Author Archives: Brian Brown

Have you taken action yet? Help defend DOMA!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Tomorrow morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee will consider whether to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, jeopardizing every state constitutional marriage amendment in the nation, and opening the door for the courts to force same-sex marriage across the country. Have you taken action yet? San Francisco liberals like Diane Feinstein can’t stand […]

Illinois Foster Parents: Discriminating Against Christian Adoption Agencies Hurts Our Kids!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Can you imagine forcing foster children to suffer just so you can advance your political agenda? Of course not! When I first learned that the gay marriage movement is right now actively working to shut down religious foster and adoption agencies my heart dropped. I could not believe it. When Illinois passed […]

The Great NOM Photo "Controversy"

My Friends, Rachel Maddow and her friends on the left are all atwitter about a photo collage created for the website that NOM is sponsoring with allies in New Hampshire who are working with us to repeal same-sex marriage there. You may recall that marriage was redefined in New Hampshire in 2009 after Tim […]

Restoring Marriage: The Latest from New Hampshire, NOM Marriage News, October 28, 2011

My Dear Friends, Is gay marriage inevitable? Someone forgot to tell New Hampshire, where Democrats railroaded a gay marriage bill through the legislature in 2009, before losing an election to GOP legislators who ran promising to restore marriage. The New Hampshire House Judiciary Committee voted 11-6 THIS WEEK to send a bill restoring the definition […]

EMERGENCY ALERT! DOMA Repeal Hearing Next Week – Sign the Petition Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter, If you’re reading this email, I need your help today. Everyone. San Francisco liberals like Diane Feinstein can’t stand the fact that the American people have voted to protect marriage in 31 consecutive state votes. So they are pushing a bill in Congress that would do an end run on voters, repealing […]

Have you responded yet?

Dear Marriage Supporter, Six days ago, I issued a challenge, asking you to join me in standing up to Mayor Bloomberg and his Wall Street billionaire buddies who are using their money to buy GOP votes for same-sex marriage. When Mayor Bloomberg raised $1 million in a single night as payback for Senators Alesi, Grisanti, […]

Urge Herman Cain to Sign the Marriage Pledge!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Herman Cain’s position on marriage is moving in the right direction. After earlier opposing a federal constitutional amendment on marriage, arguing that marriage should be left to the states, Mr. Cain told CBN’s David Brody on Saturday that he now supports a federal marriage amendment. What accounts for the change of heart? […]

Committee Vote Tomorrow on Bill to Repeal Same-Sex Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, New Hampshire is poised to become the first state to legislatively repeal a same-sex marriage bill. But it won’t happen without your help! Tomorrow, the House Judiciary Committee will be voting on a bill to repeal same-sex marriage. Please take a moment right now to send a message to the members of […]

They sold you out and think they can get away with it!

Dear Marriage Supporter: New York City Mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg and his Wall Street buddies just funneled more than a million dollars in a desperate attempt to save the jobs of the four turncoat Republican senators who brought same-sex marriage to New York this summer. A small, but wealthy, elite think they can get […]

Forcing Christians Into the Closet? NOM Marriage News, October 21, 2011

My Dear Friends, How quickly do the cultural inhibitions shift after same-sex marriage becomes the law? In Connecticut, just a few years after court-ordered gay marriage became the law of the land, a public high school in Hartford chose to put on a musical featuring two boys kissing passionately. The public school is composed of […]

Four New York State Senators and Their Same-Sex Marriage Money Dance

Dear Marriage Supporter, Money dance. Perhaps you’ve heard about the practice of some brides and grooms dancing for money with supporters at their wedding. Well, last Thursday the four Republican senators who pushed same-sex marriage through in New York this summer were doing a money dance of their own – dancing with wealthy contributors like […]

Marriage Highlights from the Values Voter Summit, NOM Marriage News, October 14, 2011

My Dear Friends, Let me spend a few moments reporting on events at last weekend’s Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC. Now in one sense this is a secondhand report. (Due to a family emergency I had to to cancel my own appearance and Maggie Gallagher stepped in for me on the panel devoted to […]

She spoke out in defense of marriage, and they threatened her job! Please help!

“This may be the first time in my whole life that I’ve had to actually receive persecution.” It’s downright un-American. Over the past three years, hundreds of Americans have been bullied, threatened, and even fired from their jobs, for no other reason than because they support traditional marriage. That’s why the National Organization for Marriage […]

URGENT: Your signature is needed to Stop SB 48!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I just received an urgent email from the Stop SB 48 campaign. They do not yet have enough signatures to qualify the Stop SB 48 referendum for the ballot, and it is essential that you sign and send your petition in today. Here’s the message directly from Stop SB 48. Please read […]

NOM Values Voter Guide to Presidential Primaries, NOM Marriage News, October 6, 2011

My Dear Friends, Sarah Palin says no. Chris Christie says no. The GOP presidential field now appears to be closed—just in time for the Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC. Just in time for the summit, NOM has teamed up with the Susan B. Anthony List to produce a pro-life, pro-marriage values voter guide for […]