Breaking News: Madeleine Sophie Brown!

---I just wanted to share this email from our fearless leader Brian Brown.

He and his wonderful wife Sue were blessed with a baby girl this morning!

Maggie (Gallagher)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brian Brown <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 8:22 AM
Subject: Madeleine Sophie Brown
To: Brian Brown <[email protected]>


Sue just gave birth to Madeleine Sophie Brown. She's a big girl at 9 pounds, 6 ounces, with red chubby cheeks and dark hair.

We're at the birth center and ecstatic. Now the balance of power is all in the ladies' court.

Thanks so much for all of the prayers and support!

God bless,


Breaking News: Three Judge Panel Named for Prop 8 Case

We've just received word that the three judges on the 9th Circuit who will be considering Perry v. Schwarzenegger are: Judge Stephen Reinhardt, Judge Michael Hawkins and Judge Randy Smith.

Ed Whelan, the distinguished legal scholar writing over at Bench Memos, says this panel is bad news.

Happy Thanksgiving!


It's one of the things I love about America. We're the country that invented Thanksgiving.

Before America was even a nation or had a constitution, the people who would go on to found our great land understood the need for a holiday, a holy day, to express our gratitude to our Creator for all the good things we’ve been given.

I'm grateful today to be the son of such magnificent forefathers, to have as my birthright a land where freedom is expected, where rights are understood to be our gift from God not government, and where since our nation’s founding, faith has flourished in this freedom.

Out of ordered liberty, came a land of abundance like no man had ever seen before in human history.

And I'm determined in this time of special challenges to faith to pass on that gift, this precious inheritance to my children—to all our children and grandchildren—intact.

This Thanksgiving my wife Sue and I have a special blessing: a new baby. New life, a new start, a fresh reason for gratitude, and also a fresh reason to fight for what is right—our right to vote for marriage.

I never forget that those we must steadfastly and courageously oppose in this great fight for marriage are not our enemies—even though they are wrong, they are our friends, neighbors, sometimes family members, and fellow citizens.

In protecting marriage as the union of husband and wife, we are working for the common good of all. As President Lincoln put it so eloquently: "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in."

I'm so grateful to you for all that you've made possible.

The National Organization for Marriage has experienced phenomenal growth, and amazing victories over the last three years since our own founding. I thank God for these victories and for the freedom to fight which our forefathers gave to you and me. And I want specially to thank you on this special day of Thanksgiving for making these victories possible.

Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you.
-- Brian

NOM Calls Southern Poverty Law Center’s New “Hate” Designation an “Absurd Distraction”

WASHINGTON - The Southern Poverty Law Center (SLPC) today included NOM among “18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda.”

Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, reacts:

“This is an absurd distraction emanating from a once-great organization’s real mission---with all the actual hate groups out there, how can Southern Poverty Law Center stoop so low?” said Brown.  

While the current report stops short of labeling NOM a “hate group” at this time, many other social conservative groups are so-designated.  In a confusing move, the SLPC report lists 18 groups as “anti-gay” and suggests that  at least 13 will be designated hate groups this spring.

“This report is not an attack on NOM but on the majority of Americans who believe that to make a marriage you need a husband and wife," said Brown.  "It is also further proof of what NOM has been saying: today’s gay marriage movement is no longer about tolerance, live or let live—it’s about driving out dissenting voices from the public square.  Gay marriage now serves as the tip of the spear to a new campaign to demonize and generate hatred against those who adhere to traditional views of sex and marriage.”

“I’m very proud of the message that NOM has carried consistently and with great love and courage: which is that marriage matters because children need a mom and dad; Our battle is not with an orientation but a political movement that seeks to use the law to embed a new moral idea: there is no difference between same-sex and opposite sex couples and you’re a hater, bigot and quasi-racist if you disagree.   It’s very sad to see the deterioration of a once-great civil rights organization to this level,” said Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of the Board of NOM.  “They undercut their own credibility far more than NOM’s --which is doubly sad because we need great civil rights organizations now more than ever, just as we need more voices trying to rise above the hate to create a climate where we can argue, dispute and disagree as fellow citizens, not as enemies.”

“Regular readers of NOM’s work know how we characterize gay people: those who support our vision of marriage, we welcome to join our work. For gay marriage advocates (the majority of whom are not gay) we say: we think you are wrong, and we will fight for our right to vote for marriage in the public square,” added Brown.

