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Search Results for: inevitable

Rahm Emanuel is Desperate!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Desperate! That’s what the Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, is right now. Why else would he send out an email to his Chicago machine commanding them to lobby their representatives in favor of same-sex marriage? Because as of today, he knows they don’t have the votes to pass the bill! Rahm Emanuel […]

Laura Bush and "Inevitability"

February 26, 2012 Laura Bush and “Inevitability” By Frank Schubert Dear Marriage Supporter, In my email last week, I wrote about the “big lie” that same-sex marriage is supposedly “inevitable.” By telling us that it’s inevitable we’ll lose, gay marriage advocates are pursuing a strategy designed to encourage our surrender. Please show them you are […]

Just Give Up

Just Give Up February 20, 2012 By Frank Schubert Dear Marriage Supporter, Imagine if you were on the cusp of the greatest victory of your life — within months of achieving something you’d worked doggedly for years to achieve, something truly worthy of a heroic effort. And even as you could almost feel victory in […]

NOM Marches On! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, They expected you and me to fold after the election — you know that, right? But let me promise you something: when the going gets tough, NOM gets going! NOM is on the march for marriage! The Supreme Court is holding oral arguments on March 26-27. The future of marriage hangs in […]

DON'T LET UP! Keep up the Phone Calls to Protect Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Three weeks ago, your phone calls and emails shook the Illinois political world, blocking what many considered an “inevitable” bill to pass same-sex marriage in the lame duck session. Gay marriage supporters had counted on the lame duck session to persuade outgoing lawmakers to take a “tough vote” for same-sex marriage. But […]

The French Rebellion! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, A massive rebellion against gay marriage is brewing in France. I’m here now, and I’ll report to you first hand from the rally planned for Sunday. To read the news accounts in the U.S., you would think gay marriage is inevitable here. Like everywhere. That’s what they always say, right? Recognize that […]

2013 Is Going To Be BIG!

Dear Marriage Supporter, This year is going to be BIG! We’ve been working over the holiday break to formulate our national strategy for 2013. We’re putting the finishing touches on our plans right now, and I’m excited about sharing some major new initiatives with you in the coming weeks…so be on the look out for […]

The 10 Best Arguments for SSM -- And Why They're Still Flawed

Brandon Vogt writes: [Same-sex marriage is] a magnet for controversy and evokes strong reactions from those on either side of the debate. But underneath the fiery passion and rhetoric, we must evaluate the real arguments. Thus, Our Sunday Visitor invited me to write a special section for their newsweekly examining the ten most common arguments for […]

Now is the Time – It Starts With You

Dear Rhode Island Declaration Supporter, As you probably have heard and read, same-sex marriage activists are once again attempting to redefine marriage for all Rhode Islanders this year, starting with the introduction of Representative Art Handy’s same-sex marriage bill yesterday afternoon. Despite what you have read and heard, the redefinition of marriage is not inevitable […]

National Organization for Marriage (NOM) Praises Illinois Legislature for Resisting Push to Redefine Marriage

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 4, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) Defeat of Bill Strengthens Pro-Family Efforts to Preserve Marriage in Next Legislature Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today praised the Illinois Legislature for refusing to agree to redefine marriage in the waning days of the lame duck session. […]

"Not Enough Votes!" NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, “Not Enough Votes!” Too. Close. To. Call. That’s what the liberal Chicago Defender just called the vote—”Too close to call.” Not. Enough. Votes. That’s what a spokeswoman for Senate President John Cullerton told The Associated Press late Thursday: “There aren’t currently enough votes to pass it on the floor.” What a difference […]

BREAKING: Big Win in Illinois!

Dear Marriage Supporter, We’ve just received word that Illinois Democrats have canceled plans to vote on same-sex marriage this week, unable to secure enough support to guarantee passage. Publicly, they’re saying that it’s just because some of their supporters are out of town, but we are hearing that your pressure is part of the reason […]

Immediate Action Needed to Block SSM in Delaware!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Same-sex marriage advocates in Delaware are very publicly planning a push for a new law to redefine marriage when the Legislature reconvenes for its new session in just over a week. Governor Markell claims that the passage of same-sex marriage in The First State is “inevitable.” But you and I both know […]

Uruguay Senate Postpones Vote on Gay Marriage in Face of Renewed Resistance

Gay marriage is always inevitable — until it isn’t: Uruguay’s Senate has delayed until April a vote on a bill that would legalise gay marriage, amid calls for further analysis of the proposal. The Marriage Equality Law, approved on 11 December by the lower house, was backed by the governing coalition. But faced with demands […]

Frank Schubert Responds to Gingrich's Gay Marriage Gamble

Newt Gingrich, in a recent interview with The Huffington Post, agreed with the false claim that redefined marriage is “inevitable” and that those who believe in marriage as the union of husband and wife should compromise the truth of marriage. Frank Schubert, NOM’s National Political Director, responds below: “Newt Gingrich has provided valuable public service […]