Author Archives: Brian Brown

A Massive Opportunity for Marriage, NOM Marriage News

Dear Friend of Marriage, The national fight to protect marriage is heating up! Here’s how the Associated Press reported it: “Foes and supporters of same-sex marriage are gearing up for five costly and bruising statewide showdowns in the coming months on an issue that evenly divides Americans. It’s an election year subplot sure to stir […]

Join Me in Des Moines on Tuesday!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Next Tuesday morning at 10am, I’ll be at the Capitol in Des Moines for a LUV (Let Us Vote!) Iowa Rally in support of the Iowa Marriage Amendment. Please make plans to join us, and bring your friends! For two years, Senate President Mike Gronstal has blocked every attempt to bring the […]

You're an Accomplice to Murder?!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Just when you thought you’d heard it all… Apparently believing that marriage is between a man and a woman, as millions of Americans like you and I do—and saying so publicly—is hate speech and equivalent to murder. I’m not making this up. (To tell the truth, I don’t have a good enough […]

Shove It?!?!?

Dear Marriage Supporter, A Republican Senator famously responded to sharp criticism over his vote to impose same-sex marriage on New Yorkers saying that traditional marriage supporters “can take the job and shove it.” Now it’s our turn! Last June I promised you that we would work to unseat seven turncoat senators whose votes allowed the […]

Redefining our Sacred Values? NOM Marriage News

Dear Friend of Marriage, What is a “sacred value”? I got to thinking about that after this interview with the Los Angeles Times on the changing message of advocates of gay marriage: The message “used to be one that focused on rights, parity in benefits,” said Fred Sainz, vice president of communications and marketing for […]

Marriage supporters need not apply...

Dear Marriage Supporter, He founded a successful law firm in his hometown of Delano, MN, just west of Minneapolis. He spent six years in the Minnesota House of Representatives. He won over 900,000 votes as the GOP candidate for Minnesota governor in 2010, losing to Mark Dayton by just four-tenths of one percentage point. Tom […]

David vs. The Establishment

Dear Marriage Supporter, If you’ve been reading the newspapers or watching the evening news, you already know what we’re up against: President Obama HHS Secretary Kathleen Sibelius Governor Perdue Lt. Governor Dalton Senator Hagan Representatives Renee Ellmers, David Price and Brad Miller Even the NAACP and 75 corporate CEOs—and they’re all urging North Carolinians to […]

Consequences of a Vote, NOM Marriage News

My Dear Friends, Votes have consequences. We just endorsed a Democrat for the New York state Senate, Chuck Swanick. Here’s what I said in our press release: “In response to those who say that electing Mr. Swanick could cost Dean Skelos his majority in the Senate we say, ‘we don’t care,'” Brown said. “Mark Grisanti’s […]

What have you done?

Dear Marriage Supporter, In just 10 weeks, North Carolina voters will be going to the polls to vote on marriage. Gay marriage activists are pouring money into the state, organizing events, phone banking, and blanketing the state with misleading claims about the Marriage Protection Amendment. The truth is simple: The Marriage Protection Amendment protects marriage […]

Urgent! We Need Your Help!

Marriage Supporter, I’m starting to get nervous. You have always been a marriage defender in our effort to stop our opponents from redefining marriage. And your standing up to defend marriage has never been more critical than it will be in 2012! The most important Presidential election of our lifetime…the chance to elect a pro-marriage […]

Fire Mark Grisanti!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Remember this past June when the four turncoat Republicans in the New York Senate betrayed you and traded their votes and integrity to redefine marriage? Senator Mark Grisanti was the ring leader, and perhaps the most despicable of an utterly deplorable bunch. You see, Grisanti ran for the State Senate as a […]

URGENT!! Help Defend Marriage in North Carolina!

Marriage Supporter, Will you help preserve marriage in your home state? With the May 8 election just around the corner, we urgently need your help today! Please click here to make a generous contribution to the “Vote for Marriage NC” campaign right now! In just 70 days, North Carolina voters will go to the polls […]


Dear Marriage Supporter, Same-sex marriage advocates claim they are just asking for their rights and want to be left alone…that there are no consequences to redefining marriage. But tell that to the 14-year-old girl who is getting death threats because she dared to stand up and tell the Maryland legislature to vote no on same-sex […]

Marriage Hangs in the Balance in Maryland!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I’ll keep this brief, but we have an urgent need in Maryland today. Please keep reading to see the ways you can help right now. Last evening the Maryland Senate voted 25-22 in favor of same-sex marriage, sending the bill on to Governor O’Malley who has lobbied vigorously for the measure and […]

Same-Sex Marriage Activists Desperate to Avoid Supreme Court, NOM Marriage News

My Dear Friends, Prop 8 is headed to the full Ninth Circuit, as chief legal eagle Chuck Cooper and his crack legal team announced this week. Here’s the thing I want you to notice about how this case is unfolding. First, as the New York Times recently admitted, even Judge Reinhardt and his liberal colleagues […]