UK Gay Marriage Bill Also Would Redefine Adultery and Sex

As these provisions make clear, redefining marriage redefines other core values our legal tradition has traditionally inscribed in marriage law:

Under a long-awaited bill allowing same-sex couples to marry, only infidelity between people of opposite genders would count as adultery in divorce cases.

It means that people in a same-sex marriages who discover that their spouse is unfaithful to them would not be able to divorce for adultery – unless it was with someone of the opposite sex. 

Equally, it makes clear that straight people cannot accuse their partner of adultery if they discover they had a secret lover of the same sex.

It comes after Government legal experts failed to agree what constitutes “sex” between same-sex couples.

The bill also makes clear that gay couples would not be able to have their marriage annulled on grounds of non-consummation for the same reason.

Lawyers and MPs said the distinction over adultery created inequality between heterosexual and homosexual couples in the divorce courts and would lead to confusion.

They said it made it likely that adultery would simply be abolished as a grounds for divorce – either through Parliament or the courts. (UK Telegraph)

UK Catholic Church Distributes 1 Million Pro-Marriage Postcards at Sunday Masses

The UK Catholic Herald:

The Archbishop of Southwark, the Most Rev Peter Smith, spoke of a desire to “mobilise” opposition in the Church.

He urged them to capitalize on the decision by all three main party leaders to allow free votes on the matter and increase pressure on their local MPs to halt such a “fundamental change in the law”.

A million postcards, designed for Catholics to complete and send to their MP asking them to vote against the Government’s plan, were distributed at masses over the weekend.

The issue to due to come up for a vote in the Commons as early as February 5.

... In a letter on behalf of bishops, Archbishop Smith, the second most senior active Catholic cleric in England and Wales, told priests: “The time to act is now.”

NOM Chairman John Eastman Publishes Heritage Legal Memorandum on DOMA, Prop 8

In a new Heritage Legal Memorandum, Chapman University Law School professor and NOM Chairman John Eastman writes on the constitutional issues at stake in the DOMA and Prop 8 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. Here is the Abstract:

In United States v. Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry, the Supreme Court will consider the constitutionality of government policies that reflect traditional marriage—that is, marriage as a union between one man and one woman. If the Court does not dismiss these cases on jurisdictional grounds, it should act to uphold traditional marriage. Nothing in the Court’s jurisprudence suggests that the right of same-sex couples to have their relationships recognized as marriages is so fundamental as to be protected by the Constitution’s Due Process Clause. Nor does the Equal Protection Clause require that result, given the societal purpose and value of marriage as furthering procreation and child-rearing. Because the Constitution does not speak to this question, it is one that is left to ordinary political processes, not to judicial fiat.

You can read the rest here.

NEW VIDEO: Why We Must Not Lose at the Supreme Court

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

Last week, I sent you a note about NOM's newly redesigned website,

Today I want to share with you a video reminding us how important it is that we remain active and engaged to demonstrate America's support for marriage leading up to the Supreme Court's consideration of this pivotal case. This new Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance video interview shows what the consequences of losing this battle could be.

Dr. Steve Tourloukis was forced to sue the government of Canada for his right as a parent to determine how to best educate his own children!

Click here to watch this incredible new video today!

We have seen, time and time again, that wherever marriage is redefined, the rights of religious individuals and institutions are put in jeopardy by government fiat. There is no middle ground — either our rights are respected, or they are threatened and eradicated.

When marriage is redefined, people like you and me who believe that it takes a man and a woman to make a marriage are treated under the law as the functional equivalent of racists and bigots.

Marriage Supporter, these are the stakes of the battle that has now made its way to the Supreme Court.

Please watch this video right now and seriously consider making a confidential, tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or even $500 to the NOM Education Fund today, so that together we can fight back against the dangerous imposition of the radical same-sex marriage agenda.

We can win this fight, but only if we have the means to give marriage the defense it both needs and deserves.

The Path to Victory

National Organization for Marriage RI

Dear Marriage Champion,

Last week, the House of Representatives took the unprecedented step of voting to redefine marriage. The homosexual activists behind House Bill 5015 do not believe that children are entitled to both a mother and a father.

