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"A Map Which Should Make King & Spalding Shake" --Ripples Widen for Law Firm that Abandoned Client?

William Jacobson at the Cornell Law School writing for the Legal Insurrection blog: King & Spalding dumped the House of Representatives as a client in DOMA litigation after coming under threatened protests and boycotts by groups opposed to DOMA.  A key aspect of the threats was that protesters not only would protest King & Spalding, but would go […]

Check out NOM's new Facebook page!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Have you visited our new Facebook page yet? Check it out today at It’s the new home on Facebook for all things marriage-related. Click here to visit and “Like” the new NOM Facebook page, ensuring that all the latest news shows up in your newsfeed. Even if you’re not a Facebook […]

Cyber-bully Perez Hilton to publish children's book on tolerance

Perez Hilton, who has made a career out of attacking people in childish ways, is about to publish a children’s book this fall – “The Boy With Pink Hair”: In a press release for the book, Hilton comments that the “story is about every kid that’s ever had a dream, felt excluded, wanted to belong, and […]

Gacek on Seeking the Real Obama on Marriage

Chris Gacek, JD, PHD, and a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, goes on a hunt for the real Obama when it comes to marriage: Since the days when Obama ran for president, he has been slippery regarding his support for same-sex marriage. He has told America that he opposes same-sex marriage, but he […]

Controversial UK Equality Commission May Soon Be Forced to Undergo Reform

The UK Equality and Human Rights Commission has surfaced numerous times recently on our NOM marriage newsbeat. This government entity – funded to the tune of 53 million taxpayer pounds (=$84 million American dollars) a year – has been hard at work imposing the “new morality” of liberal elites upon English society; a new morality […]

British Parents Object to Graphic Sex Ed for Grade Schoolers in Name of Tolerance

From the Christian Institute: Sex education resources should be licensed to ensure they are age-appropriate, an MP has said, following concern among parents about “inappropriate” materials. Andrea Leadsom’s comments come in the same month that a report (“Too Much, Too Young”) by The Christian Institute highlighted shocking resources being pushed by public bodies for use […]

Joan Desmond on the catholic debate leading up to SSM's defeat in MD

Joan Desmond writes in the National Catholic Register about the internal debates among Catholics that took place leading up to SSM eventually being defeated in Maryland earlier this month: The Maryland House of Delegates “killed” a bill March 11 that sought to legalize same-sex “marriage” in the state. The House of Delegates sent the bill […]

NEW: NOM's Quick-Read Newsletter Format - Marriage's Fierce Fights & Sweet Victories

Dear Marriage Supporter, This is what I love about the marriage fight: The fights are fierce, and the victories are incredibly sweet.  (Speaking of which, don’t miss the Rush Limbaugh video below.) I write to you in media res. We do not know yet how the fight for marriage deep in blue territory will turn […]

Elder Dallin Oaks Calls for Unity in Efforts to Protect Religious Liberty

At least that’s the way the Deseret News reported it. The LA Times version (surprise, surprise!) is somewhat snarkier, turning to professional atheists and a former Mormon to contest his claim, rather than any serious legal scholar. The LA Times reporter also manages never to note that Elder Oaks was formerly Dean of the University […]

Catholic university ignores mandate and gives platform to HRC President

The Cardinal Newman Society (which is “dedicated to renewing Catholic higher education”) brought this to my attention first: This afternoon, Georgetown University–a Jesuit institution–is hosting a lecture by  Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), according to the University events page. The event with HRC is dubbed “Beyond DADT Repeal: The Future of […]

Reinhardt Rebuked by Supreme Court

Kudos to Citizen Link: In two separate appeals in capital punishment cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday, Reinhardt’s 9th Circuit opinions were unanimously reversed (8-0, with Kagan recused) in language that accused him (and his 2 other colleagues, to be fair) of “judicial disregard”: “[Judicial] resources are diminished and misspent, however, and […]

Why Men Hate It When Women Cry


"The Ick Factor"--Is there a right to consensual incest?

David Epstein, a Columbia poli sci professor, was just arrested for have a consensual sexual relationship with his 24 year old daughter.  His lawyer wasted no time making a Lawrence v. Texas style defense of his client’s alleged act, according to this ABC news video report, which raises a new public question: do we all […]

Reinhardt: Desperately Seeking Justice Kennedy's Vote

Even liberal papers are reading the oral arguments today as a sign that Judge Reinhardt is looking for some kind of “narrow ruling” that might not be overturned by the Supreme Court.  See “Appeals Court Hints at Narrow Ruling  ” Temperamentally, it’s hard to believe a judge this activist-minded is going to sit back […]

WaPo: What will be the impact of the Prop 8 ruling? Maggie answers

The Washington Post asked a group of experts their views on the expected impact of Judge Walker’s Prop 8 ruling. Maggie responded: “[T]he ruling – a slur against the majority of the American people, who have been declared irrational bigots by a federal judge – is firing up millions of voters.” MAGGIE GALLAGHER Chairman, National […]