Author Archives: Brian Brown

New York Retirement Party! Help Send the Turncoat Senators Packing on September 13th!

Dear Marriage Supporter, In 2011, NOM promised that the Senators from New York who betrayed their constituents by voting in favor of same-sex marriage would face political consequences. Since that time, we’ve worked concertedly to flush these slippery traitors out of the tall grass and send them packing. Now it’s time to finish what we […]

Highlights from The Great Dinner Table Debate! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, At last it happened! The Great Brian Brown v. Dan Savage Dinner Table Debate actually took place! The tape is now live. You can watch me take on Dan Savage here. But first you should watch the MarriageADA interview with Julia Naman, one of the young teens whose faith Dan Savage decided […]

Watch the Brown v. Savage Debate Now!

Announcing Brown vs. Savage

Dear Marriage Supporter, Recent events have certainly taught us that the tenor of the debate about marriage in America needs to change. Personally targeting folks for their position on marriage, and labeling them bigots or haters, is completely inappropriate, and—as we have seen all too graphically—it can be dangerous, too! In recent weeks, we’ve witnessed […]

Announcing Chick-fil-A Wednesdays!

Dear Marriage Supporter, It was a historic day, for Chick-fil-A and for marriage supporters alike. The tremendous outpouring of support for the Cathy family and their stand for marriage on August 1st, Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, was simply astounding! Hundreds upon hundreds of emails continue pouring into our office, each with a new word of encouragement, […]

Let's Bring the Chick-Fil-A Crowds to the Polls in November!

Dear Marriage Supporter, With “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day”—which NOM was instrumental in launching, along with Governor Mike Huckabee—America witnessed a national demonstration of support for marriage. In the past, voting on the marriage issue has been undertaken quietly, at the state level; and, time and again, voters have gone into the privacy of the voting booth […]

Federal Judge: No Right to Gay Marriage! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, After a week dominated by the Chick-fil-A grassroots support movement there is more good news for marriage that you will never hear on the nightly news. Earlier this week another federal judge rejected the claim that there is a constitutional right to gay marriage! A same-sex couple tried to get Hawaii’s marriage […]

The Silent Majority Speaks! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, What a day! Thanks to all of you who made yesterday’s Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day such a resounding success! Over 665,000 people responded on Governor Mike Huckabee’s Facebook event page saying they would visit Chick-fil-A on Wednesday. Media outlets across the nation carried the story. Chick-fil-A locations were swamped with customers. My inbox […]

Don't Forget! Eat at Chick-Fil-A Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter, It’s going to be huge. Perhaps the busiest day in Chick-fil-A history. If you haven’t done so already, find a local Chick-fil-A restaurant so you can get out there today and participate in this historic event! Today’s “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” has become a national sensation since Governor Mike Huckabee began the grassroots […]

Three Easy Steps to Protect Marriage Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Below are three important (and easy!) steps that I’m asking you to take to defend marriage today. It will only take a few minutes of your time, and when you’re finished, please forward this message on to your friends. Together we’re making a difference! STEP ONE: National Eat at Chick-fil-A Days! Thanks […]

National Eat at Chick-Fil-A Day on Wednesday!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Thanks to your recent efforts at and, we’ve shown the cultural elite, the gay millionaires who fund anti-marriage initiatives, and the biased media that the defenders of marriage are willing to put our money where our mouth is. Well, this Wednesday, we have a chance to do it again—and this […]

Another Celebrity Voice for Marriage! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, It’s not the criticism, it’s the death threats that have apparently scared Brad Pitt’s mom into silence after (as we told you last week) she wrote a letter to the editor urging her fellow Missouri Christians to vote for Romney based on shared moral values, including opposition to gay marriage. However, these […]

Marriage Wins Bipartisan Support!, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Gov. Mitt Romney spoke this week at the 103rd national convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). A powerful majority of African-Americans are strong Democrats (and economic liberals), so, while I hardly think it is news, the headlines have focused on the fact that the crowd did […]

NEW VIDEO: MarriageADA Interviews Kirk Cameron!

Dear Marriage Supporter, You probably know him as Mike Seaver from the 1980s hit TV series Growing Pains. Or perhaps you were inspired by his performance in Fireproof, the top independent film of 2008. Made famous as a child actor, today Kirk Cameron is one of America’s most important marriage champions. Kirk stands fearlessly in […]


Dear Marriage Supporter Perhaps you’ve never heard of the Secretary of State Project. But if you haven’t, you should. With backers including George Soros and Tim Gill, the Secretary of State (SoS) Project is quietly packing Secretary of State offices across the country with left-wing activists…designed to tip the balance in close elections. Gill, Soros […]