays and extra scrutiny during the targeting efforts.

The Daily Caller

The IRS leaked the donor list of The National Organization for Marriage to their political opponents, the pro-gay-marriage Human Rights Campaign. This is not idle speculation: The documents had an internal IRS stamp on them. The list of names was then published on a number of liberal websites and NOW’s donors were harassed.

Des Moines Register

"You can imagine our shock and disgust with this. We zealously guard our donors, as almost every charity does," said John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage. He said IRS officials have not taken the episode seriously, even though release of donor lists is a felony.

Desert News

Durango Herald

John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage said that in 2012, confidential donor information that he said came from his group’s tax returns was posted on the website of a political opponent, the Human Rights Campaign. Eastman’s group, which is tax exempt, opposes same-sex marriage, which the Human Rights Campaign supports.

The leaders include John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, Diane Belsom of the Laurens County Tea Party, Becky Gerritson of the Wetumpka Tea Party, Karen Kenny of the San Fernando Valley Patriots, Kevin Kookogey, founder ...

The chairman of the group National Organization for Marriage, John Eastman, says he has evidence the IRS leaked his group's donor list to their political rivals on the opposing side of the marriage debate, the pro-same-sex marriage group, the Human ...

March 2012 - the Huffington Post published the confidential 2008 donor list of the National Organization for Marriage, a conservative tax-exempt organization. July 2012 - the Administration (thru the Treasury Department) was informed by the Treasury ...

The Fiscal Times

“Is this limited to the IRS?” asked John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, suggesting that the FBI and ATF had also launched politicized investigations. “This is the beginning of a thread on a sweater that is just unraveling.”

Fort Worth Star Telegram

The allegation came from John Eastman, a California law professor and chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, a conservative organization opposed to gay marriage rights, which are expanding nationwide. Eastman said inside help was given to ...

Fox News

"This just smells and I hope this committee gets to the bottom of it," John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, said at a hearing before the House Ways and Means Committee. Eastman testified Tuesday alongside several Tea Party ...

Fox New Insider

The House Ways and Means committee hearing with organizations targeted by the IRS just began on Capitol Hill, with the committee's chairman, Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), giving opening statements

Fox 10 News

John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage said that in 2012, confidential donor information that he said came from his group's tax returns was posted on the website of a political opponent, the Human Rights Campaign. Eastman's group, which is tax exempt, opposes same-sex marriage, which the Human Rights Campaign supports.

Freedom’s Lighthouse

Outstanding response by “National Organization for Marriage” (NOM) Chair, John Eastman, to what he described as the “scurrilous” things the Democrats on the ...

Freedom Works

On Tuesday, John Eastman, the Chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, tore into Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee defending the IRS for targeting conservative organizations like his.

The Gazette

John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage said that in 2012, confidential donor information that he said came from his group's tax returns was posted on the website of a political opponent, the Human Rights Campaign. Eastman's group, which is tax exempt, opposes same-sex marriage, which the Human Rights Campaign supports.

Green Bay Gazette

The National Organization for Marriage, which opposes gay marriage, said its donor list was leaked -- apparently by the IRS -- to its political opponents, the pro-gay marriage Human Rights Campaign.

Greenville News

From left, Kevin Kookogey, founder and president, Linchpins of Liberty; Diane Belsom, Laurens County, S.C. Tea Party; John Eastman, chairman, National Organization for Marriage; Karen Kenney, San Fernando Valley, Calif. Patriots; Sue Martinek ...

Greta Wire

Watch our conversation with Mr. Eastman and Mr. Kookogey from last night's show and sound off on their testimony before Congress in the IRS scandal.


The Hill (blog)

John Eastman, the president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) – a prominent group opposing same-sex marriage – is among those scheduled to appear, after NOM announced plans last month to sue the IRS. The marriage group says the IRS ...

The Hill

For instance, the National Organization for Marriage, a group that opposes same-sex marriage, saw its confidential tax documents end up in the hands of a political opponent, the Human Rights Campaign.

