Author Archives: Brian Brown

DEADLINE EXTENDED! Last Chance to Help Stop SB 48!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Last chance! The petition deadline for Stop SB 48 has been extended to October 10th. All petitions must be received in the Stop SB 48 offices by Monday, October 10. If you haven’t yet submitted your petitions, please do it right away! The volunteers at Stop SB 48 are giving Californians a […]

URGENT: Last Chance to Stop SB48 -- Sign the Petition Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I need your help. Almost four years ago, many of you helped the National Organization for Marriage collect signatures to give the people of California the right to vote on marriage. Today, the volunteers at Stop SB 48 have given Californians another critically important opportunity to decide what is taught to your […]

Stopping the Manhattan Conspiracy, NOM Marriage News

My Dear Friends, Will pro-gay-marriage millionaires divide and conquer the GOP? You and I know that marriage is not a partisan issue. Pro-marriage leaders like Democratic Sen. Rev. Rubén Díaz in New York, or Maryland Delegate Emmet Burns, are demonstrating that every day. But you and I also know that advocates of gay marriage have […]

Will Pro-Gay Marriage Millionaires Divide and Conquer the GOP

Dear Marriage Supporter, The Human Rights Campaign and its pro-gay marriage allies are desperate to divide the Republican Party. They spent more than $3 million to split off four Republican senators in New York. Led by wealthy GOP liberal Charles Munger, Jr. (the son of Warren Buffet’s business partner), they very nearly succeeded in a […]

NOM Launches Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance! -- NOM Marriage News September 22, 2011

My Dear Friends, I have so much to share with you this week, so much good news you will not hear anywhere else. Let me start by acknowledging with gratitude the immense contribution to NOM, to marriage, and to our country of Maggie Gallagher. Today we are announcing that Maggie is stepping aside as Chairman […]

You do not have to watch same-sex marriage become the law in your state

Dear Friend, There is a well-funded, well-organized effort to redefine marriage as we’ve known it for centuries, and impose same-sex marriage as the law of the land in all 50 states. But YOU have the power to stop it. Friend, you’ve helped the National Organization for Marriage stand up for marriage by contacting your elected […]

A Special Victory Message about NY-9 from Brian Brown

Dear Marriage Supporter: By now you’ve probably read the headlines that NOM played a huge role in helping to defeat Democrat David Weprin and elect Republican Bob Turner in New York’s 9th Congressional District. This is an amazing victory because the marriage issue was front and center and became a major factor in the outcome […]


Dear Marriage Supporter: I had the privilege of being at Bob Turner’s victory party last night in Howard Beach, and speaking briefly with the Congressman-elect after his dramatic victory over pro-SSM David Weprin. For those following on Twitter, early in the evening I made what I thought at the time was a bold prediction that […]

NOM Congratulates the People of North Carolina: Your Right to Vote for Marriage is Protected!

Congratulations to the people of North Carolina! The North Carolina Senate did the right thing, voting this afternoon to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot in 2012, and trusting the people of North Carolina with the future of marriage. Over the past two days, both the House and the Senate have approved the measure […]

URGENT ACTION NEEDED -- Senate Vote on NC Marriage Amendment Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Many, many thanks to each of you who have sent messages, made phone calls, and even joined me in Raleigh yesterday at the State Capitol. With your help, the marriage amendment passed the House on a 75-42 vote yesterday, satisfying the 3/5 majority required for passage. But the battle isn’t over yet. […]

VOTE TODAY! Support Bob Turner in NY-9 Election to Replace Anthony Weiner

Dear Marriage Supporter, If you live in New York’s 9th Congressional District, please be sure to vote today for Republican Bob Turner in the special election to replace Rep. Anthony Weiner. And if you know anyone who lives in Brooklyn or Queens, please call them to make sure they get out and vote! This race, […]

Marriage Dominates the News from California to New York - NOM Marriage News, September 10, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter: The biggest news for marriage this week comes out of California. This past Tuesday, the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the question: Do the proponents of Proposition 8 (Protect Marriage) have special standing under California law to speak for Proposition 8 in court? Watch those oral arguments here. The Federal […]

Urgent Action Needed: Vote on NC Marriage Amendment Expected Next Week!

Dear Marriage Supporter, After years of tireless work by marriage advocates across the state, the North Carolina General Assembly is poised to vote next week on a constitutional amendment protecting marriage as the union of a husband and wife. Already, the rhetoric is heating up in advance of the vote. Just yesterday, Democrat House Minority […]

Thank You for Supporting Prop 8!

Dear Marriage Supporter, WOW, what a great day! That’s the best way to summarize my reaction to yesterday’s California Supreme Court hearing on Prop 8. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, president of the Ruth Institute—a project of the NOM Education Fund, was on site for the hearing and gave us this report: I don’t think the […]

Roy McDonald: You're Fired!

Dear Marriage Supporter, What a day! Over ten thousand of you rallied across the state of New York to vow that we would hold accountable the legislators who betrayed marriage and settle for nothing less than a vote of the people on marriage. The rallies were the beginning of a new movement, a new coalition […]