NOM NEWS ROUND-UP: March 28, 2011

Here are the latest marriage headlines and videos for Monday, March 28, 2011 from around the country:

Indiana Marriage Amendment Fends Off Challenges, Headed for Final Vote in Senate on Wednesday

Indiana's State Marriage Amendment (HJR 6 - read the text here) just fended off two attempts to amend it--which would have effectively killed it for this year because the House and Senate must pass identical language. The vote was 36 to 11 on straight party lines on each amendment, with one member "excused."

The floor vote in the Senate is expected on Wednesday and it looks good for passage.

Last week the Senate Judiciary Committee passed HJR 6 by a vote of 7-3.

Update - Micah Clark of the American Family Association of Indiana spoke with Charlie Butts of OneNewsNow about why it is important for Indiana to pass this Marriage amendment:

"I don't know if they realize yet that the Obama administration's decision not to defend DOMA really places Indiana at risk, because we don't have an amendment -- even though two-thirds of the states do," says the pro-family spokesman. "We are very vulnerable until this does go on the ballot and hopefully be passed by Hoosiers for a legal challenge to this."

The earliest the issue could go on the ballot is November 2014.

UK Equality Watchdog: Teachers should ask 11-year-olds if they're gay, without parents' consent

The same Equality and Human Rights Commission which told the British High Court that the Johns were undesirable foster parents because they might "infect" children with Christian values is now causing more commotion in the UK:

Children as young as 11 could soon be asked about their sexuality without their parents’ consent, it has emerged.

Teachers, nurses and youth workers are being urged to set up pilot studies aimed at monitoring adolescent sexual orientation for the first time...

The report for the much-criticised Equality and Human Rights Commission recommends that children should be asked if they are gay from the age of 11. A record should be kept of those unsure or ‘questioning’ their sexuality.

It says monitoring sexual orientation among youngsters could help to prevent them from becoming victims of discrimination, and claims that ‘some young people begin to question their sexual orientation as early as age eight and may begin to identify as LGB (lesbian, gay, bisexual) from early adolescence’.

The report has provoked outrage. Graham Stuart, Tory chairman of the Commons education select committee, said the plans were ‘invasive, sinister and threatening’...

The report – Researching and Monitoring Adolescence and Sexual Orientation: Asking the Right Questions, at the Right Time – says it is ‘critical’ to track children’s sexuality to ‘shed light on the complexities of young  people’s developing sexual orientation and how this may disadvantage them’. It tell[s] researchers not to dismiss gay feelings of interviewees as ‘a passing phase’.

Some youngsters, it says, may use categories such as ‘questioning’, ‘queer’, ‘pansexual’, ‘genderqueer’, ‘asexual’, ‘pan-romantic’ and even ‘trisexual’. (UK Daily Mail)

Photo: Alamy

Audio: ADF attorney talks DOMA on Roland Lettner Show

ADF attorney Dale Schowengerdt appeared on KFUO with Roland Lettner to discuss attacks against the Federal Defense of Marriage Act and the President’s refusal to defend the Act. Listen to the MP3 audio here
ADF attorney Dale Schowengerdt appeared on KFUO with Roland Lettner to discuss attacks against the Federal Defense of Marriage Act and the President’s refusal to defend the Act. Listen to the MP3 audio ADF attorney Dale Schowengerdt appeared on KFUO with Roland Lettner to discuss attacks against the Federal Defense of Marriage Act and the President’s refusal to defend the Act. Listen to the MP3 audio

Regis Nicoll: "Making the Case for Marriage"

Regis Nicoll, a freelance writer and men's ministry leader, takes up Obama's DOMA dereliction:

His ideas on the matter have been, as he put it, “evolving.” While stumping around the country, candidate Obama said that although he approved of civil unions for gays, he believed that marriage was reserved for heterosexuals.

Scarcely more than two years later, President Obama announced that his administration would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).* In a statement released to the press, the attorney general made the point that the President’s decision came after “careful consideration” of the law’s constitutionality. Given the timeframe for his turnabout, it would appear that Obama’s ideas on the matter have undergone a revolutionary change, rather than an evolutionary one.

... The validity of the President’s judgment hinges on what marriage is and what purpose it serves. Is marriage a fluid convention socially constructed to satisfy a culture’s felt needs and desires? Is it a religious institution foisted on civilization to promote sectarian values? Or is it something intrinsic to our human design, something that fulfills, in a way that nothing else can, a universal human longing and essential social function?

