TAKE ACTION! Demand Your Right to Vote on Marriage!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The Indiana Marriage Amendment was passed on a bi-partisan basis by the legislature in 2011, and needs to be approved just one more time before being referred to voters in 2014.

But our legislators in Indiana need some extra encouragement, so I need you to stand up today and tell them that the people of Indiana have a right to vote on marriage because we care about protecting it for future generations!

Around the country, we have seen same-sex marriage activists trying to engage elitist judges and legislators to circumvent the will of the people and the democratic process and derail attempts to allow popular votes on marriage.

And in Indiana, gay marriage lobbyists and their allies in the media are once again ramping up their campaigns of disinformation by attempting to persuade House and Senate leadership to postpone a vote on the measure.

The amendment stands a very good chance of passing if brought to a vote, but legislators like Senate President Pro Tem David Long (R-Fort Wayne) aren’t being forthright about whether they will bring the issue up for a vote.

Marriage supporter, we need to hold our representatives accountable!

I need you to do three things right away — each of which will only take a few minutes:

  1. Click here to send an email to your state legislators, urging them to support the Indiana Marriage Amendment. A copy of your letter will also be sent to Senate President David Long and House Speaker Brian Bosma.
  2. Phone the following key legislators and tell them to support the Marriage Amendment:
  3. David Long (R) Senate President Pro Tem: 317-232-9400
    Brian Bosma (R) Speaker of the House: 317-232-9677
    Brandt Hershman (R) Senate Majority Leader: 317-232-9840
    William Friend (R) House Majority Leader: 800-382-9841


    You can also click here to find your local legislators and give them a call, too.

  4. Forward this email to friends and family throughout the state, or use the buttons below to share on Facebook and Twitter. (We need a groundswell of public support to make sure legislators know their constituents stand firmly on the side of marriage!)

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Marriage is the beautiful and sacred union of a man and a woman, bringing together the two halves of humanity for the benefit of children and all of society. . . and it must be protected!

It is critically important that our legislators hear from us and that they know that Hoosiers have the right to vote on a marriage amendment! Make sure that our leaders in Indianapolis understand this by taking a few moments to make your voice heard right away!

U.S. Bishops File Supreme Court Briefs Supporting DOMA, Proposition 8

Marriage Unique For a Reason Blog:

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on January 29 filed amicus briefs in the United States Supreme Court in support of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California’s Proposition 8, both of which  confirm the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
.... Urging the Court to uphold DOMA the USCCB brief in United States v. Windsor says that “there is no fundamental right to marry a person of the same sex.” The brief also states that “as defined by courts ‘sexual orientation’ is not a classification that should trigger heightened scrutiny,” such as race or ethnicity would. 

It added that “civil recognition of same-sex relationships is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and tradition—quite the opposite is true. Nor can the treatment of such relationships as marriages be said to be implicit in the concept of ordered liberty, such that neither liberty nor justice would exist if they were sacrificed.”

USCCB argued that previous Supreme Court decisions “describing marriage as a fundamental right plainly contemplate the union of one man and one woman.”

The USCCB also cautioned that a decision invalidating DOMA “would have adverse consequences in other areas of law.”

... In a separate brief filed in Hollingsworth v Perry urging the Court to uphold Proposition 8, the USCCB states that there are many reasons why the state may reasonably support and encourage marriage, understood as the union of one man and one woman, as distinguished from other relationships. Government support for marriage, so understood, is “recognizing the unique capacity of opposite-sex couples to procreate” and “the unique value to children of being raised by their mother and father together.”

What is Marriage? Authors: Why the Conjugal View Can Prevail

Authors of What is Marriage? One Man, One Woman: A Defense (which you can purchase here) write in the most recent print edition of National Review:

In our new book What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense, we make a rational case for the historic understanding of marriage as a conjugal relationship — a union of a man and a woman at every level (mind, heart, andbody), inherently oriented to family life. We show how the common good depends on enshrining this view in law, and answer all the most significant criticisms of this view (having to do with equality, freedom, neutrality, interracial marriage, infertile couples, and much more). We show how the argument for redefining marriage contradicts itself, and document the many ways that embracing it would harm the common good. And we show how society can support marriage without ignoring the needs, undermining the dignity, or curbing the fulfillment of people with same-sex attractions.