Hot Air

Video: NOM chair unloads on Democrats blaming victims for IRS intimidation. posted at 3:21 pm on June 4, 2013 by Ed Morrissey. If you were impressed with Paul Ryan's retort to Jim McDermott today in the House hearing on the IRS scandal, get your ...

Huffington Post

WASHINGTON -- A leading opponent of the effort to legalize same-sex marriage in Maryland used a high-profile congressional hearing Tuesday to allege that

Human Events

The IRS leaked the donor list of The National Organization for Marriage to their political opponents, the pro-gay-marriage Human Rights Campaign. This is not idle speculation: The documents had an internal IRS stamp on them.

Human Events

John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage said he has forensic proof the IRS handed his group’s confidential information over to their political adversaries, the pro-gay-marriage Human Rights Campaign.

The Idaho Statesman

By Kevin Hall and David Lightman — McClatchy Washington Bureau WASHINGTON — A tax document listing donors to a group opposed to gay marriage was leaked ...

Jackson Sun

Kevin Kookogey, from left, founder and president of Linchpins of Liberty; Diane Belsom of the Laurens County (S.C.) Tea Party; John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage; Karen Kenney of the San Fernando Valley (Calif.) Patriots ...


The chairman of another group, the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS disclosed confidential information about its donors to a gay rights group. George Eastman said he thought the IRS’s release of that information was designed to intimidate its contributors.


John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage said that in 2012, confidential donor information that he said came from his group’s tax returns was posted on the website of a political opponent, the Human Rights Campaign. Eastman’s group, which is tax exempt, opposes same-sex marriage, which the Human Rights Campaign supports.


John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage said that in 2012, confidential donor information that he said came from his group's tax returns was posted on the website of a political opponent, the Human Rights Campaign. Eastman's group, which is tax exempt, opposes same-sex marriage, which the Human Rights Campaign supports.

Kitsap Sun

John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage said that in 2012, confidential donor information that he said came from his group's tax returns was posted on the website of a political opponent, the Human Rights Campaign. Eastman's group, which is tax exempt, opposes same-sex marriage, which the Human Rights Campaign supports.


John Eastman, the chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, then responded unprompted to the “scurrilous” remarks of the congressman.


John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), alleged that evidence shows the IRS illegally disclosed confidential information about its donors -- information that ultimately was published on the website of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights organization politically opposed to the National Organization for Marriage


The president of another group, the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. George Eastman said he thought the IRS’s release of that information was designed to intimidate contributors to the group — which opposes same-sex marriage — “to chill them from donating again.”


John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage said that in 2012, confidential donor information that he said came from his group's tax returns was posted on the website of a political opponent, the Human Rights Campaign. Eastman's group, which is tax exempt, opposes same-sex marriage, which the Human Rights Campaign supports.


Also during the hearing's first hour, John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage testified about how confidential information concerning his organization's donors was leaked in March 2012 and that it appears the document "originated from within the IRS itself."

LA Times

John Eastman, a law professor at Chapman University’s School of Law and the chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, said that copies of the group’s tax returns and donor lists were leaked to the Human Rights Campaign, a group that supports marriage equality

Lifesite News

John Eastman, the chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, accused the IRS of “illegally using confidential information that must be filed with the IRS to facilitate the intimidation of donors.”

Lou Dobbs

John Eastman, Chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, not only discussed the onerous questions and delays his organizations faced in its application process, but also claimed he had evidence that the IRS had leaked his organization's confidential donor list to the group's "principal political opponent."


The allegation came from John Eastman, a California law professor and chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, a conservative organization opposed to gay marriage rights, which are expanding nationwide.

Eastman said inside help was given to the nation's largest gay-rights group, Human Rights Campaign, which posted on March 30, 2012, a copy of a previous National Organization for Marriage's confidential Form 990 Schedule B, from 2008. The document ...

Minnesota Public Radio

One group, the National Organization for Marriage, says the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors.


This is video of Dr. Eastman in front of Congress explaining quickly the felonious actions of the IRS as well as the pressure put on his donors by the IRS giving out this confidential information.


John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage said the IRS made public their confidential information about donors.

