You have no idea how much you have done.

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

When I sit down for dinner this Thanksgiving, I will have a long list of blessings on my mind.

I'm grateful to the Lord for so many family, my country and my health are always at the top of the list.

But you know something?

This year, something else immediately comes to mind. I am incredibly appreciative of and thankful for your support.

The National Organization for Marriage is only as strong as our friends, and you have been such a strong and loyal friend and really sustains and energizes me, along with everyone who works here in defense of marriage.

I cannot begin to describe how much you have done to protect marriage from being destroyed in America.

If not for you, the anti-marriage radicals — with their rich Hollywood friends and their campaigns of violence and intimidation — would have won a long time ago.

Thanks to you, not only are we standing up to them, we are winning.

And I hope you will enable us to win one more critical victory by making an urgent tax-deductible gift to the NOM Education Fund today.

Donate Now

Anything you can donate right now will help fund our high-stakes legal battle to uphold Proposition 8 in California. We've just won a key victory at the California Supreme Court, allowing the Prop 8 sponsors to defend Proposition 8 in court. This victory is crucial – it prevents Governor Jerry Brown from single-handedly vetoing the will of 7 million California voters – but it also sets us on a path that will be long and very expensive, likely culminating at the U.S. Supreme Court next year.

I recently wrote you a detailed letter explaining why this case is so critical (if the anti-marriage gang wins, it will destroy marriage not just in California, but throughout all 50 states) but so far I haven't heard back from you.

It's possible you mailed in a gift but it just hasn't been processed fully. If that's the case, as I said above, you have my profound gratitude. But I hope you will still make one urgent contribution, because we cannot afford to lose this fight.

Donate Now

We're winning at the ballot box and in legislatures nationwide, and so the activists pushing for same-sex marriage have turned to the court system. If we don't stop them, they will manipulate a small group of hand-picked judges into destroying marriage in America – forever.

And that is why, during this time of Thanksgiving, I am so incredibly grateful for your help.

But our fight continues, so please make one urgent, confidential, fully tax-deductible gift today.

Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!

Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
Executive Director
NOM Education Fund

P.S. Remember, the same-sex marriage crowd has tens of millions of dollars to use, working to destroy marriage in all 50 states. And they have focused much of that money on the legal system, where they can take advantage of sympathetic hand-picked judges (instead of using the democratic process, allowing people to vote on whether or not they want to protect marriage). We are resisting their efforts to impose gay marriage on you, but legal bills mount very quickly. So please help. Your gift is completely tax-deductible and will enable us to defend marriage in the courts.

NJ Family Policy Council Points Out Overwhelming Disinterest in Civil Unions Despite Lawsuits

Reacting to a recent court case attempting to overturn marriage, they write:

A few months back, same-sex couples filed suit in New Jersey, seeking to avoid the legislative process and force same-sex “marriage” on New Jersey through the courts. This month, Judge Linda Feinberg agreed to hear their case, but only on limited grounds. Since the state constitution does not grant same-sex couples a legal right to solemnize their relationships as “marriages,” she rejected the claim that New Jersey’s same-sex couples are being denied a civil right. The case will now proceed on the grounds of whether New Jersey’s civil union law fails to provide benefits equal with marriage.

For the 57% of New Jerseyans who do not wish to see marriage eviscerated and redefined in law, Judge Feinberg’s ruling is encouraging for several reasons. Only 2.2% of New Jersey’s estimated 245,100 homosexuals have entered into civil unions since they became available in 2006. In five years, only fifteen of those 5,447 couples have filed complaints with the state’s Civil Rights Commission to claim that civil unions are unequal to marriage, and twelve of those have been resolved. So three couples are still unhappy, which means six people in New Jersey might have grounds to argue that civil unions are unequal. The rest of the homosexual population remains uninterested in entering civil unions themselves. Thus, the homosexual activists must meet a very high threshold to prove that civil unions are not carrying out the Legislature’s intentions.

