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New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms Files Lawsuit to Overturn NY SSM

The Associated Press: Opponents to New York’s gay marriage law filed the first lawsuit challenging the measure, an anticipated salvo that came one day after weddings were celebrated around the state. … The lawsuit claims that the Senate prevented lawmakers who opposed the bill from speaking and that the Senate didn’t follow procedures that require […]

Will Sen. Kruger Resign?

The New York Post says State Sen. Carl Kruger will resign to cut a better deal as part of a guilty plea for corruption charges.  Kruger (one of the Democrats who flipped to vote for gay marriage this year) says no: It may be curtains for Carl Kruger. The state senator told confidants he’ll announce […]

"The Church Will Not Remain Silent in the Public Square"

Jason Adkins, director of the Minnesota Catholic Conference, writes in response to those attempting to silence the churches: We hear it in various forms. Some complain that the church should not be speaking out on divisive issues, but instead should spend its time and resources feeding the poor and spreading God’s love. Others say the church […]

Sen. Alesi's SSM Flip Flop An Effort to Drown Out Further Ridicule?

The Associated Press on the curious case of Mr. Alesi: “My friends are showing me on their BlackBerrys, ‘Jim Alesi, gay icon,'” he said. “I just take it in stride.” It is a welcome change from January, when Mr. Alesi was associated less with legislative history than with what he has since described as a “bone-headed” […]

"80 Percent of Children with a Gay Parent Come from Heterosexual Relationships"

In the San Francisco Examiner: The census data — which for the first time allowed gay couples to identify themselves as a family — revealed that San Francisco has 7,530 gay male couples living together, but of those, just 332 — or 4.4 percent — have children. Of The City’s 2,754 lesbian couples, 525 have […]

White House Statement on NY Stops Just Short of Endorsing SSM

A rather breathtaking claim from the White House after last night’s vote to redefine marriage: “The process in New York worked just as it should.” Really? Rushing through a bill opposed by the majority of the state’s citizens before the public even had a chance to read it? And who knows how many back-room deals […]

Breaking News: No Gay Marriage Vote Tonight

Late-breaking out of Albany, via the AP: New York’s state Senate says a bill to legalize gay marriage won’t be considered Wednesday night. A spokesman said a slew of more mundane but critical bills pushed consideration of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s same-sex marriage bill into Thursday at the earliest. The Senate Republican majority plans to debate […]

Breaking News: Growing Rallies Halt Gay Marriage Push in NY

No news is good news for our side — time to keep up the momentum! This update from the AP: Hundreds of protesters for and against gay marriage in New York chanted, sang and sought out TV cameras Monday while the state Senate again came to no resolution on the issue in a closed-door session […]

Down to the Wire in New York – NOM Marriage News June 16, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011 Dear Marriage Supporter, As I write, the New York Times is reporting that the New York Senate is just one vote shy of passing gay marriage. Marriage hangs in the balance. As I write, tens of thousands of you who live in New York have picked up the phone, or gone […]

Tyree Video on Marriage Going Viral!

We’re having a tough time keeping up with all the news outlets who have picked up our interview with SupreBowl legend David Tryree! Don’t forget to join Tyree and take action to protect marriage in New York! Here’s just a sample (bigger outlets in bold): Capitol Confidential Capital Tonight Politico TMZ NewsDay The Hollywood […]

Gender Confusion over at Slate

An author attempts male breastfeeding until he has this epiphany: And then I realized I was missing something essential: a child. For all our assumptions about breast-feeding, the one abiding truth is that it exists to nourish and comfort new life. The walls of gender could be broken down, but without a child to benefit, […]

Odd News: The Divorce Curse in Oregon's 5th

Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire: With Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-OR) and his wife filing for divorce last week, The Oregonian reports that every lawmaker who has represented Oregon’s 5th congressional district has divorced while in office.

Queerty's Wrong About One Thing

The Queerty blogger who admitted he wants public schools to teach about gay marriage, was wrong about one thing.  He made a big deal that such education would not include instruction on gay sex.  (“b-f***ing 101!”).  But here’s what Helena, Montana proposed to teach sixth graders about sex: “”Understand that sexual intercourse includes but is […]

Watch the MN Senate Hearing on the Marriage Amendment Live!

The Star Tribune has set up a live feed showing the floor debate on the bill (SF 1308) which can be viewed here. If you haven’t already, please tell your legislators to support the MN Marriage Amendment!

Roundup: All Sides Defending Paul Clement's Courage

Does Marriage Have a Right to A Lawyer? Here is a summary of recent public reaction to the campaign to force law firms to drop the defense of marriage, from all shades of the political spectrum. Gay Voices: Andrew Sullivan in The Atlantic: “When civil rights groups bully, they lose the moral high-ground. When you […]