Here, we respond to some challenges that even those sympathetic to our views might raise: Why worry about same-sex marriage in particular? Why worry about marriage policy? If marriage policy does matter, why not “broaden the definition” of marriage to promote family values? How would recognizing same-sex relationships as marriages harm marriage? Isn’t ours a losing cause, or at best a secondary one? And why privilege anyone’s sectarian values at all — doesn’t that compromise freedom and equality? We address each of these questions in turn.

Abp. Cordileone: Fighting for Marriage is Our Way of Loving God

Archbishop Cordileone, chairman of the Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage for the U.S. bishops, talks about the spiritual dimension of suffering persecution to stand up for marriage, in answer to a British journalist explaining that she was intimidated about sharing her pro-marriage convictions in a TV debate:

"...I admit that I didn’t step up to the plate when Channel 4 invited me on live television to debate gay marriage, because I didn’t want to become a hate figure. I feared my career would suffer and I wouldn’t be able to pay my rent. The archbishop sighs and responds: “You say that you can’t debate it without suffering for your beliefs, so who is being discriminated against? Who is being intolerant? It is the secular orthodoxy that allows no dissent and will punish those who do.”

When I concede that I feel like a coward for passing up the opportunity to argue the case for marriage on television, Archbishop Cordileone says: “It’s a lot easier for us priests to speak out. Fellow clergy are not going to marginalise us. And we’re not going to be passed up for a promotion or lose our jobs!”

While speaking out may be less daunting for priests, he encourages lay people to embrace the challenge, which for us in Britain means actively opposing the forthcoming gay marriage Bill. Archbishop Cordileone urges us to see it as a way of winning grace. “Fighting for marriage is our way of loving God, and the struggle is the particular gift that God has given our generation. This is our particular trial, and by overcoming it we may achieve spiritual greatness. It will entail suffering if we are to oppose gay marriage, something which poses such destruction to the understanding of natural marriage, which is a child-oriented institution.” (UK Catholic Herald)

Canadian Court: Marriage is Different From Cohabitation

Institute of Marriage and Family Canada:

Today the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that Quebec can exclude cohabiting couples from receiving spousal support in the event of relationship breakdown.

The Institute of Marriage and Family Canada applauds this decision because it accurately reflects the fact that social science research shows marriage to be substantively different from living common law.

“There is great consensus from social scientists, no matter their political stripe, that marriage is different from living together,” says IMFC Manager of Research Andrea Mrozek. “Unfortunately, the statistical reality is that people living together break up more readily – even if they do eventually wed. They are more likely to have multiple partners. Their children face more problems – higher rates of school dropout, more drug use and an earlier age of sexual initiation. And single parents – typically mothers – are more likely to be poor. These are some of the harsh statistical realities of living together versus getting married, and it is wise to acknowledge this difference,” says Mrozek.

Marriage protects against poverty and remains the most stable manner in which to raise children. Some researchers have even identified that a new class division is emerging along married versus unmarried lines. This is the message of author Kay Hymowitz’s book, Marriage and Caste in America.

Steven Crowder: 5 Reasons for Men to Grow Up and Get Married

Comedian Steven Crowder writes humorously (and scientifically!) about why men benefit from marrying women:

I just want to say, flat out…

… Marriage is a really good deal.

Let’s assume for a second that you don’t think of humans as inherently spiritual beings. So let’s remove the fact that married people claim to be happier, more fulfilled, complete and purposeful. Some of you are even thinking,

“Love? Who needs love!”

Okay. Here are a few purely statistical reasons as to why marriage (when done correctly) is conducive to an undeniably better life. Hold onto your butts.

1. You’ll be richer – Yes. Not only do married couples make more, save more, have a higher net worth and qualify for more benefits/financial incentives than lonely, single folk… but your kids will be richer too. Which brings me to my next point

2. Would somebody please think of the children!! – The single biggest indicator of child poverty is whether both original parents are still together. Not only that, but children in married households get better grades, are less disruptive in class and less likely to develop behavioral disorders than children from non-married households. So be married long and prosper. Your kids will too.

