New Chicago Poll: Just 42 percent support gay marriage

Chicago is a Democratic town.  This latest poll shows even in blue areas, gay marriage is gathering anemic support. In the greater Chicago suburbs just 40 percent approve with 46 percent saying they oppose and an astonishing 14 percent refusing to tell pollsters their opinion.

In the Chicago area as a whole, including the city and suburbs, 42 percent support gay marriage, 42 percent oppose and 15 percent will not say. The Market Shares Corp. telephone poll of 800 male and female heads of household from the six-county Chicago area has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Read more.

Maggie: Chuck Cooper Strikes Back

I posted the following over at National Review Online:

The Ninth Circuit’s stay overruling Judge Walker’s decision to allow gay marriage is the third time Judge Walker has been slapped down by appellate courts: once by the Supreme Court over the issue of televising the trial; once by the Ninth Circuit over the issue of forced disclosure of private e-mails by campaign leaders; and now by the Ninth Circuit again.
When you read the brief that Charles Cooper filed, it’s not hard to see why. It is a total smack-down of Walker’s decision to ignore the immense amount of evidence brought to him — not to dispute it, but simply to ignore it.

Here’s the National Organization for Marriage’s quick summary of Cooper’s deadly brief, with a link to the actual brief as well. But to give you an example of how extreme Judge Walker is, he ruled that orientation is a protected class subject to strict scrutiny — ignoring ten higher-court decisions to the contrary. He doesn’t contest, distinguish, or disagree. He literally ignores their existence.

This is very odd behavior for a judge.

Breaking news: Appeals Court Stays Judge Walker's Ruling

Judge Walker gave the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just 6 days to decide whether or not to overrule his order requiring the immediate issuing of marriage licenses to gay couples.  Today the 9th Circuit, one of the most liberal in the country, stepped in to overturn that order, issuing a stay on implementing Judge Walker's ruling while it is appealed.  Another smackdown of Judge Walker by an Appeals Court.
The knotty question of "standing" remains in play, however, since Governor Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown have both failed in their duty to defend the voters who passed Prop 8--and Judge Walker kept Imperial County (which opposes same-sex marriage) from intervening in the case (while allowing San Francisco to become a party).   
Here's the question for today: If anti-Prop 8 lawyer Ted Olson is so convinced that after his vaunted trial the voters of California have no case--why is he now trying to prevent higher courts from reviewing his handiwork?
The judicial bias has been extraordinary, as once again powerful elites attempt to frustrate the manifest will of the people of California.  This fight will continue!
Read more from the Associated Press.

New Poll: Americans Oppose Gay Marriage 57 percent to 33 percent

A new PPP poll shows Americans oppose gay marriage by an almost 2-1 margin: 57 percent to 33 percent. 

"Our newest national survey finds 57% of Americans think it should be illegal while 33% think it should be legal and 11% have no opinion. Republicans are pretty universal in thinking it should be illegal, 81/12, while Democrats only narrowly favor it 47/40. Independents array slightly against it by a 48/41 margin.

Americans within pretty much every demographic group continue to oppose gay marriage. Whites are against it 58/34, Hispanics 57/27, and African Americans 52/34. Women oppose it 55/35 and men do 59/31. Voters under 30 do 52/44, ones between 30 and 45 do 51/37, ones between 46 and 65 do 59/29 and those over 65 do 61/31."

 Read more.

Katherine Kersten: Judge to Voters: Shut Up, Sit Down

Katherine Kersten on Judge Walker’s Prop8 ruling in the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

Arrogance and disdain for those who dare to disagree drip from every page:

So what if male/female marriage has been the core institution in virtually every human society? Walker dictates that male/female differences shall henceforth be eradicated from marriage. "Gender no longer forms an essential part of marriage," he ruled, rejecting other views as "antiquated" and "discredited."

And the universal belief that kids do best with both a mom and a dad? That one goes in the garbage can, too. It's "beyond any doubt" that "parents' genders are irrelevant to children's developmental outcomes," he instructs us.

