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What's Next (and Next). NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Just about 75 days until the Supreme Court rules on the fate of marriage for a generation. Now is the time for you to act! If you’ve signed the petition to the Supreme Court, thank you. Can you ask 3 friends today to sign the petition as well? If you haven’t yet […]

Photo: Crowd of 150 Protests Illinois GOP Rep. Who Flipped on SSM

Pro-marriage GOP grassroots in action: While the State Central Committee of the Illinois Republican Party was meeting in Tinley Park to discuss the retention of Pat Brady as Chairman following his lobbying for gay marriage, a crowd that surged to 150 people at one time gathered in front of State Rep. Ed Sullivan’s district office in Mundelein […]

Top Gay Groups Tell Lesbian Couple to Back Down Rather Than Risk Sixth Circuit Rebuke

More evidence that top gay activist groups are worried that their legal case before the Supreme Court is hardly airtight: … Hoping to avoid a marriage case being heard by the more conservative Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, several organizations fighting for marriage equality — including the American Civil Liberties Union, Human Rights Campaign, Lambda […]

House GOP to SCOTUS: Obama Administration Has No Right to Attack DOMA

Lyle Denniston of the SCOTUS blog on the the House GOP pointing out to SCOTUS that the Obama administration is trying to strike down DOMA after refusing to defend it: The Republican leaders of the House of Representatives urged the Supreme Court on Friday to cast aside the Obama administration’s appeal on the constitutionality of […]

Help Make the March for Marriage a Success!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Thank you for your interest in the March for Marriage! The National Organization for Marriage is excited to be collaborating a growing list of coalition partners (including groups you may recognize such as The Ruth Institute, The Manhattan Declaration and to ensure that this event is a great success. We will […]

UK Children's Minister Sacked For Opposing Gay Marriage

The UK Christian Institute: Former Government minister Tim Loughton was sacked because of his opposition to redefining marriage, according to reports. He was removed from his ministerial post in September’s Government reshuffle, and close friends say it was because of his support for keeping marriage as it is. One Tory MP told the Scotsman newspaper: […]

Prime Minister Cameron Faces Tory "Disaster" and "Rebellion" Over SSM Vote

The UK Christian Institute: David Cameron suffered a “disaster” tonight, as most of his Tory MPs failed to back his Bill to redefine marriage. Early indications suggest that more Tory MPs voted against Mr Cameron than supported him. Colin Hart of the Coalition for Marriage said: “This result is a disaster for David Cameron. “Despite […]

GOP County Committee in Illinois Unanimously Calls for Chairman Brady to Resign Over SSM

The Illinois Review: The Williamson County Republican Central Committee has unanimously voted on a resolution calling for Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady to resign. In a press release, the Central Committee wrote: Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady recently participated in a campaign urging Republican lawmakers to back legislation to legalize “same-sex marriage” in […]

Former Rep. Joe Walsh Calls on GOP Chair Brady to Step Down for SSM Comments

The Illinois Review: Former Congressman Joe Walsh sent us the following statement: “Two weeks ago, in Illinois Review, I publicly called on Pat Brady to step down as Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party. Pat is a good guy, but as he has still not retracted his public statements on same sex marriage, again, I […]

100 Pastors Vow to Fight SSM in Illinois

The Illinois Review: Over 100 Chicago area pastors vowed to fight back against the effort to legalize same sex marriages Thursday morning at an informational forum sponsored by Illinois Family Institute at the Tinley Park Convention Center in the southwest suburbs. IFI’s Executive Director David Smith and Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Joseph LaRue told the […]

The Most Critical Court Case Of Our Generation!

Dear Marriage Supporter, In a tremendous victory for NOM and our allies in the movement to preserve marriage, last December the United States Supreme Court granted the request of the proponents of California’s Proposition 8 and agreed to review the decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals striking down California’s marriage amendment. NOM was […]

GOP Chair Pat Brady In Danger of Being Ousted Over Betrayal of Marriage

Our grassroots activism is having an effect! The Illinois Review: Illinois Review has learned that the Illinois Republican Party’s State Central Committee may very well have the votes needed to force Chairman Pat Brady’s resignation. We’re told that the SCC is working out a plan for IL GOP Vice Chairman Carol Donovan to step in as the interim chairman, and will […]

Conservative Illinois Blog Notes Success of Pro-Marriage New Media

The authors of the Illinois Review note that while many mainstream media outlets are trying to play up the momentum to redefine marriage in Illinois, grassroots and new media-savvy pro-marriage groups are effectively communicating their message to their constituents: It’s always interesting to watch the mainstream media coordinate their stories with the left’s public policy […]

Unified IL GOP and Conservative Democrats Score Victory in Lame Duck!

The message we need to repeat again and again is this: a unified Republican party allied with conservative Democrats can form a winning coalition to protect marriage — even in deep blue states like Illinois: Fox News political editor Mike Flannery just tweeted that Senate President John Cullerton’s spokesman says even though the Democrats have […]

More Republicans Condemn GOP Chair Brady's Support for SSM

Illinois GOP State Chairman Pat Brady is getting more and more push back for his choice to betray marriage and core Republican principles: More conservative leaders within the Illinois Republican Party are voicing their dismay with party Chairman Pat Brady’s phone calls to Republican senators urging them to vote in support of legalizing same sex […]