How to Handle Polygamy? Consertative Party-Run British Government Ponders Recognizing Sharia Marriages

Paul Goodman writes for The Tory Diary:

The Government may recognise polygamous shariah marriages. The suggestion is contained in a discussion paper for the Government's draft integration strategy, which is in front of me as I write.  The paper for an internal "Integration and Tolerance Working Group", titled "Creating the conditions for integration", says:

"Similarly, religious marriage is not recognised by the State unless you choose for it to be so.  This leaves an individual who enters into religious marriages unprotected if their partner enters a second or third religious marriage.  This can be remedied by requiring both religious marriages and religious divorces to be registered with civil authorities.  Likewise, there could be a duty on anyone conducting religious marriages and divorces to register with the state."

Although this language doesn't specifically cite Islamic marriages, it clearly refers to them, since no other mainstream faith allows a person to enter into more than a single marriage at one time.  Under Islamic law, a man is permitted up to four wives.

... It also labels the Catholic Church and evangelical groups "illiberal", citing gay adoption and the case of Peter and Hazelmary Bull, who refused to allow a gay couple to stay in their hotel.  It refers to "faith groups who are not consumed by ideologies that preach hatred/destruction but have conscentious beliefs that are illiberal".

William Jeynes on the Positive Economic Effect of Two-Biological-Parent Families

In The Public Discourse:

Research shows the positive economic effect of two-biological-parent families on our society. Single parenthood and other alternative family structures not only hurt our economy, they hurt our children, those who care for them, and those for whom our children will care later in life. The first in a two-part series.

... The relationship between the two-biological-parent family and economic prosperity is an immense one. As Harnish McRae observes, “the conventional family is an efficient mechanism for combining bringing up children and making a living.” There are a number of reasons why non-traditional family structures constitute such a drain on the American economy. In fact, unless this trend is reversed, the United States appears destined to lose its position as the world’s foremost economic power, a position it has enjoyed since about 1900.

Baltimore's Fighting Irish Archbishop Warns Gov. O'Malley: Push SSM and You've Picked a Fight!


The archbishop of Baltimore is warning Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley that he will have a vigorous fight on his hands if he tries to legalize same-sex “marriage.” The governor had announced Friday that he is making gay “marriage” a legislative priority, following the success of gay activists in New York.

...“Government’s interest in marriage has been to promote the procreation of children, protect the best method of raising children and therefore protect society for future generations,” he said.  “There are many ways to protect basic human rights; sacrificing marriage is not one of them.”

“The successful coalition that upheld the time-honored definition of marriage in Maryland, which includes many leaders of African-American churches throughout the state, remains intact and will continue to be vigorously involved in upholding marriage in Maryland,” said the archbishop.

The Chilling of Our First Amendment Rights

The First Amendment is more than a legal guarantee. It is a culture — a key American value — which holds that in a decent and free society, law-abiding citizens should not face reprisals for speaking up with civility for the moral good as they see it.

Sen. Chuck Grassley’s remarkable opening statement in [Wednesday's] Senate hearing on a bill to repeal DOMA called attention to a very serious and growing intolerance directed at Americans who believe marriage is the union of husband and wife:

The minority very much hoped to call a witness today at this hearing to testify in support of DOMA. I am sure she would have done an excellent job.

She declined, however, citing as one reason the threats and intimidation that have been leveled against not only her but her family as a result of her public support for DOMA. She will continue to write on this subject, but will no longer speak publicly about it. This chilling of First Amendment rights is unacceptable.

When Chris Johnson, a reporter from the Washington Blade, called and asked if that woman was me, I was at first amused. No, of course not. I am not refusing to make public appearances. I was not invited this time.

But I could sympathize. I just returned from interviewing a Toronto sportscaster who was fired for tweeting that he believed “in the true and authentic meaning of marriage.” Next week, I will go to North Carolina to interview another man whose contract was terminated when the HR head of his company found out he had written against gay marriage.

The death threats and hateful mail New York state senator Rev. Ruben Diaz says he has received are not unusual. Whole professions are in the process of being closed to anyone who espouses — and acts — on the view that marriage is the union of husband and wife.

Fox News is not covering this. Conservative media outlets, except for a few beacons such as NR, are virtually silent.

The underlying truth that “pro-equality” Republicans need to understand is this: They are aiding and abetting a political movement that, at this point in history, seeks to make traditional Christian views on sex and marriage unacceptable in the public square — just as racist views on interracial marriage are unacceptable — by heaping scorn and hatred on any American who does something to support marriage as one man and one woman.

The marriage debate is about redefining not only marriage, but the relationship between Judeo-Christian values and the American tradition.

I just wonder what these “pro-equality” conservatives think will be left to conserve after that.

