Del Jill Carter: Leadership Killed Bill By Killing Debate, Amendments in Committee

A unique perspective from a pro-gay marriage black Democrat, Jill Carter: by refusing to permit open and genuine debate, the leadership killed gay marriage in Maryland.

Bill sponsor Jill Carter, a Democratic delegate, blamed its demise on a failure by the Democratic leadership to properly manage the debate.

"The fact that leadership was unwilling to entertain any real debate or discussion within committee, I think that killed it," Carter said.


Days Before MD Vote, Abp O'Brien Called for Prayer and Fasting in Support of Marriage

From the Catholic Review, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Baltimore:

During a March 9 Ash Wednesday liturgy at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore, Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien called on Catholics to affirm traditional marriage by participating in a special day of prayer and fasting March 18.

“The institution of marriage can only belong to the union of one man and one woman because nature – not social prejudice – has given this relationship the unique capacity to bring children into the world,” Archbishop O’Brien said in a written statement. “It is for this reason that religion and governments alike have bestowed special recognition upon this relationship for thousands of years.

Archbishop O’Brien said the value of marriage “must not be abandoned for the sake of partisan politics or political gain.”

“It is not too late for the members of the House of Delegates to hear from God’s people and to vote in accordance with their true conscience to uphold marriage,” Archbishop O’Brien said

Victory in Maryland - SSM Fails

VICTORY! Maryland House defeats same-sex marriage bill for this year

Breaking news out of Maryland: The Maryland House of Delegates has voted to effectively kill for this year a bill that would have allowed same-sex marriage in Maryland.

The House approved on voice vote a motion to send the bill back to the Judiciary Committee, an acknowledgment by supporters that it did not have sufficient votes to pass on the floor.

The bill cleared the Senate two weeks ago on a 25-to-21 vote, and Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) had pledged to sign it.

Advocates for the bill had hoped Maryland would join five other states and the District in allowing same-sex marriages. The bill had significant momentum coming out of the Senate but ran into resistance in the Democatic-led House from African-American lawmakers from Prince George's County, who cited religious opposition in their districts, and conservative Democrats in Southern Maryland and the Baltimore suburbs. (Source)

THANK YOU for all of your efforts to keep the common sense definition of marriage in Maryland. More from us soon!

You Did It - SSM Defeated in Maryland

Dear Marriage Supporter:

We did it!

Better yet, you did it!

And better still...the people of Maryland did it!

They told us it was impossible to block gay marriage in the Maryland House. They said it was a "done deal." But once again with your help, we've proved the pundits wrong.

Once again dousing boasts of the "inevitability of same-sex 'marriage'" with the cold water of reality, advocates for gay marriage in Maryland have acknowledged they do not have the votes in the House of Delegates, and have given up for the year. Despite threats, offers of political favors, bending the rules, and playing every trick in the book, those who would redefine marriage lacked two key assets – the people of Maryland, and the thousands of dedicated NOM supporters who helped us win this fight!

Victories like these come with great effort and at great cost. NOM spent over $125,000 in automated calls, mailings and direct voter contact alerting Maryland citizens to oppose same sex marriage. We helped assist those who were organizing black pastors to bring their congregations to lobby legislators, as well as Catholic and evengelical leaders more broadly rousing the voters to protect marriage.

And the people of Maryland answered the call! Over the last few weeks, members of the Maryland General Assembly have heard more from their constituents than they ever have before. Thanks to a heavy investment by NOM, enabled with your continued, generous support, we helped wake the silent, pro-marriage majority in Maryland.

With your help, they were silent no more. They called. They emailed. They attended rallies. They drove to the Capitol and demanded to be heard.

In the face of overwhelming opposition from the people of Maryland, our opponents have thrown in the towel.

There are many heroes in this fight to thank, Derek McCoy of the Maryland Family Alliance, the Maryland Catholic Conference and the amazing leadership of the Catholic Bishops in Maryland, the Archdiocese of Washington, and Bishop Harry Jackson all deserve our heartfelt thanks. The African-American pastors especially changed the debate in Maryland. They stood up against the lie that redefining marriage is somehow a part of the civil rights movement.