But we know that marriage is about more than the wants and desires of adults; the government regulates marriage for the good of children.

Recently, a landmark study showed that children raised in a household where at least one parent engaged in a homosexual relationship fared worse on 25 out of 40 measured outcomes, and did better on virtually none. You can see the study for yourself at

Now the battle shifts to the Senate, where the fate of marriage sits on a knife's edge. Even today the Providence Journal ran the headline, "Senate Appears Divided on Same-Sex Marriage Bill." Eleven senators have co-signed a bill to redefine marriage, while eleven others have signed a resolution to send the question to the people.

Which path will the Senate choose — radically redefining marriage, or letting the citizens have their say in the matter? For us, the path is clear... and that path starts with you.

You can make the difference in preserving the vital roles of mothers and fathers, and leaving future generations of kids the best chance of being loved and cared for by both their mom and dad.

Tell the Senate to REJECT the redefinition of marriage and instead "Let the People Vote!"

Act immediately and urge the Senate to REJECT House Bill 5015 and to support Senate Resolution 96 to let the people vote on marriage.

Here are three easy steps to make a difference today:

  1. Call your State Senator right now and urge him or her to REJECT House Bill 5015 and to SUPPORT Senate Resolution 96. Click here for a telephone list of the Senators.

  2. Email each member of the Senate Judiciary Committee urging them to REJECT HB 5015 and support Senate Resolution 96. Click here to send your message right now.

  3. Ask you family and friends to join you by forwarding this email to five people.

There is a path to preserving marriage in the Ocean State, but that path starts with you taking action right now! Together, let's take this path today — to victory!

Brian Brown on Obama, Divider-in-Chief on Marriage

Brian Brown's op-ed on the President's choice to use his inaugural address to push for a redefinition of marriage has been published in CNS News:

"... Marriage as it has been defined throughout history - as the union of one man and one woman - is a great cause of unity for any culture, including our own. We know all too well what happens to society when marriage breaks down and government interferes with the rights of men and women to come together and form healthy, lifelong marriages.  The President's obsession with redefining marriage has prevented him in his first term from doing anything of substance to support and advance the institution of marriage for the vast majority of Americans. That is where his emphasis should be. 

Americans remain united in support of the commonsense definition of marriage. A poll taken after the most recent elections showed that 60% of Americans agree that marriage is between one man and one woman. Twenty percent of Americans in that same poll said marriage was one of their top three issues. The vast majority of states define marriage as the union of husband and wife and the vast majority of Americans who have been given a chance to vote on the question have supported that definition as well.

... We eagerly await the Supreme Court's decision on the question of whether Americans have a right to protect marriage in law.

In the meantime, Americans should unite in support of the commonsense definition of marriage. The longer our leaders insist on throwing their words and weight behind the movement to redefine marriage the more they will continue to divide our beloved nation."

NOM Chairman John Eastman on Obama's Gay Couples Immigration Destraction

Our Chairman Prof. John Eastman was interviewed briefly by NBC Latino yesterday:

"...DOMA proponents see the president’s decision to roll in a provision for bi-national same-sex couples as misguided.

“If the president is putting immigration as his highest priority, why would he muddy the waters with a proposal that violates current federal law?” says John Eastman, president of the National Organization for Marriage. “I guarantee there’ll be a fight if he’s trying to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. I think it demonstrates he’s not serious about immigration reform.”

Am immigration reform blueprint released by the “Gang of Eight,” as the group of Republican and Democratic senators have come to be known, detailed major shifts on immigration but did not refer to measures for same-sex couples."

Matthew Franck: The Boy Scouts and Neuhaus’ Law

Matthew Franck at First Things recalls an observation of the later Fr. Richard Neuhaus which he finds applicable to the recent attempt by the Boy Scouts of America to placate their gay activist critics:

"...Already one of the pressure-group leaders who has brought the Scouts to the brink of this change is warning that it does not go far enough:“It’s a step in the right direction, and good to see that B.S.A. is softening its position,” [Zach Wahls] said. “But under the policy change, it will still be possible for some units to discriminate.”

