Stop the Presses! European Court Protects Marriage!

“The European Court of Human Rights has refused permission to appeal in a challenge to the ban on gay marriage in Austria. The effect of the decision is to make the court’s rejection of the same-sex couple’s claim final.”

( Me: The European Court of Human Rights is unwilling to impose same sex marriage upon reluctant member states of the EU.  Will the Ninth Circuit show the same courtesy to U.S. States? )

“The decision means that the European Court of Human Rights will not force states to allow same-sex couples to marry…
…the court was unpersuaded that social circumstances and attitudes had changed enough that same-sex marriage should be regarded as mandatory for states:
The Court notes that there is no European consensus regarding same-sex marriage. At present no more than six out of forty-seven Convention States allow same-sex marriage.”

NY Senate Rejects Lame-Duck Push for SSM

The New York Times is reporting that outgoing Gov. David Paterson's last-minute push for a gay marriage bill in the lame duck has been rejected:

"But even the most ardent supporters of the bill, which was resoundingly rejected by the State Senate last December, said the measure would meet the same fate if it were brought to the floor now, and the governor, apparently reaching the same conclusion, has abandoned the idea."

The bill lost 38-24 in the Senate last time around.  Republicans appear likely to take over control of the Senate in the new session.

Breaking News: Judge Reinhardt Digs In!

Sacramento Bee is reporting Judge Reinhardt refused Protect Marriage's motion that he recuse himself. NOM will post the legal document shortly.

WSJ: NOM Calls for Judge Reinhardt to Step Down

That was fast! The Wall Street Journal has already taken note of NOM and others' call for Judge Reinhardt to step down, because his wife's involvement in this case means Reinhardt's continued involvement would violate the Judicial Code of Conduct.


Washington, DC – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is calling on Justice Stephen Reinhardt, one of the judges in the Prop 8 trial scheduled for hearing next week in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, to recuse himself because his wife, Ramona Ripston, has been intimately involved in the case including advising the plaintiff’s counsel before the case was even filed. NOM is asking their 800,000 supporters to file official complaints with the Ninth Circuit court. The oral arguments for the Prop 8 case before the Ninth Circuit will take place on Monday, December 6.

“Judge Reinhardt’s wife, Ramona Ripston, has been involved in this case on numerous accounts, and what we’ve learned from Ed Whelan’s highly informative Bench Memo yesterday, posted on National Review Online (and updated here) is that there is no way Judge Reinhardt can rightfully remain a member of this hearing without making a mockery of the federal judiciary,” said Brian Brown, president of NOM. “We are demanding that Judge Reinhardt to step down immediately and call Californians to write an official complaint to the Ninth Circuit demanding that Judge Reinhardt be disqualified.”

Federal law and the Code of Conduct for United States Judges provide a non-exhaustive list of circumstances in which a judge must disqualify himself on the ground that his “impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Those circumstances “includ[e] but [are] not limited to instances in which … the judge’s spouse … is (i) a party to the proceeding, or an officer, director, or trustee of a party; or (ii) acting as a lawyer in the proceeding.” Ripston is the Executive Director of the ACLU of Southern California. The Whelan Bench Memo makes it clear that Judge Reinhardt must disqualify himself because of the intimate involvement of his wife on behalf of participants in this case. This involvement includes:

According to an article in California Lawyer cited by Whelan, Ripston consulted with the plaintiffs' lawyers about the decision to bring this very case.
The entity that Ripston heads took part as counsel to an amicus in this very case in the district court.
According to media reports including those in the Los Angeles Times and respected legal blog, Reinhardt has a policy of recusing himself from cases involving the ACLU of Southern California.

In addition to the clear legal reasons that Judge Reinhardt is required to disqualify himself from this case, there are other circumstances that clearly call his impartiality into question:

· Ripston, Reinhardt’s wife, contributed money to the NO on Proposition 8 campaign. It is not known if these funds were joint or separate funds.
· Ripston publicly cheered the decision by the District Court to declare Proposition 8 unconstitutional. In a media statement, she said, “We rejoice at today’s decision but there’s a long road ahead toward establishing true marriage equality for same-sex couples.”

“The long road to determine the constitutionality of Proposition 8 cannot be allowed to go through the courtroom of the husband of one of the key participants in the case,” Brown said. “If our federal courts are to have any credibility, Judge Reinhardt cannot be allowed to sit as a judge in a case in which his wife is involved. Judge Reinhardt is already one of the most overturned judges in American history. If he does not remove himself from this case, he risks the validity of the entire proceedings.”

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins (x105), [email protected], or Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

New NH Speaker: Strong on Principle

The Concord Monitor reports on the election of a new Speaker of the New Hampshire House, Bill O'Brien, "principled conservative"

Justice Scalia: Don't Let Hotshot Lawyers Run the USA!

The ABA Journal reports on his speech at the University of Richmond where he defended the idea of “originalism” which to some of us less brilliant folks can be translated as: words actually mean things.

He points out the founders of our Constitution clearly did not understand the Due Process clause to require gay marriage or abortion.

And then he warned about the alternative theory, the “living document” theory effectively allows “five out of nine hotshot lawyers to run the country.”

Ted Olson once understood that would wrong, but I guess when you are one of the hotshot lawyers it seems like an increasingly good idea.  God bless Justice Scalia for resisting the temptations of power!

Read more.

