Monthly Archives: November 2012

How Badly do you Want to Win this Thing?

National Organization for Marriage

Marriage Supporter,

How badly do you want to win this thing?

If enough Christians, marriage supporters, and people of faith get to the polls, we'll achieve a historic victory on Tuesday.

But if we don't turn out the vote, God's definition of marriage will be discarded like an outdated institution. Gay marriage activists, out-of-touch politicians, and Hollywood celebrities like Brad Pitt will impose "one man and one man" marriage on all of us. . . . and anyone who dares disagree will be ostracized, marginalized, and threatened.

So follow this link to make an urgent donation of $50, $100, $250, or more and every dollar you give for marriage will be tripled to fund our get-out-the-vote campaign.

These final 48 hours are absolutely critical.

Just consider this latest sickening example of the abuse encountered this week by a 14-year-old girl and her church group as they held signs for marriage in one of the battleground states.

On one occasion, a middle-aged man with children in the back seat of his SUV deliberately drove up onto the sidewalk. He was dangerously near the children as he continued accelerating, plowing over 15 of our marriage signs and covering a span of more than 100 feet. The little ones were very scared.

He pulled off only to avoid hitting a telephone pole, and we saw him laughing as he sped away....

On another occasion, a car drove by and the passenger leaned out the window, exposing his private parts. I was embarrassed by this lack of decency.

We children endured people calling us names, throwing things at us and hundreds upon hundreds of people sticking up their middle fingers and screaming X-rated profanities. And they call us hateful people?

The stakes are too high. We simply cannot afford to lose.

As I write this, NOM is activating and energizing the 10 million pro-marriage voters who will determine this election with strategic voter contact, phone calls, and advertisements. Pro-marriage heroes like Sen. Marco Rubio, Dr. James Dobson and Gov. Mike Huckabee are also helping NOM's effort to uphold "one man and one woman" marriage in targeted battleground states.

Marriage Supporter, there's still time to help fund this historic get-out-the vote (GOTV) effort to stop homosexual marriage—but not much. With 48 hours to go, we're racing against the clock.

So follow this link to make an urgent donation of $50, $100, $250, or more and every dollar you give for marriage will be tripled to fund our get-out-the-vote campaign.

Remember: your contribution will mean the difference between God's definition of marriage and "one man and one man" as the law of the land.

Video: Maryland Pastors' News Conference Opposing Question 6

From the description:

Rev. Derek McCoy, Bishop Angel Nunez, Pastor John K. Jenkins, Dr. Frank Reid and other prominent faith leaders in Maryland express their support of marriage as a union between one man and one woman

Beltsville, Md. -- Pastors of diverse faith communities in Maryland will join to make their collective voices heard in urging Marylanders to vote against Question 6, which is also known as the same-sex referendum. The leaders strongly believe that people of faith not only have a right to speak out on issues that impact culture, but they also have a responsibility. Because of the importance that they place on this responsibility, the faith leaders have encouraged their congregants to be active and engaged citizens by registering to vote and speak out on issues of civic and moral importance. They encourage justice for the voiceless as they did for the murder victim Trayvon Martin. They have also recently advocated on behalf of the persecuted by demanding that Dr. Angela McCaskill be reinstated to her position at Gallaudet University after being suspended for signing the Maryland marriage petition. These faith leaders continue to be involved in a broad range of issues, making sure that moral matters facing voters in the upcoming election are addressed.

Same-Sex Marriage Law Targets Christian Business!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Jim and Mary O'Reilly run The Wildflower Inn, a small Vermont Bed & Breakfast they started in 1985 and have managed together for 25 years.

But after Vermont passed a Civil Union law in April 2000, a gathering storm darkened the horizon of the Wildflower Inn's beautiful mountain view: Jim and Mary knew they could not conduct business in violation of their Catholic beliefs, and would kindly refer same-sex couples to other establishments for their celebrations.

Jim and Mary's position was upheld by a 2005 decision of the Vermont Civil Rights Commission. But the storm would break again in 2009, when Vermont passed same-sex marriage.

Please watch this brand-new video from the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance to hear Jim and Mary tell you, in their own words, what happened next:

Marriage Supporter, this is not an isolated instance. This is what happens every time and in every place that same-sex marriage becomes law.

Individuals are threatened, businesses attacked, faith communities ostracized and penalized—in short, all of the consequences ensue that same-sex marriage advocates continually lie and say will never happen.

Well, we're going to put a stop to it!

Donate to the National Organization for Marriage today so that we can defend good people like the O'Reilly family against the radical imposition of a same-sex marriage regime!

With only a couple of days left until the election, you know the stakes. States will vote on marriage; legislators and judges who sold out and imposed same-sex marriage elsewhere will finally face the voters; and we'll elect the next President, whose position on marriage will dramatically influence American culture in the next four years.

The National Organization for Marriage is working hard to win in all these races, but we need your help!

Will you give today to protect marriage—$50, $500, or even $5,000—and to protect good people like Jim and Mary O'Reilly from suffering the fallout that inevitably accompanies the legalization of same-sex marriage?

