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Anderson on the Future of Marriage

Ryan Anderson concludes his series for Ricochet on what is marriage by talking about the future of the marriage movement: “…The most interesting—and revealing—comments on this week’s posts have been those that said marriage is simply whatever sort of interpersonal relationship consenting adults—be they two or 10 in number—want it to be; sexual or platonic, sexually […]

Anderson on Why Monogamy, Exclusivity and Permanence are Part of Marriage

Ryan Anderson, continuing his discussion of what is marriage for Ricochet: Yesterday’s post explained government’s policy interest in marriage. Government needs to get marriage policy right, because it shapes the norms associated with this most fundamental relationship. Redefining marriage would abandon the norm of male-female sexual complementarity as an essential characteristic of marriage. Making that […]

What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense

Dear Marriage Supporter, In case you missed it, this week was the official release of What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense, by NOM’s founding chairman Robert P. George, along with Sherif Girgis, and Ryan T. Anderson. This exciting, new (and affordable!) title offers the best pro-marriage arguments available in print today, in an […]

Anderson Explains Why Government is in the Marriage Business

For the third part of his series for Ricochet, Ryan Anderson (co-author of What is Marriage?) explains why government has a rightful role in protecting and promoting marriage: “…Getting government out of the civil marriage business would be a catastrophe for limited government. Abolishing civil marriage would weaken social support for its norms. Over time, the […]

Anderson: What is Marriage Besides Sexual Complementarity?

Ryan Anderson’s second contribution to Richochet: “…Just ask yourself: If the law recognized same-sex couples as spouses, would it still fail to respect the equality of citizens in multiple-partner relationships? Are those inclined to such relationships being treated unjustly when their consensual romantic bonds go unrecognized, their children thereby “stigmatized,” their tax filings unprivileged?  This isn’t […]

Ryan Anderson: "Why [Do] Conservatives Choose to Focus Exclusively on SSM? ... We Don't"

Ryan Anderson, co-author of What is Marriage? One Man, One Woman: A Defense writes in Ricochet: “As the Ricochet editors mentioned, tomorrow Encounter Books releases my new book, co-authored with Sherif Girgis and Robert P. George, What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense. So while blogging at Ricochet this week, I thought I’d explore some […]

William Duncan on SCOTUSBlog: SCOTUS Should Correct Novel Application of Equal Protection in Lower Court

SSM Advocates often claim same-sex couples have a right to marry because of “equal protection.” Legal scholar William Duncan explains why that is not the case over at the highly-read SCOTUSblog: “…The decisions the Court will be reviewing have embraced something like a “substantive equal protection” doctrine. … The Supreme Court now has an opportunity […]

ADF Statement by Jim Campbell on Supreme Court Taking Up Prop 8

Via Alliance Defending Freedom: “Marriage between a man and a woman is a universal good that diverse cultures and faiths have honored throughout the history of Western Civilization. Marriage expresses the truth that men and women bring distinct, irreplaceable gifts to family life. The legal team looks forward to advocating before the U.S. Supreme […]

SCOTUSBlog: We Expect News On Prop 8 & DOMA Today

SCOTUSblog says “We anticipate orders, including likely in the same-sex marriage cases, this afternoon”: Yesterday’s coverage of the Court focused on the petition for certiorari filed on Wednesday by defenders of Nevada’s ban on same-sex marriage. Cormac covered the petition, which comes directly from the federal district court, in yesterday’s round-up. JURIST also has additional […]

Politically Powerless? HRC's Griffen Demands Obama Appoint "First Openly LGBT Cabinet Secretary, G-8 Ambassador" and "Judges as Well"

Are gay and lesbian people politically powerless, i.e. a suspect class who deserve strict scrutiny under the law? Chad Griffen, president of the $40million-per-year Human Rights Campaign, fresh from four state vote victories and the re-election of a pro-gay marriage president, claims the political power to demand more appointments of lesbian and gay people to […]

Action Item: Share this Visual Far and Wide!

Many of our friends and family will be informing themselves about the issues and getting ready to vote this weekend. Let’s make sure they see this visual graphic educating them about how to vote to protect marriage by sharing it on our Facebook wall, Twitter feed and with our email list! You can share it […]

Gay Tory MP: No Demand in Gay Community to Redefine Marriage

The UK Christian Institute: A homosexual Conservative MP says there is “no clamour” for redefining marriage within the homosexual community. Conor Burns, an MP in the south of England, said he was baffled by the Government’s move to bring in same-sex marriage. And he also commented that he was unconvinced that churches would be protected […]

Romney Spokeswoman Confirms Governor's Support For Federal Marriage Amendment

Liberal groups are trying to make a big deal about this but we are happy to see Governor Romney’s campaign stand by his promise to support a federal marriage amendment: A top Romney adviser disavowed remarks and a position reported this past week that appeared to be a reversal of the campaign’s support of the […]

London Mayor Admits: Marriage Has Been Around Since the Stone Age

London Mayor Boris Johnson thinks this is a put-down of marriage, but we think marriage isn’t just a relic of the past — it’s foundational to the human experience: London Mayor Boris Johnson says the nation needs “to move beyond the Stone Age” by redefining marriage. He supports David Cameron’s plan to rewrite the meaning […]

Gallaudet U. Suspension Could Mean A Lawsuit

BuzzFeed: A Gallaudet University diversity officer suspended for signing the Maryland marriage referendum petition could have grounds for a lawsuit because the actions violate D.C.’s public policy, a leading law professor on speech rights said today. Had a D.C. referendum been at issue, Gallaudet University President T. Alan Hurwitz’s actions today placing chief diversity officer […]