Christian teaching aside, some valuable insights come from the ancient Greeks. They were folks who understood a thing or two about sexuality, things that many moderns have overlooked or ignored. [Continue reading]

Video: Mike Huckabee tells Iowa Pastors "God Bless You" for defending marriage

Last Thursday, Mike Huckabee was in Iowa at the Rediscover God in America conference, which gathered hundreds of area pastors, and praised them for defending marriage:


(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Cummins, Inc. a large manufacturing company headquartered in Columbus Indiana, sent an executive to testify against a state marriage amendment, claiming it would impede the company's ability to compete in the global marketplace and threaten legislators that the company would not expand jobs in Indiana if it passed. Today, in response to Cummins, Inc.’s outrageous testimony, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) placed a full-sized ad in the Columbus Republic, issuing the following statement:

"Why would a big corporation like Cummins, Inc. try to keep the people of Indiana from voting on marriage? There is zero evidence that gay marriage helps, or state marriage amendments affect economic growth--as Cummins, Inc ought to know because they've just announced plans to expand in a state that has a marriage amendment," said Brian Brown, President of NOM. "We don't know why Cummins, Inc. would embarrass itself by making a claim like that, but we can tell you one thing: gay marriage is not an economic development plan and if your leaders think otherwise, your state's economy is in trouble," added Brown.

"Four of the five top states with job growth have marriage amendments and none have gay marriage," said Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of NOM, who authored the column reproduced in the Columbus Republic, "The small number of very liberal northeastern states who have embraced gay marriage tend to have high per capita incomes in part because job growth is so low that young families move out of state--most likely to a state with a marriage amendment and more robust economic growth."

See NOM's ad here:

NOM's Full Page Ad in Columbus (IND) Republic

George, Bradley and Lee on "Marriage and Procreation: The Intrinsic Connection"

Proponents of SSM argue that the conjugal view of marriage excludes infertile couples from being married.

Today in The Public Discourse, NOM founding Chairman of the Board Robert P. George, together with Gerard V. Bradley of Notre Dame Law and Patrick Lee of the University of Steubenville, argue that there is an intrinsic link between marriage and procreation, but this does not mean that infertile couples cannot really be married:

Activists seeking to redefine marriage typically claim that it is unfair—even arbitrary—for law and public policy to continue to honor the historic understanding of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife. Believing that marriage has a degree of malleability that our legal tradition has heretofore failed to recognize, they maintain that “excluding” same-sex partners from marriage violates a moral right possessed by every individual to marry a person of one’s choice (with that person’s consent).

Defenders of conjugal marriage reply (in part) that marriage is not malleable in the ways that their opponents suppose. It is by nature oriented to procreation, and so defining marriage as a male-female union is not unjust discrimination. On a sound understanding of marriage, they argue, it is no more unfair to “exclude” same-sex partners from marriage than it is to “exclude” three (or more) polyamorous sexual partners from marriage. Indeed, it is not accurately characterized as exclusion at all. [Continue reading]

More Reporters Follow Gay Money Behind "Pro-SSM Christians"

Kathleen Gilbert at LifeSiteNews:

Groups such as New Ways Ministry, a top group recently condemned by the U.S. Catholic bishops, have received large sums from the Arcus Foundation for the purpose of promoting same-sex “marriage” specifically among Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopalians, and Jews.

The Arcus Foundation was begun by Jon Stryker, an openly gay billionaire stockholder and a leading supporter of homosexualist initiatives. A 2006 Salon article points to the influence of gay software millionaire and activist Tom Gill on Stryker.

“Lisa Turner, political director for Jon Stryker, confirms that Stryker was motivated by the generous and precedent-setting giving of Tim Gill, the openly gay founder of Quark Inc., in 2004,” says the article.

Stephanie Samuel at The Christian Post:

Major funding for the PRRI report was supplied by the Arcus Foundation, a social justice group working to advance LGBT equality. Data for the report was supplied by the Pew Research Center. According to Stand Firm, an organization supporting traditional views in the Anglican Church in America, the Arcus Foundation was created by billionaire Jon Stryker, one of the heirs to the Stryker medical device fortune. Listed in Forbes as one of the world's billionaires (in 2008 his estimated net worth was $1.8 billion), the openly gay Stryker created the Arcus Foundation in order to fund the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) agenda, according to Stand Firm.

WSJ on 'Ex-Gay' Apple App Controversy: "No Coherent Policy"

From WSJ blogger Ben Rooney:

This is one of those stories where, frankly, no one comes out looking that great. As Cult of Mac says: “The real issue [is that] Apple has no coherent policy about what kind of content gets approved and remains in iTunes.”, under a blog post headed Hooray for Mob Rule: Apple Boots ‘Ex-Gay’ App After 150K People Demand Tolerance (is that sarcasm?) makes the good point. The only winners in this tawdry episode are the makers of the app.

“The folks behind Exodus are perfectly aware of the controversy this app would bring… Exodus wants pressure from gay and lesbian organizations to pull the app so it can prove its point about those mean intolerant gays shutting down anybody who gets in their way.” Looks like they got their wish.

