Monthly Archives: December 2011

Which one should I cut?

Dear Marriage Supporter,

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Please help us overcome a looming shortfall!

Increasingly virulent and frequent attacks from the same-sex marriage lobby have depleted our emergency funds, and we need your help!

As 2011 draws to a close, everyone at the National Organization for Marriage is excited about the election year ahead, which we believe will be full of huge victories for traditional marriage.

But unless we raise additional funds quickly, we will be faced with hard decisions about where to begin scaling back our efforts for next year. NOM does not have the resources to accomplish everything we need to do...and with the many new and critical marriage battles upcoming in 2012, this is the exact wrong time for us to have to scale back.

Friend, will you make one emergency year-end gift of $25, $50, $100 or even $1,000 if you can afford it, to NOM right now to help us eliminate our budget shortfall before the end of the year?

Simply click here and make the most generous gift you can right now.

We're in a position to overcome our financial shortcomings because a generous donor has stepped up with a pledge to match every gift between now and the end of the year up to $1 million. Your gift of $50 instantly becomes $100. A gift of $500 is worth $1000 to help protect marriage in 2012!

Donate Now

My staff and I just took a hard look at some recent projections about what the same-sex marriage lobby is planning to spend between now and Election Day, 2012.

And it is clear their entire strategy is to flood America's airwaves, mailboxes, and email in-boxes with vicious attack ads against anyone who stands in their way.

Their goal is gay marriage in all 50 states, and they will do whatever it takes—and spend whatever amount—to make that happen.

We have a plan to fight them at every turn, but without a significant year-end infusion of support, we may have no choice but to scale back our election year programs.

What should I do?

  • Should I abandon a state like Maryland, New Jersey or Rhode Island, where marriage is under fire?

  • Should I scale back our efforts to repeal same-sex marriage in a state like Iowa, New Hampshire or New York?

  • Should I stop our Washington-based lobbying efforts to protect the Defense of Marriage Act (there is new legislation to repeal DOMA) and just hope for the best?

  • Should I scale back our plans for the presidential election, letting President Obama off the hook for the lies he will tell on the campaign trail?

Obviously, I don't want to do any of that!

So please—right now—make the most generous year-end gift you can afford to NOM of $25, $50, $100, $500 or more so we can close our budget shortfall.

Thank you in advance.


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S.I know we've asked a lot of you this year, and believe me, your generous help for NOM is greatly appreciated. We've done SO MANY good things together to protect marriage—society's most vital and enduring institution for good—from being destroyed.

But heading into the all-important 2012 election year, NOM is facing difficult decisions, and I am counting on your urgent help.

So please, double the impact of your gift by making one secure online donation $25, $50, $100, $500 or more to the National Organization for Marriage today.

Thank you and God bless you!

Donate Now

Video: Legal Eagle Chuck Cooper's Passionate Closing Statement in Prop 8 Hearing's brilliant lead attorney Chuck Cooper delivered an impassioned closing statement at last Thursday's Prop 8 Hearing at the 9th Circuit of Appeals.

In this video, he's arguing that Judge Walker ought not have hidden the fact that he was in a long-term relationship with a man and that by not doing so Walker in effect decided his own case when he ruled Prop 8 unconstitutional:

Video: Leading, Contradictory Arguments from San Francisco Attorney in Prop 8 Hearing

In this video, Therese Stewart, chief deputy attorney of San Francisco, speaking for the opponents of Prop 8, delivers a series of leading, contradictory arguments for why Judge Walker did not have to disclose the fact that he was in a long-term relationship before deciding to hear and rule on Prop 8.

At first, she accuses supporters of prop 8 of being guilty of "stereotyping ... that gay people in relationships are likely to want to get married" and then, seconds later, in response to a question from the judge's panel, she says "every gay person wants to get married". We suspect that if the panel finds in favor of the opponents of Prop 8, in won't be because they were persuaded by these arguments:

PPP Poll: Almost 60% in North Carolina Say They Will Support Marriage Amendment

Very good numbers for next year's marriage amendment in North Carolina, says Democrat-leaning Public Policy Polling (full PDF of the results here):

UK Children Aged 5 to Learn about "Transgender Equality" in Schools

Christian Concern:

The government has announced plans to introduce lessons on “transgender equality” in primary and secondary schools across the country.

