Author Archives: Brian Brown

Marriage Rallies Across New York this Sunday - Join Us!

Dear Marriage Supporter, If you live in—or anywhere near—New York, I hope you’ll bring the whole family out to join us this Sunday afternoon at 3pm. With simultaneous rallies in Buffalo, Rochester, Albany and Manhattan, we’ll put Governor Cuomo and the political establishment on notice that the same-sex marriage debate is far from over. Visit […]

Urgent: Please Attend DOMA Hearing Tomorrow!

Tomorrow morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on Senate Bill 598, Senator Feinstein’s “Respect for Marriage Act.” Contrary to its misleading name, S.598 would abolish federal protections for marriage and repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Overwhelmingly adopted by Congress in 1996, and signed into law by President Clinton, DOMA has […]

Join us on July 24th -- A New Chapter in a Long Fight to Reclaim Marriage in New York

I hope you will join us next Sunday, July 24th, as we join with New Yorkers from all across the state at simultaneous rallies in Manhattan, Albany, Rochester and Buffalo, calling on politicians to let the people vote on marriage. Next Sunday is the day that New York will begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex […]

Let The People Vote! NOM Marriage News July 8, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, The fight to take back New York begins. Now it gets serious. Now, it’s also a fight to take back the Republican Party from the forces who wish to abandon marriage: the so-called new “pro-equality Republicans.” Four Republican senators in New York voted for gay marriage. But the entire Republican conference, under […]

Truth Matters - A Message for Politicians, NOM Marriage News June 30, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, The Republican Party in New York decided last week to pass gay marriage. That is what happened last Friday. I’m still struggling, like you, to explain why. This is not over! NOM has announced a multi-year plan in New York to fight back! The first step is to analyze, with clarity, how […]

Reversing SSM in New York: The Campaign Begins

What can you do to restore marriage in New York? The secretive, “emergency” process by which same-sex marriage was brought to New York last Friday night has left many outraged—even some supporters of same-sex marriage. It also made one thing abundantly clear: in order to change policy on marriage, we’re going to have to change […]

We Pledge $2 Million to Reverse SSM in New York - Will You Stand With Us?

Last night we were sold out by the Republican Party in New York.  Shortly before 10:30 last night, the New York Senate voted 33 to 29 in favor of same-sex marriage. Four Republicans – Jim Alesi, Roy McDonald, Steve Saland, and Mark Grisanti provided the margin of passage. But this fight is far from over. […]

D-Day in New York, Again - NOM Marriage News June 23, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, D-day in New York. I can’t believe I’m saying that again. I told you last week it was crunch time in New York. But instead of conferencing and quickly voting for gay marriage last Wednesday, New York State Senate Republicans huddled together last Wednesday, Thursday, Friday—with no announcement of their game plan. […]

CRITICAL ACTION NEEDED: GOP to Decide Fate of Marriage Bill Friday

Dear Marriage Supporter, This evening the Republican Caucus in the state Senate will meet to debate whether to bring the same-sex marriage bill to the floor for a vote. UPDATE: the Senate will reconvene tomorrow (Friday) to decide this question. Included in the mix are religious liberty amendments which no one has yet seen, much […]

Phone Calls Needed Immediately -- NY SSM Vote Possible Today!

We’re down to the final hours in New York – can you please stop what you’re doing and make 7 phone calls to protect marriage? We’re hearing that a vote on the same-sex marriage bill could come today. It’s critical that we keep the pressure up, and your phone calls today could make the difference. […]

CRITICAL NY UPDATE: Final Day - Tell Senators to Let the People Vote

One more day to change history. A week ago, same-sex marriage supporters were giddy with excitement. Five senators had just announced their intent to vote for same-sex marriage, leaving supporters one vote shy of the 32 votes needed to pass a same-sex marriage bill. But for a week now, there has been no new movement […]

Emergency Alert: NY Marriage Vote May Come Tomorrow - Have you called your Senator?

Dear Marriage Supporter, I’m in Albany, New York, where I had the privilege of standing with Rev. Jason McGuire of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms this afternoon as he delivered 63,000 petitions from New Yorkers urging their senators to oppose the same-sex marriage bill. Although the New York legislative session was slated to end at […]

Down to the Wire in New York – NOM Marriage News June 16, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011 Dear Marriage Supporter, As I write, the New York Times is reporting that the New York Senate is just one vote shy of passing gay marriage. Marriage hangs in the balance. As I write, tens of thousands of you who live in New York have picked up the phone, or gone […]

NY on the Brink: David Tyree Stands Up to Protect Marriage -- Will you? Act Now!

Dear Marriage Supporter, ESPN called it the greatest play in Super Bowl history. NFL Films called it “The Play of the Decade.” Dubbed “The Catch,” David Tyree’s near miraculous catch with a minute to go in Super Bowl XLII that set up the NY Giant’s victory against the undefeated New England Patriots. Now, three years […]

Emergency Alert: New York on Precipice of Redefining Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, In the next four days marriage will be won or lost in New York. We’ve won many great victories together—in California, Maine, Iowa, Maryland, and Rhode Island—but without you making a call today, marriage will be lost in New York. It’s that simple. Right now there are 30 votes committed to passing […]