Author Archives: Brian Brown

TAKE ACTION! Demand Your Right to Vote on Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The Indiana Marriage Amendment was passed on a bi-partisan basis by the legislature in 2011, and needs to be approved just one more time before being referred to voters in 2014. But our legislators in Indiana need some extra encouragement, so I need you to stand up today and tell them that […]

NEW VIDEO: Marching For Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Not long ago, I sent you an email hinting that NOM was getting ready to launch some major initiatives. Well, after participating in the March for Life last Friday, I am excited to announce that NOM is putting together a March for Marriage! It will take place in Washington DC on March […]

TAKE ACTION NOW: Tell Wyoming Republicans to Support Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Representative Cathy Connolly (D-Laramie) is sponsoring House Bill 169, which would redefine marriage as a civil contract between “two natural persons,” rather than between a man and a woman, as the state law now reads. And, to make matters worse, three Republican State Representatives have jumped on board. Reps. Keith Gingery and […]

Obama's Divided America, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, On Monday, President Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. An inauguration is always an historic occasion, a moment when the American people come together to celebrate the democracy we share. It was on the day that we as a nation gather to celebrate Rev. Dr. Martin […]

The Most Critical Court Case Of Our Generation!

Dear Marriage Supporter, In a tremendous victory for NOM and our allies in the movement to preserve marriage, last December the United States Supreme Court granted the request of the proponents of California’s Proposition 8 and agreed to review the decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals striking down California’s marriage amendment. NOM was […]

We Can Reclaim America and Restore Our Future

Dear Marriage Supporter, Today is a historic day by any measure. NOM joins the nation in extending our best wishes and prayers to President Barack Obama as he takes the oath of office for a second term as President of these United States of America. We hope and pray that President Obama is able in […]

Abroad And At Home, People Rallying For Marriage, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Over a million people protesting in the streets of Paris for marriage. In Great Britain, a million leaflets opposing gay marriage are being distributed in swing districts. Here I am in Paris, giving you a front-row seat to see what happened: Here at home, a thousand people thronged the steps of Rhode […]

Update from France: A Pro-Marriage Rebellion!

Dear Marriage Ally, I write to you from France, where a pro-marriage rebellion is underway! Francois Hollande, the ultra liberal President of France, swept into power last May, promising among many other things a swift legalizing of same-sex marriage and adoption. But the people of France did not want this to be. You see, the […]

The French Rebellion! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, A massive rebellion against gay marriage is brewing in France. I’m here now, and I’ll report to you first hand from the rally planned for Sunday. To read the news accounts in the U.S., you would think gay marriage is inevitable here. Like everywhere. That’s what they always say, right? Recognize that […]

ACTION NEEDED: Tell Legislators to Give People Vote on Indiana Marriage Amendment

Dear Marriage Supporter, Your legislators need to hear from you today in support of the Indiana Marriage Amendment. Click here to take action now. The amendment was passed by the legislature in 2011, and needs just one more legislative approval before going to voters in 2014. But gay marriage activists and their allies in the […]

Tell the Illinois GOP: Drop Chairman Brady for His Betrayal of Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Pat Brady, Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, recently betrayed conservative voters and Republicans by publically advocating for the passage of same-sex marriage legislation in Illinois. Brady, in remarks to the press, claimed that same-sex marriage was “a key Republican value” — despite the strong pro-marriage wording of the most recent Republican […]

2013 Is Going To Be BIG!

Dear Marriage Supporter, This year is going to be BIG! We’ve been working over the holiday break to formulate our national strategy for 2013. We’re putting the finishing touches on our plans right now, and I’m excited about sharing some major new initiatives with you in the coming weeks…so be on the look out for […]

"Not Enough Votes!" NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, “Not Enough Votes!” Too. Close. To. Call. That’s what the liberal Chicago Defender just called the vote—”Too close to call.” Not. Enough. Votes. That’s what a spokeswoman for Senate President John Cullerton told The Associated Press late Thursday: “There aren’t currently enough votes to pass it on the floor.” What a difference […]

BREAKING: Big Win in Illinois!

Dear Marriage Supporter, We’ve just received word that Illinois Democrats have canceled plans to vote on same-sex marriage this week, unable to secure enough support to guarantee passage. Publicly, they’re saying that it’s just because some of their supporters are out of town, but we are hearing that your pressure is part of the reason […]

URGENT: Make a Quick Phone Call to Protect Marriage Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter, As the legislature returns to Springfield, powerful elites—from Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to President Obama himself—are pressing lawmakers to approve a measure that would redefine marriage and jeopardize the rights of religious believers across the state. While most citizens in the Land of Lincoln have been celebrating the Christmas and New Year […]