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Search Results for: marriage

Baltimore's Fighting Irish Archbishop Warns Gov. O'Malley: Push SSM and You've Picked a Fight!

LifeSiteNews: The archbishop of Baltimore is warning Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley that he will have a vigorous fight on his hands if he tries to legalize same-sex “marriage.” The governor had announced Friday that he is making gay “marriage” a legislative priority, following the success of gay activists in New York. …“Government’s interest in marriage […]

The Chilling of Our First Amendment Rights

The First Amendment is more than a legal guarantee. It is a culture — a key American value — which holds that in a decent and free society, law-abiding citizens should not face reprisals for speaking up with civility for the moral good as they see it. Sen. Chuck Grassley’s remarkable opening statement in [Wednesday’s] […]

Speaker Boehner Condemns President's Endorsement of Repealing DOMA

Today Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) held a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on repealing DOMA (you can read Ed Whelan’s testimony in support of DOMA here). Simultaneously, President Obama voiced his support for this legislative effort to repeal DOMA, as Kathryn Lopez reports. Speaker of the House John Boehner issued a statement: This is […]

Media Reacts to NOM's "Benedict Arnold" Mailer

Yesterday we announced we are spending $150,000 to send these mailers into the districts of the Republican and Democrat state senators who flipped on marriage and betrayed their constituents. Here’s a round-up of the media reaction so far. Also, don’t forget to participate in our Let The People Vote rallies this Sunday – and continue […]

In Iowa Bachmann Speaks About Parents' Divorce, God's Role in Her Life

Did you know she was a child of divorce? We didn’t either. There’s hope for a strong and happy marriage: In one of the first appearances by a 2012 Republican presidential candidate at a church service, Minnesota U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann opened up about her personal life Sunday and shared how her parents’ divorce, losing […]

UK Judge Says Divorce and Cohabitation are Hurting Children

Via MercatorNet: On the day official figures showed that nearly half of all babies are now born to unmarried mothers, Sir Paul blamed family break-up on social changes including the shift in attitudes towards cohabitation and increasing numbers of children born outside marriage. He said that 50 years ago ‘on the whole cohabitation was regarded […]

Urgent: Please Attend DOMA Hearing Tomorrow!

Tomorrow morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on Senate Bill 598, Senator Feinstein’s “Respect for Marriage Act.” Contrary to its misleading name, S.598 would abolish federal protections for marriage and repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Overwhelmingly adopted by Congress in 1996, and signed into law by President Clinton, DOMA has […]

ADF Offers New Hope for Town Clerks: "Towns Should Have No Reason to Deny Accomodations for Religious Beliefs"

ADF, which has offered to defend any town clerk from threats of to their job or criminal prosecution for conscientious objections to same-sex marriage, says town clerks do have legal recourse, because, with little effort, towns or cities can accommodate their religious belief and may be legally obligated to do so: “Contrary to what some […]

Video: Ruth Sheldon, a Conscientious Woman Driven Out of A Job Because Conscience Protections Were Not Provided

CNY Central covers Ruth Sheldon’s story: More via the Syracuse Post-Standard: “If I had to come to work every day with trepidation that somebody might come in asking for that kind of license, it would be very difficult to do my job,” she said. “And if I recommended that they go to another town or […]

Senator Ruben Diaz: Let the People Vote!

Sen. Diaz rallies the troops: This Sunday a thousand people will demonstrate in midtown to let Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg know that even though the same-sex marriage law was approved by the legislature we will not be silenced! In a city where teachers and public employees are being laid off, and fire houses are […]

Mark Grisanti Will Attend First SS Wedding at Rainbow-Lit Niagara Falls

Via the gay news outlet The Advocate: Buffalo residents Kitty Lambert and Cheryle Rudd plan to marry at midnight this Sunday in a ceremony billed as the first wedding under the new marriage equality law in New York. Lambert and Rudd will marry at the stroke of midnight on Luna Island at the foot of […]

Rudy Giuliani to GOP: Accept SSM, Even If It's Wrong!

Really, Rudy? Rudy Giuliani, always a critic of his party’s social agenda, urged Republicans to “move on” from social issues after New York State’s recent approval of gay marriage. “I think that marriage should be between a man and woman, but I think that the Republican Party would be well advised to get the heck […]

New Attacks on Bachmann in Conservative Media Portray Migraines as Mental Illness

The attacks on Bachmann keep multiplying. This one –“Stress-related condition ‘incapacitates’ Bachmann”– is weird. The opening paragraphs suggest the reporter has intelligence that Michele Bachmann has a mental illness and pops mood-altering substances. Turns out to be she suffers from migraines. Apparently anti-Bachmann forces have begun to realize that attacking her for being pro-life and […]

Sen Diaz: Threats to Prosecute Town Clerks Who Object to SSM an Outrage

New York Senator Ruben Diaz comes out swinging: Since when do district attorneys decide to pick and choose which “official misconduct” should be prosecuted as a criminal offense? New York State can’t even sustain a conviction against former Republican Senator Joseph Bruno for official misconduct when he was charged with taking huge financial favors to […]

NOM Optimistic About Winning in Maine if SSM Brought to Popular Vote Again

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher in the Associated Press on the possibility of a 2012 marriage vote in Maine: The National Organization for Marriage, which opposes gay marriage, isn’t saying how much money would be needed to get out its message. But Maggie Gallagher, NOM’s chairman and co-founder, said raising money for Maine wouldn’t be a […]