Author Archives: Brian Brown

URGENT: Help Stop Dangerous Civil Unions Bill!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Colorado state senator Pat Steadman, author of the senate version of the civil unions bill, has a message for those who disagree with his views of tolerance and equality because they support marriage: “[G]et thee to a nunnery, and live there. Go live a monastic life, away from modern society, away from […]

URGENT: Your Help Needed to Stop Same-Sex Marriage in Illinois!

Dear Marriage Supporter, A special thanks to the Illinois Family Institute, the Catholic Conference of Illinois, and the thousands of you who braved the cold in Springfield this week, standing with friends and neighbors from across the state for the Defend Marriage Lobby Day. Estimates suggest between 3,000 and 5,000 Illinoisans traveled to Springfield to […]

Our Time Is Now! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, In just a few weeks, the Supreme Court will consider whether or not to impose gay marriage on the entire country. That’s right — marriage in all 50 states hangs in the balance! Nine Justices will soon rule on whether or not our core civil right to vote for God’s vision of […]

Marriage Supporters, This Is A Game-Changer!

Dear Marriage Supporter, What would you do to “change the game” in the fight to protect marriage? NOM has decided to take the lead by doing something that has never been done beforeā€¦ we’re organizing a March for Marriage on March 26 — the day Supreme Court of the United States will be hearing oral […]

Urgent and Timely for National Marriage Week USA (Feb. 7-14)

Dear Marriage Supporter, We want you to know about a positive campaign to help marriages. This week leading up to Valentine’s Day is National Marriage Week USA (Feb. 7-14), which focuses solely on reducing divorce, promoting marriage over cohabitation, and promoting marriage prior to childbearing — for better outcomes of raising children, and to reduce […]

Help Make the March for Marriage a Success!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Thank you for your interest in the March for Marriage! The National Organization for Marriage is excited to be collaborating a growing list of coalition partners (including groups you may recognize such as The Ruth Institute, The Manhattan Declaration and to ensure that this event is a great success. We will […]

Survey Says: Minnesotans Reject Same-Sex Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The propaganda from same-sex marriage activists — and their allies in the media — is relentless. They want you to believe that you are alone, isolated, and that your neighbors and co-workers all support same-sex marriage. They want you to believe that last November’s marriage amendment vote means the people of Minnesota […]

It Could Have Been One Of Us, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, It could have been me or my staff. That crossed my mind when I learned the deeply disturbing breaking news: The Family Research Council shooter told the FBI he used the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate group” designation on their website to ID and target his victims for a would-be mass murder […]

Show Up to Preserve Marriage in Illinois!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Gay marriage activists in Illinois are at it again…but we have a response ready! Illinois Senate President John Cullerton wants the Illinois Senate to vote on redefining marriage on Valentine’s Day. Even if the bill were to pass the Senate (which is not at all a done deal) it still must pass […]

Scouts' Honor: Help Defend Scoutmaster Values

Important action needed! See below for ways to make your voice heard! Dear Marriage Supporter, For over a century, the Boy Scouts of America have stood for honor and traditional Judeo-Christian values, and taught millions of young people leadership and life skills by faithfully applying those values in their own lives. It’s not surprising that […]

URGENT: Action Needed to Stop Same-Sex Marriage in Hawaii!

Dear Marriage Supporter, We urgently need your help to stop same-sex marriage in Hawaii. Twenty years ago, an out-of-control judge first tried to force same-sex marriage on Hawaii, launching our nation’s ongoing debate about marriage. But thanks to a dedicated band of pro-family heroes, his ruling was not the final word! It’s a story we’ve […]

NOM Marches On! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, They expected you and me to fold after the election — you know that, right? But let me promise you something: when the going gets tough, NOM gets going! NOM is on the march for marriage! The Supreme Court is holding oral arguments on March 26-27. The future of marriage hangs in […]

Protect Marriage and Stop "The Great Persecution"!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Gay marriage activists have introduced a new civil unions bill in Colorado, one that includes no protections for faith-based adoption agencies whatsoever! Moments ago, the bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee on a party line vote, fast-tracking the measure for consideration by the full Senate. “If this law passes, there is going […]

NEW VIDEO: Why We Must Not Lose at the Supreme Court

Dear Marriage Supporter, Last week, I sent you a note about NOM’s newly redesigned website, Today I want to share with you a video reminding us how important it is that we remain active and engaged to demonstrate America’s support for marriage leading up to the Supreme Court’s consideration of this pivotal case. This […]

DON'T LET UP! Keep up the Phone Calls to Protect Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Three weeks ago, your phone calls and emails shook the Illinois political world, blocking what many considered an “inevitable” bill to pass same-sex marriage in the lame duck session. Gay marriage supporters had counted on the lame duck session to persuade outgoing lawmakers to take a “tough vote” for same-sex marriage. But […]