My San Antonio

John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage said that in 2012, confidential

Naples News

One group, the National Organization for Marriage, says the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors.


In prepared testimony, the chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, John Eastman, repeated the group's allegation that IRS employees leaked NOM's confidential tax-return information, including donor information showing that Mitt Romney's political action committee had made a donation. NOM opposes legalization of same-sex marriage. Its tax- return data was published by a group supporting gay marriage.

National Journal’s The Edge

National Organization for Marriage Chairman John Eastman testified that the IRS had leaked his group's confidential tax information, as well as a list of its donors.

NBC Nightly News:

John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage said that in 2012, confidential donor information that he said came from his group's tax returns was posted on the website of a political opponent, the Human Rights Campaign. Eastman's group, which is tax exempt, opposes same-sex marriage, which the Human Rights Campaign supports.

NewsBusters (blog)

The IRS leaked the donor list of The National Organization for Marriage to their political opponents, the pro-gay-marriage Human Rights Campaign. This is not idle speculation: The documents had an internal IRS stamp on them. The list of names was then ...


News & Observer

Eastman said inside help was given to the nation's largest gay-rights group, Human Rights Campaign, which posted on March 30, 2012, a copy of a previous National Organization for Marriage's confidential Form 990 Schedule B, from 2008. The document ...


The chairman of the National Organization for Marriage says organization plans a vigorous fight against the Internal Revenue Service for allegedly leaking its confidential tax returns to a political opponent.


Among the witnesses testifying at today's hearing was John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage. The group's political opponents received its confidential information, including a donor list, that contained markings suggesting it had come from the IRS

New York Daily News

The president of another group, the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. George Eastman said he thought the IRS’s release of that information was designed to intimidate contributors to the group — which opposes same-sex marriage — “to chill them from donating again.”


Also during the hearing's first hour, John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage testified about how confidential information concerning his ...

Northwest Herald

One group, the National Organization for Marriage, says the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. Leaders of the groups were scheduled ...

The Olympian

The president of another group, the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. George Eastman said he thought the IRS's release of that information was designed to intimidate contributors to the group - which opposes same-sex marriage - "to chill them from donating again."


Another group, the National Organization for Marriage, says the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. The House Ways and Means ...

The Patriot News

One group, the National Organization for Marriage, says the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors.

PBS Newshour: first part of segment includes NOM:

Another group, the National Organization for Marriage, says the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. The House Ways and Means Committee called the groups to testify at a hearing to help illustrate how these groups were treated ...

PJ Media

John Eastman testified before the House Ways and Means Committee today on the IRS abuse of conservative groups. He is chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, which defends traditional marriage.

Politico Pro

John Eastman, the chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, which opposes gay marriage, tersely criticized Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) for their suggestion that his group engaged in political activity.


Scott and Steve have already written about the testimony by Professor John Eastman, Chairman of the National Organization For Marriage, who called for the criminal prosecution of the IRS employee or employees who leaked his organization’s donor list to its principal political opponent–a pro-gay marriage group headed by the co-chairman of President Obama’s re-election campaign.

The chairman of the group National Organization for Marriage, John Eastman, says he has evidence the IRS leaked his group's donor list to their political rivals ...


... conservatives in favor of traditional values are being subjected to "intimidation, bullying, violence, [and] dirty tricks," such as the HRC's acquisition of the National Organization for Marriage's IRS donor filings, for the purpose of harassing ...

The Right Scoop

John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage, which opposes gay marriage, will also testify. NOM has sued the IRS for leaking confidential ...

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

From left, Kevin Kookogey, founder and president, Linchpins of Liberty; Diane Belsom, Laurens County, S.C. Tea Party; John Eastman, chairman, National Organization for Marriage; Karen Kenney, San Fernando Valley, Calif. Patriots; Sue Martinek ...


Another group, the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. The House Ways and Means ...

Seattle Times

Another group, the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. The House Ways and Means ...

Special Report: Mike Emanuel pkg: Fox News Channel

Star Tribune

Another group, the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. The House Ways and Means ...