[This was originally posted on NRO's The Corner]

Audio: Sen. Diaz Hispanic Radio Invite -- "Come to July 24 Rallies!"

Here is the website coordinating the rallies taking place across the state of New York this weekend:

Vermont Catholic Innkeepers: Honoring Our Beliefs About Marriage Isn't Discrimination

The Associated Press adds more detail to the story we posted yesterday about Catholic innkeepers in Vermont being sued by the ACLU for refusing to rent their facilities for a wedding reception of two New York women:

The lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union's Vermont chapter on behalf of Kate Baker and Ming Linsley, said the Wildflower Inn in Lyndonville turned away the couple last fall and that at least two other same-sex couples were also refused because of the inn's owner has a "no-gay-reception policy."

... The inn's owners, Jim and Mary O'Reilly, issued a statement saying they are devout Catholics who believe in the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman.

"We have never refused rooms or dining or employment to gays or lesbians," they wrote. "Many of our guests have been same-sex couples. We welcome and treat all people with respect and dignity. We do not however, feel that we can offer our personal services wholeheartedly to celebrate the marriage between same-sex couples because it goes against everything that we as Catholics believe in."

... "This is a discrimination case," [Josh Block, a lawyer for ACLU] said. "It would be no different if you owned a store and said we don't want to sell clothes to you or give you food or any other public accommodation. The fact that it's occurring in a new context shouldn't affect the way we think about it."

Potential Pro-DOMA Witness Intimidated from Speaking Up

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) revealed at today's committee hearing on Democrat efforts to repeal DOMA that one of the witnesses he hoped to invite to defend DOMA was intimidated out of appearing:

"The minority very much hoped to call a witness today at this hearing to testify in support of DOMA.  I am sure she would have done an excellent job. 

She declined, however, citing as one reason the threats and intimidation that have been leveled against not only her but her family as a result of her public support for DOMA.  She will continue to write on this subject, but will no longer speak publicly about it.  This chilling of First Amendment rights is unacceptable.

There are people of good faith on both sides of this question.  They should seek to persuade each other through logic and factual evidence.  They should not resort to threats of violence or seek to silence their opponents."

Speaker Boehner Condemns President's Endorsement of Repealing DOMA

Today Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) held a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on repealing DOMA (you can read Ed Whelan's testimony in support of DOMA here).

Simultaneously, President Obama voiced his support for this legislative effort to repeal DOMA, as Kathryn Lopez reports.

Speaker of the House John Boehner issued a statement:

This is another effort by the White House to take attention away from jobs and the president’s economic policies, which have been a failure.  The Defense of Marriage Act is the law of the land, and the House will continue with its effort to ensure the constitutionality of the law is determined by the courts rather than by a unilateral action by the Obama Administration.

Our ongoing efforts to protect DOMA continue at

Media Reacts to NOM's "Benedict Arnold" Mailer

Yesterday we announced we are spending $150,000 to send these mailers into the districts of the Republican and Democrat state senators who flipped on marriage and betrayed their constituents. Here's a round-up of the media reaction so far.

Also, don't forget to participate in our Let The People Vote rallies this Sunday - and continue to invite your friends and family!

"Faith and Values" Disappear from GOP's Website

The Daily Caller:

As Republican presidential hopefuls crisscross the country appealing to faithful conservatives for their votes, the Republican National Committee’s website no longer lists “Faith” or “Values” among its “most important issues.”

The “Faith & Values” tab on the website disappeared during a 2009 site-redesign project. The resulting lack of online religious focus comes at a time when nearly all Republican presidential candidates are reinforcing their conservative credentials on faith and social issues.

In Iowa Bachmann Speaks About Parents' Divorce, God's Role in Her Life

Did you know she was a child of divorce? We didn't either. There's hope for a strong and happy marriage:

In one of the first appearances by a 2012 Republican presidential candidate at a church service, Minnesota U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann opened up about her personal life Sunday and shared how her parents’ divorce, losing a child through miscarriage and finding God impacted her life.

Speaking to more than 500 people at the Des Moines First Assembly of God church, Bachmann shared how she grew up as a Lutheran and lived in Waterloo until the sixth grade, when she was 12. But a year after the family moved, her parents divorced. Her mother sold everything including the family home and all of the wedding gifts, and got a job in an attempt to support her daughter and three sons.

... Richard Jess, 61, of Des Moines, said he’s a political independent but there’s a good chance he’ll participate in the Feb. 6 Republican caucuses. He called Bachmann’s speech “very uplifting” and said he is impressed when someone has faith to trust in God and turn our country around.

“Of course being in a church setting, there was nothing political about it. She was simply speaking from the heart and how she felt,” Jess said. “I think she speaks the truth. In the time that I will take to evaluate all of the candidates, she will be a very serious candidate for me.”