The reforms, contained in a policy programme entitled ‘Advancing transgender equality – a plan for action’, will add transgender issues to the PSHE curriculum for children aged 5 and above in order to ensure that schools were ‘more inclusive for gender-variant children’.

Published by the Home Office, the programme claims that amendments were necessary to ‘address unacceptable behaviour and ensures that our society becomes more tolerant’, since ‘over 70 per cent of boys and girls who express gender variant behaviours are subject to bullying in schools.’

However, the proposals have attracted criticism on the basis that they permit young children to be exposed to adult issues too early in their lives.

Breaking News: Romney Supports Restoring Marriage in New Hampshire

The New Hampshire Journal:

When asked by a voter if he would support the effort to overturn New Hampshire’s recently passed law allowing same-sex marriage, Romney stated that he supported repeal efforts and reiterated his belief in traditional marriage, which he has previously expressed on the campaign trail.

PAC spokesman Jason Rose released the following statement in support of Romney’s position: “Gov. Romney is absolutely right. The framers of our Constitution clearly intended for marriage to be defined as a relationship between one man and one woman,” he continued, “July Fourth Forum PAC strongly supports Gov. Romney’s view. We thank and congratulate him for standing up for traditional marriage, and for clearly affirming his support for restoring traditional marriage in the Granite State.”

Santorum at GOP Debate: "Having a Mom and Dad" is the Most Important Luxury

At this weekend's Republican presidential debate in Iowa, Rick Santorum spoke eloquently about the necessity and indeed luxury of kids being raised by their mom and dad:

The Evil that Intellectual Elites Can Rationalize, in the (False) Name of Science

Within living memory, North Carolina was one of 31 states with official eugenics programs, this one involuntarily sterilizing people a social worker considered unfit to reproduce.

Do not underestimate the evil intellectual elites can justify by dubbing moral critiques "anti-science" -- read more at National Review Online.

New Allies Join Effort to Restore Marriage in New Hampshire

The Concord Monitor:

A new cast of characters is lining up to shape the debate over New Hampshire's same-sex marriage law next year.

House Bill 437, which repeals the 2009 law legalizing same-sex marriage, is set for a vote by the full House when the representatives reconvene in January. A constitutional amendment has also been proposed, seeking to limit marriage to one man and one woman.

Backing the repeal effort, Concord political strategist Michael Dennehy signed on last week as a lobbyist for the National Organization for Marriage, joining gubernatorial candidate Kevin Smith, who has also registered on behalf of the group. Meanwhile, Patrick Hynes, a communications consultant in Concord, announced his July Fourth Forum PAC is planning a strong push for repeal.

"We are going to play heavily in the effort to restore traditional marriage in the Granite State," Hynes said in an email.

Both Dennehy and Hynes were part of John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign; Dennehy was McCain's national political director while Hynes was an online communications consultant. This time, neither are affiliated with presidential campaigns - Hynes was a Tim Pawlenty backer, Dennehy was part of Haley Barbour's exploratory team - giving them time and energy to focus on the same-sex marriage issue.

Minnesota for Marriage Rallies People of Faith to Support November Amendment

Murphy News Service:

The marriage amendment, if passed in November, would define marriage as between one man and one woman.

Minnesota for Marriage, a coalition of faith leaders from the Minnesota Family Council, Minnesota Catholic Conference, National Organization for Marriage and other organizations, is identifying voters to get them out to vote in 2012, Minnesota for Marriage Director of Communications Chuck Darrell said.

“There is a growing movement to silence people of faith,” Darrell said.

The Minnesota Catholic Conference is reaching out to Catholic district bishops and down into the parishes across the state, setting up church captains to encourage people to vote “yes” on the marriage amendment, Darrell said.

