Author Archives: Brian Brown

A Crucial Moment in America's Marriage Culture - NOM Marriage News, August 25, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, Good news! The fatwa against Jerry Buell—a Florida schoolteacher who was suspended by a public school for posting on his Facebook page that he was repulsed by gay marriage in New York—has just failed! Here’s a new Fox News video of the school board hearing, in which hundreds of people showed up […]

Just 7 Days Left... NOM Needs Your Help!

Dear Marriage Supporter, We’re 14 months away from the 2012 elections, but already the presidential race is well underway, with Senate, Congressional and state races soon to heat up. The future of marriage hangs on the outcome of this next election – protecting marriage in Minnesota, Iowa, New York, and in our nation’s capital. With […]

NOM's Marriage Pledge & Bus Tour Make Waves | NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The GOP presidential campaign is off to the races! And NOM’s Marriage Pledge is front and center. Rick Santorum’s surprise move in the Iowa Ames straw poll is having consequences. Rick went from less than 1 percent in the polls to fourth in just a few weeks by highlighting marriage and life. […]

End of Summer Marriage Challenge! And it won't cost you a dime...

Dear Marriage Supporter, As summer draws to a close, I know how busy everyone is. Last-minute vacations, first day of school, and everything else that makes this a time of transition and change. Even for those who don’t have school-age children, there’s something about the end of summer that marks a season of renewed productivity […]

New Video: Presidential Hopefuls Promise Iowans to Protect Marriage!

Thanks to all those who contributed to making the Values Voter Bus Tour through Iowa such a success last week! Co-sponsored by FRC Action and the Susan B. Anthony List, the tour covered 22 cities and more than 1300 miles in just 5 days. From judicial appointments to abandoning DOMA, and in dozens of behind-the-scenes […]

Miss the debate on Thursday? See what the candidates had to say about marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, At the Fox News presidential debate in Ames, Iowa on Thursday, Byron York of the Washington Examiner asked five of the candidates (including three of the four signers of NOM’s marriage pledge!) about their views on same-sex marriage, civil unions and a federal marriage amendment. In case you missed the debate, we’ve […]

Marriage Champions Stepping up on Iowa Bus Tour -- NOM Marriage News, August 11, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, The fight for your values is heating up in Iowa—and NOM is there to make sure your voice is heard! Gov. Tim Pawlenty helped kick off our “Votes Have Consequences” Values Voters Bus Tour across 22 towns and cities in Iowa leading up to the Ames Straw Poll, the traditional kickoff for […]

Honk for Marriage! Have you seen the Values Voter Bus?

Thanks for helping to get our Values Voter Bus Tour off to a great start yesterday! Joined in Des Moines by Governor Tim Pawlenty, one of our Presidential Marriage pledge signers, the day included rallies in Oskaloosa, Washington, Muscatine, and Davenport before wrapping up in Iowa City. As the 22-stop tour continues, we look forward […]

Values Voters Bus Tour - Your chance to meet presidential candidates in person!

I hope you’ve made plans to join us at one of the Values Voters Bus Tour stops this week as we tour Iowa on our way to the Ames Straw Poll next Saturday. With 22 stops over 4 days, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to find a tour stop near you, bring out your friends […]

Marriage Champions Emerge in Presidential Race! NOM Marriage News, August 4, 2011

Three marriage champions have emerged in the race for the presidency! Two weeks ago, we got a Marriage Pledge to ten of the major announced candidates for the GOP nomination. NOM’s marriage pledge asks candidates to commit to five simple, straightforward, concrete steps to protect marriage nationally: To support and send to the states for […]

Marriage, Presidential Politics, and the Iowa Straw Poll

Dear Marriage Supporter, Join us in Iowa next week for the Values Voters Bus Tour! Next Saturday, August 13th, Republican presidential candidates face the first critical test of their grassroots support and organizational strength at the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll. The winner of the Straw Poll will emerge with new momentum heading into the primary […]

10,000 New Yorkers to Politicians: Let the People Vote! - NOM Marriage News July 28, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, On Sunday the people of New York laid down a marker: Politicians cannot sell out their base, sell out their principles, lie to their people, and pass a law which is a lie about human nature, without consequences. Votes have consequences. Thousands of New Yorkers turned out on a very hot Sunday, […]

New Yorkers Stand 10,000 Strong for Marriage!

What an amazing, uplifting, and energetic turnout we had on Sunday! If you couldn’t be there, I hope you were able to watch online. The crowd in Manhattan was so large the NYPD asked us to begin our march early so that we could relieve overcrowding at the gathering site. By the time we reached […]

Join Us Live or Online for "Let the People Vote" Rallies this Sunday!

Dear Marriage Supporter, In just two days, New Yorkers from across the state will come together in Manhattan, Albany, Buffalo and Rochester, declaring publicly that, even as same-sex couples begin marrying under the new same-sex marriage regime, the marriage debate is far from over, and cannot be until politicians finally agree to let all New […]

Game On! President Obama Declares War on Marriage, Federalism, and Religious Liberty – NOM Marriage News, July 2, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, Game on! With Senate hearings on the repeal of DOMA yesterday, President Obama and the hard-left core of the Democratic Party in Washington declared war on marriage, on federalism, on democracy and on religious liberty. Do you think I exaggerate? As Maggie said in National Review yesterday, the chilling of our First […]