Listen to Bachmann's speech

(MP3 file). --

New Quinnipiac Poll: Majority Does NOT Support SSM

The latest Quinnipiac poll:

Would you support or oppose a law in your state that would allow same-sex couples to get married?
Oppose: 48%
Support: 46%
Don't Know/NA: 6%

Among Republicans:
Oppose: 72%
Support: 24%
Don't Know/NA: 4%

UK Judge Says Divorce and Cohabitation are Hurting Children

Via MercatorNet:

On the day official figures showed that nearly half of all babies are now born to unmarried mothers, Sir Paul blamed family break-up on social changes including the shift in attitudes towards cohabitation and increasing numbers of children born outside marriage.

He said that 50 years ago 'on the whole cohabitation was regarded as something you didn't do, to have a child outside marriage, so that created a framework that stopped very much breakdown.

'We've had a cultural revolution in sexual morality and sexual behaviour,' the judge said. 'We need to have a reasonable debate about it and decide what needs to be done – and I don't mean Government,' he said. 'They didn't cause the problem.

... It was statistically proven parents were far more likely to stay together until their children's 16th birthday if they were married, he said.

Official figures suggest that an average marriage lasts around 11 years, but a cohabitation is likely to break up in three if the partners do not marry.

Marriage Rallies Across New York this Sunday - Join Us!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

If you live in—or anywhere near—New York, I hope you'll bring the whole family out to join us this Sunday afternoon at 3pm. With simultaneous rallies in Buffalo, Rochester, Albany and Manhattan, we'll put Governor Cuomo and the political establishment on notice that the same-sex marriage debate is far from over.

Visit for all the latest details!

LTPV Locations

It's time to start changing the way things are done in Albany. And the only way to change Albany is by changing personnel. It's time to throw out politicians who lie to their constituents. Throw out politicians who will use any means to force a political victory. And throw out politicians who care more about lining their pockets with campaign contributions from gay millionaires than about listening to the voices of everyday voters like you and me.

We've already met the first victims of this new gay marriage regime. Town clerks, charged with a duty to issue and record marriage licenses, are faced with a stark choice: give up stable employment in the midst of a troubled job market, or give up their religious convictions about marriage.

Two clerks have already resigned; others have been warned that failure to comply with the new law could land them in jail.

Who will the next victims be? A wedding photographer or owner of a reception hall? Parents of public school children who object to curriculum changes this fall? How long before the new law impacts you and your family?

The answer from Albany is clear: We couldn't care less.

It's that simple. If more Albany politicians actually cared about protecting religious liberty, they would have called out the bill's language as the fig leaf that it was. If they actually cared about empowering their constituents, they would have voted to give all New Yorkers a voice in deciding the future of marriage.

And so, this Sunday, as the same-sex marriage law goes into effect, I urge you to join us as we launch a 4-year campaign to “Let the People Vote!”

You can join us at any one of the following locations, beginning at 3:00 p.m.:

  • Albany
    West Capitol Park
    South Swan St. and State St.
  • Rochester
    Liberty Pole
    East Ave, and East Main St.
  • Buffalo
    Buffalo City Hall
    65 Niagara Sq # 201
  • Manhattan
    633 3rd Ave.

Please visit for directions and all the latest rally information. And while you're there, I hope you'll take a moment to RSVP, spread the word, and download signs and flyers.

I hope to see you on Sunday!

Brian Brown


Brian Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S.: Even if you can't make it to New York on Sunday, you can stand with the people of New York by making a gift of $25, $50, or even $100 or more at


Urgent: Please Attend DOMA Hearing Tomorrow!

Tomorrow morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on Senate Bill 598, Senator Feinstein's "Respect for Marriage Act." Contrary to its misleading name, S.598 would abolish federal protections for marriage and repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

Overwhelmingly adopted by Congress in 1996, and signed into law by President Clinton, DOMA has been under increasing attacks in recent months, as bills in both the House and Senate seek to repeal the law, President Obama has openly advocated for its repeal, and earlier this year, the Obama administration announced that it would no longer defend the law in court.

On the docket to testify in defense of marriage are national experts including Ed Whelan of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Tom Minnery from Focus on the Family, and Austin Nimocks from the Alliance Defense Fund.

Due to the large crowds expected, the hearing has been moved to Room 216 in the Hart Senate Office Building tomorrow morning, beginning at 9:45am. If you can possibly come, please do, and bring a friend to help fill the room with marriage supporters. You'll want to come early (no later than 8am) to be sure you get a seat.

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on S.598
Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 9:45am
Hart Senate Office Building, Room 216
Constitution Avenue and 2nd Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002