Author Archives: Brian Brown

Judge Walker proves he’s “not a neutral referee, he’s an activist” by lifting ban on same sex marriages during appeal process. NOM responds.

WASHINGTON, DC – In light of the decision by Judge Vaughn Walker to lift the stay on same sex marriages in California following his ruling to overturn Proposition 8, Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage offered the following response: “When a lower judge makes an unprecedented ruling, that totally overturns existing Supreme Court […]

Rush on Prop 8 reaction: “The American people are furious!”

Rush relates the reaction to the Prop 8 ruling that he has seen:   “The American people are boiling.  The American people are furious.  My e-mails are unbelievable. This federal judge yesterday, this decision, Prop 8, California, has just put people over the edge, and all of these decisions are coming one after another from […]

Rush on Judge Walker’s bias —“This is an activist”

More from Rush Limbaugh’s August 5th commentary on Judge Vaughn Walker’s bias in the Prop 8 case: “I don’t care whether he’s taken pains to disguise or advertise his orientation.  What we have here is a results-oriented liberal judicial judge — not even a judge, this is an activist — he has taken 136 or […]

Rush on Judge Walker’s Slur Against Prop8 Supporters

Over the next couple of days, we’ll be posting various clips from Rush Limbaugh’s syndicated radio program on August 5th, in which he reacted to Judge Walker’s ruling in the Prop 8 case. Our thanks to Rush and to the EIB Network for permission to use these clips. “Judge Vaughn Walker in California did not […]

NOM Election Watch 2010: Pro-SSM Bennet Squares Off Against Pro-Marriage Ken Buck in Colorado Senate Race

In Tim Gill’s home state, the most aggressively pro-gay marriage candidate Andrew Romanoff lost Tuesday to the slightly less aggressively pro-gay marriage, anti-DOMA candidate Mike Bennet in the Democrat Party primary for the U.S. Senate: “I am the candidate in this race to have laid out the most progressive stance on virtually every issue that […]

The unthinkable happened. Help fight back!

It happened… the unthinkable, the wrong, the outrageous. An openly gay judge in San Francisco ruled that the votes and values of over 7 million Californians were to be thrown in the dustbin like so many pieces of dirty paper, that his imperial will trumps the voice of the people. We expected this outcome, because […]

Marriage Tour Update: Albany

What a time we’ve had this week! With three rallies in our four days on the road, things have been going great . . . and we’re just getting started! We started off in Augusta with close to 200 people on Wednesday, had roughly 150-200 in Manchester on Thursday, and around 100 in Albany today. […]

Judge Tauro Does DOMA

A must-read analysis of the recent federal district court decision attacking DOMA, written by Hadley Arkes, one of DOMA’s architects. Judge Tauro Does DOMA July 09, 2010 8:33 AM By Hadley Arkes Judge Joseph Tauro, in the federal district court in Boston, took it upon himself to strike down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act […]

Mark Your Calendar! NOM Marriage Tour Comes to Augusta!

The NOM Marriage Tour 2010: One Man, One Woman is coming to Augusta! Mark your calendar now for next Wednesday, July 14th. The NOM Tour RV will be rolling into Augusta Wednesday morning, with the rally in Capitol Park, across from the State House starting at noon. Click here for directions. Joining me in speaking […]

NOM National Marriage News, July 1, 2010

Big news! NOM is coming soon to a city near you! This week we announced the launch of our new “Summer for Marriage” 2010 Bus Tour. That’s me, my wife, and six kids on a tour bus, along with thousands of other Americans holding rallies for marriage in 19 cities across the country. Judge Walker […]

NOM's Founding Chairman Princeton Prof. Robert George Receives Canterbury Medal for Defending Religious Liberty

NOM’s founding Chairman of the Board, Robby George, is a renaissance man. Here’s a photo of Robby at the Becket Fund gala (which I attended) where he was honored with the Canterbury Medal for his contribution to the religious liberty of all faith communities. We here at NOM certainly understand that SSM and related laws […]

Support the Prop 8 Legal Defense!

After a marathon day of closing arguments, interviews, and press conferences yesterday, one thing is certain: The fight for Prop 8 is just beginning and we’re in this for the long haul. Let me be clear: The battle over Prop 8 is a battle for the future of marriage in America. Ted Olson made no […]

Rules, schmules: Larsen doesn't care

Union Leader, June 3, 2009 Legislators vote today on amending the same-sex marriage bill so it meets Gov. John Lynch’s approval and can become law. It’s telling, however, that Senate President Sylvia Larsen had to violate Senate rules to get this language passed. Senate rules require that all committee of conference votes be unanimous. They […]

RI Marriage Alert: Same-Sex Divorce Hearing Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Wednesday June 3 at 4:00 PM, another important bill is coming before the Rhode Island House Judiciary Committee. Bill Number 5926 would pave the way for the Rhode Island Family Court to issue divorce decrees in the case of same-sex marriages performed in other states. The bill states, “Regardless of whether the parties would […]

NOM Launches New York Campaign!

Today, NOM announced a major new initiative to mobilize grassroots opposition to same-sex marriage in New York State. One of our largest state efforts to date, the New York campaign is highlighted by an initial $100,000 radio and TV ad buy, with ads running in Long Island, Albany, Poughkeepsie, and a handful of other New […]