Read the other three reasons here!

NEW VIDEO: Marching For Marriage!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Not long ago, I sent you an email hinting that NOM was getting ready to launch some major initiatives. Well, after participating in the March for Life last Friday, I am excited to announce that NOM is putting together a March for Marriage!

It will take place in Washington DC on March 26th — the day the Supreme Court will be hearing oral arguments in the Proposition 8 case. You can go to and sign up for information and alerts today!

I'll be sending you more information in the days and weeks to come… but this is a pivotal moment in the marriage movement — an opportunity to show grassroots support from throughout the nation for marriage just as Proposition 8, the potential Roe v. Wade of marriage, is being considered!

Please help NOM make this march a success by making a donation of $25, $50, $100 or even $500 today to help us reach and turn out citizens just like you and me, who believe in and are willing to stand for the commonsense truth that marriage is between one man and one woman.

When I wrote you about some of NOM's plans, I was boarding a plane to go to France to spend a week in Paris, offering whatever support and advice I could to the organizers of their recent marriage rally. I had the privilege of being in that town and witness ONE MILLION people gather to tell their government: "Children have a Right to A Mother and Father; Don't Redefine Marriage!"

And, I have to say, it was incredible!

I want to share with you a little bit of my experience in France: please click here to watch a brief video showing highlights of the rally.

I was proud to march with pro-marriage brothers and sisters of every background — Catholics, Christians, Muslims and Jews; even some gay individuals who are against gay marriage! — all marching for a single, united purpose: to defend the commonsense truth that marriage is a unique union of a man and a woman, because children need their mother and father.

Marriage supporter, please consider making a donation today to help NOM bring together a vast coalition of marriage supporters in America at precisely the moment when the Supreme Court is debating this historic case!

2013 is going to be a critical year for the future of marriage in America. Please stand with us today — take a moment to click the above link and watch this incredible, heartening new video; and then please consider making a generous donation to support NOM's work today.

UK Government Source: Teachers May Face Firing for Refusing to Teach Gay Marriage

The Christian Post:

As Great Britain's government prepares to vote on a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, an official from the Secretary of State for Education's office reportedly has expressed trepidation toward the bill, arguing that primary school teachers in the country could possibly lose their jobs if they do not teach about gay marriage in the classroom.

One unnamed senior source from the office of Michael Gove, who serves as the country's current Secretary of State for Education, has recently said that ultimately the U.K. government is not in control, should a teacher lose their job for refusing to teach same-sex marriage, and the case would ultimately go to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France, where the European Parliament is located.

... Additionally, those critical of the upcoming same-sex marriage bill argue that hospital chaplains and other people in authority may be faced with difficult decisions when their conscience conflicts with their work protocol.

Abp. Cordileone to Obama: Protecting Marriage is Not Discrimination

In response to the President's claim in his inaugural address that gay people are not equally protected under the law, Archbishop Cordileone, chairman of the Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage, said:

I honor the President’s concern for the equal dignity of every human being, including those that experience same-sex attraction, who like everyone else, must be protected against any and all violence and hatred.

But the marriage debate is not about equality under the law, but rather the very meaning of marriage. Marriage is the only institution that unites children with their mothers and fathers.

Protecting this understanding of marriage is not discrimination nor is it some kind of pronouncement on how adults live out their intimate relationships; it is standing for the common good.

... the equal right of all children to grow up knowing and being loved by their mother and father. I pray for the president and for all our nation’s leaders that they will grow to understand and support this enduring truth. (Marriage Unique for a Reason blog)

CNA: Prof. George Warns of Catholic Oppression Over Marriage


A Princeton law professor has predicted increasing persecution of Catholic teaching on sexuality, amid accusations by a New York scholar that such teaching creates a culture of rape.

In a Jan. 17 email to CNA, Professor Robert George of Princeton University warned of rising oppression against those who oppose a redefinition of marriage.

