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Gay Marriage Radicals Reach New Low

By now, you’ve heard all about the incredible display of intolerance from supporters of gay marriage. They’ve come to our peaceful marriage rallies in city after city to harass and intimidate us. We’ve seen men harass a nursing mother, refusing her request to feed her children in private and instead stare at her and block […]

Unbelievable Weekend Recap! SSM protestors prove their own intolerance at weekend marriage rallies!

What a weekend we had on the NOM Summer for Marriage Tour, with unbelievable stops in Albany and Providence! Great turnout both places, with around 100 supporters in Albany on Saturday, and more than 200 on Sunday in Providence. But it was the protestors who turned out that really made things memorable. They like to […]

Marriage Tour Update: Albany

What a time we’ve had this week! With three rallies in our four days on the road, things have been going great . . . and we’re just getting started! We started off in Augusta with close to 200 people on Wednesday, had roughly 150-200 in Manchester on Thursday, and around 100 in Albany today. […]

Live Commentary from Brian Brown: 4pm ET

Friends, Given the way the day’s events are shaping up, we’ve rearranged the day’s schedule a bit. This gives us a chance to connect with you midway through the day, and then to return for a recap when the arguments wrap up. I will now be providing live, interactive video commentary on the morning’s developments […]

Register for the latest Prop 8 Trial Coverage at!

This Wednesday will be an historic day as some of the top lawyers in America gather in a San Francisco courtroom to debate whether marriage as we know it is bigoted, discriminatory, and unconstitutional. Closing arguments in the Prop 8 trial begin at 10am Pacific time, and NOM will be in the courtroom to provide […]

America Speaking Out Website Fixed -- Vote Today!

Dear Friends of Marriage, Many, many thanks if you were able to vote for marriage on the new AmericaSpeakingOut website launched by the House Republicans this week.   And if you are one of the many who experienced technical difficulties with the newly launched site on Tuesday, I apologize for the trouble. We now have word that the site’s […]

Vote Now! Your Chance to Beat the RINOs Running from Marriage

Dear Friends of Marriage, Please, if you do one thing for marriage this year, do this. Vote for marriage. The Republican Party has launched a new website, “America Speaking Out” to help set the agenda for the elections this fall. Make sure the RINOs don’t run away from marriage!  It will take a 2 minutes to […]

NOM Announces Brian Brown as New President!

Dear Friends of Marriage, I have some very good news to announce for you today: NOM has a new president. Today, the board of NOM announced that we are promoting Brian Brown, who you all know as NOM’s capable and charismatic executive director, to the position of President of NOM. This move is in part […]

NOM Marriage News: April 9, 2010

Dear Friends of Marriage, If you listen to Ted Olson, the attorney enthusiastically leading the charge to trample on the civil rights of the 7 million Californians who voted for Proposition 8 by asking the Supreme Court to read gay marriage into our nation’s constitution, you eventually get a sense of the movie unfolding in […]

NOM Marriage News: March 19, 2010

Dear Friends of Marriage, California citizens fight back! The political establishment is abuzz about the launch of the National Organization for Marriage’s new “Two Peas in a Pod” ad, educating citizens about both Tom Campbell’s and Sen. Barbara Boxer’s support for gay marriage. As the Associated Press headline put it, “Gay Marriage Foes Attack Calif. […]

NOM Marriage News: March 12, 2010

Dear Friends of Marriage, The people of New Hampshire have spoken! As the Eagle Tribune headline put it, “New Hampshire Voters Want a Say on Gay Marriage”! This is news you haven’t heard, not even on conservative talk radio, where the relative news blackout on developments in the movement for marriage continues. Here’s the true […]

NOM Marriage News: January 22, 2010

Dear Friends of Marriage, Senator Scott Brown! Any time you wonder whether miracles can happen, just mutter that phrase under your breath: Senator Scott Brown! A political earthquake just happened in Massachusetts. Yes, it’s about the economy. Yes, it’s about voter dissatisfaction with the current health-care bill. And yes, it’s a victory for marriage, electing […]

NOM Marriage News: January 15, 2010

Dear Friends of Marriage, This is an exciting week for marriage! I’m excited by the Senate race in Massachusetts, for example–more on that in a second. But first, a great victory: Once again the Supreme Court has stepped in to protect marriage supporters from potential harassment and intimidation, this time by squashing the effort by […]

NOM Marriage News: December 11, 2009

Dear Friends of Marriage, Victory, again. The New York Times headline says simply: “New Jersey Marriage Vote Canceled.” But the truth is slowly beginning to be acknowledged: They lost. They just didn’t have the votes. On Thursday the New Jersey Senate was supposed to vote on gay marriage. Gay-marriage advocates had promised their supporters that […]

Beating Down the Beatitudes in DC?

Dear Friends of Marriage, All Christians are called to follow the Beatitudes. Since our nation’s founding, America in particular has benefited from the fact that churches have united together to feed the poor, clothe the naked, care for the fatherless and motherless, and comfort the sorrowful.