Walker's 136-page opinion is rife with contempt for American citizens, who are too ignorant and easily led to have a voice in defining marriage. As a result, the issue of marriage is "beyond the constitutional reach of the voters or their representatives," Walker tells us. In other words, get in line and shut up.

         Read more.

Statement of Charles Cooper on Judge Walker’s denial of stay

Charles Cooper, lead counsel for the Prop 8 defense team, released the following statement on Thursday in response to Judge Walker’s order refusing to stay his Prop 8 ruling during appeal:

“We are gratified that Judge Walker has continued until August 18th the temporary stay of his decision.  We will promptly seek from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals a stay pending the final resolution of the case. On appeal, we look forward with confidence to a decision vindicating the democratic process and the basic constitutional authority of the 7 million Californians who voted to retain the traditional definition of marriage.  The decision whether to redefine the institution of marriage is for the people themselves to make, not a single district court judge, especially without appellate scrutiny.”

Bishop Harry Jackson: “Don’t be intimidated: Stand UP!”

What is happening is a minority -- just like we’re hearing now -- is attempting to impose its will on the majority. Never mind sobriety, never mind what you would call just common decency or courtesy. Never mind what’s right and just. Whatever way they can get in, that’ what they want to do., and I’m here to tell you that this kind of injustice is not going to be tolerated.

A small minority with a lot of money is basically saying to the rest of us, you sit down, shut up, your opinion doesn’t count. It’s just not true.

[My father moved his family to Washington DC in 1954 after being threatened for participating in the civil rights movement.] I believe where we are today is the same situation. A minority is imposing its will. They are willing to threaten us. They’re willing to talk down to us. They’re trying to intimidate us, and I’m here to tell you: Don’t be intimidated. Stand up.

I’m here to tell you that all they’re doing is acting like the bullies that I grew up with in the ghetto. You know what I’m talking about. . . . But we’re going to overcome, we’re going to take this battle all the way to the Supreme Court, and we are going to win. Yes, we are going to win.

Let me make this real plain: What we have to do now is to deal with the fact that the same-sex marriage proponents have manipulated the process. They’ve paid all this money to these politicians, and we’re going to have to play musical chairs and snatch some chairs out from under some politicians and let them know there are consequences to immoral and corrupt actions.

I have one last thing to tell you. I appreciate your heart. . . . that you’ve come out here on a day like today. I applaud you for coming forth. But you come as a remnant, meaning you represent all the people that believe in traditional marriage all around this region. And your opponents will try to say it’s not enough. . . . They’re trying to shout you  down. But if they weren’t afraid of you, they would ignore you. . . .  Their presence confirms their fear, and it ought to energize you. You gotta stand up. Spend money, support candidates. We gotta make a difference. I n the next 18 months, if we do what we have to do, the people of the District are going to get the right to vote.  . . .

Let freedom ring from Sacramento, California to the hallowed halls of the court in Boston, Massachusetts. Let freedom ring in Washington, DC. Let freedom ring in Maine. Let freedom ring from the high mountains to the low valleys and all the places in between. Let freedom ring as we go to the polls this fall and let our voices be heard!

Live Broadcast of Rally for Marriage at 2pm ET Today

Today's Rally for Marriage at the U.S. Capitol, between the Capitol and the Supreme Court building will be broadcast LIVE at 2pm ET at

Speakers will include Dr. Walter Fauntroy, Bishop Harry Jackson, a message from Dr. Alveda King, a special live performance from Gospel Singers, Song-Writers and Producers Deitrick and Damitra Haddon and more!

Join us at 2pm as we wrap up this year's Summer for Marriage Tour and stand for marriage in our nation's capital!

