Author Archives: Brian Brown

Watch NOM Chairman's Explosive IRS Testimony Before Congress!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The audience at a congressional hearing isn’t supposed to give applause, but they did when they heard what the National Organization for Marriage’s (NOM’s) Chairman, John Eastman, had to say. Last week, Dr. Eastman was invited by Congress to testify about the illegal disclosure of NOM’s confidential tax documents, along with five […]

Watch NOM Chairman's Explosive IRS Testimony Before Congress!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The audience at a congressional hearing isn’t supposed to give applause, but they did when they heard what the National Organization for Marriage’s (NOM’s) Chairman, John Eastman, had to say. Last week, Dr. Eastman was invited by Congress to testify about the illegal disclosure of NOM’s confidential tax documents, along with five […]

Watch NOM Chairman's Explosive IRS Testimony Before Congress!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The audience at a congressional hearing isn’t supposed to give applause, but they did when they heard what the National Organization for Marriage’s (NOM’s) Chairman, John Eastman, had to say. Last week, Dr. Eastman was invited by Congress to testify about the illegal disclosure of NOM’s confidential tax documents, along with five […]

The Tide Has Turned! Victory in Illinois!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The myth of gay marriage inevitability died last night in Illinois! Even in this deep blue state… … where liberals hold a super-majority in both chambers of the state legislature … … with the personal lobbying of President Barack Obama … … with the pork-barrel bribery of Governor Pat Quinn … … […]

Down to the Wire, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, 24 hours and the fate of marriage will be decided in Illinois. The fact that the fight for marriage is coming down to the wire in this deep blue state controlled by Democrats, even with Pres. Obama pushing for its passage, is a testament first, to the good people of Illinois, of […]

Only 3 Days

Dear Marriage Supporter, We have only 3 days to defeat gay-marriage activists in Illinois, where the General Assembly adjourns this Friday. Our opponents have been fighting for months in this deep blue state to pass a bill redefining marriage — but our side has been fighting even harder to stop them. NOM has dedicated over […]

Truth Matters, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Truth matters. Especially when bullies and bureaucrats conspired to hide it. Standing Up to IRS Bullies NOM’s decision to stand up to abuse and fight back by suing the IRS is generating a mountain of positive responses with major media outlets. By our rough count, NOM’s case has been mentioned over 85 […]

Please Help Us Save Marriage in Illinois - And Across America

Dear Marriage Supporter, For months and months, NOM has been fighting hard to protect marriage in Illinois. That’s why, with less than ten days left to go in the legislative session, gay activists are still scrambling to twist arms and strike backroom deals in Springfield. Your emergency gift of $35, $75 or $150 could make […]

Orwellian Groupthink of the Worst Kind...

The ongoing IRS scandal continues to expose the egregious government abuse of power toward groups opposing the liberal ideologue-machine currently occupying the White House. I’m proud to say that NOM has taken the lead in the effort to hold the government accountable for this horrific escalation in the abuse of power, which is corrupting democracy […]

The Road to Tyranny, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The road to tyranny is paved with incidents like this. Private Citizen Harassed for Her Political Writings For Prof. Anne Hendershott, the phone call to her home from the IRS came out of the blue in May 2010: “The IRS calls my house and says … ‘I just wanted to let you […]

Help Us Expose the Truth About the IRS!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Of all the scandals plaguing the Obama administration this week, the revelation that the Internal Revenue Service targeted Tea Party and conservative groups for harassment during the last Presidential election is perhaps the most shocking. But it pales in comparison to what we have been attempting to expose for over a year: […]

You Won’t Believe What They Called You

Dear Marriage Supporter, Name-calling is wrong. Don’t stereotype and make unfair generalizations. It’s bad to single people out for mockery and stigmatization. These are all values that Hollywood liberals claim to hold. Unless, that is, you support marriage. Then, apparently, all bets are off. You’re not going to believe what I’m about to tell you, […]

A Truth That Will Not Change, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, This has been another big week in the fight to defend marriage, so I’ll get right to it! Movement For, and Against, Marriage In France, young people are gathering regularly to sing and pray for marriage. In Nantes, they gather at the foot of the Cross of Charette, where a famous French […]

The Lies Of Same-Sex Marriage...

Dear Marriage Supporter, You and I know that fundamentally, same-sex “marriage” is a lie… because we know that by definition marriage is the union of one man and one woman. But that definition is coming under attack from all quarters, by people who want to redefine marriage while simultaneously promising that nothing will change. And […]

WE MUST ACT NOW! Tell Dover: Do NOT Redefine Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, On Wednesday, the Delaware Senate executive committee cleared consideration of House Bill 75 to be voted upon on the Senate floor as early as next week. This bill would redefine marriage in Delaware in a radical way: it would re-create parenting as a genderless institution, and deny kids their fundamental right to […]