From the SLPC report on the blog:

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their PropagandaEven as some well-known anti-gay groups like Focus on the Family moderate their views, a hard core of smaller groups, most of them religiously motivated, have continued to pump out demonizing propaganda aimed at homosexuals and other sexual minorities. These groups’ influence reaches far beyond what their size would suggest, because the “facts” they disseminate about homosexuality are often amplified by certain politicians, other groups and even news organizations. Of the 18 groups profiled below, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) will be listing 13 next year as hate groups (eight were previously listed), reflecting further research into their views; those are each marked with an asterisk. Generally, the SPLC’s listings of these groups is based on their propagation of known falsehoods — claims about LGBT people that have been thoroughly discredited by scientific authorities — and repeated, groundless name-calling. Viewing homosexuality as unbiblical does not qualify organizations for listing as hate groups.

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, or Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of the Board, contact Elizabeth Ray (x.130) or Mary Beth Hutchins (x.105) at 703-683-5004.

Hope and SSM

"If they can persuade us there is no hope, then they will have created the conditions under which there is no hope."  Maggie Gallagher talks to the Australian Conservative.

Black Parents Protest Forced Viewing by Schoolchildren of LGBT Film They Say Demeans Black Families

Pacific Justice Institute is taking the lead:

A heated controversy in this Bay Area city over mandatory pro-gay curricula for all students has taken an unexpected twist that is leaving gay activists and the ACLU scrambling to explain why a film shown to elementary students portrays African-American families in a negative light.

At a school board meeting last week, the school board for the Vallejo City Unified School District heard from dozens of parents who were outraged that children as young as kindergarten were being subjected to pro-LGBT films and instruction, with no notice or opportunity to opt out. The parents who packed the board meeting, along with the board, viewed the film "That's a Family" which was mandatory viewing for kindergarten and elementary grades.

More from PJI here.

Let Rhode Island Vote!

The overwhelming majority of Rhode Islanders say they believe the people should have the right to vote on marriage.  Chris Plante, NOM's Rhode Island director, makes the case on the FRC blog.

Maggie Gallagher Heads Up New Center at Ave Maria Law

The National Catholic Register interviews NOM's Chairman Maggie Gallagher on her new center at Ave Maria Law School:

"To abandon the political fight will be viewed as a moral abdication as well. The only reason abortion is still a live moral issue is that people acted like they really believed it’s wrong to kill babies, which means you fight politically, as in other ways.

To concede “gay marriage” is to concede that the idea that children need a mom and a dad and that marriage is oriented towards this end is no longer a publicly defensible idea. Defending it privately won’t get easier, but it will get harder.

Truth is truth. If marriage is the union of a husband and wife, because children need a mother and father, we can’t abandon non-Catholic children. We have an obligation in justice, as well as love, to fight against an unjust civil order that redefines marriage and its purposes."

Read more.

NOM-Rhode Island Demands Governor-elect Chafee Listen To Voters

November 23, 2010
For more information contact:
Christopher Plante, Executive Director
[email protected]
(401) 954-7173

National Organization for Marriage - Rhode Island Demands Governor-elect Chafee Listen To Voters

“Listen to the voice of over 80% of Rhode Islanders who want the right to vote on marriage.”
– Christopher Plante, executive director, NOM-RI

(Providence, RI) - The National Organization for Marriage – Rhode Island (NOM-RI) demanded today that Governor-elect Chafee’s promise to act quickly on invoking same-sex marriage in the state be put to an end.  With polling data showing the majority of voters in Rhode Island opposing same-sex marriage, and the overwhelming majority wanting the issue to be put to them for a vote, the Governor-elect is promising to act against the will of the people, and refusing to give them a right to vote on the matter.

“The National Organization for Marriage- Rhode Island is disappointed that Governor-elect Chafee, elected with only 36% of the vote, and fewer popular votes than Cool Moose Party Candidate for Lt. Governor Bob Healey, refuses to listen to the voice of over 80% of Rhode Islanders who want the right to vote on marriage,” said Christopher Plante, executive director of NOM-RI.  “It is clear that Governor-elect Chafee intends to put fringe issues and radical politics over saving Rhode Islanders jobs and securing a prosperous future for our State.  NOM – Rhode Island will work with Rhode Islanders to demand their right to vote on marriage, and demand that the Governor-elect sticks to the business of getting Rhode Island back on the right economic track.  We are confident that the majority of Assembly-women and men know there are more important things to deal with and we will support their efforts to push for a referendum.”

A letter sent to Mr. Plante from the Governor-elect’s office states, “The Governor-elect feels that the issues [of same-sex marriage] should be addressed as soon as possible by the General Assembly, and does not believe that the question should be decided by a ballot referendum.”

For more information or to schedule an interview with Christopher Plante, executive director of NOM-Rhode Island, contact Elizabeth Ray (x.130) or Mary Beth Hutchins (x.105) at 703-683-5004 or via e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected]

"We are With the Lord of History"

Cardinal Biffi's new essay in a book "The Inconvenient Memoirs" points out the ways in which an "aggressive ideology" is shattering the once-Christian west and increasingly silencing the voice of Christians.  But to those who argue for the inevitability of the victory of this new ideology, he says, fear not, "We are with the Lord of History."