You will be the difference in this election—your vote, your voice, your action, and (if you have the means to go that extra, sacrificial mile) your contribution to America's leading defender of marriage and the faith communities that sustain it.

We're counting on you today. Please walk that extra mile for marriage—for the O'Reillys, for our churches, and for our children.

God bless you and thank you for all you do to protect marriage!

Video: African-American Bishop Martin Holley Urges Catholics to Reject Gay Marriage

Bishop Martin Holley is an auxiliary Catholic bishop of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. and a member of both the National Black Catholic Congress and the National Black Clergy Caucus. He appears in this video urging his fellow Catholics to reject gay marriage:

Last-Ditch Desperate Tactic in Maryland: Claim the Bible Favors Gay Marriage

This ad by proponents of Question 6 (Gay Marriage) in Maryland claim Question 6 "strengthens protections for our churches" and features an image of a pastor holding a bible:

In fact, Question 6 presents serious threats to religious liberty. So argues democratic state senator and pastor C. Anthony Muse in the Washington Post. Matt Birk of the Baltimore Ravens also explains the threat to religious liberty:

"If the referendum is not voted down, religious freedoms are at risk. Churches, hospitals, religious charities, private businesses and individuals, all will be subject to lawsuits and harassment for openly expressing their religious beliefs."

SMOnline: "Many African-Americans Voting Against Same-Sex Marriage"

Southern Maryland Online:

At one predominantly African-American church in east Baltimore, many members are campaigning against the legalization of same-sex marriage, but still planning to vote for President Barack Obama, despite his endorsement of same-sex marriage in May.

African-Americans make up a quarter of the Maryland's electorate, and could make or break the vote for same-sex marriage in November. Many are being guided by their church leaders to vote against the legislation, but also by their communities to vote for an African-American president who has supported same-sex marriage.

"I believe what the bible says. I can't see myself preaching anything against what it says," said Pastor John Robertson, but, "Everyone should vote for candidates that fit their belief system."

Robertson, of Kingdom Light Ministries, preaches from a converted nursery room on the second floor of a school center. He felt called by God to begin a church six years ago, and now leads the roughly 70-person African-American congregation each week in services, with help from most of his family.

Many are voting for Obama and against Question 6.

Video: Bishop Gonzalez Explains to Spanish-Speaking Catholics Why to Reject Gay Marriage

Auxiliary bishop Francisco Gonzalez of Washington, D.C. explains to Spanish-speaking Catholics why they ought to reject gay marriage in Maryland:

"We Are Catholics and We Oppose Referendum 74 to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage"

Tom Matthews, Bob Kelly and Pia de Solenni write in the Seattle Times:

WE are lay Catholic leaders in Washington state. We support and love our Catholic Church and her teachings on marriage. We support our bishops, priests and laity who courageously defend her. When they are seriously misrepresented, our consciences compel us to speak up.

This past Sunday, an ad claiming to represent the views of 1,000 Catholics was published in four major newspapers across the state. While they are entitled to their opinions and beliefs, they do not accurately represent Catholic teaching, nor are they representative of the local Catholic population, which numbers about 1 million.

We oppose Referendum 74 to legalize same-sex marriage on the Nov. 6 ballot, and we represent ourselves, as well as the Seattle Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, the Knights of Columbus of Washington State and other leaders.

The Catholic Church teaches that marriage is between one man and one woman. It is a bond that is set apart because it unites the couple in a way that no other bond does. It is also procreative because marital intimacy naturally leads to the birth of children.

... it should be noted that there are currently 9,863 domestic partnerships in Washington, representing only 0.0029 percent of the entire state population.

Not only would Referendum 74 allow the state legislation changing the legal definition of marriage to go into effect, but it could directly affect the First Amendment rights of the U.S. Constitution: the freedoms of religion, conscience and free speech for those who, like us, have different values. We would be forced to accept a legal definition of marriage that signifies a genderless institution."

Washington State Catholic Bishops Take Campaign for Marriage to Prayer and Pulpit


The Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle website is topped by three videos of Archbishop J. Peter Sartain arguing against same-sex marriage,  but a newly posted “Prayer in Defense of Marriage” seems to carry a similar anti-Referendum 74 message.  A passage:

“May your Holy Spirit enlighten our society to treasure the heroic love of husband and wife, and guide our leaders to sustain and protect the singular place of mothers and fathers in the lives of their children.”

... After a fiery pastoral letter last month from Bishop Joseph Tyson, the Diocese of Yakima website currently carries the headline:  “Why a good person can vote against same-sex marriage.”

Days Before Election, Maine Middle Schoolers Subjected to Graphic Homosexual Discussion

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

Days Before Election, Maine Middle Schoolers Subjected to Graphic Homosexual Discussion: This is what is at stake in fight to protect traditional marriage

"This most recent example, days before citizens in four states vote to protect marriage or to redefine it, should sound the alarm bells for pro-marriage citizens and for parents who care about what their children are taught in school." —Brian Brown, NOM president—

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C.—Reacting to news that young children at Gorham Middle School in Maine were exposed by an instructor to graphic descriptions of homosexual sex last week, Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) said, "We've seen in state after state and to our north in Canada that once same-sex marriage is legalized, children are at risk of being taught in school about it and related topics, often without advance parental notification and even against the stated opposition of parents."