This was the authentic voice from and of the heart of the black church speaking up for Biblical principles--and it made an amazing difference.

Today on the floor of the Maryland House, a true hero, Del. Emmett Burns (D-Baltimore City) eloquently and boldly stood up against those who would hijack the civil rights movement.

Delegate Burns sat on the floor of the House of Delegates during the debate this morning, listening to supporters of gay marriage try to claim the mantle of the civil rights movement to their cause. Finally, he could bear it no more, and rose to speak.

He talked about being threatened and called the "N-word" because of his opposition to the marriage bill. He stated: "The civil rights movement as I knew it... had nothing to do with same-sex marriage," he said, "and those who decide to ride on our coattails are historically incorrect."

Delegate Burns hit the nail on the head. It is those of us who lovingly and boldly stand up for the core truth that marriage is the union of one man and one woman; those that refuse to be silenced or cowed by the epithets like "bigot" or "hater" that are defending core civil rights.

If you have a moment today, say a prayer of thanks today for leaders like Delegate Emmett Burns, who stood for what is right today and saved marriage in Maryland.

The fight in Maryland is not over. Today was a great victory, but there may be an attempt to bring back a vote on same-sex marriage through other means.

We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on calls and mailers to wake up the people of Maryland to defeat this. Yet our opponents still have another 30 days in this Session, and may try to sneak this back through. They control the levers of power, and have already shown they will do anything to achieve their goals. They have vowed to bring the bill back, later this session or next year.

They have also vowed to go after Democrats such as Emmett Burns with a vicious fury.

We need your help to keep these victories going. Our coffers are empty after the hard fought battle of the last few months in Maryland. We have to make sure that today's victory is not a one day event. We also are facing key votes in Rhode Island and New York, and also defending DOMA and Prop 8. We've won today's victory in Maryland because of your help. And we truly need it today.

Would you give $50, $100, $200, or even $500 today to keep the victories for marriage going?

Contribute Now

God bless you for your support, God bless the state of Maryland, and God bless this great country.

Thank you so much for your continued support.


Brian brown

Brian Brown

Brian S. Brown


National Organization for Marriage

P.S.: Please, take a moment today to offer a prayer of thanks for this Divinely Inspired victory. But please also send your most generous contribution today so that we are prepared and vigilant to keep up this fight and continue to defend marriage across this great nation, in State Houses, in Court Houses, and in voting booths everywhere.

GOP presidential hopefuls make case to Iowa faithful, mention marriage

CBS has a good summary of the recent event organized by the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition, which allowed GOP presidential hopefuls to address social conservatives directly. Tim Pawlenty's mention of marriage caught our eye:

Pawlenty, the former Minnesota governor, said America needs "to be a country that turns toward God, not a country that turns away from God." He railed against the "immoral debt" and efforts to define marriage as between anything other than one man and one woman.

"We need to remember, as others try to push out or marginalize people of faith...the Constitution was designed to protect people of faith from government, not to protect government from people of faith," said Pawlenty, who complained that the media, judges and "elites" need to remember the Constitution grants power to the people.

Daily Kos complains about DOMA intervention

The far-left Daily KOS complains that the GOP is not focused enough on creating jobs, but they also discovered a few more pro-marriage bills introduced by pro-marriage Republicans, which is always nice to see:

"In the past week we've gotten, from Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN), H.R. 875:

... to prevent any federal court from deciding "any question pertaining to the interpretation of, or the validity under the Constitution" of DOMA.

from Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), H.Res. 45:

... to amend the U.S. Constitution to prohibit the U.S. Constitution and the constitution of any state from recognizing marriages other than "a man and a woman."

from Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), H.Res 143:

... directing the Speaker to take "any and all actions necessary" to defend DOMA."

When it comes to marriage, every little bit helps.

