Author Archives: NOM Staff

URGENT MARRIAGE ALERT: Rally for Marriage Sunday Afternoon in the Bronx!

[Note: there is a great deal of exciting marriage news today, please scroll down for the latest updates!] === I’m asking you to join me in the Bronx this Sunday as together we stand to protect marriage in New York. This is a critical moment for the future of marriage in New York, and if […]

URGENT MARRIAGE ALERT: Tell your legislators to support MN Marriage Amendment today!

Reports indicate that the Minnesota Marriage Amendment may be voted on in both the house and senate as early as tomorrow! If you haven’t yet emailed your state senator and representative, please do it right now. Our opponents are doing everything they can to discredit the amendment effort and to divide the Republican majority. Tell […]

King & Spalding:  "We're There Until You Need Us"

Dear Marriage Supporter, You’ve heard the news—King & Spalding, a major U.S. law firm, buckled under pressure from the Human Rights Campaign, reneging on its contract to represent the U.S. House of Representatives in defending the Defense of Marriage Act. It’s a wonderful story of the courage of one man, Paul Clement, standing firm in […]

Who will Ovide Lamontagne Endorse for President?

Ovide Lamontagne came from nowhere to almost defeat Kelly Ayotte in the GOP primary for the U.S. Senate. With Kelly Ayotte now Sen. Ayotte, this story is focusing attention on who Ovide Lamontagne will endorse for president prior to the GOP primary. Tim Pawlenty or..?

From Australia, Ian Robinson's "Secular Case Against Gay Marriage"

Ian Robinson is President Emeritus of the Rationalist Society of Australia and a former editor of their journal, the Australian Rationalist. He writes in Online Opinion, an Australian e-journal of social and political debate: … The norm for human beings is sexual reproduction which requires not same-sex but opposite-sex unions. At the most basic level, […]

Did Joe Solmonese Just Admit That Public Schools Will Teach About Gay Marriage?

From Talking Points Memo: “King & Spaulding were not required to take up this defense and should be ashamed of associating themselves with an effort to deny rights to their fellow citizens,” [Human Rights Campaign President Joe] Solmonese said in the statement. “With such a high-priced lawyer, it’s no wonder the Speaker is grasping at […]

UPDATE: Judge Walker Responds to Motion Claiming He Violated Judicial Rules, Defied Supreme Court

From the SCOTUS blog: Retired U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker told the Ninth Circuit Court Thursday that he had played in public lectures a portion of videotape, three minutes in length, from the trial on the constitutionality of the Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage in California. In a two-page letter responding to a challenge by the […]

Excerpt of Opening Statement by Chairman Trent Franks at DOMA Hearing

Here are some excerpts from Chairman Trent Franks’ (R-AZ) excellent opening remarks at today’s hearing in the Subcommittee on the Constitution: “The Constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)”. For decades, Administrations of both parties have followed a policy of defending every federal law for which a reasonable argument can be made. This policy […]

Last Chance! Gifts to Defend Marriage Matched Up to Midnight Tonight!

Dear Marriage Supporter, President Obama declared war on marriage his very first day in office. Quickly he nominated two new members to the Supreme Court, solidifying the liberal bloc of the bench, even appointing his own solicitor general to the nation’s high court. His party controlled both houses of Congress, introducing bills to repeal the […]

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher Testified Before The Subcommittee on the Constitution: "Defending Marriage"

“Every single time the American people have had the chance to vote, 31 out of 31 times, they have affirmed that marriage is and should remain the union of husband and wife.” – Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of the Board of NOM (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Today, Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of the Board of the National Organization […]

4 Days Remaining! Protect our Right to Speak!

Earlier this year, gay marriage advocates petitioned CNN to silence pro-family advocates and censor their “dangerous anti-gay rhetoric” from the airwaves. Three weeks ago, radical activists in Michigan tried to get a young woman fired–for the second time!—for a letter to the editor she wrote 3 years ago. She’s already been wrongfully fired by one […]

NOM NEWS ROUND-UP: April 11, 2011

As is always the case, much has transpired in marriage news over the past week. We’ve gathered those top stories in one post to make that much easier for your review. But first, please take a minute to join the tens of thousands of marriage supporters by taking action: 1. Donate to support our ongoing efforts […]

FROM NOM'S NATIONAL NEWSLETTER: Tim Gill Threatens $2M Campaign Against Colorado Lawmakers over Civil Unions Bill

NOM aims to be your voice for your values. To be your smart, lean, efficient, and strategic pathway to victory! We cannot afford to underestimate the forces that oppose us—spiritual and otherwise. After Colorado legislators rejected a civil unions bill, Tim Gill’s lawyer, Ted Trimpa, issued a threat, according to KWGN news: Gill, the gay […]

Protect Crystal Dixon’s Right to Speak!

In 2008, Crystal Dixon was fired from the University of Toledo for expressing her view that equating gay rights with civil rights is wrong. Now, Equality Michigan (funded by the Arcus foundation) is trying to get her fired from her next position, too—this one in Jackson, Michigan. They say a “public leader” with a record […]

ACT NOW to Protect Christian Adoption Agencies From Virginia Government – DEADLINE TONIGHT!

Driving religious foster care and adoption agencies out of business appears to be the purpose of new regulations proposed by the Virginia Department of Social Services. Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170 provides that: “[Private adoption agencies] shall prohibit acts of discrimination based on . . . sexual orientation, disability or family status […]