Author Archives: Brian Brown

Redefining Religious Liberty: Gay marriage and the conflict between church and state.

By Maggie Gallagher Prop 8 won yesterday. Even in California, they could find only one supreme-court justice willing to strip 7 million people of their core civil right to amend the state constitution, guaranteed by the constitution itself. Why do I feel, absurdly, that I should be grateful? Liberals who support gay marriage may understand […]

Victory in California! Supreme Court Upholds Prop 8!

Earlier today, the California Supreme Court ruled 6-1 upholding the constitutionality of Prop 8. This is a tremendous victory for marriage, or as Maggie put it, “This victory for Prop 8 is a victory for children, for civil rights, and for the common good.” And it’s gratifying for NOM as well — thanks to your […]

New Hampshire House Rejects SSM amendments

May 20, 2009 — HUGE victory for marriage in New Hampshire!!! A few minutes ago, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted by a 2-vote margin (188-186) to reject amendments to the same-sex marriage bill that had been required by Governor Lynch as a condition of his signing the bill. Same-sex marriage advocates were SHOCKED! […]

National Organization for Marriage and Carrie Prejean Launch New Ad Showing Intolerance of Gay Marriage Activists, Illustrating Threats to Religious Liberty

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Elizabeth Ray (x130) or Mary Beth Hutchins (x105), at 703-683-5004 APRIL 30, 2009 National Organization for Marriage and Carrie Prejean Launch New Ad Showing Intolerance of Gay Marriage Activists, Illustrating Threats to Religious Liberty (Washington, DC) – A new television ad featuring footage of Carrie Prejean explaining her support for marriage […]

The Institution Formerly Known As Marriage

by Jennifer Roback Morse Public Discourse April 24, 2009 The Iowa court’s recent decision does not simply broaden marriage, it radically changes its nature. While marriage previously served public purposes of attaching mothers and fathers to their children and one another, now marriage merely serves as affirmation of adult feelings. The Iowa Supreme Court recently […]

Thanks, Colbert Report!

I learned this morning NOM has officially made it to the big stage, being parodied last night on the Colbert Report! Thank you, Colbert Report, for the publicity. Those who enjoy the irreverent satire of the Colbert Report can catch the segment here (parental discretion). NOM’s statement released this afternoon is below: National Organization for […]

WashPost Highlights Religious Liberty Threat

This article from today’s Washington Post highlights the religious liberty threats (including two mentioned in our Gathering Storm ad) that religious organizations and individuals are facing in jurisdictions mandating recognition of same-sex unions. Faith Groups Increasingly Lose Gay Rights Fights . . . The lawsuits have resulted from states and communities that have banned discrimination […]

Gathering Storm Background Facts

I’ve been busy doing interviews most of the past three days, but wanted to take a minute to set the record straight here as well: The response from the Human Rights Campaign (and others) to the release of the Gathering Storm ad this week is nothing new. It’s the exact same tactic we saw last […]

NOMBlog Launch!

With the fight over the future of marriage heating up across the country, NOM is working overtime to make sure that we can get news and information out to our supporters as quickly as possible.  With our e-mail action alerts, Facebook Page, and Twitter accounts we’re already reaching tens of thousands of supporters of traditional […]

Emergency Iowa Action Alert!

We have identified a list of 33 Iowa House members whose support will be critical to our efforts to bring HJR 6 — the Iowa Marriage Amendment — to vote by the full House during the last two weeks of this year’s legislative session.
Send an email to the 33 Iowa House members whose support is critical to the passage of HJR 6 this year.

Iowa Supreme Court Imposes Same-Sex Marriage

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: APRIL 3, 2008 CONTACT: Elizabeth Ray (x130) or Mary Beth Hutchins (x105), 703-683-5004 IOWA SUPREME COURT IMPOSES SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Brian Brown, executive director of the National Organization for Marriage: “Injustice has been served today.  The gay marriage movement has once again used the courts to push an untruth on unwilling Iowans: same-sex […]

New Religious Liberty Threat in Connecticut

The Lawlor-and-McDonald-controlled Judiciary Committee in Connecticut just passed a same-sex marriage bill — without religious liberty protections!  For the second time in a month, Lawlor and McDonald have used their Judiciary Committee roles to attack religious liberty and people of faith in Connecticut. Last month, they failed in their efforts to involve the state in […]

NOM Launches Hard-Hitting New Radio Ad!

Legalizing gay marriage has consequences for our kids — and if we don’t act now, we’ll all have to accept gay marriage “whether we like it or not.” That’s the theme of a hard-hitting new radio ad that we’re launching today as part of our 2009 Northeast Action Plan, and I wanted you to be […]

Northeast Action Plan

NOM launched its Northeast Action Plan today with a series of radio ads airing in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. The ads open with a child asking questions about same-sex marriage: “If my Dad married a man, who would be my Mom?” Listeners then hear an urgent marriage alert, asking them to contact their legislators […]