Leader Nancy Pelosi posts text of BLAG resolution to defend DOMA

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi helpfully posted the text of the actual BLAG (Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group) resolution authorizing Congressional intervention in the lawsuits against DOMA:

As expected, the two Democrats on BLAG (including Rep. Pelosi) voted NO while the three Republicans (including Speaker Boehner and Majority Whip Cantor) voted YES.

British PM Cameron says court right to forbid Christian couple from fostering

When asked, David Cameron said the Johns were treated "in the appropriate way" by the court:

Asked about the recent ruling, the Prime Minister said that Christians must be “tolerant and welcoming” towards homosexuality.

His comments, made during a visit to Derby on Tuesday, came a week after the High Court ruled on the case of the Pentecostal Christian couple Eunice and Owen Johns who were told they could not be foster carers because of their view that homosexuality is wrong.

In that same judgment the two High Court judges said there was no place in British law for Christian beliefs, despite this country’s long history of religious observance and the traditions of the established Church.

Lord Justice Munby and Mr Justice Beatson backed Derby city council by ruling that homosexual rights “should take precedence” over the rights of Christians in fostering cases.

... During a visit to the area, when asked about the case Mr Cameron told reporters: “This matter was decided by a court in the appropriate way and I think we should rest with the judgment that was made.” Asked further if he thought Christian views were incompatible with an acceptance of homosexuality, he added: “I think Christians should be toler ant and welcoming and broad-minded.”

Government sources later told the Daily Mail that the Prime Minister was “not taking sides” in the debate, but his comments were criticized by Christian campaigners." (source)

Here is video of Mr. and Mrs. Johns.

Same-sex marriage vote likely in MD today

News as it happens, from John Wagner at WaPo:

High drama is anticipated on the floor of the Maryland House of Delegates on Friday, as lawmakers decide the fate of a bill that would allow same-sex marriages.

As of late Thursday night, several bill supporters acknowledged they still remain short of the 71 votes needed to send the bill to Gov. Martin O'Malley (D), who has said he wants to sign it.

The Senate has already approved the legislation. A full range of possibilities could play out on Friday, including failure of the bill on the House floor. Some supporters said they remain hopeful they can sway a couple of colleagues during debate, and there was also talk Thursday afternoon about amending the legislation. That would send it back to the Senate.

You can listen to Friday's floor debate here. We will also provide updates in this space as they occur. (source)

Standing-room only at RI SSM hearing

The Associated Press has a good report:

"Marriage between one man and one woman is more sacred than anything," said Roy Gustafson, a Warwick auto body technician who took time off work to protest the legislation. "We're being bullied into this by states like Massachusetts. Rhode Island should stand up and say we're not going to do it."

More from a local source:

Joseph Cavanagh, a providence attorney and a member of the National Organization for Marriage in Rhode Island, warned that redefining marriage would have a devastating effect on society. “I can think of no other legislative action that would push us further into the abyss” said Cavanagh, “it has been the ideal way of society since the beginning of time.”

Fr. Bernard Healey, speaking on behalf of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence, said that the church’s opposition to gay marriage was not rooted in hate or bigotry, but was simply a matter of defending the right to have marriage between a man and a woman recognized as a distinct and special entity. “Union between husband and wife is a distinct vocation, and using the law to alter or to redefine marriage is an injustice to those who have embraced this state in life and negates the long history of benefit,” Healey declared.

Photo: Elise Amendola / AP

What Next? Suing the Government for "immigration discrimination"

This is more directly caused by President's Obama's DOMA dereliction, but it's also a consequence of SSM:

"Emboldened by the Obama administration's announcement they will no longer defend part of the Defense of Marriage Act in Court, an immigration rights group is trying to put together a case to sue the federal government for preventing married gay people from sponsoring their spouses for citizenship." (source)

Maryland's Million Dollar Marriage Battle: NOM's Weekly Newsletter

As I write this, we do not yet know the outcome of the legislative vote in Maryland on gay marriage.