Lawmakers May Force Schools to Spend Scarce Funds on Gay-Tolerance Instruction

From the Pacific Justice Institute:

In a move that some parents and educators see as further proof that state legislators have lost touch with economic realities, the California Senate Education Committee on Wednesday will consider a bill that would require schools to spend scarce resources to become more gay-friendly.

SB 48 is being touted by Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), who is himself gay. Specifically, the bill requires that U.S. history, California history, and social science be taught with a deliberate emphasis on the roles and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons. While the bill’s backers claim it will have no fiscal impact, the many schools in California that do not currently emphasize the sexuality of historical figures will have little choice but to change their curriculum and buy LGBT-friendly instructional materials if the bill becomes law. Other states could also be affected, since publishers typically tailor textbooks to meet the standards of the largest states, forcing many smaller states to reluctantly follow California.

America's Conversation on Homosexuality One-Sided, Author Charges

From the Christian Post:

A well-published theologian struggling to draw public attention to his most recent bestseller hopes that his book will expose the one-sided conversation about homosexuality in America...

“I was disappointed that Beliefnet, Washington Post (On Faith), no one was at the news conference,” said friend and colleague the Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney.

Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition, was quick to point to the media buzz that swirled around young evangelical Pastor Rob Bell’s latest book, Love Wins.

“Rob Bell’s got massive media coverage – secular media,” he noted. Stories about Bell’s book appeared in the religion columns of news outlets such as The Washington Post, CNN, Huffington Post, The New York Times and USA Today.

By contrast, Brown’s book received “virtually no coverage,” said Mahoney.

Video: SSM Activists Protest At Home of Christian Woman Who Refused Floral Arrangement for Lesbian ceremony

Last week we blogged about a Christian woman in Canada who runs a flower shop out of her home in Moncton, New Brunswick, and who refused to provide flowers to a same-sex ceremony.

She told the lesbian couple by email, "As a born-again Christian, I must respect my conscience before God and have no part in this matter."

In response, young activists decided to alert the media and stage a "kindness" protest in front of her home:

As you can see from the video, local authorities did not intervene to stop the protest.

Video: Dr. J.R. Morse's Testimony to RI House Judiciary Committee

This powerful video captures Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse's (of the Ruth Institute) testimony to the Rhode Island House Judiciary on March 1, 2011:

The Creative Class? Manhattan Institute's Steven Malanga Demolishes the Argument

Steven Malanga wrote a devastating critique of Prof Richard Florida's "creative class" argument in 2004 (RI Gov Chafee is still trying to tout Florida's expired arguments now):

All of these cities have been inspired by the theories of Richard Florida, a Carnegie Mellon professor whose notion that cities must become trendy, happening places in order to compete in the twenty-first-century economy is sweeping urban America. In his popular book The Rise of the Creative Class, which just appeared in paperback after going through multiple hardcover editions, Florida argues that cities that attract gays, bohemians, and ethnic minorities are the new economic powerhouses because they are also the places where creative workers—the kind who start and staff innovative, fast-growing companies—want to live. To lure this workforce, Florida argues, cities must dispense with stuffy old theories of economic development—like the notion that low taxes are what draw in companies and workers—and instead must spend heavily on cultural amenities and pursue progressive social legislation.

... According to Florida, the winners in an age that values these attributes include gay-friendly San Francisco, laid-back Austin, multiculti New York, and progressive Minneapolis. Florida advises leaders of cities trying to emulate this group to ensure that their towns remain “open to diversity” by promoting laws that creative types see as welcoming while guarding against social legislation that makes their cities seem less tolerant. (Although the professor isn’t explicit in his book about what kinds of laws attract the creative class, this summer he told a Canadian newspaper that “the legalization of gay marriage is one of the great talent attraction packages of the last hundred years.”) Political leaders should also invest in “lifestyle amenities,” like bike paths (an obsession of Florida’s) and running and rollerblading trails. Cities should follow the example of Austin, where public television features live music festivals, and where city leaders require companies that want to expand downtown to contribute to an arts and culture fund.

... But a far more serious—indeed, fatal—objection to Florida’s theories is that the economics behind them don’t work. Although Florida’s book bristles with charts and statistics showing how he constructed his various indexes and where cities rank on them, the professor, incredibly, doesn’t provide any data demonstrating that his creative cities actually have vibrant economies that perform well over time. A look at even the most simple economic indicators, in fact, shows that, far from being economic powerhouses, many of Florida’s favored cities are chronic underperformers.

... It is exactly because Florida is an exponent of this kind of aggressive, government-directed economic development (albeit with a New Age spin) that liberal policymakers and politicians have latched on to his theories so enthusiastically. To them, an expanding government is always more interesting than an expanding economy—especially if economic growth depends on something so very uninteresting as low taxes and small government. But it is just as likely that the Floridazed brand of aggressive governing will get things as wrong as the builders of sports stadiums and convention centers.