EPPC Launches American Religious Freedom Program

Via their announcement:

[The Ethics and Public Policy Center's] American Religious Freedom program is devoted to protecting and enhancing the inherent religious freedoms of Americans of all religious faiths. The American Religious Freedom program works to inculcate a sound understanding of America's religious freedoms among members of the media, government officials, the legal and academic communities, and the public.

Through its exemplary history of affording robust religious freedoms to all persons, America has preserved national unity and avoided the religious divisions and violent religious conflicts that have plagued peoples and nations throughout the ages and across the globe. The American Religious Freedom program works in coalition with individuals and organizations of all faiths who are committed to protecting religious freedom, regardless of those individuals' and organizations' political affiliations or ideologies.

Brian Walsh is executive director of the American Religious Freedom program.

At Iowa Family Forum, Ron Paul Refuses to Defend Marriage

From World Net Daily's report of the NOM co-sponsored event:

The two hot topics of abortion and same-sex marriage became even hotter when Luntz, as well as representatives from Focus on the Family and the National Organization for Marriage, questioned the candidates whether the issues were a matter for the states or whether AbrahamLincolnwas right in claiming, "States do not have the right to do wrong."

... Paul, however, pressed for constitutional limits on federal power, arguing, "States definitely have the right to be wrong," and that he would be "very cautious about nationalizing things."

... Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, at one point asked the candidates point blank if they would support a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

"No," Paul answered succinctly.

Gay Writer Argues for Divorce Equality

Matthew Breen of The Advocate (a gay newspaper):

I’m divorced. My ex-husband and I were married in 2008. Gay relationships, just like straight ones, often end in separation, and yet it’s surprisingly difficult to admit that after nearly 10 years together and two years married, we parted. Years working in gay media and advocating for LGBT rights (including marching in Prop. 8 protests that started the very day we moved back to Los Angeles) have made me reluctant to make any kind of declaration that my relationship ended. I’m not proud of my divorce, but c’est l’amour. I’m relieved that California made the legal process the same for us as it would have for anyone else.

Equality isn’t always pretty, and that’s a sobering realization...

Fired Sports Anchor Hopes Case Will Reinvigorate Canada’s Battle Over Same-Sex Marriage


A TV sports anchor who was fired in the spring after tweeting his support for true marriage says he hopes the case will inspire other Canadians to take up the marriage battle, which is experiencing a lull in Canada six years after Parliament legalized same-sex “marriage.”

Damian Goddard, the former host of Connected, was fired by Rogers Sportsnet in May after tweeting his support for an NHL hockey agent who had opposed same-sex “marriage” on Twitter. In June, he launched a human rights complaint against Rogers, contending that the case affects all Canadians with deeply-held religious views.

“I want to … tell people that what I did wasn’t special at all,” Goddard told LifeSiteNews. “I want to tell people of faith that we are commissioned by Christ to speak boldly for the faith.”

Last week, Goddard became the spokesman for the U.S.-based Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, a project by the National Organization for Marriage dedicated to supporting pro-family citizens who face threats for expressing their views.

Iowa Senator Gronstal Promises to Block the People's Vote on Marriage, Again

The Associated Press:

A proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in Iowa will again be a topic during the legislative session beginning Jan. 9, but the top Senate Democrat said Thursday he would block debate over the issue.

"People's rights should not be put to a popular vote," said Senate Majority Leader Michael Gronstal, D-Council Bluffs. "We didn't put slavery to a vote of the people. We didn't put the right to go to a school in your neighborhood to a vote of the people of Iowa."

Senate Minority Leader Jerry Behn, R-Boone, said the debate is less about gay marriage than allowing voters to have their say on an emotional issue. He promised that Republicans will again push the issue.

"We're just discussing should Iowans get a vote on it," said Behn. "Absolutely, Iowans should get a vote on it. It's outrageous that he's going to say no."

The two spoke during a taping of the Iowa Public Television program, "Iowa Press."

Report: Weprin Defeat in NY-9 Stirring Creative Redistricting Ideas Among NY Senate Republicans

The New York morning roundup from City Hall and The Capitol:

Senate Republicans appear to be serious about creating a long-rumored “Jewish district” in Brooklyn, according to a well-connected Republican source who saw a copy of their draft redistricting maps. The idea, the source said, would be to put as many Orthodox Jewish voters as possible into indicted State Sen. Carl Kruger‘s Senate district. Nobody is counting on Kruger staying in office for long, and Jewish voters helped propel Republican Congressman Bob Turner to a special election victory this fall. In the prospective Senate race, the Republican candidate could also potentially use same-sex marriage as a wedge issue against Councilman Lew Fidler, who supports it and is presumed to be the Democratic candidate for the seat.

Full Video of NOM Co-Sponsored Iowa Presidential Thanksgiving Family Forum

Here is video of the entire NOM Co-Sponsored Presidential Thanksgiving Family Forum which took place in Iowa this weekend:

NH Journal Discovers Powerful National Gay Groups Behind Push for SSM in New Hampshire

The New Hampshire Journal does the important legwork and accurately identifies the powerful centralized groups funding the push to redefine marriage:

The entire leadership of the controversial gay marriage advocacy group Standing Up for New Hampshire Families consists of lawyers and activists from New York City and Washington, DC, new documents obtained by NH Journal reveal. In fact, judging strictly from these organizational documents, the group has no connection to the Granite State whatsoever.

... “It’s as though they aren’t even pretending to be a grassroots group anymore,” one conservative activist told NH Journal.

None of the founders of Standing Up for New Hampshire Families has any apparent ties to the Granite State.

Mr. Rouse is the Field Director for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a powerful national gay marriage lobby. In 2008, Rouse urged gay donors to “target” New Hampshire because the “small state” has “national impact.”

Karin Quimby is also affiliated with HRC. She is the author of a text book titled “Queer Frontiers.”

Solomon and Wolfson are both affiliated with the national Freedom to Marry organization. Solomon’s writings make clear that he has little interest in New Hampshire. Instead he’s simply focused on a strategy to “win more states.”

Getman is an attorney with the Washington law firm Sandler, Reiff, Young & Lamb, P.C.

The Journal continues:

These disagreements [when national groups take over local ones] have resulted in certain facts leaking out to the public and the press; specifically, that the effort to pass gay marriage in 2009 was funded by out-of-state money and once it was successful the financiers disassociated with New Hampshire activists almost immediately. That success was costly in other ways, as well. Numerous state legislators who voted for gay marriage – many of who had once promised they would do no such thing – were voted out of office and replaced by pro-traditional marriage candidates.

It is unclear how both the caustic split in the gay marriage community and the recent revelation about its out-of-state origins will impact efforts to overturn the gay marriage law that the New Hampshire House is now considering.

Occupy Wichita Crashes Heritage Speech on Reducing Childhood Poverty by Promoting Marriage

What exactly is so threatening about having a debate about the clear connection between a weak marriage culture and increased rates of childhood poverty?

Robert Rector was just wrapping-up his speech to a room of 250 people. That's when about a dozen protestors, who stood with their backs to him, started shouting.

Rector is from the conservative-minded "Heritage Foundation." SRS invited him to speak about childhood poverty.

"The data shows very convincingly that the strongest factor producing long term poverty in the state of Kansas and every other state is the decline in marriage,” Rector said.

Rector wants the state to educate and encourage marriage. It would be an effort to stop single mom households.

“He has raised some good ideas. It's work, it's family structure. And it's not like we're endorsing that idea per see, it's about getting the discussion started to frame it,” SRS Secretary Rob Siedlecki said.

Siedlecki called for a break when the protestors wouldn't stop.

The protesters had papers like this one. It says in part, this was an "orchestrated attempt to promote {a} $6.6 million 'marriage initiative,' a Cinderella/fairy tale solution in the face of increasing poverty." On the back, you can see it's from Occupy Wichita.

"Ignorance is completely invisible, but it won't help the poor,” Siedlecki said.

Rector says he doesn't want to coerce or force anyone into a marriage. He's just pointing out the facts. - KWCH Eyewitness News

CBN News Quotes Maggie Gallagher on Defending DOMA

Paul Strand, senior correspondent at the Christian Broadcasting Network, interviewed NOM co-founder Maggie Gallagher (and other social conservatives) about the importance of defending DOMA, marriage and the right to speak in defense of both:

Leading traditional marriage proponents told CBN News that condemnation is pouring down on their heads.

"It's becoming increasingly clear that the gay rights movement, the gay marriage movement, really does believe you're like a racist if you think marriage is the union of husband and wife," explained Maggie Gallagher, co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage. "They want to rip Genesis out of our Bibles."

... DOMA supporters say there's a reason governments have continuously favored and promoted traditional marriage.

"Marriage really matters in itself," Gallagher said. "It's the way we teach the next generation that we need to bring together male and female so that children have a mom and dad."

...Gallagher warned society is playing with fire when it condemns those who insist on one man, one woman marriage.

"And to have the government step in and redefine that view as a form of bigotry has immense consequences for every single human being living in a culture," she said.

UK Christian Institute: "Trans Lesbian Couple Marry After One Half Has Sex Change"

The Christian Institute:

Two divorced fathers who became a transsexual ‘lesbian’ couple have been allowed to legally marry after one of the men had a sex change operation.

Paul, 65, now known as Jenny-Anne Bishop, and Alan, 68, now named Elen Heart, initially divorced their wives and lived together as a gay couple.

They then both became transsexuals and lived as a ‘lesbian’ couple.

The two men, who between them have five adult children from their original marriages, lived together in Clwyd, Wales, for six years as transsexual ‘lesbians’.

In the UK same-sex couples cannot legally marry but Paul underwent a sex change operation last year.

Under the Gender Recognition Act a transsexual with a gender recognition certificate can marry according to their assumed sex.

Conservative Kevin Smith Says "I'm In" for New Hampshire Governor

The Union Leader:

The official Republican field for the 2012 governor's election has doubled in size - from one to two.

The Granite Status has learned that former Cornerstone Action executive director Kevin Smith, after thinking long and hard about it, has decided to run for governor.

“I'm in,” Smith said in an interview. “I'm definitely running.”

He has opened a “Kevin Smith for New Hampshire” political action committee and will begin raising money and organizing a leadership committee. will be online Thursday morning.

Smith, who said he'll wait on a formal announcement until after the presidential primary, joins Republican Ovide Lamontagne and Democrat Maggie Hassan in officially bidding to succeed outgoing Gov. John Lynch.

National Post Blog: Goddard Firing Tests Religious Freedom, Free Speech

Charles Lewis who runs a blog for Canada's National Post writes (this appeared on the front page of the print edition as well):

The firing of broadcaster Damian Goddard, who was let go from Sportsnet six months ago, is turning into a test case about religious freedom in Canada and the right to declare those views in public.

Mr. Goddard lost his job after he wrote on Twitter [“I completely and whole-heartedly support Todd Reynolds and his support for the traditional and TRUE meaning of marriage.”]

“I do not hate homosexuals,” the devout Roman Catholic said in an interview this week.

“But if I remain silent I am consenting to something I don’t believe in. I have 2,000 years of Christian history backing me up on this. I’m good with that.”

On Wednesday, it was announced Mr. Goddard had been hired as a spokesman for the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, a wing of the National Organization for Marriage, which is working to stop legalizing same-gender marriage in the United States.

... [a] lawyer, who would not comment directly on Mr. Goddard’s case, said there is now a dangerous atmosphere in Canada in which comments protected under law can be twisted to appear as hate speech.

“Hate speech needs to be related to inciting violence, not hurting feelings,” he said.

“I draw a distinction between ‘hurt speech’ and hate speech, and the culture has shifted in which hurt speech has become hate speech.”

What Damian tweeted is neither hate speech nor hurt speech, it was a civil expression of his civic point of view.