Author Archives: Brian Brown

NEW VIDEO: School Counselor Targeted for Supporting Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, It was his life work—a vocation he loved. He had 36 years of exemplary service to students at Nokomis High School. He was nominated for Maine Teacher of the Year. But in 2009 Don Mendell stood up for marriage, appearing in a TV ad urging Maine voters to reject a bill on […]

Marriage Heroes Rising Up Across America! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, In an outrageous decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit has ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) violates the Constitution’s equal protection clause! This is yet another example of judicial activism and elite judges imposing their views on the American people, and further demonstrates why it is […]

Everything We Fight for Is at Stake, NOM Marriage News, October 11, 2012

This week, I want to announce a brand-new website we’re launching today. The Marriage Election: A Look at Marriage and Presidential Politics is a service NOM will be providing throughout the rest of the election season, to educate voters on how marriage fits into the national debate over who will be our country’s next President. […]

You Won't Believe This One

Marriage Supporter We’re not speculating when we say there will be terrible consequences if marriage is redefined in November. We’re already seeing them. Let me explain. Dr. Angela McCaskill has the distinction of being the first deaf black woman to receive a PhD from Gallaudet University, where she has served as their Chief Diversity Officer […]

NFL Star Speaks Out for Marriage, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The first presidential debate is over, but the contest continues. President Obama has openly embraced gay marriage—and it affects your state. That’s because (as the LGBT media outlet Keen News Service reports), there are headed to the Supreme Court “a record eight gay-related cases seeking review, all involving same-sex marriage.” We don’t […]

Decision Time for Marriage Supporters

Marriage Supporter, What would you do to raise $3 million to protect marriage from Barack Obama and his wealthy homosexual lobbyists? A gracious pro-marriage supporter has just created an extremely generous matching grant fund to help NOM demonstrate your commitment to marriage as the unique union of one man and one woman. Here’s how it […]

Now It's Our Turn!

Dear Marriage Supporter, For weeks our opponents have been on the airwaves promoting same-sex marriage. Now it’s our turn! We just released our first two ads in Minnesota and I want you to be one of the first to see them: Good of Marriage: Threat to Marriage: We’ll be going on the air very soon […]

A Big Month for Marriage, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, November is a big month. We as a people will elect a president of the United States: Either a man who will appoint judges that impose gay marriage on all 50 states… …Or a man willing to fight for the values and views that you and I hold dear. More importantly: a […]

No More

Dear Marriage Supporter, Sean Fieler is a good man. An investor and philanthropist, he supports dozens of good causes, including NOM’s work to protect marriage. But he knows his support for NOM and for marriage could make him a target for gay activists, just like we saw happen recently to Dan Cathy, the owner of […]

So Much Marriage News, And All Of It Good!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Last Thursday, the voters in New York State finally got a chance to have their say. As I told you in last week’s letter, the primaries recently held in New York are incredibly important to the future of marriage. Powerful donors tried—and are still trying—to remake the Republican Party in their own […]

Time to Finish the Job

Dear Marriage Supporter, Congratulations, New Yorkers! Last week you, along with NOM PAC NY, helped bring about historic victories for marriage in New York, with shockwaves from the primaries being felt across the nation. Together we’ve sent a strong message to the New York Legislature and to the entire nation! Now we need your help […]

It's a Time for Heroes, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Today is primary election day in New York State. It’s a time of choosing. Gay marriage passed in New York State by the vote of four Republican senators: Sen. James Alesi, Sen. Roy McDonald, Sen. Stephen Saland, and Sen. Mark Grisanti. These four GOP senators who betrayed marriage believed the Human Rights […]

Today is Primary Day

Dear Marriage Supporter, We promised that we would hold accountable all the politicians in Albany who betrayed us on marriage. We have delivered on our promise to not let the actions of those who flip-flopped and voted against the will of the people be forgotten. We have fought the good fight, in the name of […]

Senator McDonald's Resume Needs Updating

Recently, I read a letter to the editor from a local New York paper—The Record from Troy, NY—that posed a great question. The author said he’s been receiving mailings from Senator Roy McDonald’s campaign trumpeting his accomplishments in office, but with one conspicuous omission from the list—namely, the Senator’s vote to legalize same-sex marriage. The […]

The Great News from Tampa! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Greetings from the great state of Florida, where marriage emerged from the platform fight with a great victory! In the buildup to the RNC Convention in Tampa, the Log Cabin Republicans and GOProud promised that a new generation of Margaret Hoover Republicans would help weaken the GOP’s commitment to marriage. This is […]