Prof. Robert Nagel -- Judge Walker to Voters: Drop Dead

Prof. Nagel of the University of Colorado Law School describes "The irrationality of Vaughn Walker":

Here is how it works: Where there are undeniably reasons (debatable reasons, to be sure) behind the traditional definition of marriage, Judge Walker simply announces that those reasons are illegitimate and therefore don’t count. And where the reasons are undeniably legitimate, Judge Walker dismisses them on the basis of sweeping factual claims that he cannot possibly support.

Read more.

Prop 8 Lawyers “Smackdown” Judge Walker in Appellate Motion

The press is retailing Judge Walker's Big Lie—that no serious case was made in court defending marriage. Meanwhile, the brief filed by the Prop 8 team contesting Judge Walker's decision to lift the stay is a thing of beauty.

In a statement released today, Brian Brown said:

Read this brief; I’ve never seen a smackdown of a judge quite like it: Walker’s opinion is even worse than I thought; Chuck Cooper and company point out all the evidence Walker ignored or twisted to come to his opinion. I knew Walker ignored history, scholarship,  common sense, but this brief by Prop 8 lawyer Chuck Cooper makes it clear Walker also simply ignored the ‘binding authority from this Court and the unanimous conclusion of ten other federal circuit courts. . . The district court did not confront the Supreme Court’s holding in Baker, binding authority from this Court, or any of the well established lines of authority opposed to its conclusions. It did not distinguish them. It did not explain why it believed they were wrongly decided. It did not even acknowledge their existence. It simply ignored them.”

Now, Walker is trying to insulate his opinion from judicial review by claiming Prop 8 proponents lack standing. No wonder. He knows this opinion is a stack of cards that will not stand up to serious scrutiny by higher courts.

Here's  at least 8 ways – taken from the emergency motion filed by the Prop 8 lawyers today– Walker's opinion ignored facts that did not fit his thesis, acting more like an activist than a neutral referee:

1.      Judge Walker did not just ignore the contrary precedents; he pretended they do not exist.

“Given that the district court did not cite a single case that had addressed these issues, one might think the court was deciding issues of first impression on a blank slate. Nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, though the district court held that the venerable definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman violates the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Federal Constitution, every state or federal appellate court to address the issue—including the Supreme Court in Baker v. Nelson, 409 U.S. 810 (1972), and this Court in Adams v. Howerton, 673 F.2d 1036 (9th Cir. 1982)—has consistently rejected this conclusion. See infra Part II.A. The district court’s conclusion that strict scrutiny applies to classifications based on sexual orientation likewise stands in stark conflict with binding authority from this Court and the unanimous conclusion of ten other federal circuit courts (all that have addressed the question) that such classifications are subject only to rational basis review. See infra Part II.C. And again, contrary to the district court’s conclusion below, this Court, and the overwhelming majority of other courts, both state and federal, to address the issue have concluded that the opposite-sex definition of marriage rationally serves society’s interest in regulating sexual relationships between men and women so that the unique procreative capacity of those relationships benefits rather than harms society, by increasing the likelihood that children will be born and raised in stable family units by the mothers and fathers who brought them into this world. See infra Part II.D. The district court did not confront the Supreme Court’s holding in Baker, binding authority from this Court, or any of the well established lines of authority opposed to its conclusions. It did not distinguish them. It did not explain why it believed they were wrongly decided. It did not even acknowledge their existence. It simply ignored them.”

2.       Judge Walker ignored every contrary fact presented to him—pretending they, too, did not exist. (The media is retailing this Big Lie).

