Author Archives: NOM Staff

13 State Attorneys General Ask 9th Circuit to Overrule Walker

The attorneys general of 13 states have signed onto an amicus brief, defending the rights of voters in their states to determine the meaning of marriage through the democratic process. Contra California attorney general Jerry Brown, these attorneys generals affirmed that a key state interest in marriage is “responsible procreation.” Attorneys general in Indiana, Virginia, […]

NYT Iowa Hypocrisy: Brian Brown Fights Back

The Sept. 24 NYT is suggesting that the Iowa retention elections cannot be used only to eliminate “unfit judges.” Of course a judge who commits a felony or takes a bribe can be removed from office by other means. What is the point of an election if the New York Times tells Iowa voters they […]

Breaking News: Rasmussen Declares Minnesota Governor Race a Tie!

A new poll showing GOP pro-marriage candidate Tom Emmer one point ahead of Mark Dayton, who opposes letting voters decide marriage. Rasmussen has officially shifted Minnesota’s governor race from “leans Democratic” to toss-up. See the poll here.

New Study: Just One Percent of British People are Gay or Lesbian

According to an Agence France-Presse story more than 480,000 people in the UK identify themselves as gay or lesbian in a recent Office for National Statistics study, and a further 245,000 say they are bisexual. Much to the chagrin of the homosexual lobby that claims far higher percentages, that adds up to one (1) percent […]

Ann Coulter Re-iterates Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage

According to the Washington Post, “… at GOProud’s Homocon in New York on Saturday night, Coulter plans to ‘forge the conservative/gay peace of westphalia!’” she says via e-mail. According to Coulter: “Conservatives will:  1) stop treating gay sex any differently from premarital sex,  2) stop blaming nice, conservative gays for the [actions of] hateful, angry, […]

Breaking News: WV GOP Senate Candidate John Raese Endorses Federal Marriage Amendment

West Virginia GOP Senate Nominee John Raese has just endorsed a Federal Marriage Amendment. Will Gov. Manchin agree, or will he let the surging GOP candidate in this traditionally Democratic state open ground on the marriage issue?  Polls show West Virginians strongly oppose same-sex marriage.  The latest PPP poll shows GOP nominee John Raese leading […]

Wall Street LOVES Gay Marriage

Ted Olson is mining his GOP connections to fund the assault on our Constitution that Judge Walker and Olson have initiated.  Wall Street loves gay marriage.  We depend on millions of Americans like you to help fund Chuck Cooper and the good guys. Give today if this story makes you mad. From the NY Times: […]

So-called Catholics for Equality is nothing more than HRC-designed Astroturf

Blogger Thomas Peters (American Papist) exposes “the latest in a long string of Catholyc astroturf groups.”  Peters’ reveals that Catholic for Equality, “were intentionally created as a front group by the blatantly anti-Catholic homosexual-activist group (the largest in the nation, in fact): The Human Rights Campaign.”  Quoting an email exchange he had with a board member […]

NOM Launches Our Most Powerful TV Ad Yet!

We’ve just released what may very well be our most powerful ad yet . . . Focused on protecting one of our most precious civil rights – the right to vote – the ad traces today’s battle for the right to vote on marriage back to Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous stand and the civil […]

Midwest Catholics Bishops Say: Fight for Marriage

–In Iowa, Minnesota and elsewhere, Catholic bishops are taking a leading position on the question “what is marriage?’  They may get a lot of push back in the media, and among the less orthodox of their flock.  But apparently they don’t care. They are going for broke for the Gospel and the Church’s teachings.  Coverage at […]

Minnesota Bishops Send DVD on Marriage to Every Catholic in Minnesota

Archbishop Nienstedt is asked about a new DVD, produced by the Knights of Columbus, which explains the Catholic Church’s teaching on why marriage is and should remain the union of a man and a woman.  Local TV appears shocked!  Shocked!  Great interview with Archbishop Nienstedt here.

A Tribute to Rep. Michael Benjamin

A great story on Rep. Michael Benjamin (D-Bronx) who is stepping down from his seat in the New York Assembly after four terms, a great African-American voice for life and marriage as well as poverty and injustice.

Columnist John Horvat Sounds the Charge in the Fight Against SSM

John Horvat observes that history is replete with examples “where someone mistakenly sounds the retreat when victory was in sight. This seems to be the case against same-sex “marriage.” Horvat establishes the unmistakable march to victory that proponents of marriage between one man and one woman has enjoyed including winning in 31 of 31 states […]

Breaking News: NH Gov. Race Now a Tie

Before NOM and Cornerstone Action launched their “Lynch Lied” campaign, Gov. Lynch was considered a shoe-in for re-election, with approval ratings over 65 percent.  The latest Rasmussen poll now shows Lynch virtually tied (within the margin of error) with GOP nominee John Stephen, 48 percent to 46 percent.  If supporters of marriage can help flip […]

U of Texas Law Prof: Prop 8 Supporters Likely to Win at Supreme Court

Another legal expert, this one sympathetic to gay marriage, argues that Judge Walker and the Olson/Boies Dream Team will go down to defeat at the Supreme Court. Those of us who make a living in predicting directions in the court’s constitutional jurisprudence are rather dubious that the court majority will reach that far. The court […]