“Churches not only have a constitutional right, but a duty to speak out on these issues in the public square,” Darrell said.

Protestant and evangelical factions also are reaching out to churches through pastors and activists, Darrell said.

The coalition manned booths at last summer’s Minnesota State Fair and the Christian Community Fair at the Minneapolis Convention Center on Nov. 12, Darrell said.

Prop 8 Update: 6th Circuit v. 9th Circuit on the Meaning of Lawrence v. Texas

CitizenLink brings up a case recently decided on the 6th circuit where a man, citing Lawrence V. Texas challenged an Ohio law that criminalized a sexual relationship with his adult stepdaughter. Bruce Hausknecht writes:

The 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals (covering Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee) this week affirmed the conviction of an Ohio man under that state’s criminal incest statute, rejecting the argument that the 2003 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas invalidated all criminal statutes involving adult consensual sex. The consensual sex at issue in the Ohio case involved the man’s 22-year old stepdaughter.

...If the impact of Lawrence doesn’t even reach all criminal laws involving intimate relationships, as the 6th Circuit holds, then state civil laws – especially those involving a public institution like marriage – ought to be far beyond Lawrence‘s reach.

And yet, in the California federal courts, Lawrence played heavily in the 2010 trial court’s decision to strike down that state’s marriage amendment, Prop 8. The 9th Circuit, currently hearing the appeal, differs substantially from the 6th Circuit on the meaning of Lawrence.

I suspect that if and when the Prop 8 case hits the Supreme Court, there will be much discussion at oral argument about Lawrence v. Texas, and all eyes (and ears) will be focused on Justices Kennedy and Scalia.

What will Justice Kennedy do?

We don't know. But Justice Scalia's "excoriating dissent" in Lawrence v. Texas asserted that this decision would lead directly to a Constitutional right to gay marriage. We suspect Justice Kennedy will not want to be the vote that proves Justice Scalia was right about that.

Stay tuned.

Government Lays Down the Law to Catholic Schools in Ontario

Catholic schools are publicly subsidized in Canada, but it is striking that the government is now directly subverting their authority by giving a legal right to students to forms clubs and associations to contravene Catholic teaching.

(In this country school vouchers, or the tax exemption status of religious schools, provides a similar potential lever.)

The relevant language in the "Accepting Schools Act of 2011":

Bill 13 Section 9. Board support for certain pupil activities and organizations

303.1 Every board shall support pupils who want to establish and lead,

(a) activities or organizations that promote gender equity;

(b) activities or organizations that promote anti-racism;

(c) activities or organizations that promote the awareness and understanding of, and respect for, people with disabilities; or

(d) activities or organizations that promote the awareness and understanding of, and respect for, people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, including organizations with the name gay-straight alliance or another name.

Hat tip to the Institute for Canadian Values.

Hawaiian Couple in Court Seeking Federal Constitutional Right to Marry

Hawaii News Now:

A local couple is suing the state in order to get marriage rights. They say a civil union is not enough and they plan to fight the constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage.

In 1998 State voters passed a constitutional amendment keeping marriage between a man and a woman.

... The state recently emerged from a long debate over civil unions. That law goes into effect in January. But that's not good enough for the couple.

... Their attorney John D'Amato argues the state law reserving marriage to only heterosexual couples is discriminatory and violates the 14th amendment. He says it would not require another constitutional amendment to change the law.

... The couple filed the lawsuit in district court yesterday. Their first court appearance won't be until March.

Urgent Opportunity To Let The People Vote On Marriage

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

A new development in Albany last week provides us a great opportunity to finally give voters the right to vote on marriage in New York. According to the New York Daily News, legislative leaders have agreed with Governor Cuomo to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot to expand casino gambling. If they can do this to support gambling, surely they can give the people the right to vote on marriage!

Please pick up the phone and call your state legislator to demand your right to vote on marriage!