Pope: Europe Would Not Be Europe Without Marriage

Curious about why U.S. Catholic bishops are putting so much emphasis on marriage these days? It's coming straight from the top.  Pope Benedict once again uses an unusual occasion to emphasize how important he sees the current battles over sex and marriage, according to Vatican Radio:

"Europe no longer Europe without marriage"

“Europe would no longer be Europe” if the basic cell of the marriage “disappears or is transformed”, said Pope Benedict Thursday in his message to the new Hungarian ambassador to the Holy See, Mr. Gábor Győriványi.

In his message Pope Benedict says at a European level Hungary is called to be a “mediator between East and West”. After pointing out that early next year, for the first time, Hungary will hold the rotating EU Presidency, he expressed his hopes that the new Hungarian Constitution will be inspired by Christian values, especially regards "the position of marriage and the family in society."

"Marriage – says the Pope - has given Europe its unique appearance and humanism”, this because of the innate characteristic of loyalty and sacrifice that is part of married life. "Europe would no longer be Europe - observes the Pope - if such a basic cell of society disappeared or were substantially transformed." He goes on to say that marriage and family are now affected by the erosion of their "values of stability and insolubility," because of "the growing liberalization of divorce, the increasingly widespread habit of cohabitation”, because of the "different kinds of union which have no foundation in the cultural or legal history of Europe".

The Church - adds the Pope - can not approve "of legislative initiatives that involve the enhancement of alternative models of married life and family."   Read more.

EU Top Court Rules: SSM is NOT a Human Right

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, the swing vote on the court, is said to be particularly influenced by trends in international law of human rights. If so this latest ruling by the European Court of Human Rights may be good news for Prop 8!

The EU court refused to consider a challenge to Austria's marriage laws by a gay couple, in essence reaffirming an earlier explicit decision that gay marriage is NOT a basic human right!

More at UK Human Rights Blog

EWTN Interviews Maggie on Southern Poverty Law Center Report

"Gallagher saw the SPLC’s action as a vindication of her past statements.

“I wish they would stop proving that we’re right so consistently. I’m not surprised. This is what I predicted would happen. I’m a little surprised it’s happening so fast.

“They believe you should be treated like a racist if you think marriage is a union of a man and a wife,” she said.

While some think this situation should happen “down the road,” Gallagher said, “a growing number apparently believe it should happen right now.”

“We need to face squarely the goals of this movement, the rhetoric of this movement, and the fact that this is an issue,” she told EWTN News.

She added that Pope Benedict XVI and the Catholic bishops have made clear that “it doesn’t get better” if opponents of same-sex “marriage” stand down.

“The next fight is going to be whether or not our religious institutions and parents and schools are going to be stigmatized in the public square as racists, and face legal disabilities that racists face.”

WSJ: NOM Calls for Judge Reinhardt to Step Down

That was fast! The Wall Street Journal has already taken note of NOM and others' call for Judge Reinhardt to step down, because his wife's involvement in this case means Reinhardt's continued involvement would violate the Judicial Code of Conduct: Read the whole article here.

How Radical a Leftist is Judge Reinhardt?

Bill Duncan points out that Judge Reinhardt is as radical a leftwing judge as you can find on the federal bench--one of the reasons the 9th Circuit gets overruled so often by the SC: He has ruled that assisted suicide is a constitutional right, invalidated California's term limit law, permitted schools to ban student speech opposing gay rights, and tried to rule the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional. He has already ruled DOMA unconstitutional. He's so radical Bill thinks a decision written by him might actually help us at the SC level. Read more.

Legal Expert: Judge Reinhardt Must Recuse Himself

Ed Whelan says that Judge Reinhardt must recuse himself from the case--not for showing overwhelming liberal bias, but because his wife consulted with the plaintiffs on whether or not they should bring the case. Details here.

Judge Reinhardt: "Liberal Badboy of the Federal Judiciary"

Way back in 1997, before gay marriage was even an issue, the Weekly Standard reviewed Judge Reinhardt's career and called him "the liberal badboy of the federal judiciary," "one of the most overturned judges in history" as well as "The Judge the Supreme Court Loves to Overturn"

STEPHEN REINHARDT is the liberal badboy of the federal judiciary. He is ideological, outlandish, and never dull. The 66-year-old judge, appointed by Jimmy Carter in 1980 to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, is well known to the Supreme Court, which has a habit of overturning his opinions.

In fact, Reinhardt is one of the most overturned judges in history. In this term alone, the high court has reversed seven opinions that Reinhardt has either written or been party to. These haven't been narrow reversals, either--all seven of them have been unanimous."

WARNING – “NOM World” Impersonating NOM on Facebook/Twitter

Last week, a new group calling themselves “NOM World” began impersonating NOM on Twitter (be4marriage) and Facebook. They have mimicked the NOM logo (except with black and blue rings), have begun using the NOM twitter hashtag (#no4m) and claim: “We are working to get NOM’s message out to the world!”

Please understand that this group is not related to NOM, and is only attempting to confuse and mislead NOM’s followers and potential followers on Facebook and Twitter. They are openly in favor of same-sex marriage and accuse NOM of being a hate group.

It has come to our attention that NOM World has been sending misleading Twitter invitations to NOM followers. If you are contacted by this group, simply click the “Report for spam” button on the side of the page at Twitter or Facebook.

The fake “NOM World” logo is below. And if you have received spam communications from this group, or if you have doubts about the authenticity of any NOM communications, please leave a comment on this post.