Brown continued, "This most recent example, days before citizens in four states vote to protect marriage or to redefine it, should sound the alarm bells for pro-marriage citizens and for parents who care about what their children are taught in school."

Four states are voting on marriage this Tuesday: Washington State, Maryland, Minnesota, and Maine (where this most recent episode occurred).


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected] , or Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected] , at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Video of Brian Brown Defending Marriage in Minnesota!

Minnesota Public Radio has posted the video of our President Brian Brown boldly defending Marriage in Minnesota. This was aired to thousands of Minnesota households!

Pioneer Press All-But-Endorses Minnesota Marriage Protection Amendment

The editors of the Twin Cities Pioneer Press all but endorse the Marriage Protection Amendment. We commend them for doing their best to present the choice voters face clearly:

"...Here is the heart of the matter. Supporters of the amendment claim that marriage properly understood is an institution to promote and protect the stability of a biological family unit -- mother, father and their children. Their position is that traditional marriage is child-centered and that the state has a special interest in promoting the biological family. They claim that marriage is the most pro-child institution we have -- and the only institution that connects children with their parents. They hold that moving to a consenting-adults model and away from the child-centered model will damage the society in which we live in a significant way. Opponents point out that the love is love model is simple, obvious and cannot be shown in any way to undermine traditional marriage and families. The approach holds that marriage can be about both children and families, and include consenting adults who by definition cannot reproduce as a result of the union. Supporters of the amendment say it has to be one way or the other, while opponents say it can be both. Supporters say that to change the definition of marriage will damage the fabric of society by overturning centuries of accepted practice. Opponents say it will do no such thing. 

...So now it is up to you the voter to decide what is the best course. It is a decision both about what the definition of marriage should be, whether it is about children and the biological family or about consenting adults, and whether that decision should it put in the hands of the people by direct vote via a constitutional amendment, or kept in the hands of duly elected legislators and the judicial system."

UK: Catholic Adoption Charity Loses Legal Appeal

One more Christian charity forced to close its doors, even after appealing:

Catholic Care has lost its latest appeal in its fight to be allowed to prevent gay couples from using its adoption services.

Since 2008, the Leeds-based faith group, which arranges around five adoptions each year, has maintained that unless it is able to exclude gay people as potential guardians it would lose vital church funding.

However, on Friday, a judge dismissed Catholic Care’s latest appeal at the Upper Tribunal in central London.

According to ThirdSector, in its ruling, Mr Justice Sales said Catholic Care had failed to provide sufficient evidence that its funding would dry up, and it would be forced to close, if it complied with the law.

The agency, which serves the dioceses of Leeds, Middlesbrough, and Hallam in South Yorkshire, had argued the Equality Act went against the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage and family life. -- PinkNews

OffTopic: NYT Confesses, One or Two Guys Have Shifted Their Sexual Identity

A surprisingly sympathetic profile in the New York Times of a few men who say therapy helped them lead sexual lives consistent with their values.

This is off-topic for us, but thought it was an interesting development:

"For most of his life, Blake Smith said, “every inch of my body craved male sexual contact.”

Mr. Smith, 58, who says he believes homosexual behavior is wrong on religious grounds, tried to tough it out. He spent 17 years in a doomed marriage while battling his urges all day, he said, and dreaming about them all night.

But in recent years, as he probed his childhood in counseling and at men’s weekend retreats with names like People Can Change and Journey Into Manhood, “my homosexual feelings have nearly vanished,” Mr. Smith said in an interview at the house in Bakersfield, Calif., he shares with his second wife, who married him eight years ago knowing his history. “In my 50s, for the first time, I can look at a woman and say ‘she’s really hot.’ ”

Mr. Smith is one of thousands of men across the country, often known as “ex-gay,” who believe they have changed their most basic sexual desires through some combination of therapy and prayer — something most scientists say has never been proved possible and is likely an illusion.

Ex-gay men are often closeted, fearing ridicule from gay advocates who accuse them of self-deception and, at the same time, fearing rejection by their church communities as tainted oddities. Here in California, their sense of siege grew more intense in September when Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law banning use of widely discredited sexual “conversion therapies” for minors — an assault on their own validity, some ex-gay men feel..."

3/4 of English MPs Say Feedback on Gay Marriage is Negative, Half Strongly Negative

The UK Christian Institute:

"...A recent poll revealed that most voters who write to MPs about the plans to redefine marriage are opposed to the measure.

Three quarters of MPs (74 per cent) said the balance of correspondence about gay marriage was “negative” and almost half (47 per cent) was “strongly negative”.

More than 610,000 people, including a number of MPs, have signed the Coalition for Marriage petition calling for the same-sex marriage proposals to be scrapped."