This is a perfect occasion for a reminder of Neuhaus’ Law, named for First Thingsfounding editor Richard John Neuhaus, who coined it in a “Public Square” entry in the January 1997 issue titled “The Unhappy Fate of Optional Orthodoxy.” Here is the Law as Fr. Neuhaus himself stated it: “Where orthodoxy is optional, orthodoxy will sooner or later be proscribed.”

As Neuhaus went on to explain, with his usual trenchant insight:

With the older orthodoxy it is possible to disagree, as in having an argument. Evidence, reason, and logic count, in principle at least. Not so with the new orthodoxy. Here disagreement is an intolerable personal affront. It is construed as a denial of others, of their experience of who they are. It is a blasphemous assault on that most high god, “My Identity.” Truth-as-identity is not appealable beyond the assertion of identity. In this game, identity is trumps.

Just so."

Marriage Supporters Around the Country Already Making Plans to Attend March for Marriage!

On the official March for Marriage page on Facebook, pro-marriage supporters around the country are sharing their plans to attend:

One person said: "Marriage March is on a TUESDAY. How PRO-marriage are you? Are you willing to rearrange your schedule to attend this event? Would you choose to drive or fly? Would you spend the night or pop in, pop out? I attended Glenn Beck's "Restore Honor" Rally a few years ago, my first time to ever visit our nation's capital. It was an experience I'll never forget. Married 36 years in July, perhaps we'll take an early anniversary trip to DC!"

A second said: "Lord willing count [us] in. We can definitely do that."

A third: "Looking at the calendar here and going to re-arrange to BE THERE!!"

A fourth: "This is Holy Week, still Lent. I don't like to travel, but I'm willing to do this as part of my Lenten Sacrifice, if I can find others to go with me. I'll start looking right away."

A fifth: "COUNT ME IN!"

Can we count you in? Sign up for more info today at!

Manhattan Declaration Files Pro-DOMA Amicus Brief On Behalf of 500,000+ Members

The Manhattan Declaration:

Male-Female marriage received a vigorous defense Monday in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court. The Manhattan Declaration, Inc., the voice of more than 500,000 Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical Christians filed a friend of the court (Amicus) brief. The foundational document of this organization, which has gained over half-a-million signatures, addresses religious liberty, sanctity of life and traditional marriage.
"Natural law, the nature of the human person, and common sense provide ample reason to preserve marriage as it has always been understood." Explained John Mauck, the Chicago attorney with the firm of Mauck & Baker, who submitted the brief on behalf of the Manhattan Declaration...

View the entire press release here.

100 Pastors Vow to Fight SSM in Illinois

The Illinois Review:

Over 100 Chicago area pastors vowed to fight back against the effort to legalize same sex marriages Thursday morning at an informational forum sponsored by Illinois Family Institute at the Tinley Park Convention Center in the southwest suburbs.

IFI's Executive Director David Smith and Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Joseph LaRue told the pastors representing black, Latino and mixed congregations that the legislation is more expansive than simply allowing two persons of the same sex to legally marry. Rep. Greg Harris' new proposal would also require any church that opens its doors to outside organizations to rent to same sex couples, as well.

"If this bill passes, they have graciously decided to give you what the First Amendment says, and what the courts have said, that you don't have to marry anybody you don't want to, isn't that nice of them?" LaRue said. "But here's what does happen to you - If you let outside groups use your church facility, if you rent your church facilities to the Boy Scouts or Al Anon or whatever it may be... if you open your church building to outsiders, then you have to open it up to everybody, and it doesn't matter what you believe about it.  That's what the law says."

DON'T LET UP! Keep up the Phone Calls to Protect Marriage!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Three weeks ago, your phone calls and emails shook the Illinois political world, blocking what many considered an "inevitable" bill to pass same-sex marriage in the lame duck session.