Star Tribune

One group, the National Organization for Marriage, says the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. Leaders of the groups were scheduled ...

Statesman Journal

The president of another group, the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. George Eastman said he thought the IRS's release of that information was designed to intimidate contributors to the group — which opposes same-sex marriage — "to chill them from donating again."

“The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax 6/4/15: ~59:15-~1:08:15

Talk Radio News Network

National Organization for Marriage (NOM) Board Chairman Dr. John C. Eastman testified that the IRS leaked confidential donor information to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), its “principal opponent in the political battles over the redefinition of marriage.” HRC and other organizations subsequently published the information on their websites.

“I would call the disclosure of our donor lists by the IRS a felony,” charged John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, or NOM, in Washington, D.C., in emotionally charged testimony Tuesday before the House Ways and Means Committee.

The IRS leaked the donor list of The National Organization for Marriage to their political opponents, the pro-gay-marriage Human Rights Campaign. This is not idle speculation: The documents had an internal IRS stamp on them. The list of names was then published on a number of liberal websites and NOM's donors were harassed.

The National Organization for Marriage, which opposes gay marriage, said its donor list was leaked -- apparently by the IRS -- to its political opponents, the pro-gay marriage Human Rights Campaign.

The Wall Street Journal

In prepared testimony, the chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, John Eastman, repeated the group's allegation that IRS employees leaked NOM's confidential tax-return information, including donor information showing that Mitt Romney's political action committee made a donation.

Washington Post

The National Organization for Marriage's 2008 Form 990 Schedule B, which lists its donors, was released publicly last year. While the improper release ...


Also during the hearing's first hour, John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage testified about how confidential information concerning his ...


The president of another group, the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. George Eastman said he thought the IRS's release of that information was designed to intimidate contributors to the group - which opposes same-sex marriage - "to chill them from donating again."

Eastman testified the list of NOM donors, and specifically the organization's IRS Form 990 tax return listing the organization's donors, was published on the website of the Human Rights Campaign, an LBGT equal-rights advocacy and political lobbying ...

WASHINGTON — “I would call the disclosure of our donor lists by the IRS a felony,” charged John Eastman, chairman, National Organization for Marriage, or NOM, in Washington, D. C., in emotionally charged testimony before the House Ways and Means ...

World Mag

Two groups testifying on Capitol Hill recently recounted their stories to WORLD: The National Organization for Marriage had their confidential donor information leaked to a rival while the IRS wanted the Coalition for Life of Iowa to swear that they would not picket or pray outside of the local Planned Parenthood.


Mr. John Eastman, Chairman, National Organization for Marriage Ms. Diane Besom, Laurens County Tea Party Ms. Becky Gerritson, Wetumpka Tea Party Ms. Karen Kenny, San Fernando Valley Patriots Mr. Kevin Kookogey,Founder and President, Linchpins ...



One group, the National Organization for Marriage, says the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors. Leaders of the groups were scheduled to testify before the House Ways and Means Committee. Ways and Means is one of three ...

Yahoo! News

“The damage to our donor base is incalculable, and I would prosecute those responsible,” said John Eastman, the chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, a national group that works against efforts to legally redefine marriage.

Yahoo! News

The president of another group, the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS publicly disclosed confidential information about donors.

Watch Rep. Paul Ryan Question NOM's Chairman About The IRS Scandal!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

"Welcome to Washington."

That's how Rep. Paul Ryan begins his statements in last week's hearing about the ongoing IRS Scandal.

His comments followed Rep. McDermott's, who incredibly claimed that marriage supporters shouldn't be allowed to participate in the public square because (unlike the Human Rights Campaign, Freedom to Marry and Planned Parenthood, I suppose) we were "highly political" and "entrenched in some of the most controversial political issues in the country."

Thankfully, Rep. Ryan cut through the political gamesmanship and got to the heart of the issue: the IRS is claiming the power to determine which ideologies are in the public interest!

What's more — NOM's story, presented by our Chairman, John Eastman, has become, in the words of Gov. Mike Huckabee on his radio show recently, "the smoking gun" in the IRS scandal.