Earlier this year our coalition pressed the Legislature to give New Yorkers the right to vote on marriage, just as voters in 31 other states have already done. The word we got back from Republican Senators was that it was too late to put something on the ballot.

With word now that the Republican Senate leadership has agreed to put gambling on the ballot, it's clear there is still time to put the definition of marriage on the ballot as well.

You can email your Senator or Representative here to demand that marriage be put on the ballot if there is going to be a vote on expanded casino gambling.

Bet on Marriage

Please contact your legislators immediately—today—to let them know that you demand the right to vote on marriage. How much more important to New York is the institution of marriage compared to casino gambling! There should be no vote on casino gambling unless there is a vote on marriage.

Time is of the essence—please contact your legislators today.

The imposition of same-sex marriage in New York was a sordid, shocking story of betrayal, big-time money and inside power politics. Four Republican Senators—Grisanti, Saland, McDonald and Alesi—betrayed their word to constituents and abandoned their commitment to marriage. They all promised they supported marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and then when gay marriage backers waved around promises of campaign cash, they abandoned principle and grabbed the cash, switching sides to impose gay marriage.

And boy, have they grabbed the cash! A few weeks ago, billionaire investors and hedge fund managers held a $1 million+ fundraiser for the four Senators at a swanky private club in Manhattan. All four have seen their campaign accounts fattened with the largest of gay marriage backers—happy to pay off Republicans who abandoned principle.

But the GOP Four are not the only ones feeding at the trough of gay marriage fat cat contributors. Last weekend, Governor Cuomo flew to Hollywood, where he was feted at a fundraising event thrown in his dishonor by gay marriage supporters. The Hollywood glitterati paid upwards of $12,500 each to support Cuomo, who press reports say sees himself as a candidate for president in 2016. The Hollywood crowd see in Cuomo a new champion of liberalism, who they hope will push same-sex marriage at the federal level as well.

The other day a New York state judge castigated Governor Cuomo and the Senate, led by Republican Senator Dean Skelos, for the process they utilized to impose same-sex marriage. The judge, Robert Wiggins, sharply criticized Governor Cuomo for pushing through the legislation by declaring it an urgent necessity, and letting the Legislature avoid a requirement that pending legislation undergo a minimum three-day public inspection. The judge also ruled that a lawsuit challenging the law's validity could proceed, because legislators may have violated state open meeting laws in order to pass the bill.

Doesn't this anger you? It infuriates me that God's institution of marriage could be auctioned off to the highest bidder and trampled on by a Republican-controlled Senate that disregards established rules and open meeting laws in their rush for cash at the end of the gay marriage rainbow.

But now, we have a chance for the people to reclaim our historic definition of marriage if we can force the Legislature to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. If they can put expanded casino gambling on the ballot, surely they can put the definition of marriage on the ballot as well.

Please don't let this opportunity go by. Speak out today with this clear message—no casino expansion on the ballot unless we get the right to vote on marriage at the same time!

Time is of the essence. It's time for all marriage supporters to come together to push for a vote for traditional marriage. No casino gambling vote without a vote to restore marriage!


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization For Marriage

Donate now

UK Op-Ed: With £42 Billion Annual Cost to Taxpayers, Family Breakdown Demands Coherent Family Policy

The Relationships Foundation in the UK writes:

Commenting on the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement, Michael Trend, Executive Director of the Relationships Foundation said:

“With a £42 billion annual on-cost to the taxpayer for family breakdown – double the cost of alcohol abuse, quadruple the cost of tobacco abuse, it is time the Government had a real family policy.”

“Financial pressure contributes to family breakdown. With nursery places, rail fare regulation, and fuel duty changes this government is beginning to recognise the pressure successive governments have put on ordinary families.”

“But it is not all about financial pressure. If the Government wants to deliver on its outcomes, to bring public spending down, and to make UK tax and skills sustainable and competitive in the long term, it has to put family at the heart of policy making.”

“Investment in our social infrastructure is as vital as spending on physical infrastructure. Growth is about making Britain the most family friendly country in Europe – a pledge the Government has left to rot.”