Story here.

Equality California's Donations Drop by More than Half

After an unsuccessful effort to block Prop 8 in 2008, Equality California's donations dropped from $14 million to $6 million in 2009, necessitating the closing of some offices.  In a recent interview, the head of Equality California downplayed the cuts, explaining that  an "anonymous donor contributed $6.5 million in 2008 that the Let California Ring public education campaign, which is hosted by the institute, used primarily for ad buys around the state, including multi-lingual advertisements, about marriage equality. In 2009, the same donor contributed $500,000 to fund field work. That donor didn't give money this year, according to Kors."
We are waiting to see whether  the Human Rights Campaign will set up a website to expose Equality California's secret, anonyous large donors attempting to use c3 money to influence elections.  (Not really).
Read more.

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes...New USCCB Chief Names Marriage Defender Among Heroes

Archbishop Timothy Dolan, newly elected president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, tells the National Catholic Register, "Robby George is one of my heroes." George, a Princeton professor,  is the founding Chairman of the Board of the National Organization for Marriage.  Read more about this exciting news for the defense of marriage here.

LDS Church Rebukes HRC's Claims Mormon Theology/Morality has Changed

The Human Rights Campaign delivered a petition demanding the LDS Church change its theology on sex and marriage, in order to remedy bullying. Apparently, Joe Solmonese thinks HE should dictate theology for the Mormon church!  Now, when that effort fails, HRC issues a press release claiming victory anyway.   (The leaders of the Church called on all members to show kindness and eschew bullying, but reaffirmed the teaching opposing same-gender sex and affirming marriage as the union of husband and wife will stand forever.)

Today the LDS Church rebuked HRC for misrepresenting the church's position:

SALT LAKE CITY — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has responded to a news release from The Human Rights Campaign (HRC). The HRC claims the Mormon Church has removed same-sex attraction as a sin in church policy.

Scott Trotter, spokesperson for The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints, released this statement today: "The HRC's representations of the changes in the new handbook are simply absurd."

Read more.

Archbishop Kurz: "It's 1970 for Marriage"

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurz of Louisville, Kentucky, the Vice President-Elect of the USCCB, told his fellow bishops this week "It's 1970 for marriage!"  --- He means that we have a brief window of time to win this marriage battle, an opportunity the Supreme Court took away on abortion in 1973.  Read more.

Setting the Election Results Record Straight: An open letter from Brian Brown to HRC Supporters

How’s your contribution to the Human Rights Campaign working out for you? You may have seen the screaming posts on their website claiming that NOM lost most of the races we supposedly participated in during the 2010 election cycle. As far as we can tell, working on this website and shadowing NOM around at events are the only tangible work that the HRC does. Unfortunately for their donors, they can’t even get this right. Here are some things for the donors who give HRC over $40 million a year to consider about the 2010 elections:

HRC says NOM “lost more races than they won.” Really? We took out all three Supreme Court judges on the ballot in Iowa, and we won 13 of 16 state legislative races there, including flipping control of the Iowa House and bringing the Senate to within one vote. And we elected a pro-marriage governor. So Iowa will be pushing for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage in the next legislative session – and we have a ton of momentum to do just that. 

In Minnesota, NOM’s objective was to prevent backers of same-sex marriage from legalizing it in the next legislative session. We succeeded in Minnesota, winning 3 of 4 state legislative races. But in Minnesota we won control of not one but both legislative chambers. So there will be a major push to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot in Minnesota – and we have a ton of momentum to do just that. 

By the way, a constitutional amendment in Minnesota does not require the approval of the next governor, Mark Dayton. It is strictly a legislative vote. 

In New Hampshire, NOM succeeded spectacularly, winning 30 of the 32 districts in which we participated including all 22 House Districts in which we participated. Because of the way New Hampshire elects House members, NOM helped elect 119 members to the New Hampshire House! Not only did we capture BOTH houses of the legislature, we captured a veto-proof majority in both houses. So while it is true that we came up short of our desire to take out John Lynch, that doesn’t matter now. We’ll work to repeal same-sex marriage and override a Lynch veto if necessary – and we have a ton of momentum to do just that. 

Thought you might be able to take another run at enacting gay marriage in Maine? Think again. NOM won 8 legislative races there and helped elect a pro-marriage Republican Governor and BOTH houses of the legislature.

NOM’s record of success in races in 2010 is just under 80%. Sure, we lost a couple here and there, but we won what we needed to win and we are in a position to go on offense. And what was HRC’s record in these critical races? Oh, that’s right. They didn’t participate in any of these elections. But they sure do have something going with that anti-NOM website don’t they?