Such persecution includes an increase in "the use of 'anti-discrimination' laws to violate the freedom of religious institutions and religious individuals to honor their beliefs about marriage and sexual morality,” he said.

Anderson: President Got Marriage and the Declaration Wrong

Ryan Anderson, co-author of What is Marriage? explains what President Obama got wrong about marriage and the Declaration of Independence's pledge in his inaugural speech:

"...Being created equal doesn’t entail or require redefining marriage. Every marriage policy draws lines, leaving out some types of relationships. But equality forbids arbitrary line-drawing. Determining which lines are arbitrary requires us to answer two questions:
1)      What is marriage?

2)      Why does it matter for policy?

Reflecting on these questions reveals why there’s nothing “equal” about redefining marriage to eliminate the norm of sexual complementarity. Indeed, there are many good reasons why citizens in 41 states have said over and over that marriage is between a man and a woman. Marriage exists to bring a man and a woman together as husband and wife to be father and mother to any children their union produces. And as ample social science has shown, children tend to do best when reared by their mother and father." (Heritage)

National Organization for Marriage – Rhode Island Statement on House Vote to Redefine Marriage

CONTACT: Christopher Plante (401-228-7602)

"Last night's vote in the House of Representatives was not a surprise. The real battle lies before us in the Senate." — Chris Plante, Regional Director for the National Organization for Marriage

Providence, RI — Christopher Plante, Regional Director of the National Organization for Marriage released the following statement in response to Rhode Island's House of Representative's vote to redefine marriage:

"While last night's House of Representatives vote was expected, it does not mitigate what actually happened. For the first time, elected legislators in Rhode Island voted to redefine marriage and undermine the very fabric of our state's society. By voting to redefine marriage, the Representatives who supported this legislation voted for a future in which the words husband and wife are meaningless, where children are intentionally deprived of either their mother or father, where people of faith are continually under threat of attack, and where parents may lose the right to direct the education of their children.

"We will continue to oppose the redefinition of marriage in Rhode Island and are confident that we will defeat this bill in the Senate. The grassroots supporters of marriage that organized over 1,000 people in the State House Rotunda a week ago will continue to grow and make their voices heard in the Senate."

As a result of the efforts of the National Organization for Marriage – Rhode Island, along with its allies across the state, it has been reported that many Representatives and Senators have received hundreds of calls against this legislation, with many Assembly members claiming to have received calls 10-1 against the redefinition of marriage.


To schedule an interview with Christopher Plante, Regional Director of the National Organization for Marriage, contact him at 401-228-7602 or [email protected]

TAKE ACTION NOW: Tell Wyoming Republicans to Support Marriage!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Representative Cathy Connolly (D-Laramie) is sponsoring House Bill 169, which would redefine marriage as a civil contract between "two natural persons," rather than between a man and a woman, as the state law now reads.

And, to make matters worse, three Republican State Representatives have jumped on board. Reps. Keith Gingery and Ruth Ann Petroff of Jackson are behind the bill; and Rep. Sue Wallis (R-Recluse) is one of the bill’s co-sponsors.

With the Supreme Court hearing cases on same-sex marriage in just a few short weeks, any action in favor of same-sex marriage would send a bad signal to the entire nation. Today, you and the pro-marriage citizens of Wyoming can send a message loud and clear to the political powers in Cheyenne: DON'T MESS WITH MARRIAGE!

I need your help to stop same-sex marriage from coming to Wyoming. In fact, I need you to specifically do three things — none of which will take much time at all, and can make a huge difference.

First, click here to contact these three Republican legislators, as well as your own state legislators and urge them to oppose House Bill 169 or any other proposed legislation that would redefine marriage in Wyoming.

Second, please call these three Republicans and urge them to oppose this legislation and take a stand to defend marriage.

Keith Gingery Home: (307) 734-5624
Ruth Ann Petroff Work: (307) 734-9446 Cell: (307) 690-3392
Sue Wallis Home: (307) 685-8248 Cell: (307) 680-8515

And third — and this is just as important — I need you to forward this message to as many people as possible throughout the state. As we have seen in so many places, just a handful of citizens courageously standing up to defend marriage can make a tremendous impact. But we need your help to get the word out.

