Author Archives: Brian Brown

Is Suppressing Religious Liberty the Point of SSM Bills?

Here’s something else worth noticing from Maryland and Rhode Island: In both states, gay-marriage advocates would rather lose gay marriage than provide religious liberty protections. The ACLU in Rhode Island has flatly said it would not support any kind of expanded conscience protection in Rhode Island. The same thing happened in Maryland, by the way: […]

MD Aftermath Brings Infighting in Gay Marriage Camp

We’re still digesting that great Maryland victory for marriage and boy, so is the other side. The name-calling has begun! “Maryland Gay Marriage Debacle Reveals Cowards and Civil Rights Myopia” charged one Washington Post columnist. Infighting has broken out between national gay leaders and local gay-rights groups in Maryland, with some of the latter calling […]

Hispanic Church Turning the Tide in Rhode Island

All eyes are now on Rhode Island, where House Speaker Gordon Fox is claiming he has the votes to pass a gay marriage bill through the House.  Right. This is the same politician who promised to quickly pass a gay marriage bill through the House in February, and then suddenly pulled the bill after a […]

Victory in Maryland - SSM Fails

VICTORY! Maryland House defeats same-sex marriage bill for this year Breaking news out of Maryland: The Maryland House of Delegates has voted to effectively kill for this year a bill that would have allowed same-sex marriage in Maryland. The House approved on voice vote a motion to send the bill back to the Judiciary Committee, an […]

You Did It - SSM Defeated in Maryland

Dear Marriage Supporter: We did it! Better yet, you did it! And better still…the people of Maryland did it! They told us it was impossible to block gay marriage in the Maryland House. They said it was a “done deal.” But once again with your help, we’ve proved the pundits wrong. Once again dousing boasts […]

Maryland's Million Dollar Marriage Battle: NOM's Weekly Newsletter

As I write this, we do not yet know the outcome of the legislative vote in Maryland on gay marriage. I do know that 24 hours before the vote is supposed to take place, the Washington Post headline read: “Final House Vote Uncertain.” It’s coming down to the wire largely because of you and good […]

Obama's Unconstitutional Decree - NOM National Newsletter 2/24/11

Dear Marriage Supporter, The fight is on! By now you’ve probably heard the shocking news: Pres. Obama just announced he will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court.
 Already over four thousand of you have responded to our urgent action alert calling on the House to vote to intervene and do the […]

NOM National Newsletter - February 10, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, Marriage is on a roll! In Providence yesterday, a hearing was held about two bills: one which would redefine marriage–and one sponsored by Rep. Jon Brien which would refer the question to the people of Rhode Island. Both Maggie Gallagher and Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse were there, so I had a live […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving. It’s one of the things I love about America. We’re the country that invented Thanksgiving. Before America was even a nation or had a constitution, the people who would go on to found our great land understood the need for a holiday, a holy day, to express our gratitude to our Creator for all […]

New Video: Recapping the Marriage Tour and Looking Ahead...

Our video team has just finished a terrific 3-minute video recapping our Summer for Marriage tour and introducing our new emphasis as we head into the fall. I hope you’ll take a moment to watch. Pulling 3 minutes of highlights from more than 30 hours of footage taken at 23 rallies over the past month […]

Government Wins Right to Force Catholic Adoption Agencies to Place Children with Gay Couples

In Great Britain, thanks to a new ruling, the principle of nondiscrimination now trumps religious liberty and common sense. Catholic adoption agencies will be closed unless they agree to place children with gay couples on an “equal” basis.  No preferences for the natural family are permissible any longer, even if it means fewer orphaned children […]

Prof. Robert Nagel -- Judge Walker to Voters: Drop Dead

Prof. Nagel of the University of Colorado Law School describes “The irrationality of Vaughn Walker”: Here is how it works: Where there are undeniably reasons (debatable reasons, to be sure) behind the traditional definition of marriage, Judge Walker simply announces that those reasons are illegitimate and therefore don’t count. And where the reasons are undeniably […]

NOM ElectionWatch 2010: Is Prop 8 Decision Hurting Sen. Barbara Boxer?

California voters, outraged by Judge Walker’s charge that they are all ignorant and/or irrational hatemongers, whose views are unworthy of respect and whose votes should not be counted, cannot vent their frustrations against Judge Walker, appointed for life to his federal bench in San Francisco. Will they take their frustration out on Sen. Barbara Boxer, […]

Prof. Stephen Heaney on Walker's Misdefinition of Marriage

Abraham Lincoln was once asked, “if we call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?’ Lincoln answered “four.” A tail is still not a leg, even if you call it one. Prof. Heaney goes on to explain how the misdefinition of marriage in Judge Walker’s ruling is based on a similar […]

Congressman Pence Denounces Judge Walker's Rulings, Calls for FMA if Necessary

Pence Condemns Judge’s Proposition 8 Ruling in California Marriage between a man and a woman must be protected from activist judges.U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today condemning the ruling of a federal judge that overturned the will of a majority of Californians who voted for Proposition […]