“Similarly, to read the district court’s confident, though often startling, factual pronouncements, one would think that reasonable minds simply cannot differ on the key legislative facts implicated by this case. Again, however, the district court simply ignored virtually everything—judicial authority, the works of eminent scholars past and present in all relevant academic fields, extensive documentary and historical evidence, and even simple common sense—opposed to its conclusions. Indeed, even though this case implicates quintessential legislative facts— i.e., “general facts which help the tribunal decide questions of law and policy and discretion,” Langevin v. Chenango Court, Inc., 447 F.2d 296, 300 (2d Cir. 1971) (Friendly, J.)—the district court focused almost exclusively on the oral testimony presented at trial. See Daggett v. Commission on Governmental Ethics & Election Practices, 172 F.3d 104, 112 (1st Cir. 1999) (Boudin, J.) (legislative facts “usually are not proved through trial evidence but rather by material set forth in the briefs”); Indiana H. B. R.R. Co. v. American Cyanamid Co., 916 F.2d 1174, 1182 (7th Cir. 1990) (Posner, J.) (legislative facts “more often are facts reported in books and other documents not prepared specially for litigation”). The district court’s treatment of the trial testimony, moreover, was likewise egregiously selective and one-sided. The district court eagerly and uncritically embraced the highly tendentious opinions offered by Plaintiffs’ experts and simply ignored important concessions by those witnesses that undermined Plaintiffs’ claims. And it just as consistently refused to credit (or even qualify) the two experts offered by Proponents—the only defense experts who were willing to appear at trial after the district court’s extraordinary attempts to video record and broadcast the trial proceedings. See Hollingsworth v. Perry, 130 S. Ct. 705 (2010).”

3.      Judge Walker ignored enormous evidence to the contrary to make the fantastic imaginary claim that "a union of husband and wife" has NEVER been a core part of marriage in our nation's history and traditions.

“The district court, for example, entertained no doubt whatsoever . . .  that the virtually universal requirement that marriage be between persons of the opposite sexes was “never part of the historical core of the institution of marriage,” Ex. A at 113, despite the extensive historical and documentary evidence, not to mention common knowledge, demonstrating exactly the opposite, see infra Part II.B;”

4. In his ruling Walker pretended he never saw the deep scholarly evidence that opposite sex unions are different and children need mothers and fathers.

•  that “[t]he evidence shows conclusively that moral and religious views form the only basis for a belief that same-sex couples are different from opposite-sex couples,” Ex. A at 130, despite the undeniable biological fact that only a man and a woman can produce offspring, whether intentionally or as the unintended result of casual sexual behavior;

•         that the traditional opposite-sex definition of marriage is “nothing more than an artifact of a foregone notion that men and women fulfill different roles in civic life,” Ex. A at 124, despite the extensive judicial authority, scholarship, and historical evidence demonstrating that traditional opposite-sex marriage is ubiquitous, sweeping across all cultures and all times, regardless of the relative social roles of men and women, and clearly reflects marriage’s abiding concern with the unique procreative potential of opposite-sex relationships, see infra Part II.B;

•        that the “evidence shows beyond any doubt that parents’ genders are irrelevant to children’s developmental outcomes,” Ex. A at 127, and, more-over, that the genetic bond between a child and its mother and father “is not related to a child’s adjustment outcomes,” Ex. A at 96, even though other courts considering the same evidence have recognized that it is contested, inconclusive, and far from sufficient to render irrational the virtually universal and deeply ingrained common-sense belief that, all else being equal, children do best when raised by their own mother and father.”

5. Judge Walker even believes he can make the future into a fact,  ignoring the testimony of anti-Prop 8 expert witnesses that gay marriage is a monumental change, that will change the meaning of marriage in ways impossible to predict.

“The district court also purported to know, with certainty, the unknowable, couching predictions about the long-term future as indisputable facts. According to the district court, “the evidence shows beyond debate” that allowing same-sex marriage “will have no adverse effects on society or the institution of marriage.” Ex. A at 125-26 (emphasis added). The evidence relied upon by the district court was the testimony of a single expert witness who expressed “great confidence” that legalizing same-sex marriage would cause no harm to the marital institution or to society, see Trial Tr. 657-59,2 and who found it “informative,” but nothing more, that marriage and divorce rates in Massachusetts had remained relatively stable during the four year periods before and after same-sex marriage was judicially imposed in that State. See Trial Tr. 654-56. Even assuming that sufficient evidence could ever be marshaled to predict with “beyond debate” certainty the long-term societal consequences of a seismic change in a venerable social institution, this scanty evidence does not begin to do so. Nor did the district court take account of any contrary evidence, including that the Plaintiffs’ other expert on this subject acknowledged the obvious: that adoption of same-sex marriage is a “watershed” and “turning point” in the history of the institution that will change “the social meaning of marriage,” and therefore will “unquestionably [have] real world consequences,” Tr. 311-13, but that “the consequences of same-sex marriage” are impossible to know, because “no one predicts the future that accurately.”

