Author Archives: NOM Staff

NOM Releases New Spanish Language Ad in California – Nuestros Valores

With Boxer and Fiorina locked in a tight race in California three weeks before the election, NOM has just released a new Spanish language TV ad that will begin airing in California markets today. The ad, entitled “Nuestros Valores” (Our Values), highlights Boxer’s unabashed support for abortion and same-sex marriage, while opposing a legal immigration […]

NOM Releases New Ad Exposing NH Gov. Lynch: “He’s Changed”

New Hampshire Governor John Lynch has changed. On taxes. On spending. On gay marriage. The John Lynch of today isn’t the same John Lynch that New Hampshire voters first elected six years ago.  And NOM is teaming up with Cornerstone Action on a new TV ad campaign exposing John Lynch’s changing record.  Watch our new […]

Supreme Court to Judge Walker: No Release of Videotapes, Ever.

The 9th Circuit was stewing about what to do with the videotapes Judge Walker insisted on creating. The Supreme Court once again stepped in to say: No broadcast. We mean it. Read more here.

New Iowa Poll: Iowa Judges Headed for Historic Election Loss Over SSM

The Des Moines Register just published a poll showing the Iowa judges race is essentially a toss up, shocking the political experts.  J. Ann Selzer, the pollster for The Des Moines Register’s Iowa Poll, predicted: “I think it suggests that some justices, and perhaps all, will be removed. It lines up along Democrat and Republican lines […]

Comparing the Left's "One Nation Rally" to Glenn Beck's Restore Honor Rally

Glenn Beck’s Restore Honor Rally(Above) – The Left’s One Nation Rally(Below)

Exposing NOMExposed? It’s Time to Fight Back!

The Human Rights Campaign declared NOM public enemy number one this week, with the launch of its new website Well, NOM is fighting back with our largest online fundraising campaign ever, and we need your help! Over the next 7 days, we’ve set a goal of raising $400,000 to protect marriage against HRC’s attacks. […]

Judge Walker’s Retirement: Was Prop8 Decision Ideological or Career Stepping Stone

From Ed Whelan: “Applying Ockham’s razor, I will readily presume that Walker’s wild course of misconduct in the anti-Prop 8 case was driven entirely by his ideological fervor for same-sex marriage and that Walker wasn’t also trying to feather his own post-judicial nest.  That said, if he were trying to feather his nest, his high-profile […]

Goodbye Judge Walker?

The Associated Press—which appears to have the inside about Judge Walker—says he’s stepping down at the end of the year.  This may explain his “unjudgelike” behavior in the Prop 8 trial. His swan song will win him great plaudits in his hometown and make him a hot commodity.  All he had to do to win […]

Blogger Calls Gay Marriage “Game Changer” in MN Governor’s Race

Blogger Mitch Berg on the left’s outrage over Bishop Nienstedt’s video message to Minnesota Catholics – calls same-sex marriage a “potential game-changer” in governor’s race. [T]hey are outraged because same sex marriage, even in traditionally “purple” Minnesota, is not just a loser for the Dems; a new poll shows it’s a potential game-changer. Lawrence Research […]

NOM Exposed! Well, not really, but…

HRC’s Joe Solmonese is devoting a lot of his organization’s resources to “exposing” us here at NOM.  Guess what they found out and put up their website?  We are Catholics, Mormons, and evangelicals who believe gay marriage will hurt marriage as an institution.  It may lead to polygamy.  Our budget has grown rapidly—from $500,000 to […]

Gay Marriage Judge to Iowa Voters: Drop Dead

Okay, that’s not quite what Iowa Judge Robert Hanson said in response to a new campaign, supported by the National Organization for Marriage among others, to oust three Iowa judges who voted for same-sex marriage.  But that’s the spirit of his response. He called the effort “misguided” and an “abuse” of the system. An abuse? […]

ElectionWatch2010: Ayotte rising, Lynch falling in new poll

A new poll out by American Research Group shows: Just 42 percent of New Hampshire likely voters say they will vote for pro-gay marriage NH Gov. Lynch compared to 40 percent for pro-marriage challenger Stephens–within the margin of error.  (New Hampshire Gov’s Race Poll Here.) For an incumbent, 42 percent support is pretty bad news.  Meanwhile […]

NOM Files Amicus Brief Defending Californians Right to Vote for Marriage

NOM’s dynamite amicus brief has just been filed with the 9th Circuit. You can read the full brief here, or enjoy the excerpts below. As Brian Brown told the press, “To reach his unjust decision, Judge Walker had to ignore law, history, social science, and common sense,” said Brian Brown, “He implicitly labeled as irrational bigots […]

Ann Coulter to GOProud: Stop Messing with Marriage!

From the Daily Caller: In a speech to about 150 GOProud supporters who gathered at the home of billionaire entrepreneur Peter Thiel in New York City, Coulter acknowledged that gays could play an important role in the conservative movement, but was clear about her continued opposition to gay marriage. “I thought I’d try to talk […]

Republican “Pledge to America” Includes Commitment to Traditional Marriage

Once again, you have helped us achieve a great victory for marriage – this time an important battle with some Republican elites in Washington who wanted to distance the GOP from their historic strong position that marriage is and can only be between one man and one woman. As we reported to you a few […]