Please take a moment to listen to Rep. Ryan's questions and comments during last week's incredible hearing:

It's always disappointing to see some representatives like McDermott attempt to make marriage partisan when it is not. We proudly collaborate with many democrats who support marriage. In fact, during the same hearing Rep. Rangel (D-NY) proposed working together with Eastman to help make sure the mess at the IRS is cleaned up.

And make no mistake — Dr. Eastman's testimony about NOM's story is our best chance yet to get to the bottom of what happened inside the IRS — and to find out who may have known about it outside the IRS and was an accomplice to the crime.

Please watch this brief video of Rep. Paul Ryan's questions to NOM's Chairman, Dr. John Eastman, and listen to the incredibly powerful responses he gives.

And then, please consider making a generous contribution to support our work to defend marriage and the rights of ordinary Americans like you to speak and organize freely and participate in the political life of our great nation.

For marriage and freedom.

Donate Today

You can sign up for NOM's email newsletter at

Watch Rep. Paul Ryan Question NOM's Chairman About The IRS Scandal!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

"Welcome to Washington."

That's how Rep. Paul Ryan begins his statements in last week's hearing about the ongoing IRS Scandal.

His comments followed Rep. McDermott's, who incredibly claimed that marriage supporters shouldn't be allowed to participate in the public square because (unlike the Human Rights Campaign, Freedom to Marry and Planned Parenthood, I suppose) we were "highly political" and "entrenched in some of the most controversial political issues in the country."

Thankfully, Rep. Ryan cut through the political gamesmanship and got to the heart of the issue: the IRS is claiming the power to determine which ideologies are in the public interest!

What's more — NOM's story, presented by our Chairman, John Eastman, has become, in the words of Gov. Mike Huckabee on his radio show recently, "the smoking gun" in the IRS scandal.

Please take a moment to listen to Rep. Ryan's questions and comments during last week's incredible hearing:

It's always disappointing to see some representatives like McDermott attempt to make marriage partisan when it is not. We proudly collaborate with many democrats who support marriage. In fact, during the same hearing Rep. Rangel (D-NY) proposed working together with Eastman to help make sure the mess at the IRS is cleaned up.

And make no mistake — Dr. Eastman's testimony about NOM's story is our best chance yet to get to the bottom of what happened inside the IRS — and to find out who may have known about it outside the IRS and was an accomplice to the crime.

Please watch this brief video of Rep. Paul Ryan's questions to NOM's Chairman, Dr. John Eastman, and listen to the incredibly powerful responses he gives.

And then, please consider making a generous contribution to support our work to defend marriage and the rights of ordinary Americans like you to speak and organize freely and participate in the political life of our great nation.

For marriage and freedom.

Donate Today

You can sign up for NOM's email newsletter at

Watch NOM Chairman's Explosive IRS Testimony Before Congress!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The audience at a congressional hearing isn't supposed to give applause, but they did when they heard what the National Organization for Marriage's (NOM's) Chairman, John Eastman, had to say.

Last week, Dr. Eastman was invited by Congress to testify about the illegal disclosure of NOM's confidential tax documents, along with five other heads of conservative organizations that were targeted by the IRS.

What made Eastman's testimony different — and explosive — was the fact that NOM's case is far more egregious... because our private donors were exposed to intimidation and harassment when President Obama's political allies were given our confidential information.

Can you take a moment right now to watch his testimony below and then make a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more to support the National Organization for Marriage, helping us expose the illegal and outrageous attacks made against us and against ordinary, private citizens just like you?

Dr. Eastman's fiery testimony generated thunderous applause inside the hearing room. And it has prompted NOM's story to go viral across the internet!

Facebook and Twitter lit up with praise for Eastman and thanksgiving for his passionate articulation of why what the IRS did is unacceptable and how liberal politicians have emboldened bureaucrats to harass and abuse those they perceive to be their political opponents.

Dr. Eastman's testimony about NOM's story is our best chance yet to get to the bottom of what happened inside the IRS — and to find out who may have known about it outside the IRS and was an accomplice to the crime.

Please watch this video and then consider making a generous contribution to NOM right away.