6.     7 million Californians were making a reasonable judgment.  Walker’s decision is anti-federalist at its core.

“Given these simple realities, California voters could reasonably decide to study further the still novel and unfolding experiment with same-sex marriage in a handful of other states before embarking on it themselves. The district court dismissed this consideration, too, as irrational, even though it reflects the very purpose of our federalist system.

7.  Judges are not supposed to put voters’ motivations on trial.  Walker ignored this precedent too.

“Finally, the district court judge, ignoring this Court’s directive that “the question of [voter] motivation” is not “an appropriate one for judicial inquiry,” Southern Alameda Spanish Speaking Org. v. Union City, 424 F.2d 291, 295 (9th Cir. 1970), even purported to read the minds of the seven million Californians who voted for Proposition 8, and he found them filled with nothing but animosity and condescension toward gays and lesbians.”

8. Walker's opinion defamed the whole country, including Pres. Obama, and the majority of judges who have found our marriage laws survive rational scrutiny.

“And it defames not only seven million California voters, but everyone else in this Country, and elsewhere, who believes that the traditional opposite-sex definition of marriage continues to meaningfully serve the legitimate interests of society—from the current President of the United States, to a large majority of legislators throughout the Nation, both in statehouses and in the United States Congress, and even to most of the scores of state and federal judges who have addressed the issue.”

To sum up, Cooper and Kirk conclude: Walker’s “legal errors alone are palpable and destined for reversal.”

NOM ElectionWatch 2010: Is Prop 8 Decision Hurting Sen. Barbara Boxer?

California voters, outraged by Judge Walker's charge that they are all ignorant and/or irrational hatemongers, whose views are unworthy of respect and whose votes should not be counted, cannot vent their frustrations against Judge Walker, appointed for life to his federal bench in San Francisco. Will they take their frustration out on Sen. Barbara Boxer, who has rejected the voters' right to vote for marriage as one man and one woman? A new poll shows Sen. Boxer's support has slipped to just 42 percent of voters.

Human Rights Leader: “The question is not whether or not we can win the battle; the question is whether we will join it.”

Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, president of Human Life International—one of the world’s largest human rights organizations—makes a clear case why the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle, particularly same-sex marriages, is the end of Western society:

Fr. Thomas Euteneuer: Gay Marriage and the End of Christian Civilization

Gay Marriage and the End of Christian Civilization

Back in the 90s when Fr. Paul Marx, founder of HLI, was asked his opinion about the efforts to legalize "same-sex unions" he commented in his usual forthright fashion, "When they do that," he said, "it's the end." He meant "the end" of the Christian civilization whose values used to form the basis of American common life. Fr. Marx, in a prophetic sense, saw rightly that a society cannot survive the perverse manipulation of the very structure of reality that God Himself has revealed to us, one very fundamental element of which is the institution of marriage. When we allow that to be changed - "It's the end."

In 2009, 52% of the voting population in California endorsed Proposition 8 which ratified the constitutional protection of marriage as between a man and a woman. One might argue that even 52% was shockingly low on something so important, but the people won that battle despite the veritable war of the homosexual militants to sink that Proposition. In fact, Christian decency won and the structure of reality stayed intact, at least in this aspect of law in California, until this week when a single judge just nullified 7 million votes and the will of the people and lifted the "ban" on gay marriage. There was rejoicing in Sodom on the Bay, but how sad for our nation and even for our poor, misguided world that will weaken in its opposition to the homosexual lifestyle as a result of this decision.