Gay marriage supporters had counted on the lame duck session to persuade outgoing lawmakers to take a "tough vote" for same-sex marriage. But they ran into Illinois voters along the way.

It was a tremendous victory, but our work is far from done...

When the newly elected legislature took office on January 10th, Democrats increased their majorities in both houses, and immediately introduced a new same-sex marriage bill. Senate President John Cullerton has told the press that he expects to bring the bill to a vote early in the session, perhaps as early as the next couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, the pressure from powerful elites keeps mounting, as Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, to GOP Chairman Pat Brady, and even President Obama himself continue pressing lawmakers to approve the measure that would redefine marriage and jeopardize the rights of religious believers across the state.

We have to keep the pressure up!

I need you to do three things immediately:

  1. Contact your state senator and representative today! Use this link to send an email to your elected officials, or better still, click here to look up their phone numbers and make a personal phone call to let your senator and representative know: Don't redefine our only civil institution that connects children with parents — marriage matters!

    Please take action right now. It only takes a minute to send your lawmakers a message, and it is vitally important that they hear your voice today.

  2. Tell the Illinois Republican Party it's time for a new chairman! Republicans throughout the state are outraged that party chairman Pat Brady would openly reject the Republican Party platform, and the values of tens of thousands of Illinois Republicans, on an issue as important as marriage. Use this link to send a message to the state GOP, urging Pat Brady to resign as the leader of Illinois Republicans.

  3. Finally, forward this email to friends and family throughout the state, or use the buttons below to share on Facebook and Twitter. It's going to take thousands of Illinoisans working together to protect marriage in Illinois.Help spread the word today!

    Facebook ThisTweet ThisEmail This

I know I can count on you to help. Thank you!

Tax Expert Says U.S. Tax Code Sending a Message: Don't Be Married

The fiscal cliff deal signed by President Obama earlier this month comes down especially hard on married individuals, many of whom were already penalized by the Affordable Care Act:

It pays to be single -- that is, when it comes to high earners' tax bills.

U.S. taxpayers with income of more than $200,000 a year will see federal tax rates rise this year on wages and investments. Tax increases will pinch married couples faster than individuals, especially if both spouses work and have capital gains and dividend income, said Joseph Perry, partner- in-charge of tax and business services at the accounting firm Marcum LLP.

In the law passed by Congress Jan. 1, multiple thresholds for higher rates kick in for married couples only $50,000 above where they hit for singles. Married taxpayers with income of at least $300,000 also face limits on the value of deductions and personal exemptions that were reinstated for 2013.

"If they're sending a message, it's not to be married," Perry said of U.S. tax policy. "People who are married, working, earning two good salaries, are being penalized."

The budget deal struck by Congress and new taxes stemming from the 2010 health-care law are exacerbating the long- established marriage penalty for high earners. The added bite will affect taxes they pay for 2013, and not the current filing season that starts this month. (Bloomberg)

Italian Bishop Confined to Home by Gay Marriage Demonstration


An Italian archbishop has revealed that he was confined to his home, forced to remain inside his “besieged” residence, when homosexual activists staged a protest there earlier this month, and warned that gay-rights campaigners aim to prosecute all who oppose their agenda.

... Archbishop Crepaldi said that the protest was organized against him because of “the false and very grave accusation of being intolerant and racist.” He said that gay-rights activists are determined to gain approval for same-sex marriage, and toward that end will accuse all opponents of “homophobia.”

The archbishop warned that the goal of the demonstrators was to define “homophobia” as a crime, in order for “those who say publicly--as the Catholic Church has always done--that the real family is only that founded on marriage between a man and a woman, to be declared homophobic, intolerant, racist, and therefore, subject to criminal prosecution.”

VICTORY: Wyoming Defeats SSM Push!


THANK YOU to our supporters in Wyoming who took action last week and thereby helped defeat a bill to redefine marriage by a close 5-4 vote in committee.

The media is attempting to divert attention away from this victory for marriage supporters and instead focus on a domestic partnership bill which is now being considered in the Wyoming House.

Thank you, Wyoming, for standing up to protect marriage!