Author Archives: Brian Brown

We Only Have One More Day!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Today is the last day to take advantage of our $500,000 matching challenge. Please make a year-end donation IMMEDIATELY to help us reach our goal and enter the New Year with the resources we need to counter the assault on marriage that is being organized RIGHT NOW by same-sex marriage radicals. Remember, […]

Immediate Action Needed to Block SSM in Delaware!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Same-sex marriage advocates in Delaware are very publicly planning a push for a new law to redefine marriage when the Legislature reconvenes for its new session in just over a week. Governor Markell claims that the passage of same-sex marriage in The First State is “inevitable.” But you and I both know […]

Immediate Action Needed to Block SSM in Minnesota!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Just over a month ago, same-sex marriage activists were falling all over themselves to promise voters that a vote against the marriage amendment would NOT bring same-sex marriage to the state. . . . And now, just a few weeks later, those very same activists are pushing for same-sex marriage when the […]

Immediate Action Needed to Block SSM in Illinois!

Dear Marriage Supporter, A week from today, the Illinois General Assembly will be back in Springfield to begin their lame duck session . . . one in which gay marriage advocates hope to pass a same-sex marriage bill. The vote is expected to be close, particularly in the House, and activists are counting on votes […]

Merry Christmas!

NEW VIDEO: Top 10 Marriage Victories of 2012!

2012 was an important year for marriage. And while we were disappointed by some of the recent election outcomes, it’s important to remember the many victories this past year brought in the fight to protect marriage. NOM was integral to each of these victories—often initiating and leading them, and other times as the single largest […]

What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense

Dear Marriage Supporter, In case you missed it, this week was the official release of What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense, by NOM’s founding chairman Robert P. George, along with Sherif Girgis, and Ryan T. Anderson. This exciting, new (and affordable!) title offers the best pro-marriage arguments available in print today, in an […]

Why We're Going to Win

Dear Marriage Supporter, A few days ago, I sat down for an interview with Mike Huckabee to discuss the Proposition 8 and DOMA same-sex marriage cases now headed to the Supreme Court. In follow up to my email on Tuesday, I thought you would enjoy listening to some brief clips from our conversation. Please take […]

Don't Be Fooled: They DON'T Want This Fight

Dear Marriage Supporter, E.J. Graff has been a leading voice in the charge for same-sex marriage for well over a decade. But now that same-sex marriage is on the doorstep of the Supreme Court, she’s nervous. More than that: she’s scared. As she wrote last week in The Advocate: If the court does take up […]

VICTORY! Supreme Court Takes Up Prop 8!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I have some AMAZING good news to share with you. Yesterday afternoon the Supreme Court announced it would take up the Proposition 8 case! We believe this is a strong signal that the Supreme Court will ultimately reverse the lower courts and uphold Proposition 8, thereby respecting the voices of over seven […]

TAKE ACTION: Defend Marriage and Military Chaplains under Attack! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Last May, the first same-sex marriage ceremony ever held on a U.S. Military installation was performed at Fort Polk, Louisiana. Although it wasn’t legally valid, it created quite an uproar . . . and violated federal law. In response, the House of Representatives passed the following language as part of the National […]

Marriage Is Worth Fighting For!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Later this week, the nine members of the United States Supreme Court are expected to make an announcement that will let the country know whether and how they intend to weigh in on the national debate over same-sex marriage. Among the ten separate same-sex marriage cases pending before the Court are the […]

Answering the Questions, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The results of the 2012 Election were extremely disappointing on many levels, not least because of the voter approval of same-sex marriage in Maine, Maryland and Washington, and the voter rejection of a proposed amendment to the Minnesota constitution defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Going into […]

A Tough Election, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, It was a very tough election for marriage. On Wednesday, the day after, Maggie Gallagher was at church, and she emailed me to let me know about what the readings at Mass that day had to say. She said she thought that the reading from Paul’s letter to the Philippians seemed to […]

NEW: The Best Arguments Against Same-Sex Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, Our opponents will use the election results to push the idea that the radical redefinition of marriage is “inevitable.” Now more than ever, we have to fight back hard with prayers—and with strong arguments. That’s why I think it’s Providential that we’re just weeks away from the release of the strongest pro-marriage […]