I do know that 24 hours before the vote is supposed to take place, the Washington Post headline read: "Final House Vote Uncertain."

It's coming down to the wire largely because of you and good people like you, who have risen up with an extraordinary outpouring of public objections to politicians who believe they have the right to redefine marriage without the consent of the governed.

We're throwing everything we have into this fight, with your help.

Maryland's Million Dollar Marriage Battle

On Wednesday we released the news that we're forming a new NOM Maryland PAC, and we pledged to throw $1 million into the next election cycle in Maryland. Read more.

Maryland House Rejects Religious Liberty and Parental Rights

The outcome of the vote is uncertain as I write, but let's pause for a minute to note: What happened yesterday on the floor of the Maryland House was hugely significant, and in a disturbing way. Read more.

Boehner Takes on Obama, Defends DOMA

Good news this week: Speaker Boehner confirmed that the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (affectionately known around D.C. as BLAG) will intervene in the Defense of Marriage Act cases. Read more.

With your help, we continue to rack up victory after unexpected victory for marriage—and not only for marriage but for the democratic process, for the sovereignty of the people, and for the first principles of our beloved Constitution, including and especially religious liberty.

The battle will quickly shift to Rhode Island and elsewhere.

More next week, but until then, please pray for all the good people in Maryland who are standing for marriage. Pray that the delegates will stand up for what they know in their hearts is right.

Maggie's latest column: Virginity Rising

Available at Real Clear Politics:

Shocking news: Virginity is on the rise in America.

The source is sober, academic, practically irrefutable: the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Its latest analysis of the sex lives of Americans age 15 to 44 includes a startling finding: Virginity is increasing among teens and young adults in the U.S.

... If the data are accurate, they suggest there are at least as many adult women under the age of 45 who have never had sex with anyone but their husband as there are gay people in the general population.

But unlike gay folks, these women are invisible, derided, ridiculed or treated as a virtual impossibility.

Why is this good news? When young women refuse to engage in promiscuous sex, they protect themselves, our culture and our next generation of children from a variety of concrete harms -- from sexually transmitted diseases to infant mortality, welfare dependence, school failure and juvenile delinquency associated with increased risk of young, out-of-wedlock births. HIV alone costs $20,000 per year per person who contracts it, according to the Rand Corp. [Continue Reading]

Will Governor Andrew Cuomo Deliver on SSM in NY?

It depends who you ask:

Same-Sex Marriage Advocates Noncommittal On Vote In New York State Senate

Gay-rights leaders hedged Wednesday on whether they would push for a vote this year in the state Senate to legalize same-sex marriage after the measure was rejected in 2009.

Advocates met behind closed doors with Gov. Andrew Cuomo for more than an hour at the Capitol as the governor reiterated his support of legalizing same-sex marriage in New York.

But the noncommittal comments from gay-rights leaders after the meeting indicated the ongoing difficulty of getting the bill passed in the state Senate, which voted down the measure 24-38 in 2009 even though Democrats were in the majority.

Or is this what happened?

Advocates Upbeat After Cuomo Meeting

“I’ve been to lots of meetings where presidents or governors call people in to say that they’re with them, and this one was really extraordinary,” said Richard Socarides, the executive director of Equality Matters, a new LGBT-focused effort of the progressive watchdog Media Matters. During the Clinton administration, Socarides, an attorney, was the White House liaison to the LGBT community.

“What was clear to me from the meeting is that the governor is very committed to this,” Socarides continued. “He is prepared to do what it takes to get it done. He’s going to work on it and his team is going to work on it as soon as they get the budget done.”

Acknowledging that Cuomo did not put it in so many words, Socarides said if the budget is completed on or close to the April 1 deadline, with both Senate Republicans and Assembly Democrats reasonably content about that process, “I think he will turn to this, and it will be his top priority.”

Video: Historian and self-proclaimed "gay atheist" David Starkey warns about new threats to religious freedom under UK's equality-morality police

David Starkey is an English constitutional historian as well as a TV and radio personality. This from the BBC: