They are Clueless

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

A recent story in the Washington Post illustrates the importance of the work that you and I are doing together. Perhaps you read about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg officiating at a same-sex 'wedding' last weekend. It was not so much her actions that are so problematic, as her motivation.

She said, "I think it will be one more statement that people who love each other and want to live together should be able to enjoy the blessings and the strife in the marriage relationship."

Justice Ginsburg is obviously clueless when it comes to understanding the true nature of marriage. And that is terribly scary since she's one of the nine most important people in America when it comes to preserving the future of this great institution. Like so many who wish to redefine marriage, Ginsburg utterly fails to appreciate this deep, nature-inspired institution that connects men and women to each other and to any children born of their union. She's minimized and reduced marriage to simply government recognition of relationships as a tool to provide for adult satisfaction.

This skewed — frankly, clueless — view of the nature of marriage held by Justice Ginsburg is what is at the root of what we are fighting against. And fight we must. NOM is well into its $1 million matching gift campaign. If you have already given, let me say "thank you." Your support of NOM and commitment to marriage is a great encouragement to me and our team. If you haven't yet made your gift so that we can fight the ideas spewed by the likes of Justice Ginsburg, please take the time now to take advantage of this exciting chance to have your generosity matched dollar for dollar.

Painfully, Justice Ginsburg and the majority of her colleagues in the DOMA case have put the desires of adults ahead of the rights and needs of the most vulnerable and innocent among us, our children. If it were not for the interests of children, then government would have no need for an institution like marriage. Thus, if marriage is redefined to sever its connection to child-bearing and child-rearing, future generations of children will come to suffer the most.

Make no mistake, no matter what clueless statements are made by Supreme Court justices or politicians, no matter how the law decides to treat marriage, there is nothing that people here on earth can do to change the intrinsic meaning and nature of marriage. Eventually, the truth will prevail and so-called same-sex marriage will be seen for the lie that it is.

But at what cost? How many generations of children will be sacrificed to the gods of the gay lobby who demand the redefinition of marriage as an idol to their political movement? How long will children be told that men and women are not unique, that children don't need a mom and a dad, and that there's no special connection between marriage and child birth and rearing — it's just a sperm and egg that can be carried by anyone; any two people will do. Oh, and there's no need to limit parentage to just two people. If adults want to form a plural relationship and obtain rights to a child, who's to say they shouldn't if that makes them happy.

It is for our children, and the generations to come, that NOM fights to defend the God ordained institution of marriage. We fight for a cultural, political and legal restoration of the true meaning and purpose of marriage. We battle before Supreme Court Justices and County Clerks, in Legislatures and in the court of public opinion; in Congress and in statehouses, in corporate boardrooms and school board offices. Across America, wherever marriage is challenged, it's our responsibility to be there to defend her.

As I think of our nation's children, I'm reminded of an old Iroquois Indian saying, along the lines of, "We will never make a tribal decision until we debate the effects out to the seventh generation; even if it means having skin as thick as the bark of a pine tree."

Today you can walk into the grocery store and buy "Seventh Generation" cleaning products and even diapers because it is only right to be concerned about the environment we are going to leave the "seventh generation."

How much more important is the social world we will leave the "seventh generation" of children? Will we leave them a world of husbands and wives, mothers and fathers? Or will these things be meaningless to future generations of American children?

Right now, activists in states like Illinois, New Jersey, Hawaii, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Indiana, and Virginia are attempting to redefine marriage for not just this generation but generations to come. They have amassed tens of millions of dollars in support of the radical social-experiment of redefining marriage, and they are relentless.

From state to state NOM will continue to fight to protect marriage for today and for the future. Our children deserve nothing less.

Please help us. Will you please act today to join the generous donor who put up the matching funds, and make a sacrificial gift to the marriage fight? Your gift will be instantly doubled and will be deployed to the front lines so that we can continue our critical fight for the preservation of the precious institution of marriage. Thank you.


Brian S. Brown

NJ GOP Hopefuls Targeted by 'Deep-Pocketed, Coordinated Campaign' to Redefine Marriage

The fight for marriage continues in New Jersey, with deep-pocketed same-sex marriage activists going after Republican lawmakers.

Chris ChristieA coalition of national and New Jersey-based gay rights groups is launching a full-scale push this fall |to persuade enough Republican ­lawmakers to join the ruling Demo­crats and override Christie’s veto of a bill that legalizes same-sex marriage in New Jersey.

In effect, New Jersey United for Marriage will be asking Republicans to take a step that they have been loath to do: rebuff Christie in public.

Same-sex marriage activists acknowledge that Christie and an organized opposition — a coalition of groups that support the traditional definition of a marriage between a man and woman — pose significant hurdles. But they are confident that once they lay out their case, Republicans will support the override.

Defenders of traditional marriage will make the case that an issue of this magnitude should be decided directly by voters through a ballot referendum — the position Christie supports.

...Donald Sico, a lobbyist for the Coalition to Preserve and Protect Marriage, a group that includes the National Organization of Marriage and the Catholic Conference of New Jersey, says 35 states have already held referendums asking voters to approve or ban same-sex marriage.

“It’s ludicrous to suggest that only in New Jersey is marriage a civil rights issue that is improperly placed on the ballot,’’ Sico said.

Two Things

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Here at the National Organization for Marriage, we are dedicated to one simple mission: protecting and defending marriage and the faith communities that sustain it.

We believe, along with you, that marriage is about bringing men and women together for life, to the benefit of each other, of any children they may have, and of our society as a whole. We work to ensure that you, along with every other citizen, have the right to speak, organize, donate, and vote on behalf marriage as it has served humanity since the beginning of civilization: as the unique and special union of one man and one woman.

How we accomplish this mission is simple: we assist citizens like you to be able to stand united in defense of the most basic institution in society, the family.

We give your values voice, in the halls of power and in the opinion-making arenas of our culture, preventing our common-sense principles from being drowned out by a noisy but powerful lobby. This lobby is funded by Hollywood liberals, aided by a complicit media, and has purchasing power over politicians who place pork-barrel profits before their consciences and their constituencies. But we have the American people on our side.

You are our most important asset. I cannot express how grateful I am for your willingness to stand with us in this noble cause.

We believe every child, in this generation and in generations to come, has the right to both a loving mother and father, because kids do best with a mom and dad. We believe that no American should have to fear legal reprisals or intolerant shaming in the public square for standing on behalf of this time-honored value. And it's thanks to your courage and your commitment to these beliefs that we are able to stand on the front lines defending them.

Let me to give you just a snapshot of what we're doing right now to protect these cherished values.

  • By providing funding, messaging expertise, and coordination of local groups, we are working to defend marriage in states where it is presently under attack, by lawless elected officials, out-of-control legislatures, and activist courts; and we are preparing for defense in states we know will be targeted by the same-sex marriage lobby in the coming year;

  • Through our Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance (MADA), we're shedding light on examples of intolerant and bigoted discrimination suffered by ordinary Americans simply because they believe marriage to be the union of one man and one woman.

  • With a pending lawsuit, NOM seeks to hold the IRS accountable for politically-motivated criminal activity, in particular for their illegal disclosure of our very own confidential tax documents to the ultra-liberal, pro-gay marriage lobbying group, Human Rights Campaign;

  • Through grassroots lobbying and targeted action alerts, NOM is rallying support for a Federal Marriage Amendment, such as the one currently being proposed by Rep. Tim Huelskamp of Kansas.

All this, and so much more...

Which brings me to the question: Will you recommit today to standing with us in this civilization-defining battle?

I'm asking you today to reaffirm your stance for marriage, for religious liberty, for the rights of children, and for the health and well-being of our society.

Here's two simple ways you can do this:

First, you can visit our Advocacy Center and, with just a few clicks, raise your voice for marriage and speak truth to power. Some of our current highlighted action items include:

  1. Urge Congress to Support the Federal Marriage Protection Amendment.

  2. Demand Answers from the IRS and Human Rights Campaign.

Second, if your means allow, you can make a contribution today to our ongoing work, and take advantage of a unique giving opportunity to have your donation doubled! That's right: a generous donor has pledged to match every donation NOM receives through the end of this year — up to $1 MILLION. That means we have the chance to raise $2 MILLION FOR MARRIAGE by the end of this year — but only with your help!

Donate Today

In the end, it's ordinary citizens like you who will make the difference in this most crucial battle for the heart and soul of our nation, for the future of marriage as we know it, for our prized freedoms of speech and religious expression, and for our precious children's right to be raised by their own mom and dad.

Please stand up today and add your voice to the growing list of marriage champions around America. Join us, and together we will seek righteousness and truth, and achieve the victory that we know belongs to our noble and just cause!


Brian S. Brown

Eight More New Mexico Legislators Join Fight Against Marriage Redefinition

Opposition continues to rise in New Mexico after a Doña Ana County clerk started illegally issuing same-sex marriage licenses. Last month, GOP legislators took action to stop clerks in any county from taking the law into his/her own hands. And as of yesterday, eight more legislators have joined them.

New MexicoEight more Republican lawmakers have joined a lawsuit in New Mexico to argue a county clerk has usurped state law by recognizing same-sex marriages. Meanwhile, an eighth county in the state has begun issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, broadening the state's legal fight on the issue.

Last Friday, seven Republican lawmakers filed a lawsuit against Dona Ana County Clerk Lynn Ellins, who began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples two weeks ago under the argument that New Mexico's marriage laws are "gender neutral," and therefore do not expressly prohibit him from distributing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

The lawsuit against Ellins filed by the initial seven Republican lawmakers has since been joined by eight more Republican lawmakers, all of whom argue that Ellins is overstepping his power by distributing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Ellins "has violated the New Mexico Constitution's separation of powers doctrine by determining on his own which laws he will enforce based upon his interpretation of the statutes and constitution," the lawsuit reads.

"It's really a separation of powers issues," Rep. Paul Bandy, one of the eight GOP lawmakers to step in on the lawsuit filed in district court, told Reuters. "I don't think the county clerk has the power to make this decision."

Paul Becht, an Albuquerque lawyer for the GOP legislators and a former state senator, told the Associated Press that his clients filed the lawsuit because they believe the issue of same-sex marriage in the state should be addressed by the legislature, and a county clerk should not take the matter into his own hands simply due to his personal beliefs. -Christian Post

UK’s New Chief Rabbi: Marriage is Between One Man and One Woman

Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, the new Chief Rabbi of Britain, laid out the distinct differences between men and woman in an interview with the BBC this past weekend. Rabbi Mirvis also affirmed traditional Jewish values by promoting natural marriage as the foundation for strengthening families:

Stained glass Star of David“We have a clear Biblical definition of marriage which is the union of one man and one woman and through that we value traditional family life," Rabbi Mirvis told the BBC in an interview before Sunday’s installation ceremony.

“But I would like to reiterate our genuine sentiment to every single Jewish man and woman: you have a home in our synagogue and we will make you feel comfortable regardless of who you are.”

He added that while he wanted to offer women a greater role in Orthodox Judaism, he opposed female ordination. "Equality is what we strive for but when we talk about equality, it is not uniformity."

“When we talk for example of men and women and the opportunity within synagogues and within community life there are clear roles that different people can play and in that way each of us can achieve his or her own amazing potential,” he explained. -LifeSite

Texas National Guard Will Not Recognize Same-Sex 'Marriages' for Military Benefits

One of the obvious results of the US Supreme Court’s DOMA ruling this summer is confusion. Confusion with the tax code, confusion with how states, who have the sovereign right to define marriage for themselves, balance their positions on marriage with the new federal definition of marriage. Texas, as well as Mississippi, is at the forefront of these questions.

CNN reports:

"As a state agency, Texas Military Forces must adhere with Texas law, and the Texas Constitution, which clearly defines marriage as between one man and one woman," said Josh Havens, a spokesman for Gov. Rick Perry's office.

Texas Military Forces LogoTexas, like some other states, expressly prohibits same-sex marriage under its law. That state law trumps federal law, argues Perry and others.

"(Texas Military Forces) is a state agency under the authority and direction of the Texas state government," wrote the forces' adjutant general, Maj. Gen. John Nichols, in a memo dated August 30. "... Due to the potential conflict (between state and federal law), we are unable to enroll same-sex families ... at our state-supported facilities until we receive legal clarification."

In a statement Tuesday, the Texas Military Forces insisted that while Nichols is asking the state's attorney general for an advisory opinion, "the state is not denying any federal benefits to military personnel or same-sex spouses of military personnel."

"This is a processing issue, not a denial of benefits issue," the agency says. "As such, we fully encourage eligible members to enroll for their federal benefits at one of the 20 nearest federal installations, which are dispersed throughout the state of Texas."

Catholic Bishop Speaks Out Against Anti-Christian Bigotry

In an interview with blogger William J. Kelly at Illinois Review, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield, IL, warned against an increasingly tendency of anti-Christian bigotry in our culture, saying: "We still have the First Amendment of our Constitution but that is being sorely tested."

Click here to see the interview.

In the video interview, Paprocki spoke specifically about the fight for marriage and the trend of anti-Christian intolerance from those who advocate redefining marriage:

We have to continue to offer a very articulate, reasoned approach to our understanding, particularly in the area of marriage. Those that talk about this as an issue of equality and discrimination and if you don’t agree with that it’s a bigoted point-of-view – that that’s simply an erroneous viewpoint. And not let them box us into that by painting us as bigots. But I think we have to do the best we can to refute that.

The Bishop specifically praised the black community in Illinois for standing up against this bigotry: "I think some of the people that have been very articulate in refuting this have been members of the black community, African Americans who resent, frankly, depicting this as a civil rights issue."

51% of Ohioans Support True Definition of Marriage

A new survey by the Public Religion Research Institute shows that the majority of Ohio residents -- 51% -- do not support a measure to redefine marriage, as opposed to just 45% who would. While the Public Religion Research Institute describes itself as nonpartisan, the poll was funded by the Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund, which actually promotes same-sex marriage advocacy.

OhioOhioans are split on the idea of gay marriage and, if the election were today, would not vote to overturn the state's ban on it, a new poll shows.

...when asked about a possible state constitutional amendment to repeal the one that banned gay marriage nearly a decade ago, 51 percent said they would not support the measure, compared with 45 percent who would. The findings seem to validate fears some gay rights groups in Ohio have about moving ahead with their ballot push in 2014.

When given the option to support civil unions, 41 percent favor gay marriage, 30 percent no recognition at all and 23 percent civil unions. But 68 percent – including 61 percent of Republicans – said they favor laws that protect gays from job discrimination.

Montgomery County SSM Hearing Set for Wednesday

Pennsylvania law makes it very clear: marriage is between a man and woman. All faux-'marriage' licenses that were issued to same-sex couples by a rogue county clerk who decided he had the authority to disregard the law should be considered invalid.

Gov. CorbettLawyers are set to meet in a Harrisburg Court for the argument to decide whether an elected Montgomery County clerk has the ability to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Since July, Clerk Bruce Hanes has issued 164 same-sex marriage licenses, but Pennsylvania doesn’t permit civil unions or gay marriage.

Governor Corbett’s administration is leading up this lawsuit, contending that all of the licenses issued to same-sex couples in Pennsylvania are invalid because the law outlines marriage as between one man, and one woman.

“The key question here is, does a local official have the ability to pick and choose which laws they enforce and which laws they disregard,” Nils Frederkisen, General Counsel for the Corbett administration, said.

Governor Corbett spoke to CBS 21’s Sherry Christian last month, and said if the Attorney General won’t defend the laws of Pennsylvania, his administration will. “You can’t pick or choose which laws you want to defend, which laws you don’t want to defend. So at this point, since she has chosen not to defend it, we will defend it, and as I said, the courts will make the determination.” -Local21News

Gov. Cuomo Appoints Marriage Flip-Flopper Alesi to NY Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board

Back in 2011, then-New York Senator Jim Alesi betrayed marriage and his constituents by accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from gay marriage advocates and flipping his position on marriage. But no amount of money can buy the support of voters once you've lost their trust. Sen. Alesi was subsequently driven from his re-election race by NOM's pledge to defeat him, and later claimed that his vote for same-sex marriage was what sunk his political career.

So what is former Sen. Alesi up to these days? New York Gov. Cuomo has just appointed him to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board. According to Albany Watch:

Alesi_moneydanceThe longtime lawmaker will make $90,800 annually on top of his pension, which totals $35,231, according to the Empire Center.

Alesi said Cuomo’s office reached out to him as it was filling vacancies on various boards and commissions. The former senator fills a seat that has been vacant since 2011, with his term lasting through Nov. 18, 2017.

The former senator was one of four Republicans to vote in favor of same-sex marriage in 2011, giving the bill key support to become law. He was repeatedly hailed by Cuomo following the vote, but stepped away from running for re-election in 2012.

Scottish Parliament "Fast Tracking" Bill to Redefine Marriage

Think the Scottish Parliament may have heard about Scotland for Marriage's 50,000-strong petition to protect the definition of marriage as husband and wife? A bill to redefine marriage is suddenly being “fast-tracked” through the legislature.

Scottish Parliament, EdinburghAccording to the Herald newspaper, MSPs will hold double evidence sessions on the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Bill, with early start times.

A critic of the plans warned that law made “in haste” does not provide good legislation.

...John Deighan, parliamentary officer for the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, cautioned: “You can only see this as undue haste.

“It looks like a bandwagon that no-one has been minded to take in the right direction.

“They ought to remember that if you make law in haste you do not get the best legislation.” -Christian Institute

The National Organization for Marriage Questions Liz Cheney's Claim That She Is Not "Pro-Gay Marriage" - States that Mike Enzi Is the Clear Pro-Marriage Choice for Wyoming Senator

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Matille Thebolt (703-683-5004)

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. – Today, Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) issued the following statement in response to Liz Cheney’s remarks concerning gay marriage:

"Liz Cheney now says she is not 'pro gay marriage', but she has long opposed a constitutional amendment to protect marriage as the union of one man and woman. If she truly supported protecting marriage, she would change her position and support both a Wyoming constitutional amendment and federal amendment to protect marriage. Luckily, there is a candidate in this race who has done more than give lip service to traditional marriage: Mike Enzi. He not only supported a marriage amendment, but actually co sponsored it."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Matille Thebolt (x143), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Religious Persecution: Coming to a Town Near You

“Wake up, people. It’s 1939 all over again.” That’s how Christine M. Flowers ends her provocative column in today’s Philadelphia Daily News on the real-world threats to religious freedom.

Flowers focuses primarily on religious persecution outside of the United States, but does note parallels to what we are witnessing—in some ways, for the first time—on the home front:

Those who've challenged the ObamaCare birth-control mandate know that the current administration is not particularly sympathetic to claims of religious freedom. Worse, it has become obvious that anyone who questions the validity of same-sex marriage based upon strongly held religious principles can expect to be called a bigot and, perhaps, find himself slapped with a civil-rights lawsuit, as recently happened to a wedding photographer in New Mexico.


She points out that, “In the 21st century, the cross is in the crosshairs, and the most brutal attacksare reserved for those who follow Jesus.”

Unfortunately, the column fails to fully connect the dots between the heinous acts of violence committed against Christians in places like the Middle East, and the seeds of Christian persecution being sown in the U.S. through the examples cited above.

Like the proverbial “slow boil of the frog,” religious liberty in the United States is increasingly falling victim to a “soft tyranny,” whose very design is to slowly erode these unalienable rights so as not to draw too much notice until it too late.

If Americans truly prize their freedom and liberty, then the challenge is to act now to prevent a full-blown assault on Christian consciences in the U.S. like those taking place around the world.

You can read the rest of Ms. Flowers column here.

Some things You Just Don't Want to Miss

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

It has been an incredible week for marriage and I want to make sure you've heard all the news.

This week was the launch of our $1 million dollar match campaign. A faithful and generous donor, who believes we can win the marriage battle, has stepped up and promised to match every dollar we raise between now and the end of the year. Up to $1 million dollars!

