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Church of Scotland Joins Chorus of Christians Opposed to Redefining Marriage

The UK Guardian: The Church of Scotland has rejected proposals to legalise marriage for gay men and lesbians, claiming the Scottish government’s proposals undermine society and the meaning of marriage. The church, the most influential within Scotland, has added its weight to a growing backlash against same-sex marriage by religious groups. It claimed that allowing […]

3 Illinois Catholic Dioceses Drop Lawsuit, Begin Shutting Down Adoption and Foster Care Programs

Catholic News Agency: Bishops in three Illinois dioceses announced Nov. 14 that they have dropped their lawsuit against the state and will shut down their adoption and foster care programs, after a civil union law required them to provide their services to same-sex couples. “The decision not to pursue further appeals was reached with great […]

Cisco & Bank of America Drop Discrimination Practices Against Marriage Supporters, NOM Marriage News, November 10, 2011

My Dear Friends, As I write these words, the Democrat-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee is about to vote to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. I know that many of you, Democrat and Republican, will be appalled to learn what your representatives in Washington are doing—in your name. The Associated Press story on today’s action is […]

Oregon Gay Activists Give Up Plan to Put SSM on the Ballot in 2012

Another large gay marriage group sees the writing on the wall: After a three-year campaign to build support for legalizing same-sex marriage, Oregon’s largest gay rights group has decided against putting the issue up for a vote in 2012. Feedback from an online survey of over 1,000 people, door-to-door canvassing, community meetings and two statewide […]

UK Introduces Plan to Conduct Same-Sex Partnerships in Church

The UK Daily Mail: Gay couples are to be allowed to take part in civil partnerships in church and other places of worship under Government plans published today. Equalities minister Lynne Featherstone confirmed a scheme is intended to be in place by the end of the year to allow religious premises to apply to be […]

After SSM, What Next? Losing Your Salary.

The UK Daily Mail: A housing manager has been demoted, and his salary slashed, after he criticised a controversial new gay rights law. Adrian Smith, a Christian, was found guilty of gross misconduct by his publicly funded housing association for saying that allowing gay weddings in churches was ‘an equality too far’. He posted the […]

Together Until The End: Couple Married For 66 Years Die Within Hours of One Another

UK Daily Mail: A devoted couple who were happily married for 66 years – and hardly spent a day apart – died within hours of each other. Harold Luty, 86, would visit his beloved Mary, 87, every day at her nursing home where they would sit together holding hands and talking. But he had not […]

VP of Media Research Center: Santorum 'Google Bombing' Shows Dark Side of LGBT Movement

Catholic News Agency: Media attacks on Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum show “just how twisted and vile the LGBT movement can be when anyone dare disagree,” said Dan Gainor, vice president of Business and Culture for the Media Research Center. Members of the media “bash Santorum whenever possible,” Gainor said to CNA on Oct. 6. […]

SCOTUS: On Same-Sex Adoptive Parents Case, 5th Circuit Ruling Stands

Reuters: The Supreme Court refused on Tuesday to consider the rights of same-sex parents in a setback for two gay men who wanted both of their names listed on their adopted son’s birth certificate. In a case closely watched by gay rights advocates, the high court rejected without comment an appeal by Oren Adar and […]

NY GOP Leader Skelos, After Permitting SSM Vote, Suddenly Realizes His Majority May Be in Danger, Talks to Flip-Flopper Grisanti

We tried to warn him… State Senate Majority Leader Dean G. Skelos will be coming to town on Oct. 7, and, according to several GOP sources, it’s a sure bet he will sit down for a conversation with his Republican colleague (for the moment at least) Mark J. Grisanti of Buffalo. That’s because Grisanti holds […]

Recent News Coverage of NOM's Marriage Pledge

Jim Forsyth at Reuters offered good coverage of Rick Perry signing the NOM Marriage Pledge: Texas Governor and Republican presidential contender Rick Perry has signed a pledge vowing to support a Constitutional amendment declaring marriage to be a union of one man and one woman, the group sponsoring the pledge said on Friday. “Kudos to […]

Perry Joins Bachmann, Romney and Santorum in Signing NOM Marriage Pledge!

WASHINGTON – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) released the following statement today announcing that Gov. Rick Perry has signed their marriage pledge: “Kudos to Gov. Rick Perry for making it clear: he’s a marriage champion!,” said Brian Brown, president of NOM.  “The purpose of NOM’s Marriage Pledge is to move from vague values statements […]

George Soros Wants to Take Away Your Right to Vote on Judges

Surprise, surprise! Justice At Stake (JAS) — Funded by George Soros’s Open Society Institute … JAS suggests [a] system where judges are not elected but instead are appointed (or are recommended for appointment) by nonpartisan, independent commissions in a process known as “merit selection.” Pushing for the implementation of such a system one state at […]

Lone Pro-SSM Republican Senator in Maryland Still Ignoring His Constituents

The Washington Times reports: [Maryland Sen. Allan Kittleman] was the only one of 55 Republican state legislators who spoke out in favor of a gay-marriage bill that passed the Senate but died in the House because of seemingly unanimous Republican opposition and resistance from nearly one-third of Democrats. … Party colleagues have expressed disappointment in […]

Gay Marriage Activists Push for Bert & Ernie to Marry on Sesame Street

Do Muppets have an orientation? An online campaign tries to get Sesame Street to “marry” Ernie and Bert: An online campaign to pressure the producers of “Sesame Street” into having lovable roommates Bert and Ernie get married is gathering steam. Getting hitched would change things for Ernie, who has long sang about how his bath […]