So why, you ask, is gay marriage wrong? Let me count the ways.

First and foremost is because it violates the revealed Will of God as seen in Scripture. There are few things as clear in God's revelation as the sacred institution of marriage between a man and a woman. From Genesis 1 (the marriage of Adam and Eve) to Revelation 21 (the marriage of Christ the Lamb with His Bride the Church) God has had only one model of marriage, and it is not gay marriage. Even polygamy and divorce was done away with in the Christian Church, as Our Lord reminded all of the essence of marriage as it was "in the beginning." This Christian view of marriage became the norm of Western society and its most basic societal unit, undoubtedly allowing the West to flourish.

A close second to this is that gay marriage distorts the very concept of parenting as well as marriage. Even if you overlook the fact that gay marriage is by definition sterile, every child of a gay marriage has to be adopted or artificially inseminated, and that in itself is a violation of the whole concept of family. In the 80s, the Vatican actually said that the adoption of children by homosexuals "does violence" to the child. Pretty strong language, but true nonetheless. In its simplest terms, kids need a mom and a dad, and are forever stigmatized by being the child of a gay marriage. Kids model their lives, their concept of family, their morals and oftentimes their whole worldview on their parents' attitudes and values. These kids get a totally distorted view of all these basics.

Third but by no means the last reason, all of society suffers because of the public endorsement of an intrinsically disordered lifestyle and practice. Yes, "disordered" is what our Church calls both the homosexual orientation and lifestyle, and gay marriage simply ratifies that disorder on a social level. In recent debates, the term "human right" to describe gay marriage and the charge that anyone who stands against it is guilty of "discrimination" are examples of these fundamental distortions. Fr. Marx was right: a society cannot long survive this kind of violence done to its basic values, and history surely shows many societies like Ancient Greece, whose rapid decline was preceded by the proliferation of the gay lifestyle and its public acceptance.

While we respect all people as they are, we don't have to respect such a wholesale assault on everything that is sacred to us and good for our society; no, in fact, we must fight against it with our very lives. The question is not whether or not we can win the battle; the question is whether we will join it. Will we accept the challenge to defend the sacred or not? We are called to be faithful and obedient to the Plan of God for our world, and within that, God will bring forth the victory. There is no doubt that, if it is not already there, gay marriage will be coming to your state soon. If we don't fight it, our souls, our families and basically, our very civilization, will find themselves at "the end" of the line in very short order.


Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer,
President, Human Life International

Ed Whelan on Walker's Latest Outrage: Trying to Prevent his Opinion from being Reviewed

The latest news is that Judge Walker is suggesting that Prop 8 supporters do not have standing to appeal his ruling--in effect he is trying to prevent a higher court from even reviewing his opinion, which may not be surprising given how weak, extreme, and it turns out dishonest, his opinion is. Ed Whelan explains:

"Walker’s action screams for reversal by the Ninth Circuit. If that (alas, notoriously unreliable) court refuses to impose a stay pending appeal, then it will be up to the Supreme Court to, once again, put an end to Walker’s lawlessness—this time, I would think, unanimously. (Yes, I think that even those justices who may be inclined to invent a federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage will be appalled by Walker’s disregard of precedents, his absurdly biased “factfinding,” and his effort to thwart meaningful appeal.)"

Read more.

Prof. Stephen Heaney on Walker's Misdefinition of Marriage

Abraham Lincoln was once asked, "if we call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?' Lincoln answered "four." A tail is still not a leg, even if you call it one. Prof. Heaney goes on to explain how the misdefinition of marriage in Judge Walker's ruling is based on a similar fallacy.

Read Prof. Heaney’s full analysis here.

Maggie Gallagher on CBS Evening News

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher discusses Judge Walker’s latest ruling in the Prop 8 case on yesterday’s CBS Evening News.