Marriage is too important a matter to be left to the whims of heavily lobbied politicians and the special interest groups padding their pockets. Please be a part of the millions of faithful American throughout the country who believe in and stand up for marriage as God ordained it.

We need to act, and act as one, to send this important message to our elected officials in Cheyenne in time to make an impact. Tell them that the eyes of the state are watching, and that we will not stand idly by while the most basic institution in society — the marriage of one man and one woman — is threatened by a radical agenda.

Stand for marriage, Wyoming!

Obama's Divided America, NOM Marriage News

NOM National Newsletter

Dear Marriage Supporter,

On Monday, President Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States.

An inauguration is always an historic occasion, a moment when the American people come together to celebrate the democracy we share.

It was on the day that we as a nation gather to celebrate Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that President Obama decided to divide the country and to demean the views of millions of fellow Americans, by trying to make support for gay marriage part of the national creed:

We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths — that all of us are created equal — is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and unsung, who left footprints along this great Mall, to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone; to hear a King proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on Earth.

"Our journey is not complete," Obama went on, "until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law — [applause] — for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well."

Even many of his strongest supporters on the Mall (and I do understand why so many African-Americans in particular celebrate and support this president, even as they disagree with his views on marriage), admitted they disagree with the president:

Over at HuffPo, Irene Monroe — who describes herself as "a nationally renowned African-American lesbian activist, scholar and public theologian" — admitted many Black Americans found the President's rhetoric divisive: her piece is called "Obama Linking Selma to Stonewall Divides the Black Community."

Monroe writes that she personally "felt affirmed" and "applauded the president's courageous pronouncement."

"However," she continued, "some African Americans felt ‘dissed' by the president's speech. The linkage of their civil rights struggle with that of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) Americans did nothing to quell their dislike of the comparison. For them, the fact that it was spoken by this president made it sting more."

This President has apparently concluded that gay marriage is the civil rights battle of our time and has prioritized it in spite of the views of many other members of his coalition.

Our Strongest Case Yet

This week, two brilliant lawyers filed briefs to the Supreme Court in the two marriage cases presently on the docket: Paul Clement filed for the House of Representatives on the constitutionality of DOMA, and Ted Olson's chief nemesis Chuck Cooper filed his brief in defense of the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8.

As you read the briefs and applaud, save a little applause for House majority leader John Boehner. He has his critics, but you have to give him credit for pursuing this case all the way to the Supreme Court in spite of media and RINO pressure to give up.

Even 60 Minutes legal analyst Andrew Cohen had to admit in the Atlantic, "At Supreme Court, Gay Marriage Foes Make Their Strongest Case Yet."

These brilliant legal minds make a particularly strong case against President Obama's divisive claim that support for our traditional understanding of marriage is like support for racism.

You can read both the DOMA brief and the Prop 8 brief at which we've re-launched to keep track of this most important legal fight. Check in frequently for important updates!

In Paul Clement's DOMA brief, the impressive case against President Obama's framing begins on page 49.

"Gays and Lesbians are far from politically powerless," the brief points out. (You and I, who are in the midst of these political battles, know that all too well.)

Indeed, the brief continues, "the decision of the President and Attorney General to stop defending and start attacking DOMA itself demonstrates the remarkable political clout of the same-sex marriage movement. As the Chief Judge of the Second Circuit remarked to the Department's representative at oral argument, ‘your presence here is like an argument against your argument.'"

"Characterizing such a group as politically powerless would be wholly inconsistent with this Court's admonition that a class should not be regarded as suspect when the group has some ability to attract the attention of the lawmakers," Clement argues.

Then, on page 56, Clement takes on the Selma analogy directly... and demolishes it. Yes, I would agree, people with same-sex attraction have suffered harms and exclusions. But the comparison between California today and Selma reveals either an impoverished moral imagination or an intellectual insincerity.

