Author Archives: Brian Brown

URGENT ALERT: Sustain the Veto! Contact your legislators today!

The battle for marriage in New Jersey is far from over . . . this just might be its most critical hour. Please take a moment to call or email your state senator and assemblyman today. Yesterday afternoon, just hours after the same-sex marriage bill reached his desk, Governor Christie made good on his promise […]

URGENT ALERT! Call your Delegate—SSM Vote Could Come Today

Dear Maryland Marriage Supporter, Time is of the essence, so I will be brief. We need you to stop what you are doing, take 5 minutes, call your State Delegate in Annapolis now, and urge them to vote NO on the legislation to redefine marriage and legalize homosexual marriage in Maryland. As I write, Delegates […]

THANK YOU!!! Prop 8 Drive a Huge Success!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Looking back at the past week, I am overwhelmed by the generosity of Americans like you who are willing to stand up in defense of marriage. I can’t thank you enough for your generous support. We successfully raised over $100,000 in just 7 days to help fund the appeal of last week’s […]

Behold the Marriage Victories the Media is Trying to Hide!, NOM Marriage News, February 16, 2012

My Dear Friends, I smell victory in the air, and I am pretty sure you haven’t heard the good news. (Thanks, mainstream media!) February, the month of love, will be the month we score some major, unexpected victories for marriage. Victory number one: taking marriage to the people of Washington. After the out-of-touch state legislature […]

The Next 6 Hours Are CRITICAL!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The deadline for our week-long Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund campaign is just six hours away. The outpouring of support has been truly amazing—since I emailed you yesterday, we have raised over $20,000 more! But we can’t stop now! In these last few hours, we still have a ways to go to […]

URGENT ALERT: Help Save Marriage in Washington State!

Promoted from Preserve Marriage Washington: You may have heard that Governor Christine Gregoire has just signed legislation purporting to make Washington state the seventh state to redefine marriage to accommodate the demands of gay marriage activists. What you may not have heard is that this is by no means a settled issue. NOM is joining […]

Please...we cannot give up...together we can and WE WILL WIN!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Will you make one URGENT, confidential and tax-deductible gift to help protect marriage? When the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issued its ruling that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional, we were saddened, but not defeated. After all, we fought long and hard to help the people of California vote on and pass […]

Marriage Ruling "Ill-Natured, Illogical, and Totally Illicit" — NOM Marriage News

FOLLOW NOM AT CPAC! NOM is co-sponsoring this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C. The event, which began yesterday and runs through Saturday, brings together conservative organizations, activists and elected officials from across the nation. NOM Marriage Pledge signers Governor Rick Perry and Congresswomen Michele Bachmann spoke Thursday, with Perry denouncing the […]

UNBELIEVABLE COURT RULING-Judicial Overlords Declare Marriage is Unconstitutional!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Yesterday’s ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco was truly astonishing: Proposition 8—and by implication the marriage laws at the federal level and in 43 states—is unconstitutional. Even while pretending their ruling was a “narrow” decision, these judges effectively decreed themselves to be the supreme overlords of the […]


Marriage Supporter, Moments ago, the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit handed down a sweeping ruling striking down California’s Proposition 8 and—for the first time ever—finding a “right” to same-sex marriage in the United States Constitution! This sets up an all-or-nothing showdown at the United States Supreme Court. Please help support an […]

URGENT ALERT: Stand for Marriage in Concord at Noon TOMORROW!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Please—if at all possible—make plans to come to the statehouse at noon tomorrow to show your state legislators that the people of New Hampshire care about marriage! Rep. David Bates and our friends at Cornerstone Action have sponsored tomorrow’s rally, and we are calling on citizens from all across the state to […]

They Called You Cowards?!?! NOM Marriage News, February 2, 2012

My Dear Friends, She Called You a “Coward”! This is the week the gay-marriage movement is trying to break you and me. Pushing forward full-bore in Washington, Maryland, New Jersey, New Hampshire—NOM has never had a week where we’ve sent out so many action alerts to so many people. This is the week we take […]

EMERGENCY ALERT! NJ SSM Bill Fast-Tracked--Keep the Pressure On!

Dear Marriage Supporter, We can’t let up now! Despite Governor Christie’s promised veto, Democratic leaders in both the Senate and Assembly are working overtime to rush the same-sex marriage bill through in New Jersey. Last week the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 8-4 (on party lines) to send the bill to the full Senate. Meanwhile, the […]

ALL HANDS ON DECK!! Time to Stop Gay Marriage in Washington!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Last night, the Washington Senate voted 28-21 to pass the same-sex marriage bill, with 4 Republicans voting for the bill and 3 Democrats voting against. The bill now heads to the House of Representatives, where a vote is expected as soon as next week. The media is reporting that the bill will […]

Chaplains on Trial? Tell Congress to Protect the Liberty of our Servicemen and Women!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Did you see this day coming? Who would have thought we needed a federal statute to protect military chaplains—and other servicemen and women—who believe that marriage is between one man and one woman? But just months after the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, there is a full-on battle for marriage raging […]