One of the facts that Eastman shared during his testimony is how much NOM has been forced to spend to defend and shield its donors in the aftermath of the IRS's illegal disclosure of our tax documents — hundreds of thousands of dollars. Please help us recoup these losses and help us pursue a just remedy — including seeking financial damages — for what has happened. Your gift will help us expose the truth and stand up for the constitutional rights of all Americans to participate in democracy without fear of harassment or retribution.

Thank you for being generous. Together, we will find answers and see that justice is done.

You can sign up for NOM's email newsletter at

Watch NOM Chairman's Explosive IRS Testimony Before Congress!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The audience at a congressional hearing isn't supposed to give applause, but they did when they heard what the National Organization for Marriage's (NOM's) Chairman, John Eastman, had to say.

Last week, Dr. Eastman was invited by Congress to testify about the illegal disclosure of NOM's confidential tax documents, along with five other heads of conservative organizations that were targeted by the IRS.

What made Eastman's testimony different — and explosive — was the fact that NOM's case is far more egregious... because our private donors were exposed to intimidation and harassment when President Obama's political allies were given our confidential information.

Please take a moment right now to watch his testimony (below) and then make a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more to support the National Organization for Marriage, and help us fight back against the illegal and outrageous attacks made against us and against ordinary, private citizens just like you!

Dr. Eastman's fiery testimony generated thunderous applause inside the hearing room. And it has prompted NOM's story to go viral across the internet!

Facebook and Twitter lit up with praise for Eastman and thanksgiving for his passionate articulation of why what the IRS did is unacceptable and how liberal politicians have emboldened bureaucrats to harass and abuse those they perceive to be their political opponents.

Dr. Eastman's testimony about NOM's story is our best chance yet to get to the bottom of what happened inside the IRS — and to find out who may have known about it outside the IRS and was an accomplice to the crime.

Please watch this video and then consider making a generous contribution to NOM right away.

One of the facts that Eastman shared during his testimony is how much NOM has been forced to spend to defend and shield its donors in the aftermath of the IRS's illegal disclosure of our tax documents — hundreds of thousands of dollars. Please help us recoup these losses and help us pursue a just remedy — including seeking financial damages — for what has happened. Your gift will help us expose the truth and stand up for the constitutional rights of all Americans to participate in democracy without fear of harassment or retribution.

Thank you for being generous. Together, we will find answers and see that justice is done.

Donate Today

You can sign up for NOM's email newsletter at

Watch NOM Chairman's Explosive IRS Testimony Before Congress!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The audience at a congressional hearing isn't supposed to give applause, but they did when they heard what the National Organization for Marriage's (NOM's) Chairman, John Eastman, had to say.

Last week, Dr. Eastman was invited by Congress to testify about the illegal disclosure of NOM's confidential tax documents, along with five other heads of conservative organizations that were targeted by the IRS.

What made Eastman's testimony different — and explosive — was the fact that NOM's case is far more egregious... because our private donors were exposed to intimidation and harassment when President Obama's political allies were given our confidential information.

Can you take a moment right now to watch his testimony below and then make a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more to support the National Organization for Marriage, helping us expose the illegal and outrageous attacks made against us and against ordinary, private citizens just like you?

Dr. Eastman's fiery testimony generated thunderous applause inside the hearing room. And it has prompted NOM's story to go viral across the internet!

Facebook and Twitter lit up with praise for Eastman and thanksgiving for his passionate articulation of why what the IRS did is unacceptable and how liberal politicians have emboldened bureaucrats to harass and abuse those they perceive to be their political opponents.

Dr. Eastman's testimony about NOM's story is our best chance yet to get to the bottom of what happened inside the IRS — and to find out who may have known about it outside the IRS and was an accomplice to the crime.

Please watch this video and then consider making a generous contribution to NOM right away.

One of the facts that Eastman shared during his testimony is how much NOM has been forced to spend to defend and shield its donors in the aftermath of the IRS's illegal disclosure of our tax documents — hundreds of thousands of dollars. Please help us recoup these losses and help us pursue a just remedy — including seeking financial damages — for what has happened. Your gift will help us expose the truth and stand up for the constitutional rights of all Americans to participate in democracy without fear of harassment or retribution.