Donate Today

If you haven't taken the opportunity to have your donation doubled by this incredible donor, please do so right now. Help us defend marriage in the legislatures of Hawaii, Illinois, and New Jersey. Help us prepare for ballot fights in at least three and maybe eight states. Help us defend your religious liberties from coast to coast. Your sacrificial donation today will be doubled dollar for dollar.

After you've made your contribution there is still plenty of work to be done. NOM has several action items that you can take to protect marriage, defend our religious liberties, and urge a return to the rule of law in our land:

First is calling and sending an email to Chairman Camp of the Ways and Means Committee. In investigating the IRS scandal and the felony committed against NOM, the Ways and Means Committee has not conducted an in-depth investigation or questioned under oath anyone from the Human Rights Campaign, nor gotten full answers from anyone at the IRS including the former Acting Director. Please use this link to get Chairman Camp's phone number; then, after you’ve called his office, send him an email demanding he use the subpoena power of his committee to get to the bottom of the scandal.

Next, is the state of Hawaii. In Hawaii, the Governor has presented the legislature with a draft bill to legalize same-sex 'marriage' and he may call a special session of the legislature to force this through. If you're in Hawaii, or know family and friends there, please take action to send the State Representatives and Senators an urgent message urging them to reject the redefinition of marriage.

Moving east from Hawaii, the California Legislature is at it again, this time considering legislation that would strip groups of their tax exemption if their beliefs and practices don't affirm concepts like "gender identity" and gay "marriage" and other ideas that fly in the face of the teachings of virtually every faith tradition. SB 323 was originally aimed at the Boy Scouts, falsely claiming that they engaged in discriminatory practices by supposedly not accepting homosexual members. But the fact is that the bill would punish any type of group with traditional values, and allow only liberal groups that affirm the homosexual agenda to enjoy a tax exemption. If you are in California or have friends and family there, please use this link to send a message to the CA Assembly asking them to reject this discriminatory law.

Continuing our journey east, New Mexico and Texas continue to be in the news. In New Mexico, county clerks across the state are deciding for themselves to issue same-sex 'marriage' licenses, against the June written opinion of the Attorney General. Thousands of you have already sent emails to Governor Martinez asking her to intervene to restore the rule of law and defend marriage as one man and one woman. If you haven't yet, use this link to send her a message then forward it to any friends and family you have in New Mexico.

Finally in Texas of all places, religious liberties and the freedom to speak and live our faith in the public square is under attack by a proposed San Antonio city ordinance that would bar anyone who has ever allegedly "discriminated" in word or deed from working from the city. This includes organizations that have contracts with the city to provide essential services. Churches and other faith groups are understandably up in arms, knowing that this ordinance would impact them and anyone who has ever voiced support for traditional marriage. Homosexual activists consider the mere act of supporting marriage as the union of one man and one woman to be discrimination per se. The City Council vote is September 5th. Faith groups have begun having rallies and will continue to work to stop this unconstitutional proposal. Please take the time to make your voice heard by sending Governor Perry and the Attorney General of Texas a message urging them to do what they can to stop this proposal.

And don't forget the $1 million match. Please make sure you donate today to have your generous gift doubled in the fight to defend true marriage and our first amendment right of freedom of religion.


Brian S. Brown

Treasury Department and IRS To Recognize Same-Sex Marriages in States That Don't Allow Same-Sex Marriage

Continuing a pattern of lawlessness across the nation, the IRS and U.S. Treasury Department have also overstepped their authority by granting federal tax treatment to "married" same-sex couples. As our president Brian Brown pointed out yesterday, "The Obama administration is intent on forcing same-sex 'marriage' on an unwilling public. Congress alone has the responsibility of determining federal tax law."

Same-sex couples who get a marriage license in a state that has redefined marriage to include same-sex couples, but who live in a state that does not recognize their marriage, will be treated as a married couple for federal tax purposes, the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced Thursday.

The ruling does not apply to state taxes. So, a same-sex couple that has been married in a state that has redefined marriage, but lives in a state that has not redefined marriage, would file as married for their federal taxes and as single for their state taxes. -Christian Post