I particularly love how Clement uses their own witnesses against them:

Finally, each of the recognized suspect and quasi-suspect classes — racial minorities, aliens, women, and those born out of wedlock — have suffered discrimination for longer than history has been recorded. In contrast, as this Court noted in Lawrence, "there is no longstanding history in this country of laws directed at homosexual conduct as a distinct matter... Indeed, "the concept of the homosexual as a distinct category of person did not emerge until the late 19th century." Id. As Ms. Windsor's own expert, Dr. George Chauncey, has written, although "antigay discrimination is popularly thought to have ancient roots, in fact it is a unique and relatively short-lived product of the twentieth century."

But more importantly, "unlike racial minorities and women, homosexuals as a class have never been politically disenfranchised — the kind of pervasive official discrimination that most clearly supports suspect class treatment by the courts."

In sum, the traditional factors this Court has assessed in determining whether to recognize a new quasi-suspect or suspect class are absent when it comes to gays and lesbians. Perhaps most critically, gays and lesbians have substantial political power, and that power is growing. Victories at the ballot box that would have been unthinkable a decade ago have become routine. To be sure, those victories have not been uniform and have come first in "blue" states rather than "red" ones, but that is the nature of the political process. There is absolutely no reason to think that gays and lesbians are shut out of the political process to a degree that would justify judicial intervention on an issue as divisive and fast-moving as same-sex marriage. As Judge Straub observed, the definition of marriage is "an issue for the American people and their elected representatives to settle through the democratic process."

The Democratic process "require[s] participants on both sides to persuade those who disagree, rather than labeling them irrational or bigoted." By contrast, courts "can intervene in this robust debate only to cut it short" [emphasis added].

Equality... For Our Children

San Francisco Archbishop Cordileone, the "godfather of Prop 8" and head of the USCCB's Defense of Marriage subcommittee, issued this pointed and poignant statement in response to Pres. Obama's remarks:

"I honor the president's concern for the equal dignity of every human being, including those who experience same-sex attraction, who, like everyone else, must be protected against any and all violence and hatred," wrote Archbishop Cordileone in an email to the National Catholic Register.

(Yes, it's good to be reminded our fellow citizens who are gay still sometimes experience awful and unjust attacks that we must all unite to oppose).

But, as the Archbishop continued:

[T]he marriage debate is not about equality under the law, but, rather, the very meaning of marriage. Marriage is the only institution that unites children with their mothers and fathers... Protecting this understanding of marriage is not discrimination, nor is it some kind of pronouncement on how adults live out their intimate relationships; it is standing for the common good.

Then he went on to say something I don't hear very often: our love of equality should demand that we support marriage, which represents "the equal right of all children to grow up knowing and being loved by their mother and father."

Same-Sex Marriage Is Not A Civil Right

In an interview I gave to NBC News recently, I told them point blank: "Same-sex marriage is not a civil right. To try and compare in any way the attempt to redefine marriage with the Civil Rights movement is simply false. I think that the president's forgetting about the most important group affected by this and their civil rights, and that's children having the civil right to have both a mom and a dad."

The fight continues. Let us continue to stand together in defense of timeless truths, truths we know from both Nature and Nature's God. Justice for children is the great cause for which we strive.

As Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose birthday we celebrate said, "The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice."

Thank you for all that you have done for me, in particular and for this great cause. I'm so proud to stand together with you in this fight.

Prop 8 Proponents File 83-Page Brief in Support of Marriage and the People

The Mercury News:

Supporters of California's Proposition 8 on Tuesday urged the U.S. Supreme Court to preserve the state's ban on same-sex marriage, firing the first legal volley of many to come before the justices hear arguments in the historic case in late March.

In an 83-page brief, Proposition 8's defenders decried a federal appeals court's ruling last year declaring the 2008 gay marriage ban unconstitutional. California voters had a right to define "the vital social institution of marriage" as being between a man and a woman, the Proposition 8 legal team wrote.

"In short, there is no warrant in precedent or precept for invalidating marriage as it has existed in California for virtually all of its history, as it was universally understood throughout this nation (and the world) until just the last decade, and as it continues to be defined in the overwhelming majority of states and nations," they declared.