Thank you for being generous. Together, we will find answers and see that justice is done.

You can sign up for NOM's email newsletter at

Watch NOM Chairman's Explosive IRS Testimony Before Congress!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The audience at a congressional hearing isn't supposed to give applause, but they did when they heard what the National Organization for Marriage's (NOM's) Chairman, John Eastman, had to say.

Last week, Dr. Eastman was invited by Congress to testify about the illegal disclosure of NOM's confidential tax documents, along with five other heads of conservative organizations that were targeted by the IRS.

What made Eastman's testimony different — and explosive — was the fact that NOM's case is far more egregious... because our private donors were exposed to intimidation and harassment when President Obama's political allies were given our confidential information.

Can you take a moment right now to watch his testimony below and then make a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more to support the National Organization for Marriage, helping us expose the illegal and outrageous attacks made against us and against ordinary, private citizens just like you?

Dr. Eastman's fiery testimony generated thunderous applause inside the hearing room. And it has prompted NOM's story to go viral across the internet!

Facebook and Twitter lit up with praise for Eastman and thanksgiving for his passionate articulation of why what the IRS did is unacceptable and how liberal politicians have emboldened bureaucrats to harass and abuse those they perceive to be their political opponents.

Dr. Eastman's testimony about NOM's story is our best chance yet to get to the bottom of what happened inside the IRS — and to find out who may have known about it outside the IRS and was an accomplice to the crime.

Please watch this video and then consider making a generous contribution to NOM right away.

One of the facts that Eastman shared during his testimony is how much NOM has been forced to spend to defend and shield its donors in the aftermath of the IRS's illegal disclosure of our tax documents — hundreds of thousands of dollars. Please help us recoup these losses and help us pursue a just remedy — including seeking financial damages — for what has happened. Your gift will help us expose the truth and stand up for the constitutional rights of all Americans to participate in democracy without fear of harassment or retribution.

Thank you for being generous. Together, we will find answers and see that justice is done.

You can sign up for NOM's email newsletter at

Live Video: NOM Chairman Eastman Testifies Before Congress

At 10AM this morning NOM's Chairman, Prof. John Eastman, will be testifying before the Ways & Means Committee:

You can watch it online here at UStream or here or at

National Organization for Marriage NY PAC Endorses Erick Salgado for NYC Mayor

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

Question Conservative Party Endorsement of Candidate "Excited" to Perform Gay Marriages

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage NY PAC, today, endorsed Rev. Erick Salgado for Mayor of New York City.

"NOM is proud to endorse a candidate who has the courage to stand up for conservative principles and join us in our support of traditional marriage," NOM President Brian Brown said.

"There are millions of people in New York City who support traditional marriage and deserve to have their voices heard. Rev. Erick Salgado is not only that voice, but is a true leader who has a vision for New York that is based on conservative values," Brown continued.

Brown also questioned the Conservative Party's endorsement of candidate Joe Lhota, pointing out that Lhota has not only expressed his support of gay marriage, but stated during a January 17, 2013 interview on NY1's "Road to City Hall" that he "looked forward" to performing gay marriages as mayor.

"Joe Lhota's view on gay marriage is extreme and not in step with conservatism," Brown said. "While I have great personal respect for the leadership of the Conservative Party, we reject the endorsement of Joe Lhota. Erick Salgado is the candidate who will work to restore marriage in New York, and we are proud to support him."

The National Organization for Marriage and NOM NY PAC has helped win a number of victories in New York City and across the State. "We worked together with local allies to elect Bob Turner to Congress, David Storobin to the State Senate and defeated three of the four State Senators who flip-flopped on gay marriage. Now we urge New Yorkers to show their support for marriage by rallying around Erick Salgado," Brown concluded.


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

NOM Chairman Eastman to Testify Before Congress on IRS Leak Tomorrow

The Hill:

Six groups have been scheduled to give first-person accounts of the IRS’s targeting of conservative organizations on Tuesday, the House Ways and Means Committee announced Monday.

The Ways and Means hearing on Tuesday is set to be the first to hear directly from groups seeking tax-exempt status that say they were singled out for their politics.

John Eastman, the president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) – a prominent group opposing same-sex marriage – is among those scheduled to appear, after NOM announced plans last month to sue the IRS.

The marriage group says the IRS leaked confidential tax information to the Human Rights Campaign, a key supporter of same-sex marriage. NOM broadcast its plans to sue shortly after the IRS apologized for the extra scrutiny it gave to groups with “Tea Party” and “patriots” in their name.

The Tide Has Turned! Victory in Illinois!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The myth of gay marriage inevitability died last night in Illinois!

Even in this deep blue state...

... where liberals hold a super-majority in both chambers of the state legislature ...

... with the personal lobbying of President Barack Obama ...

... with the pork-barrel bribery of Governor Pat Quinn ...

... and with the bare-knuckled arm-twisting of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel ...

... gay marriage was defeated! In fact, it was left on the cutting-room floor, failing to even come up for a floor vote for lack of support.

So much for inevitability!

A new coalition of African American pastors, stalwart Catholics and evangelicals, and other people of faith, along with lawyers, activists and child advocates joined with countless thousands of other individuals and groups, and together we achieved the impossible, defeating the deep-pockets of gay marriage activists and their sycophantic media boosters.

Because of your efforts, the last message the Supreme Court will receive before it hands down critical decisions in the fight to protect marriage is that America believes in preserving marriage! Even in this deep-blue state, home to what Newsweek magazine dubbed as the "first gay president," the people have stood up for the truth of marriage, and let their lawmakers know in no-uncertain terms that they want marriage to remain as the union of one man and one woman.

Make no mistake about it, this was the most hotly-contested legislative battle in the nation. NOM put everything we had into this fight. So did plenty of others in our remarkable coalition. Together, we won a stunning victory!

Please celebrate this excellent news by making a generous gift to NOM right away. These added funds will help us take maximum advantage of this victory. Can you donate $35, $50, $100, $500 or even $1,000 today? Let's show our opponents how much fight we have in us!

Supporter, we've heard the whispering among some of our allies, dispirited after some tough losses last November, and legislative defeats earlier in the year. It's only natural to get depressed and feel that we're fighting against long odds. But what Illinois teaches us is that you will never be disappointed in standing up for the truth!

In the end, truth will always win. The idea that two men, or two women, can marry each other is a lie, because marriage is intrinsically the union of a man and a woman. And it is intrinsically about how that unique relationship of marriage benefits children.

What Illinois teaches us — powerfully and in no uncertain terms — is that supporting marriage is a winning cause. It teaches us to never give up, and to go on offense, fighting to preserve what God created and what government merely recognizes.

Today NOM is announcing the formation of a "Win More States" fund. Contributions to this fund will be devoted to fighting the good fight for the truth of marriage in key battleground states. We will use this fund to supplement the grassroots activism and public education we already conduct to make sure that we give everything we have to preserving marriage whenever it is under attack. There are many states in play that could use our help right now — Ohio, Oregon, New Jersey, Nevada, Indiana, etc. — and the Win More States Fund will be the vehicle to allow us to devote even more resources to the cause.

Please capitalize on this new momentum by making a generous gift to the Win More States Fund today. Your outpouring of support to the tune of $35, $75, $150, $750, $1,500 or more will cement this new energy in the pro-marriage movement!

Already emails and messages are pouring in — people are excited that we have won an incredible victory for marriage in this deep blue state. America is the land of underdogs and comeback stories — let's repeat that for marriage today!

Please show that you are never giving up on marriage by donating to the cause whatever you can. Everyone can be part of shaping a future that honors the unique contributions of moms and dads, everyone can stand up for the rights of children. Please support our efforts to ensure our marriage laws reflect the reality of marriage and give children what they deserve — a mother and father, united in marital love!

Thank you for standing up for marriage when the odds seemed stacked against us. God bless all of us engaged in this most important fight of our lives.